
Veteran Member
i do hope many people are wrong here. Because if we don’t regain the ability to make things here, we as a nation are lost. We need to gut many of our regulations and taxes to free up the business environment. We must look to our own resources again. We need to make our country what it once was. An economic powerhouse.
It seems though, that everyone has thrown in the towel. I guess we are lost. Get your Chinese translation apps.

I hope so too. I just think that we've been set up, and set up good. And, this has been planned for a long time.
It's just the perfect storm. Dumbing down the population, regulating us to death, outsourcing everything, getting the young people addicted to games & all day stupidity, lowering standards at every level of society, and most importantly the absolute destruction of our moral compass. ETA: Communists have taken over DC! I hope for the best, but expect the worst.
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Veteran Member
I hope so too. I just think that we've been set up, and set up good. And, this has been planned for a long time.
It's just the perfect storm. Dumbing down the population, regulating us to death, outsourcing everything, getting the young people addicted to games & all day stupidity, lowering standards at every level of society, and most importantly the absolute destruction of our moral compass. ETA: Communists have taken over DC! I hope for the best, but expect the worst.

i agree with you. We were lulled into a slumber, and now we are having trouble waking up.
kind of like the red pill or blue pill of the matrix.

end game

Veteran Member
Might depend on what you are making and such… not saying your wrong but what I said is accurate for my company. Different factories shut down at different times But we experience a 4 week blackout in production
No worries, I was just relating my experience with the land of "not right but just about right".


I'm all about the doom
i do hope many people are wrong here. Because if we don’t regain the ability to make things here, we as a nation are lost. We need to gut many of our regulations and taxes to free up the business environment. We must look to our own resources again. We need to make our country what it once was. An economic powerhouse.
It seems though, that everyone has thrown in the towel. I guess we are lost. Get your Chinese translation apps.
Look at our government. You think that they'll roll back all of these power grabbing regulations and rules that choke any productivity here. We'll, let's "vote em out", well we saw what happened in 2020 and probably earlier. Plus, a significant portion of the population actually think these are good things.


Veteran Member
Considering the back log of ships lurking outside our ports, just when do you think we will notice this?
"Considering the back log of ships lurking outside our ports, just when do you think we will notice this?"

WITHIN A YEAR OR TWO.......................................2024


TB Fanatic
It's not that US. Manufacturers are too greedy or make to much profit.

Manufacturers left the US. Because they where over taxed, over regulated and as employers over mandated payroll liabilities and general liabilities. They can't compete with China who by unfair trade practices could deliver from around the world cheaper than our manufacturers could do it even at COST.

Thanks to our own government.

And FIAT banksters Fed Res bank in cohorts Eye R Service punishing those who succeed independently.

It's just disgusting.
I agree!
I spent part of my younger years helping move US companies to Mexico. Why? At first it was a simply cost of labor issue. Then it became a regulation issue ( California ).

When it cost more to handle the regs than it did in labor to produce a product, it is time to move. No matter the level of automation, you are going to be screwed. Why do you think most chip factories are overseas? It is not for the labor.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
We need to know how and be capable of building weapons of war....that's were they are taking us. Even here they have relied on China for's a strange world. Not really, it sucks when your .gov wants its people killed off and replaced by foreigners..... who will not step in and make America great again.

Cannon Fodder, makes for a unique name. Might be trending a little too soon for all our tastes. One hour, and the world will be changed. When is that hour? Sooner than most could grasp. Tempus Fugit


Veteran Member
What will happen to all of the athletes that will arrive for the Olympics? You know some are bound to 'test positive'. Will China lock the doors to that particular complex closed to keep the variant of the day from spreading?


On TB every waking moment
Read an article yea these many years ago in the American Legion mag. Author claimed we were doomed because our best engineers are working on children's toys.

So I see what my urchin sized grand children got this Xmas..

Drone; About twice the size of man's hand. Flies around the house controlled by waving your hand Has rechargeable battery.

Toys that speak books.

Toys that follow you around.

The author was right.


TB Fanatic
Look at our government. You think that they'll roll back all of these power grabbing regulations and rules that choke any productivity here. We'll, let's "vote em out", well we saw what happened in 2020 and probably earlier. Plus, a significant portion of the population actually think these are good things.

The revelations regarding the 2020 election clarify the "WTF?" regarding the previous 20 years of elections...


Goodness before greatness.
Considering the back log of ships lurking outside our ports, just when do you think we will notice this?

No…. I don’t know the exact numbers, but the visual is not the same OCT-NOV-DECEMBER’s congested Harbor. Cargo was either diverted, and / or we spun through it already. We are still busy though.

Hmmm. Could be the calm before…

We interrupt this broadcast for an EAS A-lear+.

Hard to say. Time required to discern.
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No…. I don’t know the exact numbers, but the visual is not the same OCT-NOV-DECEMBER’s congested Harbor. Cargo was either diverted, and / or we spun through it already. We are still busy though.

Hmmm. Could be the calm before…

We interrupt this broadcast for an EAS A-lear+.

Hard to say. Time required to discern.
Is that counting the ships that were told to stay outside the (ca t remember... 10 miles?) zone, so they couldn't be seen from shore?



I read somewhere that all those cargo ships that are and have been delayed are losing much of the merchandise.

From mold and alike. Most of those shipping containers are not air tight. And all of the merchandise was put into those conexs boxes with the idea they was only going to be in there so long. And since it's taken two three and more times plus along, even the refrigerated and air tight containers are getting sick with mold and alike.

Plus the salt air, vary destructive.
It's not that US. Manufacturers are too greedy or make to much profit.

Manufacturers left the US. Because they where over taxed, over regulated and as employers over mandated payroll liabilities and general liabilities. They can't compete with China who by unfair trade practices could deliver from around the world cheaper than our manufacturers could do it even at COST.

Thanks to our own government.

And FIAT banksters Fed Res bank in cohorts Eye R Service punishing those who succeed independently.

It's just disgusting.
By design.


Goodness before greatness.
Is that counting the ships that were told to stay outside the (ca t remember... 10 miles?) zone, so they couldn't be seen from shore?


I have over sea level perspective. I was seeing ships in October and November well into and behind local Channel Island chain.

The post above mentioning ships off of Baja is news to me, though I have not gone looking. I wouldn’t doubt it. We were getting quite the choke point here for a while.


Veteran Member
We need to know how and be capable of building weapons of war....that's were they are taking us. Even here they have relied on China for's a strange world. Not really, it sucks when your .gov wants its people killed off and replaced by foreigners..... who will not step in and make America great again.

Cannon Fodder, makes for a unique name. Might be trending a little too soon for all our tastes. One hour, and the world will be changed. When is that hour? Sooner than most could grasp. Tempus Fugit

The most dangerous people on the planet hang out in D.C.

I bunch of american hating lunatics that are in control of WMDs.
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