VIDEO Boots on the ground thread - Southern Prepper 1

In this video, he talks even more about the large number of people reporting they keep sending in resumes and even doing follow-up calls that are not getting any interviews. The entire video is a summary of what he has been seeing the last few months since he started this and is one of his best, in my opinion.
I know a guy who is putting together a resume . . . he has no education (degree or credentials).
He has worked in an industry and was taught by his father and self taught.
He WAS making about 300K a year.
Now he makes ZIPPO! NADA.
He has a high opinion of himself (to say the least).
Watching him crash and face reality has been interesting.
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Would *I* Lie???
I know a guy who is putting together a resume . . . he has no education (degree or credentials).
He has worked in an industry and was taught by his father and self taught.
He WAS making about 300K a year.
Now he makes ZIPPO! NADA.
He has a high opinion of himself (to say the least).
Watching him crash and face reality has been interesting.
Sounds like he's also likely autistic or on the spectrum. Anyone making 300k in an industry has a LOT of knowledge, and depending on the industry should ought to be able to 'outsource' himself to a viable company -OR- start a venture on his own. That he can't transition from "tinkering on this thing" to "Showing/telling people how good I am at tinkering on this thing" either to get hired or to start an independent venture tells me... he's a little one-track-minded.

Hope isn't lost, but he probably needs a normie wifey or biz partner. Making $0 is his fault- unless the industry is just over.


Veteran Member
I have to wonder how much the shortage of workers is employers not wanting to hire. I just this week had a conversation with two college age young women who told me they had put in 20 to 40 applications and only received one callback. They had just started at the local Dollar General. The store currently has no manager and they were both busy, one running the register and the other stocking shelves, flattening boxes etc. to clean up the aisles. Definitely worker bees. I've been in that store many times when employees were standing in a corner out of sight of the cameras visiting instead of working.
Sounds like he's also likely autistic or on the spectrum.
Anyone making 300k in an industry has a LOT of knowledge, and depending on the industry should ought to be able to 'outsource' himself to a viable company -OR- start a venture on his own.
That he can't transition from "tinkering on this thing" to "Showing/telling people how good I am at tinkering on this thing" either to get hired or to start an independent venture tells me... he's a little one-track-minded.

Hope isn't lost, but he probably needs a normie wifey or biz partner. Making $0 is his fault- unless the industry is just over.
His wife is a Looney Liberal (she is not at all "normal") and has just now stepped into trying to sell real estate (a bit late I think).
The place he used to work for (they would call him for stuff they could not do.).
They have figured out how to do what he did (someone was watching and figuring and testing) at a far less price and it is "good enough" for them.


In this video, he talks even more about the large number of people reporting they keep sending in resumes and even doing follow-up calls that are not getting any interviews. The entire video is a summary of what he has been seeing the last few months since he started this and is one of his best, in my opinion.
I was told that it's happening around here because "the government " (dunno if it's state of feds) is providing funds for "looking for candidates to hire".

So every place has huge "help wanted" signs out. But the nearest neighbor (used to manage an Auto parts store, is a licensed real estate appraiser, and is a very hard working guy) can't even get an interview. He's a white guy in his 40s, but *everyone* around here is white (percent non-white, non-Hispanic is around .3%. As our son said, when they held a BLM rally, all three of the local blacks attended!)



Veteran Member
Todays video had interesting notes on folks facing large increases in property taxes, rent, home owner and auto insurance. We are seeing large increases in our home owner and property insurance rates. We have not filed a home owners insurance claim ever. We have been with the same carrier for forty one years.

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
When the system you know.....
When the system you trust......
When the system you worship......

.......turns on you, as a rabid dog, only with far greater power and capacity to destroy.....

It’s time to cease worship, withdraw trust, and literally pursue other alternative.

Continuing in the same pattern of addressing the beast in all of its malignant intent.....while hoping for different results, is the definition of.....


Res ipsa loquitur
It’s time to cease worship, withdraw trust, and literally pursue other alternative.

OK I'm confused - in fact - SUPER CONFUSED. 95% of the time you sound like me - several light years to the right of Genghis Kahn when it comes to NATIONALISM the CONSTITUTION and following same to the letter. the statement above for instance . . .

yet a few days back you seemed to be cheering for the other team - screaming that we'd never move against the commie puke usurpers, that NOBODY would EVER dream about standing up and shouting FVK YOU and that the whole of our national testosterone levels were equal to those of a gnat with one testicle.

something about "not counting on americas little ponies or unicorns" or something to that effect . . .

can't stand on the visitors side of the field and cheer for the home team Sam - inquiring minds wanna know -


Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Strongly berating the failed antics of the home team does not require standing on the visitor’s side of the field, nor is it cheering for the other team.


Day by day

RT 18 minutes

Saturday’s report. Where to get medical supplies.
One of the more interesting reports he read today - got a report that at a (some?) Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) food storage stores are now limiting non-church members on quantities that can be purchased. Didn't seem to apply to Church members.

This is a huge change from their normal practices. They really do encourage everyone to build and maintain a food storage supply. Really wonderful people at every one I've been to. I'm actually pretty stunned, but given the economy and the direction we seem to be headed in, I guess I shouldn't be.
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Veteran Member
OK I'm confused - in fact - SUPER CONFUSED. 95% of the time you sound like me - several light years to the right of Genghis Kahn when it comes to NATIONALISM the CONSTITUTION and following same to the letter. the statement above for instance . . .

yet a few days back you seemed to be cheering for the other team - screaming that we'd never move against the commie puke usurpers, that NOBODY would EVER dream about standing up and shouting FVK YOU and that the whole of our national testosterone levels were equal to those of a gnat with one testicle.

something about "not counting on americas little ponies or unicorns" or something to that effect . . .

can't stand on the visitors side of the field and cheer for the home team Sam - inquiring minds wanna know -


It's called past the point of no return.

Kind of like mRNA gene therapy shots that don't prevent transmission of a certain virus, but seem to cause early onset death in many people. And the government just bought billions more doses... And the medical establishment is arranging the deck chairs on the USS Titanic


Veteran Member
I have to wonder how much the shortage of workers is employers not wanting to hire. I just this week had a conversation with two college age young women who told me they had put in 20 to 40 applications and only received one callback. They had just started at the local Dollar General. The store currently has no manager and they were both busy, one running the register and the other stocking shelves, flattening boxes etc. to clean up the aisles. Definitely worker bees. I've been in that store many times when employees were standing in a corner out of sight of the cameras visiting instead of working.
I agree. Large businesses who got Covid relief money to hire workers post a ton of openings but do not actually hire folks. Locally that is common in the two hospitals near us. As well as tge university, Walmart and Tractor Supply. I just laid off from my one day a week job due to bookings at the resort being down 50%. I was deep cleaning the kitchen one day a week.


Veteran Member
Thought I'd throw in my own report here and I'm sure Southern Prepper 1 will hear this same thing many times in the next few weeks. Today my wife was told that her employers group health insurance will be cancelled by the insurance company at the end of the term. The employer did find another company for the employees so that part is fine although no mention yet on the cost for our share.

The Insurance company is dropping all but large employers and those remaining employers are looking at more than 20% rate increases and much higher deductibles.

She's emailed HR to find out about the group Life and Disability, that might make things even more interesting.

More breaking down of our healthcare system.


More demand for health services in no small part to the Covid injections so you know healthcare prices are going to go further up and availability down. Now I'm waiting for life insurance polices to be cancelled en masse or the rates jacked to the moon to pay for the drastically increased death rates that were not factored into their actuarial tables.


Sounds like he's also likely autistic or on the spectrum. Anyone making 300k in an industry has a LOT of knowledge, and depending on the industry should ought to be able to 'outsource' himself to a viable company -OR- start a venture on his own. That he can't transition from "tinkering on this thing" to "Showing/telling people how good I am at tinkering on this thing" either to get hired or to start an independent venture tells me... he's a little one-track-minded.

Hope isn't lost, but he probably needs a normie wifey or biz partner. Making $0 is his fault- unless the industry is just over.
True, but if he's also expecting to make $300k right out of the box at a new job... he's likely to be making $0 for a long time!
