Bush suddenly wakes up to threat of avian flu



Bush suddenly wakes up to threat of avian flu
By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist | October 11, 2005

IF PRESIDENT BUSH had been awake at the switch earlier this year -- instead of, for example, obsessing about Social Security privatization schemes -- the United States would probably not find itself near the end of an international line for influenza medicine.

As it is, his sudden realization that the potential of a public health disaster looms has set of an unseemly governmental scramble that mostly misses the point.
Even now, the Bush response to repeated wakeup calls betrays a weird fixation on one of the less central questions that would be raised by the outbreak of a significant epidemic of avian flu -- whether the armed forces would have to be used to quarantine an invaded part of the country.

The most important point is that a well-governed modern society requires a sound public health infrastructure that citizens can look to with confidence if communicable disease threatens.

But the public health infrastructure -- four years after the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax murders -- is more in disrepair than prepared, just as government was not ready to respond in a timely fashion to a predictable major storm in the Gulf of Mexico.

The immediate problem flowing from a lack of response to urgent pleas to get ready for an avian flu pandemic is that a widely recognized, useful drug is going to be difficult to stockpile quickly. Between last spring, when much of the industrialized world appears to have mobilized with greater urgency that the United States did, and last week when the Bush administration began going more public with its concerns, a great deal of very valuable time was lost.

The drug in question is called Tamiflu, manufactured by the international drug giant, Roche. According to public health experts, it is a rare medicine with proven effectiveness in greatly reducing the severity of influenza symptoms and shortening the disease's duration. Generally, to work optimally, Tamiflu needs to be taken within a couple of days of infection.

When concerns about a possible pandemic emerged earlier this year, several governments responded vigorously. In Scandinavia and in Britain, France, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland, orders were placed with Roche designed to provide enough medicine to treat 20-40 percent of their populations.

According to US officials, there is enough Tamiflu around in this country to help at most 2 percent of the population. Enough to treat a quarter of the total is prudent, but because of the long delay in responding, that is going to take a long time, possibly until the end of next year, leaving the nation vulnerable. Playing catch-up will be expensive -- multiple billions that, as we have discovered post-Iraq and post-Katrina, the country doesn't have except via more debt.

After dragging its feet for months, the administration has sprung to life with surprising and welcome alacrity. The point person has been Mike Leavitt, Bush's secretary of health and human services, who has a decent political reputation from his time as an effective governor of Utah. Over the last couple of weeks he has supervised detailed, rather scary briefings of reporters, of congressmen and senators, and last week of a group of senior administrations including Bush himself.

The president has learned the technical name for the influenza (H591), but in responding to a question at his Rose Garden news conference last week, an ordinary American might have been forgiven for thinking pandemic was imminent. Bush's long riff about whether the armed forces should be mobilized to enforce quarantines was particularly alarmist.

According to experts, the nature of globalization makes it much more likely that flu would arrive here from multiple points of origin in several places. There are legitimate quarantine scenarios to worry about, but not to the extent Bush's rambling answer suggested. It is much more important to build an effective structure for care and response. Several Democrats have joined behind a mobilization proposal; for those who like bipartisan alternatives, one has been offered by Republican Senator Pat Robert of Kansas and Hillary Clinton.

As a practical matter, these will be the yardsticks against which the administration's tardy response -- due in a matter of days -- is measured. There was an international conference here at the end of last week, though many of the attendees are further along than their hosts.

At the beginning of last year, Senator Edward Kennedy wrote Leavitt's predecessor, Tommy Thompson, asking pointedly for an administration preparedness plan so the job of implementing one could begin. All these months later, something has finally begun to happen.

Thomas Oliphant's e-mail address is oliphant@globe.com.

© Copyright 2005 Globe Newspaper Company.


I can't accept the author's premise.

If one would care to remember; the President was curled up with a book about the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 - before Katrina hit New Orleans.

I do believe that there is a LOT which the fed.gov PTB are not telling us about H5N1's progress towards human to human transmission. But this doesn't mean that President Bush was not *All over the matter* weeks-months before the Government reveiled that it to, reconozed that "Hey! We have a problem in Asia"!


I don't accept his "opinion" either. He seems to be very uninformed for a Globe Columnist. :rolleyes:

Please refer to;

http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/bioshield/ which the administration had been working on for yrs. and signed July 2004.

If research had been done on the subject an informed columnist would be aware of all the various avenues this administration has been working on concerning public health and protection from health disasters. Obviously, he hasn't been following :shk:


Thomas Oliphant, Globe Communist, I mean Columnist is full of it. When did Tommy Boy wake up? How many Bird Flu editorials has he written sounding the alarm.

H5N1 is big trouble but blaming Bush for Bird Flu is just foolish.

P.S Boston Globe's circulation is dropping off the charts.


I'm usually not a Bush defender, but it was actually Bush's vacation reading list that got me started in my research to begin with. I also can't agree with this author's opinions.


Membership Revoked
Great article!

Yes, if the administration had been into proactive measures instead of reactive measures, Bush wouldn't find it necessary to potentially mobilize the military AFTER the fact and scare (rather than educate) us BEFORE the fact.

I'm certain that while Barbara was reading and translating the book on the flu to George during his vacation, he was probably getting worried.

Edit: But the article would have been more credible if the formal designation for the flu would have been accurate.


ferret said:
Great article!
Yes, if the administration had been into proactive measures instead of reactive measures, Bush wouldn't find it necessary to potentially mobilize the military AFTER the fact and scare (rather than educate) us BEFORE the fact.

Proactive? You mean like killing all chickens and migratory birds in Asia? That would have been neat! Or do you mean stocking up on vaccines that hadn't been developed for whatever strain eventually goes human to human? Or do you mean by spending billions on Tamiflu which has been reported time and time again to be losing it's effect? Maybe he should have had a speech a year ago and said something like, "Avain Flu MAY kill tens of millions of people worldwide sometime in the next few years, and then again maybe it won't." No matter what the government says about any impending disaster, a majority of the population never properly preps for weeks of isolation, so exactly what is it that you would have like W to have done?


Veteran Member
This is a negative bias thread

"Bush suddenly wakes up..."

Name a national leader that has been more in the forefront

The chins? russ? Indo? Germ? Frogs?

Americans are such a group of "Blame America First" types

Dead Animals all over Asia and the indians have pneumonia? the chins have nothing? Putin hasn't said squat and tand thier culling birds?

What would be proactive in your humble oppinion?

There are mutts everywhere. Go get a job.


Veteran Member
'Bush bashing' i hear

oh how i love a bush bash.....

let me in let me in!!!!!!!!!!

talk about walking targets.........


Is this information incorrect then?:
When concerns about a possible pandemic emerged earlier this year, several governments responded vigorously. In Scandinavia and in Britain, France, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland, orders were placed with Roche designed to provide enough medicine to treat 20-40 percent of their populations.

Also, are some of you suffering from some type of selective amnesia? EVERY year for the last several years, we are treated to the threat of an influenza epidemic, for which we are totally unprepared. Last year, shortage of vaccine, so feel free to take the highly experimental flumist. Yup. Guaranteed to make you contagious to everyone else since you will shed the virus for 2-3 weeks.

Now this.

Seems like the old songs, "who knew the structural integrity of the levees in NO were a problem" (except for the federal studies of this);
"who knew those terrorists were planning to fly planes into the WTC that day" (nevermind that we now know that they were actually practicing that very scenario on 9/11/01)
and now this. Who knew?

If the rest of you want to call these types of concerns and questions "bashing" feel free.

Why did we give those companies all that money to produce smallpox vaccines. Why did we gift the (largely foreign owned) pharmaceutical companies with $5 BILLION to develop new vaccines, just before the last presidential election.

So many questions, so little time. But, carry on dismissing all of these with your pat answer. And by all means go back to sleep.

I think the ONLY reason this has gotten any attention is that there was a prime time program that pointed out how we only have 2 million doses of Tamiflu for OUR people. And we somehow ARE on the bottom of the list to get more from the EUROPEAN manufacturers. So far the only "solution" being discussed is our President's promise to bring in the military to enforce quarantines, by virtue of his "special proclamation." That's what I heard this morning from his lips. Wow.

If you are not concerned about this, you just aren't breathing.


One more thing. I think saying that Bush "just woke up to this" after having "curled up" with that book over the summer IS being kind to him and giving him the benefit of the doubt. "Tardy response" doesn't strike me as particularly vitriolic.

His ADMINISTRATION, however, showed signs of being all over this for several years, and STILL no response. The head of the CDC ranks right up there with Chertoff in incompetence. I'll leave it to the conspiracy folks as to whether is is incompetence by plan or design. If the real threat IS the flu, that is.

What's it to be?

Who is calling the shots, and has by their inaction placed ALL of us in this position of what is now being called DIRE risk?

Personally, I think that the whole "avian flu" thing is intentionally being blown WAY out of proportion. It is more likely just a smokescreen cover for their planned response what might actually be coming. IMHO, they are planning for, have drilled for, and expect a nuclear, biological, chemical attack, and are using this flu thing as cover for their response, to prepare the people for it. Imposition of Martial law by PRESIDENTIAL SPECIAL PROCLAMATION.

Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
The Biased Opinion Hit Piece said:
At the beginning of last year, Senator Edward Kennedy wrote Leavitt's predecessor, Tommy Thompson, asking pointedly for an administration preparedness plan so the job of implementing one could begin. All these months later, something has finally begun to happen.

There's your problem right there. If Ted "My Car is Underwater and My Pants Are Missing" Kennedy was the one who asked for this, no wonder it was ignored.

It has to be the very nadir of one's political existence to be regarded as more of a lightweight than GWB, but yet, there Ted finds himself.

If the Democrats had gotten somebody who wasn't universally regarded as a clown to make this request (granted, a commodity which is in short supply in their camp, to be certain) maybe the accusation of inaction by the Administration would have had greater impact.

But, they didn't, and it doesn't. Too bad. So sad. :lkick:


Huh??? Oilpatch, you are kidding, right??

It has to be the very nadir of one's political existence to be regarded as more of a lightweight than GWB, but yet, there Ted finds himself.

If the Democrats had gotten somebody who wasn't universally regarded as a clown to make this request (granted, a commodity which is in short supply in their camp, to be certain) maybe the accusation of inaction by the Administration would have had greater impact.

So, your defense of this administration is that it was somehow WAITING for a bozo like Ted Kennedy to "request it", push it, or somehow FORCE it, into action????? And somehow THAT is why they haven't chosen to act more quickly (like since the last couple of YEARS???).

Well, I really do hope that defense holds water with the public. Somehow, when/if people start dying from the flu, it just may not. And it doesn't have anything to do with the "clown" democrats, either. The majority of the people know this, based on the latest pollls, at least.