Bruce Beach | 2006.04.23 [Arktwo] Recoup


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Bruce Beach | 2006.04.23 said:
[Arktwo] Recoup

Not sure that is what you would call it
but in my mind the first US coup
was when the US Supreme Court
over-rode the State Supreme Court
of a state of the Republic
and told them not to count the votes -
and then again in the next election
when the exit polls didn't tally
with the essential districts'
machine voting.

Now, maybe another branch of government
is considering taking back its authority -
because the US Constitution says
only the US Congress can declare war.

Nope -
this turned out
(after four hours of research -
spread over the last week)
to be another non-story.
There is no mass movement in the US Congress -
or among the American people
to curtail Bush.

There is a lot of grumbling -
even among the officer corp.
Discussion of responsibility
is now also moving to active officers.

Trying to determine
what are real undercurrents
that may effect events
is very difficult.

In my opinion
remains what is happening around Israel -
especially regarding Iran.

No news from there, however.
As one source put it:

"Israel’s new leaders, Olmert and foreign minister Tzipi Livni have
developed a new catchall cure-all for all Israel’s predicaments from the
Iranian nuclear threat to a Palestinian government ruled by a fundamentalist
terrorist organization: Israel will follow the lead of 'the international

One cannot depend on general media sources
for what is actually happening in Iran -

One source stated:

"Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s claim of Iranian success in
low-level uranium enrichment was more bombastic than frank. In his speech,
he neglected to mention a top-secret plant under construction that is
designed to run 155,000 centrifuges, enough to enrich uranium for 3-5
nuclear bombs a year."

I don't know if you follow the numbers -
but they are all over the place.
Most sources have mentioned an upper limit
of 54,000 centrifuges -
and have said that would be enough
to create 2 nuclear bombs per MONTH.

For example:

"In Moscow Thursday, April 13, US assistant secretary of state on arms
control Stephen Rademaker calculated that, with 54,000 centrifuges, the
Iranians could produce enough enriched uranium for a bomb in 16 days."

Still the former source states:

"23 Ukrainian engineers arrived to start installing the equipment, joined in
February by 46 Belarusian nuclear experts who are working in shifts to
prepare the 155,000 P-1 and P-2 centrifuges for operation.

This compares with 60,000 in Nathanz – of which 40,000 are accessible for
inspection while 20,000 are hidden in closed subterranean chambers."

The bottom line is
that one can find news articles
to give 'facts' / 'statistics'
to support just almost any position
they wish to hold.

I think, possibly equally critical,
is what is happening in Gaza.
Aside from it being in a civil war -
some very dangerous new technology
is appearing there.

For the first time today-
Israel got hit by a single one
of the following new rockets.

"The new rocket-launcher unveiled in the Gaza Strip is capable of shooting
10 Grad (Quds-3) rockets simultaneously from a truck and is designed
exclusively to hit Israeli civilian targets within a range of 18-30 km."

These may not be super accurate -
but a barrage of these
could do REAL damage
to some key military, nuclear,
or electrical generating sites -
perhaps almost completely
shutting Israel down for days.

Now -
to a current event
back over on the home turf.

As Bush says -
he reads the papers -
and hears all the different voices -
so he is hearing the following:

a. Only a small amount of uranium
has been converted by Iran
and that doesn't make any difference.
b. It makes no difference if Iran is a Nuke Power -
because so is Afghanistan and others
and no one has used any nukes
c. Iran couldn't reach us anyway
d. The real leaders in Iran are reasonable men
e. They know if they hit Israel -
then Israel would nuke them
f. Wouldn't hurt if they wiped out Israel -
that would bring peace to the Middle East
g. Iran is years away from getting the bomb
h. Even if Iran gets the bomb -
it still doesn't have a weapon
until it tests it -
combined with a method to deliver it.
i. Once Iran gets the bomb -
then it will act responsibly
and be easier to deal with.
j. The US should develop its own
alternative fuel sources
and get out of being involved
in other parts of the world.
k. Russia isn't going to let Iran get the bomb -
because they are right next door
and it would be a threat to them -
so let Russia take care of it.
l. Who cares - born again Christians
like the president
are going to be raptured
and everyone else is going to be wiped out

For my part -
I think that is all non-sense
and I am sure that Bush does also.
So -
there is no need to go
to those kinds of sources
for guidance as what to do about
the reality.

Instead, Bush goes to those
who advocate action.
Specifically - bombing Iran.
And I am sure that he asks them
to search their souls
as deeply as they can -
for other alternatives.

May I say to you -
"Goest thou and do likewise".
I will certainly welcome
and publish any good suggestions.

But anyway -

"Bush traveled Friday night to Stanford University, where he met privately
with members of the libertarian Hoover Institution to discuss the war. He
concluded the day with a private dinner held by George P. Shultz, a Hoover
fellow and former secretary of state.

There is much more
to the story -
than told there -
such as Bush couldn't make
into Stanford because of protestors
and had to meet in Shultz's home -
but there is especially much more
to the story -
because of the Institution's recommendations -
Shultz's support of invading Iraq -
and so forth.

There are other really curious things
that happened.
An Iranian official big-wig
visited Washington this week.
Officially denied -
but got lots of people upset -
so they moved the meeting to Europe.

Lots of hardball negotiations going on.
As George Shultz said -
"When the going gets tough -
the tough get going."
(Right after that -
he moved out on his wife -
but that is another story.)

I receive numbers of eyewitness reports -
but since I can't verify them
otherwise -
and oftentimes
they are second and third hand -
I don't pass them on.

But still,
if you sat in this chair
the many hours that I do each day -
with reports pouring in
from all over the world -
it might affect your perspective too,
as to the feeling that the situation
is quickly building.

Next time point -
is the 28th -
next weekend -
with ElBaredi's report
from the IAEA.

Iran says it has already given its answer.
But maybe not.
That is what those back channel negotiations
are about.
And Iran is not above
pulling some subterfuge
to throw a monkey wrench
in Rice's negotiations.

Nope, first of May
to sort all that out.
Then responses from Russia -
as it continues to pour arms into Iran.
That latter is certainly a threat
to Israel -
but I have already told you
the official line from there.
To put it briefly it is -
"Let George do it."

I think George has volunteered
for the task.
He figures -
better to do it on his timing.
Now -
if just all the generals would agree -
and Russia would stay out of the way.

People ask me what my recommendation is.
I don't have one.
I just try to report -
what I think will be.

I am willing to -
"Let George do it",
and I am sure that whatever he does -
will be wrong -
because at this point -
I don't think there is any 'right'.
I am just glad that I don't have
to make George's decisions -
but I certainly say prayers for him -

My view is -
that it is now inevitable -
and I see my role
as trying to stick around
to help pick up the pieces.

Peace and love,



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Has No Life - Lives on TB

My view is -
that it is now inevitable -
and I see my role
as trying to stick around
to help pick up the pieces.

Yep.............. agree with him, unfortunetley.......:shk: