Anyone here have an N95 respiratory mask? ...tip on extending it's use...

data junkie

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There's an important tip here buried in the daily BF thread, that I'm posting on main for the afternoon just so everyone effected can benefit...Those of you with the expensive N95 mask, even the disposable ones, can extend it's life by wearing a paper or cloth disposable mask on top of, or over, your N95. You can get the cheap disposable mask for free from your hospital emergency room waiting area, heh, and Ainitfunny posted today that they are 10/$1 at the local drug store fwiw...

The panel noted one exception: Someone could reuse his or her own N95 if the outside were protected from surface exposure, such as by placing a disposable surgical mask over it, stored it carefully to avoid creases or damage, and the user thoroughly washed hands before and after removal and rechecked the fit with each wearing.

What about using a handkerchief or some other improvised mask? They're not likely to be as protective as even a surgical mask might be, but the panel hesitated to discourage them for people with no other options on the assumption that some protection might be better than none. Generally, the tighter the fabric weave, the better.