Permacul Arrowroot

China Connection

TB Fanatic



Common Name: Queensland Arrowroot, Edible Canna, Achira, Achera, Dong Rieng, Ganyong, Sakhu Chin, Zembu, Maraca.
Latin Name: Canna edulis.
Origin: South America.
Description (what it looks like):
A hardy, clump-forming and heavily producing perennial up to 2m tall, shooting from a large red-skinned, round rhizome (tuber) often larger than a clasped fist. Lush bright green leaves, 30-90cm long which unfurl on thick stalks. Red flowers, with some varieties orange/yellow. Similar in its appearance to its close relative, the ornamental Cannas.
Uses (function): Arrowroot was one of the first plants to have been domesticated in the Andean region. Leaves can be fed to chickens, goats, cows and donkeys. Tubers can be cooked and fed to pigs. Provides an excellent ongoing source of chop and drop mulch, or can be used as a weed barrier and low garden windbreak. Edible living fence or planted alongside water on steep banks. Protect from constant animal foraging, otherwise it will destroy the plant. Plant next to the chicken coop to provide shade. Can be grown in a large pot for easy harvesting.
Nutritional value:
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, & C. The tuber has a high potassium content and 1-3% protein. The young leaves and shoots are nutritious and contain 10% protein.
Growing details (propagation, seed etc): Propagation is easy. Cut a piece from the rhizome with an ‘eye’ and cover with moist soil. Space 30 cm apart. Divide after several months if more plants are required. Under ideal conditions, rhizomes can be harvested from 6 months.
Best time to grow: Spring, summer and early autumn.
Soil: Any, breaks up clay. Grows better in sandy loam with a neutral pH (6.6-7.3). Some rhizomes can develop above the soil. This is an indication the soil is poor and not to its liking.
Full sun to partial shade. Warm, sunny position is ideal.
Water: Hardy in drought and flooding. Grows abundantly in the wet season. Dormant in winter if not watered. If irrigated, it will continue to grow all year long.
How to eat it: Some varieties eaten raw. Most are steamed, roasted, barbecued, diced finely, added to stir-fries, casseroles, stews, soups, in many meat or savory dishes. Some are ground down into a powder and used as a flour and thickening agent. Does not possess a lot of flavor on its own, but absorbs flavours and makes a useful meal-extender. Looks and tastes similar to potato. Takes longer to cook, yet holds its shape. Peel and cut into thin chips, add garlic salt and bake or fry until crispy and golden. Wrap food in the leaves to steam, similar to banana leaves. The tubers are best harvested to eat when still small, about the size of a tennis ball and the skin is still white. Young tubers have the best flavour; older ones are fibrous.
Images references:

China Connection

TB Fanatic

(1/9) Arrowroot
Flowers of the Arrowroot Edible Plants

Canna edulisfullscreen

Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Arrowroot
An edible Canna similar in appearance to its close relative the ornamental Cannas. Another of the Ancient Inca food crops, it was one of the first plants to have been domesticated in the Andean region. A popular crop in the market place in Peru and Ecuador. The large round red rhizomes can be eaten raw, cooked as you would a potato or used as a flour and thickening agent. Excellent carbohydrate, the starch is easily digested and is a promising food source. The young shoots can also be eaten as a green vegetable. The plant is easy to plant, to grow and to harvest. While the tubers multiply prolifically in deep rich friable soil, they are the most hardy of all the tuber crops and grow well in soils where most other tubers will not grow. Has few problems with pests and diseases. Can be harvested after 6 months. Will tolerate heat and frosts.


China Connection

TB Fanatic

Growing Queensland Arrowroot- Canna Edulis​

Byron Herbalist

About 10 minutes long


22,572 views Feb 16, 2015
Canna edulis is a perennial root crop also known as Achira or here in Australia as Queensland Arrowroot. I’m not sure where the Queensland bit came from because they originated from South America. They are quite stunning plants popular with ornamental growers, although the ornamental varieties produce smaller crops with flashier flowers. They can grow up to 2 meters plus in damp soils and spread underground via rhizomes to form large clumps. Don’t worry if your soil isn’t massively fertile, QLD Arrowroot can grow well in poor soils, just make sure it gets plenty of water.