MORON Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
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Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue
Nick Givas
2-2 minutes
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden had another gaffe on Sunday when he said an estimated 200 million people have already died from the coronavirus, even though the number of American casualties is closer to 200,000.

"If Donald Trump has his way, the complications from COVID-19, which are well beyond what they should be -- it's estimated that 200 million people have died -- probably by the time I finish this talk," he said during a campaign speech.

The U.S. population is estimated to be slightly 328 million people, meaning nearly two-thirds of the nation would have perished from the disease by now if Biden's verbal screw-up was true.


This isn't the first time Biden has mixed up his math and made head-scratching remarks about the coronavirus mortality rate.

Back in June, Biden wrongly claimed 120 million people had died as a result of COVID-19, during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania.

“People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” he said. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”


The former vice president was hit hard in the media at the time, with many questioning his mental facilities and asking if he is even fit to serve as commander-in-chief if he were to prevail in November over President Trump.


TB Fanatic
And the gaffes keep on comin'.....

Uncle Joe wouldn't be entertaining as a comedian. He for sure won't be entertaining as our president. While the WH is ADA compliant, it's not equipped for mental deficiency on his scale.
Unless PEPCO installs an electroshock therapy machine in the Oval Office should he become president. Hopefully directly connected to the main transformers outside. 7000 volts directly to his cerebrum should cure his forgetfulness.

Can I apply the electrodes uncle Joe? Pretty please?

Edited to add......Just kidding. But you knew that.
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Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
200 million, that's a lot of people. I wonder if he's thinking worldwide or just
in his own community?

I really believe that Joey is on some really powerful meds.

That one brain cell in his head must be bouncing around all the time...


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit...
This will be the most embarrassing, lopsided Presidential election victory in the history of our republic.


On TB every waking moment
Hummm.....What wasn't mentioned by the writer from the segment was the statistics Dr. Siegle was noting regarding both Biden's known arrhythmia, the rate of micro-strokes it can lead to and its long term impact (something with my health issues really got my attention).....

Posted for fair use.....

Fox News Doctor Wildly Speculates That Biden’s on ‘Speed’ and ‘Adderall’

“These drugs can help in low doses for short periods of time,” Siegel said, backing Trump’s baseless claims that Biden is using PEDs ahead of the first presidential debate.

Justin Baragona
Contributing Editor

Published Sep. 21, 2020 11:13PM ET

Fox News

President Donald Trump has spent the past few weeks baselessly accusing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of using drugs to improve his debate performance, insisting that Biden will get a “big fat shot in the ass” and will be “better than ever before” for a short period of time.

The president’s ridiculous claims, which he’s used to demand that Biden take a drug test before the debates, were given an air of legitimacy Monday night by Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, who wildly speculated that the former vice president is using speed and Adderall.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has repeatedly suggested Biden is suffering from mental decline, once again took aim at the presidential hopeful on Monday night, mocking him for his latest verbal gaffe. In this instance, it was Biden mistakenly saying nearly 200 million Americans had died from the coronavirus, rather than 200,000.

“Who is his dealer?!” Carlson snickered. “A lot of people are asking this question.”

After playing a clip of the president accusing Biden of taking performance-enhancing drugs and challenging the ex-veep to get tested before next week’s presidential debate, the Fox News host noted that Biden “has not yet agreed” to be tested, before turning to Siegel.

“Tucker, imagine if President Trump said that, imagine how the wolves would be all over him if he made anything like that mistake,” the doctor responded. “And the word of course they use to cover this is ‘gaffe,’ but I have to tell you, it's time we stopped using the word ‘gaffe.’”

Pointing out that he hasn’t examined Biden and doesn’t “have a clinical diagnosis to make,” Siegel went on to deliver a diagnosis based on what he claimed were conversations with neurologists.

“And I want to put forth some ideas tonight, they’re not proof, they’re not even theories,” Siegel, who said earlier this year the “worst-case scenario” for the coronavirus would be the seasonal flu, declared. “But back in 1988 former Vice President Biden had two aneurysms clipped in his brain using surgery, surgical techniques, and he had a bleed. Studies show a 50 percent long-term cognitive problem.”

Siegel, who recently fawned over Trump’s ability to repeat the phrase “person, man, woman, camera, TV,” suggested that Biden may have suffered a “silent stroke” due to his atrial fibrillation and therefore was prescribed certain drugs.

“So now, President Trump says, ‘You know, we should have drug testing before debates,’ and I’m thinking why would he be saying that?” Siegel continued to speculate. “There’s a study that shows that for people who have mild cognitive thinking or memory problems, you know what helps? Speed.”

“You know what helps? Adderall, a drug that I prescribe,” the doctor added. “These drugs can help in low doses for short periods of time.”

Siegel wrapped up the wild segment by contrasting Trump’s demands for a drug test to attempts by the Olympics and professional sports to prevent doping, adding that they“want to make sure nobody takes advantage.”


Veteran Member
If he were to win, keep him away from the checkbook...He'll be writing the Chinese checks for trillion$'s....