POL BIDENSURGENCY: Top 6 Ways to PREVENT the Democrats from STEALING the November POTUS Election



The “New World Order” as George H.W. “Poppy” Bush put it, is in full effect right now, and these Satanists want the Republic of the United States to look like a God-forsaken Banana Republic as soon as possible. If you believe this is some kind of wild conspiracy theory, then you may want stop gulping the (fake news) Kool-aid and try some filtered water instead. First off, there is no way sleepy, creepy Joe Biden received 80 million votes after a lackluster campaign that involved about a dozen stops in high school auditoriums with about 15 paid goons sitting in Covid-friendly circles with their face diapers firmly in place.

The USA is now 3-and-a-half years deep into the Bidensurgency where communists run the corrupt polls, news, military and DC gulags for “election deniers”

The insurgency of Washington DC by the CCP puppets was carefully orchestrated well in advance of the 2020 fake election to overthrow President Donald J. Trump. Like never before in the Republic, the President was so rich himself he had no desire or need to embezzle billions and trillions of dollars through Big Government, the Military Industrial Complex or even Big Pharma.

Sure, Trump pushed for Covid vaccines, but remember, the majority of Americans, including the majority of conservatives, believe that vaccines are good for health safety, not the other way around. Over 270 million Americans rushed out to get jabbed with the most dangerous injections ever created, and now millions are suffering the consequences.

The pandemic was eventually — and justifiably — nicknamed the plandemic and the scamdemic, as it assisted in the biggest election “steal” in the history of the world. Have no doubt — the Demonic Democrats are planning a repeat. They aim to increase and propagate the Bidensurgency of communists in Washington DC and across the country come November, and this may just be the final election ever for the Banana Republic of America. But wait, it’s not too late yet. You can step up, with all other conservatives, independents, Republicans, Libertarians and anyone else who isn’t too dumbed-down with clot shots, fluoride and canola oil. Here’s how we can prevent the big 2024 steal the Dems have planned.

Top 6 ways to stop the steal this November, before it’s too late for us all

  • #1. Denounce Plandemic II that’s sure to be sweeping the nation and world within the next 6 months.
  • #2. Have thousands of legitimate poll watchers oversee the counting of votes in November.
  • #3. Get out and vote Republican across the board (while praying the RINOs don’t take over) — too many Americans think their vote won’t matter, but it matters a lot (makes it tougher if it’s a total Red landslide for the Left to cheat it).
  • #4. Get your smart device out and video record any and all “smurfs” (Soros-paid Leftists and criminals) dropping more than one ballot in a drop box at a time.
  • #5. Vote against any legislation that helps allow illegal immigrants to vote in our American elections (because they’re likely to vote for more free stuff and not Constitutional rights).
  • #6. Do NOT support fake pandemics that help the Left cheat on election day and night (as they kick out conservative poll watchers claiming “Covid” safety) while mailing in about 40 million faked (CCP-manufactured) NWO ballots.
Every day, Biden imports about a hundred thousand illegal immigrants into our country in order to shift the vote in November. Every single one of them will surely be granted “emergency amnesty” by October 31st, so they can all vote for free stuff, while replacing American citizens who are dying “unexpectedly” and “unexplainably” from the Wuhan Virus clot shots.

We already know that mail-in ballots are the number one way that the 2020 election was a huge steal for the Bidensurgency. These ballots are so easily counterfeited, as they have no watermarks, no serial numbers, no security threads. It’s almost to the point where the fake news media can simply say any number on election night and the masses will believe it’s true.

Realize that what the Bidensurgency called “the most secure election in U.S. history” was exactly the opposite, the most CORRUPT election in U.S. history. It’s always opposite day when it comes to fake news. Don’t let this November rob the Republic of democracy and freedom. Keep your truth news in check by adding Preparedness.news to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on the demonic Democrats trying to steal another election with fake votes, fake people and fake virus tests. #Bidensurgency

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm starting to think that the wrinkle for 2024 won't be Covid or anything quite that widespread.

It'll simply be forcing Trump to campaign from a prison cell. Whether anyone thinks the cases have merit or not, they are bound and determined to get a conviction before the election, starting with the current trial.

They're hoping that makes enough people shy away from Trump that Biden just has to drool and mumble his way to the finish line.


Veteran Member
I'm starting to think that the wrinkle for 2024 won't be Covid or anything quite that widespread.

It'll simply be forcing Trump to campaign from a prison cell. Whether anyone thinks the cases have merit or not, they are bound and determined to get a conviction before the election, starting with the current trial.

They're hoping that makes enough people shy away from Trump that Biden just has to drool and mumble his way to the finish line.
I believe more than ever they're going to get him locked up.... and very soon!

The problem with that is Trump WILL lose some support from the wishy washy squishes that were holding their noses to vote for him. And then don't get me started. See some of my recent posting history. There's just so much going against Trump and MAGA and cheating 10 ways to Sunday, I just don't see a way we can overcome it.
Well, there is ONE WAY, but our side so far hasn't learned how to do it. Cheat, and cheat better than the D's do.
So far, we all just sit around and talk about everything.


Dot Collector
BIDEN, reading from his teleprompter: "Four more years? Pause?" It's all completely staged.
RT 11secs
View: https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1783181170751992121



Let's Go Brandon!
Well, there is ONE WAY, but our side so far hasn't learned how to do it. Cheat, and cheat better than the D's do.
So far, we all just sit around and talk about everything.

And if we become the thing we hate, what do we lose in the process? Have we truly won, if we become the dims?


Veteran Member
And if we become the thing we hate, what do we lose in the process? Have we truly won, if we become the dims?
I’ll take my chances. We are never going to win again unless we play like they do, only better. Turn the tables over. It could get very dirty and ugly but we have try something.
Time is a wasting. The Dems ballot harvesting teams are already established. Their door knockers to recruit and remind and then drag voters to vote or vote for them have been chosen in various states. The illegals have registered with fake social security numbers that will never be checked. There’s 3 things we could tackle immediately. But we need leadership and guidance. Do what the Left does, only better.


Veteran Member
They're driving us towards violence, there's no way of getting away from it. They know how to manipulate large groups of people and have for many decades. This is all carefully choreographed/timed perfectly because satan has waited a long time for this. We are on a boat with a bunch of idiots that are controlled by the every whim of pure evil. The only thing to do is prepare and brace yourself.


Dot Collector
8 Steps to SECURE the 2024 Election and 1 RED FLAG | Glenn TV | Ep 350 (48min)
April 24, 2024
Will the 2024 presidential election be secure from bad actors? What has your state done to ensure it will be? According to a poll done by ABC, confidence in our election system is at a dangerous low of 20%. Some of that confidence may be low because of what the Biden administration had done by executive order to change the voting process. The Washington Post reported, “New voting laws in swing states could shape the 2024 election.” The laws are designed to make voting in places like Michigan and North Carolina easier, but will it make voting more secure? And what about the “shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election” from Donald Trump as reported by TIME? Glenn reveals we should expect more “fortifying” from a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” in 2024. But don’t lose hope. By the end of this special edition of Glenn TV, Glenn Beck reveals a plan to INCREASE voter confidence in your own county in eight simple steps.
View: https://youtu.be/FJer61LNVh8


well if we are just going to say random things, IE go vote that will show them well BS that did nothing in 2020. i want a Game Genie for when I play vote this time.