Bloomberg Jumps to Third Place (Really Second) Nationally as New Hampshire Prepares to Vote


Certa Bonum Certamen

Bloomberg Jumps to Third Place (Really Second) Nationally as New Hampshire Prepares to Vote

Posted on February 10, 2020
by sundance

Instead of running the ’15/’16 splitter plan that worked in 2012 for Mitt Romney; if the GOP Club had planned with Jeb in the 2016 cycle to hang back until Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio could launch attacks against Donald Trump – then enter the race in March for the Florida splash… that would be somewhat analogous to what we are seeing within the revised plan currently underway within the 2020 DNC Club.

Right now, in the entry primaries, the DNC priority is ‘Never Bernie’; and toward that end Pete Buttigieg is the tool. However, in the background the DNC Club is positioning Bloomberg to save the day, and that is becoming visible in new national polling.


(Quinnipiac Poll Link)

Forget Biden. Joe Biden’s current “national polling position” is merely a reflection of months of media narrative building on behalf of the former VP. As voters tune-in Biden is not in the picture. Sleepy Joe is dissolving daily & that shows up in these early primaries. So on a national scale just remove Biden and reassess. Now we see Bloomberg coming in.

That’s the plan visible within the narrative construction. Warren is inauthentic; the media and Club organizers gave her a shot and it didn’t work. Right now Warren’s value is in keeping Sanders from gaining more far-left momentum as many, likely most, Warren progressives’ will go to Sanders. Remember, national delegates are proportional.

Joe Biden will keep dropping and Buttigieg will benefit; however, the Club knows Buttigieg cannot survive the bright spotlight…. but Bloomberg can scoop up Buttigieg’s delegates at a convention, at least that’s the Club’s visible outlook.

With proportional delegates the key for the Club to defeat Bernie is to keep his early delegate count as low as possible and stem any left-wing momentum. It also helps that Bernies’ 2020 support level, based on early state polling, is significantly lower than it was in 2016…. This helps the Club sell their unelectable Bernie narrative.

Watch tomorrows results in New Hampshire. Pete Buttigieg will likely do much better than expected; there is even a strong possibility he could win. Buttigieg has been getting a massive lift from favorable corporate media coverage and Wall Street is assisting.

Regardless of a win or close second place. The national media message coming out of New Hampshire will be heavily weighted toward favoring Pete Buttigieg.

The end goal is Bloomberg.

Bernie Sanders knows the Club objective is ‘not Bernie’; however, Bernie is not confronting the end goal of Bloomberg; that implies Bernie is preserving his sell-out option for maximum financial benefit.

We keep watching…




Would *I* Lie???
biden had better announce hillary as VP asap... before super tuesday. I think bloomberg is a hell no. nobody relates to him. Even less than they do to trump. And another old white billionaire is going to do it for most of the leftists..bernie is at least an apologist and a socialist and has all the free stuff..


Certa Bonum Certamen
BloomBorg hasn’t held a single rally, hasn‘t been present at a single debate. In the end, all politics is retail. He’ll HAVE to go press the flesh, not just in NYC and Los Angeles. The minute he does, he’s toast.
I agree 100% with this, but IF none of their candidates have enough delegates on the first ballot and it goes to a brokered convention, there's a chance Mini-Mike could win the Dem nomination. I think the Dems in power right now just might try it. IMO, that strategy would fail, big time. A smug, wizened-up Jew teamed up with a huge gap-tooth angry black female isn't a winning combination. Especially against Donald Trump and his score card.


Veteran Member
I agree 100% with this, but IF none of their candidates have enough delegates on the first ballot and it goes to a brokered convention, there's a chance Mini-Mike could win the Dem nomination.
So he will be the new head clown.
He can't win a general election.


Brown Coat
I like looser bloomberg spending his billions on lost cause so it removes that money from his ability to actually put it towards something else.

Trump is going to possum stomp any communist candidate so bad it is going to be Biblical in it't reckoning.


Isn't she like twice his size? I'm not sure those pics would play well...

Summerthyme (it's dumb, but in this day and age of superficiality, looks and appearances count)


Kill Commie's, Every Single One Of Them!
Abrams and Bloomturd?

This is all I see after a long day on the trail and her belly is growling....



TB Fanatic
BloomBorg hasn’t held a single rally, hasn‘t been present at a single debate. In the end, all politics is retail. He’ll HAVE to go press the flesh, not just in NYC and Los Angeles. The minute he does, he’s toast.
If anyone fights back he is toast. He will buy his way into contention, but the convention will kill him off. The delegates won't accept him. If by chance he gets the nomination, I expect Trump would pull all 50 states. Democrats simply won't vote for him. They want a transgender socialist ( read communist ) gay person to vote for.

Bloomburger is everything they hate. To them he is just Trump on the other side...


Ultra MAGA!

Seriously. Can't find it any more.
I'll have to search for it, was a CNN clip of Piers Morgan talking about the AC unit Bloombergs staff at city hall slid into the window of his SUV while he was inside at his office


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