Recipe Blueberry "Muffins" (raw vegan, dehydrator required)

Kathy in FL

For those that are wondering about "honey dates" in some of these recipes ... just use regular dates that you have on hand. Sometimes honey dates can be dry, sometimes moist. The reality is that you just want the dates for natural sweetening.


1 cup soft wheat berries, sprouted 1 day
1 cup barley, soaked 2 days
2 bananas (I used dried bananas that I have rehydrated as often as I used fresh ones)
3/4 cup dates
1/2 cup blueberries (I used dried berries that I have rehydrated as often as I use fresh or frozen/thawed ones)
1 t. vanilla
1 1/2 t. cinnamon

Process wheat, barley, bananas, and dates. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Form into 6 round "muffins" 3/4" thick. They wind up looking like cookies or muffin tops. Put on drying tray lined with nonstick sheet. Dry at 105 degrees F for 4 hours. Turn over and dry another 4 to 6 hours or until desired moisture is reached.