OT/MISC Be Encouraged In The Present Battles...Aslan Comes!

The Highlander

Contributing Member
Not too long ago, I happened to come in and catch the end of the movie The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.* I caught the scene where Peter is fighting the White Witch at the great battle.* It appears that all hope is lost for Narnia, and that the forces of evil are going to overpower the forces of good.

Then, when it appears that all hope is gone...Aslan shows up with a great roar!* Thrown into complete shock, the White Witch, who moments before could taste victory, simply utters the word, "Impossible".* Then as she seeks to strike a death-dealing blow to Peter, Aslan pounces upon her, kills her, and then calmly declares, "It is finished."

Well, my friends, I was in tears!* Why?* Because all of us have been in, are, or will be in battles that seem to be going badly for us.* The enemy is assaulting hard, and it seems that we are outnumbered ten to one.* Heck, look at all the news posts: ISIS, Ebola, The failing economy, Russia, China, Nuke threats, terrorism, Middle East wars, and even some folks personal struggles being shared.

The onslaught is fierce, and we have blood on our brow.* We hear the words being shouted at us by our foe, "All hope is lost!* Surrender!* Prepare to die!"* Then, out of nowhere, when it seems that all hope is lost, our Aslan, the Lord Jesus, takes the field and roars!* He sends a terrorizing chill down the spine of our enemies and then as they seek to get in one, last, final, death dealing blow, He pounces upon them and finishes them off!* Then, as we pick ourselves up from the ground, He looks at us and says, "It is finished!"* Whew!* Yes!* We all rejoice when we hear those words declared to us, and we know the present conflict is over.* We know more will come, but we are VERY thankful for a brief time of rest and recovery between fights!

Yes, there will be a FINAL battle one day.*It appears that that battle draws closer as evil is rearing its ugly head in ways in ways many of us never dreamed. I, for one, pray and live to be ready for that to come as soon as He sees fit.* Then when that one is over, we know we will fight no more, but enter the eternal rule and rest prepared for us before the foundation of the world!

If you are on the field of battle now, and the fight seems to be going badly and against you, take heart.* If you listen, you can hear the paws of your Aslan rapidly approaching.* Soon, He will roar in your behalf, and take your enemies out once and for all! And sooner than we think, my friends, He will roar in behalf of us ALL and the darkness and those who live in it will find themselves face to face with what will truly be their worst nightmare...The Lion of the tribe of Judah! Be strong and take heart! If God be for us, WHO (or WHAT), can be against us!

"Yahweh is a man of war; Yahweh is His Name!" (Exodus 15:3)

Let’s pray for one another as we fight the battles to come! May we all be faithful, even unto death.

The Highlander