Herbs Anyone Else Planting Extra to Eat, Trade, Sell or Gift This Fall?


Veteran Member
I'm planting two whole beds of garlic this fall. Already have 1 1/2 bed of Chesnok Red in, with just a half bed of Music to go. Garlic is so yummy, but it is of course very healing and strengthens the immune system, plus it is a very nutritionally dense food which stores well. Great for trading, selling, gifting.

Where did I get the seed cloves? I grew them. Last fall i traded plants or seed potatoes for garlic bulbs, separated out the cloves and grew my own seed, plus plenty to eat, for this year.

I don't like the looks of the economic situation in the world, and would like a readily tradeable home garden item in case money gets tight.

Are you doing anything like this? Other possibilities are herbs such as mint for tea, or seed saving, or propagating the comfrey for sale, swapping, or medicinal uses.


Veteran Member
I am planting extra garlic this fall, also. I have a small area for garlic so to plant extra I have to take some space away from the rest of the garden. I don't have the space to grow enough to eat and have any left to plant so I buy seed garlic. There is a lot of garlic grown in my area so it is easy to buy seed garlic.

I am trying new kinds this year to see how they grow for me. Usually I grow German white, it grows well for me and produces large bulbs.


Veteran Member
I planted over 120 garlic so far from what I harvested this year, and have about 8 more bulbs to find a spot to plant. I wanted more than I planted last year, because I use a lot of it. I peeled a lot and put them in the freezer, and I made hot pickled garlic. Next year I would like to make my own garlic powder.
I would have plenty to trade if necessary, and I grow a lot of basil and oregano too that could be shared. I'm trying to grow the oregano in several spots next year. The currant patch had ladders sitting on it all summer, and I didn't get a very good yield from it. A use a lot of both, and try to dehydrate as much as possible, but always run out of oregano.
Next year I want to plant enough hot peppers to make my own crushed red pepper flakes too.


North to the Future
Oh Seraphima, that is terrific that you can grow garlic there, I wasn't aware one could! I'll have to see if my step-mom wants to give it a try, she is there on the island too (out at Bell's Flats). Your garden is lovely, and I am still growing many of the herbs you sent home with me. I think that I just might have to plant some garlic myself now (real quick), since we haven't had a real hard freeze yet here in Anchorage. :)