Prep Genrl Can't have too much of


I want to add what I call Pallet Wrap to the list of useful things that have multiple uses.
It's like Saran Wrap except a very wide, long roll of it.
You can wrap up things to keep them dry and clean.
You can also build a teepee style tent with it and a few saplings.
Let your imagination come up with uses.
Amazing stuff.


Veteran Member

*Definitely zip ties & duct tape. I just fixed my old plastic laundry basket using both the other day. (I used my own white duct tape so it would look "cute". LOL!

*Spring clothespins: besides hanging laundry out & in, I keep some at my desk for clipping bigger stacks of paper together, holding things together while glue dries, holding back curtains.....

*Canning jars! I literally never can food, but boy do I use canning jars for just about everything! Just a minute ago I dumped all the little boxes of lancets for blood pressure monitors into one; like so many other things we lose the little box, then buy another, then lose that....I save all jars that fit canning lids, and recycle the rest. What else is in jars...dh's plastic detal floss thingys (packaging is very bulky), the cotton out of vitamin jars (I haven't bought any in years!), little sewing things (like buttons in a couple, lace in one, ribbon in one), different types of hardware...they're literally everywhere!

* White vinegar. Besides pickling, I use it (with a few other things) to make just about any cleaning product. I soaked rusty garden tools in it.

*Ditto for baking powder. It's also good for laundry & cat box. They usually sell it in the summer at Walmart in @ 7 lb. bags for swimming pools.

* Olive, salad dressing, salves, moisturizer, lamps (there is a canning jar top that makes an oil lamp), squeaky hinges...

*Coconut oil: cooking, baking, salves, deodorant, hair treatment, skin cream....

*Honey: cooking, tea, wound healer, skin/hair treatment, cough syrup...

*Cat litter: the plain clay stuff soaks up oil on concrete, icky/weird spills, gives traction on ice, absorbs odors & moisture, put in gardens/plants....

Now I'll read the other answers & learn more...good post.


Senior Member
About canning jars, many peanut butter jars lids will fit standard jars. Mayo lids too. Some blenders will also fit standard jars, especially useful for chopping onions and peppers. Some of the shaker parmesan lids will also fit them and are handy to make them into larger shakers.

Some lids from squeeze bottles of mustard will fit bleach jugs, handy for putting just a little in dish water and such.