
passin' thru
Mario Nawfal


“I formally apologize as president of the United States of America for what we did. I formally apologize.

It's long overdue at the tribal school in Arizona, a community full of tradition and culture, and joined by survivors and dissenters to do just that, apologize, apologize, rewrite history book correctly.

I have a solemn responsibility to be the first president to formally apologize to the native peoples.”

Source: MSNBC

View: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1849878127331172495


Are you sure about that?
Mario Nawfal


“I formally apologize as president of the United States of America for what we did. I formally apologize.

It's long overdue at the tribal school in Arizona, a community full of tradition and culture, and joined by survivors and dissenters to do just that, apologize, apologize, rewrite history book correctly.

I have a solemn responsibility to be the first president to formally apologize to the native peoples.”

Source: MSNBC

View: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1849878127331172495
It means NOTHING. He is the chief executive, such an apology, if warranted, is a matter of Congress to process such a proclamation. That was WAY out of line, and insulting in the informality of the delivery. What an ahole.


TB Fanatic
Mario Nawfal


“I formally apologize as president of the United States of America for what we did. I formally apologize.

It's long overdue at the tribal school in Arizona, a community full of tradition and culture, and joined by survivors and dissenters to do just that, apologize, apologize, rewrite history book correctly.

I have a solemn responsibility to be the first president to formally apologize to the native peoples.”

Source: MSNBC

View: https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1849878127331172495

He owes the rest of us an apology and a couple trillion dollars


désespéré pour le ciel
Something people don't ever think about too much: what happened, happened. If it hadn't happened, you wouldn't be here, today! If the people who got on the ships (as well as those forced onto ships) never came over, things would be way different. Your ancestors may never have been born at all. Do you really wanna change it and poof yourself out of existence? Will that make you feel any better?

I am someone who had ancestors come over on the boats, who were met by ancestors who were already living here. They learned to get along together. I need history to have played out the way it did to even exist. I am grateful, to all my ancestors and what they what through, all of them!

Rewriting & apologizing for history is one of the stupidest pandering things possible.


Firearms Manufacturer
Indians killed each other back and forth all of the time, it was an honor to be a strong successful warrior instead of what passes for a man in our society (meeoowww). The fed .gov did screw them over badly going back on actual treaties that constitutionally are supposed to be honored, period. The white man won the war, I am good with that and that's how war goes. The violating the treaties was BS but it is what it is now. Biden is just virtue signalling, like someone announcing that they are vegan and believing that it makes them morally superior.


Don't screw with an engineer
Yup, every nation is built on the bones of the last and why is it we are the only ones that are focused on??
Yeah... the Mexicans are upset that the US took their land.
But... I've got a question for them:
Why do you speak Spanish? Why do many South Americans speak Spanish? You/they aren't from Spain.
Could it be perhaps because of the Spanish conquest of both the North and South American continents? You know, the conquest in which they stole the lands of indigenous peoples such as the Mayans.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I guess we have 11 moarrrrr days of desperation and panic induced feigned sincerity tantrums to look forward to.

This evening, I saw a Kamalatoe ad that just about made me hurl. Every single word was a lie, and hysterical fear-mongering besides. A sample:

Donald Trump took away your right to an abortion. And he wants to take away birth control and IVF. He loves Hitler and wants to be like him.

And then a slew of other comments that I don’t remember, while showing slides from Project 2025 (which of course has nothing to do with Trump.) It was a nauseating performance, but MORE nauseating was my understanding that half the country believes every single word.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So he wants to rewrite the history books? Where have I heard that before?
I know what you are thinking. Communists rewrote history.

To be fair, many of the Indian victories were written up originally as massacres of white men and the federal/state/territory battles were . . . battles with victories. History shouldn't be rewritten - which connotates changing it to suit an agenda. It should be written up factually.


passin' thru
I'm such a nicetard. I read the title and I hit play expecting a real apology about his time in office..LOL.
aww I'm sorry- I hoped we'd avoid the low hanging fruit and fruitless expectations LOL

I just thought to myself WOW just when I think they cannot do anything more bizarre, inappropriate, blatantly false or tone deaf....they manage to surprise me by notching up the clown car antics :D

day late

money? whats that?
I have to wonder how this goes over. I mean the guy who apologizes is a senile old man who should have been put out to pasture a long time ago. Sounds real sincere to me alright.


TB Fanatic
I know what you are thinking. Communists rewrote history.

Communists didn't just rewrite history but killed everybody, the history of socialism/communism is far worse than anything else including fascism and Genghis Khan etc etc


Veteran Member
My wife is Cherokee. She’s more pissed that they took the Indian girl off the butter package.
My man is Choctaw and Sioux. He’s also pretty unhappy that references to NA are and have been being removed. Many people are already surprised to meet any NA. It’s another step in the effort to erase any differences and get future generations to forget where they came from.

ETA: His dad was sent to a boarding school in a different state from his rez. This will probably be seen by many who don’t look deeper as being an actual good start.
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