RACE WAR Black Lives Matter Leader Toronto Believes White People are Subhuman, Calls Them ‘Genetic Defects’ – Begs ‘Allah’ to Help Her ‘Not Kill White Folks’


TB Fanatic
Well, FIRST of all, Michael did NOT bleach his skin.
His issue (progressively) was called VITILIGO. Not all THAT unusual for black or olive complexioned people.

And his loss of pigment was progressive. IIRC he wasn't the only Jackson to have this genetic issue.

must have ate the crap out of his nose ... It changed shape along with his chin. Perverted freak he was

Grouchy Granny

Well, FIRST of all, Michael did NOT bleach his skin.
His issue (progressively) was called VITILIGO. Not all THAT unusual for black or olive complexioned people.

And his loss of pigment was progressive. IIRC he wasn't the only Jackson to have this genetic issue.

Nice to know! But he did have cosmetic surgery so he could look like Diana Ross right? Or is that another urban legend?


Res ipsa loquitur
Well, FIRST of all, Michael did NOT bleach his skin.
His issue (progressively) was called VITILIGO. Not all THAT unusual for black or olive complexioned people.

And his loss of pigment was progressive. IIRC he wasn't the only Jackson to have this genetic issue.

^^^^TRUTH ^^^^ but what medical condition required his adventures in plastic surgery?


Res ipsa loquitur
das Schwein

I recommend learning the correct gender associated with a noun [which is always capitalized].

das is neutral
der is masculine
die is feminine

However, it is not this easy. Depending on complex grammar rules, the gender can change "sex."

den is used in the dative case

Mensch (Yiddish: מענטש‎, mentsh, cognate with German: mensch, 'human being') means "a person of integrity and honor." The opposite of a mensch is an unmensch, meaning an utterly unlikeable or unfriendly person.

From German Untermensch, from unter (“under, below”) + Mensch (“person, human”).

  • ˈʉntəmɛnʃ

Untermensch (plural Untermenschen)
  1. (derogatory) An inferior person; a subhuman.

Mischling was the legal term used in Nazi Germany to denote persons deemed to have both Aryan and Jewish ancestry. The Germanic root is a cousin to the Latin term whence the Spanish term mestizo and French term métis originate. In German, the word has the general denotation of hybrid, mongrel, or half-breed.

Don't use Untermensch or Mischling unless you want to insult someone or start a fight.

I appreciate the skoolin' Herr von Koehler :D . . .


Veteran Member
She is definitely the pot calling the kettle black, or in her case the kettle calling the pot black.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
When I first tried to learn German in High School, I was amazed that the word for a girl [feminie] die Mädel was changed to das Mädchen [neuter]. The key was adding -chen on the ending because it is always neuter.

Same as Mädchen with a different diminutive suffix.
  • Noun
Mädel n (genitive Mädels, plural Mädels or Mädeln or Mädel, diminutive Mädelchen n or Mädelein n)

  1. (colloquial, central Germany and southern) girl (especially member of a group of female friends) Heut Abend treff ich mich mit meinen Mädels. Tonight I'm meeting up with my girls.
Usage notes
  • The plural Mädels is used chiefly in northern and central Germany, while Mädeln is used in southern Germany and Austria.
  • The unchanged plural Mädel is rare in contemporary usage.
  • This word is often used by adult women to refer to their adult friends, e.g. Mädelsabend for a ‘‘girls’ night out’’. This usage is found even in regions where Mädel is not otherwise used.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

3:37 minutes

My favorite word in German is:

eichhörnchen which is a squirrel in English. Tip: whenever ei is used acccent the i; and when ie is used accent the e.

Native German speakers have a tough time pronouncing squirrel because r is pronounced differently.

sounds roughly as ICE+hiss hern chen
Last edited:


Talk is cheap
How did that beautiful, beautiful young woman get so depraved and evil? She was programmed. She looks fairly decent there, of course that is part of the deception...let me go find a truer depiction...




Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hey BLM C level philosopher.....I agree...............Whites don't belong in the same society with Blacks.....

............here's the deal, you can have Africa or the USA................take your pick.

But once you do all Black and mixed Black people in the world must live in your society.........then we Whites get the other place and no one can live there except for Whites.......

How do you think that would work out in two weeks..........one year....................ten years?

Go ahead........your choice................build your own super society and let the subhuman recessive gene Whites build their mediocre society.............and let's see how that works out okay?

Never invented the wheel..........never................and this woman is your proof on why.

BLM...............Black Lives Mediocre


I give up.
She's just a hate-filled creature.

This is from 2016:


View: https://twitter.com/cbctoronto/status/726182987000373248


Who is Yusra Khogali and Why Does it Matter?
Posted at 5:15 pm on February 16, 2017 by Pamela Jablonski

Yusra Khogali wants to ensure herself 15 minutes of fame; even if that means spewing vile rhetoric, while she transforms herself into being a super racist. It’s ironic that this is the path she has chosen in her fight to eradicate racism.

Khogali, a Black Lives Matter Canadian leader, is known for her public diatribes: from her infamous disruption at the 2016 Toronto Pride Parade to a deleted tweet. Fortunately, or not, that tweet was saved by Toronto Sun columnist, Jerry Agar. In the tweet she was seeking strength so as to not “…kill men and white folks”.

Andre Marin nails it in his piece published Monday in the Toronto Sun:

Where BLM loses credibility, and fast, is by the growing number of ignorant comments by its leaders that, simply put, are a demonstration of hate. Last week, BLM Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali appears to have said white people suffer from ‘recessive genetic defects’ and mused about how the race could be ‘wiped out.’ She accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of being a ‘white supremacist terrorist.’ It wasn’t the first time Khogali’s put her foot in her mouth. Last April, she tweeted: ‘Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these white men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz.’ Critics who accused BLM of being discriminatory and racist may have a point.
It is not understood how her bellicose rage will inspire interracial inclusiveness, but maybe that isn’t really her end goal. Her incredulous attacks fascinate as to how she can ever be taken seriously.

Last Saturday, Toronto Sun’s Anthony Furey said:

Khogali has a track record of inflammatory, divisive rhetoric.
Only last week during a protest in front of the US consulate Khogali shouted into a microphone that ‘Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist’ and urged the crowd to ‘rise up and fight back.’
Unfortunately, with people in positions of displaced leadership, those that follow them are seeking to fit in and be a part of change, a revolution; they miss the fact that they are pawns in a game used to advance their “leader’s” personal agenda.

Fueling the passion of ill-informed followers, these pathetic leaders become dangerous when they incite people into committing violent action and criminal behavior in response to their words. Everyone is entitled to their own personal view and free speech; but Khogali with her vitriolic wrath, needs a personal reformation. And until she does, we have to keep paying attention to her – because she is an incendiary device who is looking to spark millions of short fuses.



Veteran Member
sounds like she needs an injection of Pb - via the intra cranial approach . . .
Nah just ship her back to Africa where she can begin her new career. Turning tricks for The genetically superior goat herders, wearing grass skirts and living in mud huts.