Story Behold Wrath - The Revelation Series, Book 1 (a long-awaited SHIFT sequel)


Only human
Well. A Boutique Publisher contacted me last week and offered a proposal. I gave a tentative nod, said to send me a contract. It was okay. Mostly they have marketing power I do not and offer to distribute. Contract had a couple points I rejected and countered on Wednesday. Now the waiting game. There may be a delay in Release to pull back and let them run it all through their machinery. Let's see how this turns out.


Only human
Finished the first round of edits for the publisher. They tell me I should see their version of the book cover next week. They also gave me a list of things they need for a Press Packet. The world may end before it is published.

FUNNY THING is an editorial note early in my book was about countries lining up for the Gog and Magog war. This note must have been over a month old. The editor suggested that perhaps all these events happen too quickly in my book. Next thing you know we have Russia in Ukraine, China harassing Taiwan, Iran sending drones at Israel... I appended a note to the editor asking whether they still thought those events in my book were happening too fast.


Veteran Member
You are far more convincing as a story-teller than your posts in the religion forum. While I don't believe all of your positions, you are definitely a gifted writer and have caused me to reconsider some of my beliefs. Thank you.


Only human
You are far more convincing as a story-teller than your posts in the religion forum. While I don't believe all of your positions, you are definitely a gifted writer and have caused me to reconsider some of my beliefs. Thank you.

Appreciate that... I think...:) Seriously though, if I can clarify a nuance, let me know. These bits of back and forth on a forum are not my strong suit for sure, and for that I apologize.

If any here are curious and like fuller articles, I do have this:

Or, for those with way too much time on their hands, I have been uploading videos from a home Bible Study (we just finished Revelation 16, so well past the half-way mark) there are these Playlists on my fairly recent YouTube channel:
David Reynolds' Harpazo Channel

Thanks again!