Can I brag a bit?


Contributing Member
Would it be terribly uncouth of me to brag just a tiny bit about all we have gotten done on our homestead this summer?
Yesterday, we butchered 20 chickens and I got them all put in the freezer AND managed to get 7 quarts of green beans canned. All of this after putting in a couple of hours at our local farmer's market where I sold all of the extra yellow wax beans that I didn't want to can. On top of that, I sold all of my goat cheese.

Of course, tomorrow I will need to again pick the green beans and the wax beans....

Last year, a farmer neighbor accidentally sprayed and killed or severly weakened several of my bee hives. I didn't get to harvest one drop of honey. This year, I have caught two swarms and the remaining hives look as if they are trying to make up for last year.

I have decided to cut back on my goat herd and I have sold 8 milkers for top dollar. I am using or selling every drop of milk we get and my doe kids look marvelous for next year.

Alas---- not everything looks good. The grass and weeds are head high in places, the grasshoppers are here again and I seem to be in the middle of a June Beetle plague. Tomorrow, I plan on working in the garden--- with my weed eater! :)


Dorema, with all you've accomplished, you've earned the right to brag!

I am intrigued with the idea of raising bees. Have you had any trouble with that bacterial infection that has been wiping out hives for several years?

I haven't kept up with the news on it, and was wondering if it is still a big problem.

My brother-in-law (who lives in north Florida) raises and sells goats, and I was surprised at how much money he makes on them. He sold ten of them while I was down visiting last year. Two adults and eight small babies (if I remember correctly) brought $500.

Some locals buy them, but mostly people buy them and take them down to the Miami area and sell them for meat -- at much higher prices.


You've definitely earned the right to brag. Wow! I'd love to hear about the bees, too, as we're considering getting some in the future.


Membership Revoked
Brag on, Dorema! :angl:

Your success is ours as long as you share. ;)

I'm interested in hearing much more about those bees. I have pollen allergies so bad that it's hard working outdoors in the spring. Someone told me to get raw, uncooked honey from close to my home. They said eating it every day for a while would help me build immunity.

Brag on, whoever knows about this stuff! And thanks.


Veteran Member
Wow! You have accomplished a lot- you have certainly earned the right to brag a bit! :)

What type of goats do you raise?


Your post is no brag just fact i wish i had a green thumb like you.I think i will do my part here (brag)My house is very small 24x26 feet but it fits me well .I have a 12x24 black bear shed comming this week for my home business and man i cant wait i have most of the parts to make it solar/generator powered with a ham radio, cb,and satalite tv along with closed circit tv and phone with a laptop . A lot of the parts and radios came from government surplus auctions I have 2 army bases close by that sell this stuff by the pallet full .I almost bid on an old APC from the vietnam era you guys will like this it had a small block chevy in it (easy to get parts for or hot rod ) anyone have any other idea's for more stuff for my shed / command post.


Contributing Member
Thank you all very much!! I feel much better about bragging now and I will try not to let it go to my head!
I raise mostly Alpines with a few Saanens thrown in. My daughter wants a few Oberhasli does so we bought a young buck at a show recently. We are supposed to be cutting back!!!!

As for the bees---- they are my therapy. I just love to work them. Makes my blood pressure just drop and I can forget about all the other stuff and just enjoy their busy-ness instead of my own. It is not a bacteria that is killing them off, it is a small parasitic mite called the varroa mite. There is a second one called a tracheal mite, too. Between the two of them, it could very well wipe out the bee keepers in the US in the next decade if we don't find something that works. I have been using an experimental treatment of fogging the hives with food grade mineral oil. So far, so good. The insecticidal strips that you place in the hive work but also seem to damage the egg laying ability of the queen or something to that effect.
There are also other tricks like screened bottom boards to help reduce the number of mites and reducing the size of the cells on the foundation to make a smaller bee and not have room for the mite to grow in the cell. Bottom line is that bee keeping will not be as easy as it used to be. Takes alot more management. Any of you that want to give it a try should check out . I recommend that you start with a buying a NUC from a beekeeper instead of buying packaged bees thru the mail. Just gets you started quicker.
Now--- on to the next project! Got a couple of big colts ( long yearlings) that have not been halter broke yet...... any body up for a rodeo??


Contributing Member
You are doing good and sound to me like you have tons of energy. You should be proud of your days accomplishments. Too much for this gal, I'd not be able to complete a quarter of those chores in a day.
I use to have an Alpine and a Saanen when the children were home. Not a herd by any means just kept the two does and a buck. I loved my goats and still miss them. The Alpine was so sweet and the Saanen gave a lot of milk. With just DH and I now and neither of us drinking milk we've no need. I use to use DH's drill press to press my cheese, and I had an old old neighbour who had been a goat herd as a boy in Sweden. He loved the cheese I'd make him from the whey. Kinda like a super tangie cheese whiz. :lol:
I talk about getting a goat again periodically but not being tied to milk animals has it's advantages as well. Of course the conversations go.. can't just have one, need a good shelter and milk stand and fencing and talk myself back out of it pretty fast. :)
One last rememberie... after milking in the mornings I'd often take all three goats into the open area and we'd play tag. I'd chase them then I'd turn and run and they'd chase me. We'd do that and everyone would have a fun time. I had this odd couple renting a small house on our place at the time and the man of the house reported me to my husband. Said I was being foolish playing with the goats. :lol:


Contributing Member
Each evening after we milk, we all go for a long walk. This lets the girls graze and reduces my mowing time -- a chore I despise. It is quite a site to see a woman, a couple of small children, 25 or so goats, several cats and at least 4 dogs meandering down the driveway...... I am sure my neighbors would probably report me if they were closer! :)


Dorema, thanks for the info on the bees.

I discovered that I am raising bees, too--at least two of them. CARPENTER bees!

I got one hole plugged. Have to find the other one tomorrow. I can hear the buzzing, but haven't been able to locate the hole. It's apparently in a deck support post.

Your bees are much nicer! :lol:


Hormonal...and Armed
Dorema...hats off to you!! I don't see it as bragging either....just sharing your accomplishments! You've definitely earned the right to be proud. As others have said...brag on! You're an inspiration! :)