RACE Analysis: The Final Solution to the Baltimore Problem


Membership Revoked
In two parts.
Lots of good links to the stuff talked about in these essays at the original source.


The Final Solution to the Baltimore Question
by David Cole

August 06, 2019


"Conservative firebrand Dana Loesch has the cure for what ails Baltimore: a trash-pickup field trip!

Just a thought: A bunch of people in MAGA hats should schedule some time to go help those in that district who clearly aren’t being well represented. Organize lot cleanup, trash removal, etc. Show that individuals will always do what big gov politicians fail to: serve each other.

And while we’re at it, let’s build a stage and put on a show in the old barn! Oh, it’ll be swell!

During my David Stein years, working with establishment GOPs and mixing with the likes of Loesch’s dim-witted husband Chris, I used to bite my lip till it bled every time some “see how not racist I am” conservative suggested a Boy Scout solution to a problem in the black community. I’ve mocked this attitude in previous columns (“Eat your greens, stay in school, and soon enough you’ll go from ghetto rat to Rhodes scholar”), but there’s something particularly unsettling about Loesch’s idiotic suggestion. Does she really think that nobody in Baltimore has considered cleaning up the garbage? I despise the overused “the person claiming to be anti-racist is the real racist” trope, but I have to ask: Does Loesch genuinely believe that no one in Baltimore is smart enough to have tried picking up the trash? Baltimore isn’t made up of shoeless savages who look at a garbage heap and go, “Unga bunga, what dat?” There are plenty of intelligent folks in that town who’ve exhausted themselves attempting civic improvement projects that always end in failure.

Neighborhood cleanups have been tried, Dana baby, and the trash came back. The Pigpens of Baltimore don’t need to “see” individuals in action. They’ve seen it, and it has failed to move them. They don’t need the bwana to come in and do a Mary Poppins on the place. Baltimore would be clean if not for the fact that it’s top-heavy with folks who know exactly what trash is, and who are fine living knee-deep in it. It’s not that all Baltimore residents have such lax standards; it’s that too many do for those who don’t to make a difference.

“Hey, gang, let’s have a soapbox derby to save the neighborhood!” When it comes to the “issues” America has with its black inner cities, one of the reasons for the growing trend on the right to acknowledge the importance and impact of inborn traits is that the mainstream conservatives who ban any mention of race or IQ offer such piss-poor alternatives. Childish nonsense like “Let’s put on our MAGA hats and go pick up the trash” drives thinking people away from the “ignore biology” crowd, because even if the average rightist isn’t convinced that race is the answer, he damn sure knows that the pap being peddled by Loesch, Shapiro, and Prager isn’t. To be clear, I’m not saying that the “Eat your spinach, go to church, and read your Sowell” mantra is worthless. I’m just saying, it ain’t the answer to a problem like Baltimore.

I’m also not saying that race and IQ are the magical explain-it-all answers, either. But when searching for solutions to a complex problem, one shouldn’t take anything off the table out of political expediency or personal virtue signaling. Yes, the possibility that immutable traits play a meaningful role in human behavior is an abyss that most of us don’t wish to stare into. It’s also an abyss singularly unsuitable for use on the campaign trail (“Vote for Smith: He knows when to throw his hands up and walk away from shit that can’t be fixed”).

Every now and then I’m accused of being “soft on Mexicans,” mainly due to a piece I wrote in 2016 charting the demographic changes in my city, and how, by all measurable factors, L.A. is better off now that our formerly black ghettos are Mexican. Sorry if I offended, but it’s the truth. Between 1990 and 2017, L.A. County lost over 135,000 blacks. And during that same span, L.A.’s homicide rate plummeted, with murders falling from a high of 21.4 (per 100,000 population) in 1993 to 5.6 today.

Coincidence? Perhaps. Much like the coincidence that the most crime-ridden cities in the U.S. are majority black. Last week, Never Trumper conservative Kevin Williamson grudgingly ceded that Kentucky’s Owsley County, a massively impoverished white area with a median household income that’s half of Baltimore’s and a poverty rate that’s 70% higher, nevertheless “has a violent crime rate that not only is radically lower than Baltimore’s but much lower than the national average.” “What’s that all about?” asked the baffled Boy Scout. “Population density? Maybe. The fact that African-American poverty in poor cities has characteristics that are different from white poverty in poor rural areas? Probably.”

And then, to once again quote my favorite punchline, he farted and flew out the window. He literally left that point hanging, without even providing a link explaining those supposed “different characteristics” of black poverty.

But at least he acknowledged the problem, which disqualifies him from Loesch’s Save Baltimore bake sale.

But hey—enough with the righties. Let’s turn our attention to the man who, for all intents and purposes, is “Mr. Baltimore Crime”: the irascible Hebraic leftist cueball David Simon. Simon was the creator, producer, and co-writer of the critically acclaimed HBO series The Wire. Before that, he was the producer and co-writer of the Baltimore-set NBC crime series Homicide: Life on the Street (he also authored the book of the same name). Prior to that, Simon worked for twelve years at the Baltimore Sun city desk.

Simon is a hate-filled psycho. To him, Trump is Hitler, you’re Hitler, I’m Hitler, my cat is Hitler, even that stubborn pistachio you can never open, the one that rips up your nails and tastes terrible to boot, is Hitler. Politically, Simon’s a basket case. I wish I could hate him, but, in true Bobby Fischer fashion, he’s so brilliant at his profession, you almost have to overlook the insanity.

Needless to say, during that whole “Trump vs. Baltimore” WWE match last week, Simon was on the front lines, slamming Trump as an evil racist for calling attention to Baltimore’s ills…which Simon himself has been doing for his entire adult life. Of course, his Twitter feed blew up with people calling him a hypocrite, and Simon, in standard form, was way too angry and unreasonable to provide responses that went beyond “S*ck my d*ck—blocked.”

But all the same, it’s instructive to examine Simon’s work for that elusive answer to the question, “How do we save our black inner cities?”

Now, for my money, The Wire was one of the finest uniquely American pieces of art to ever grace the small screen. It’s breathtakingly good, and, as Simon is fond of berating hipsters who came late to the game regarding The Wire’s greatness, I’ll point out that I was a fan from day one, even to the extent of hustling a restricted pre-airdate DVD of season 4 from an HBO contact so I could be the first on my block to binge. It should also be said that The Wire owed as much to Simon’s journalism as it did to his talent with dialogue and story construction. This was not fantasy Baltimore; it was the real deal, from a guy who knows the streets better than anyone (in fact, Baltimore public officials like former mayor Kurt Schmoke had roles on the series).

The Wire was a show with few moments of optimism. But there’s a very brief scene in episode 8 of season 3 in which the crime-ravaged sections of the city are portrayed as peaceful and thriving. Residents are shown painting their homes and sweeping the stoops, greeting the mailman and each other with hearty smiles. It’s the only time we see a Baltimore that doesn’t look like hell on acid.

Why the peacefulness? Because a well-meaning police major named “Bunny” Colvin has, in a highly unauthorized and unsanctioned “experiment,” moved all the dealers and users away, shuffling them off to a newly created “safe zone” called Amsterdam (misunderstood by the dealers as “Hamsterdam”) where drug crimes will be ignored, as long as the offenders stay in the quarantine zone. Former mayor Schmoke, who advocated drug decriminalization while in office, appears in a few of these episodes, such was the overlap between real-life Baltimore and Wire Baltimore.

The message of season 3 and the “Baltimore is now at peace” scene? There is only one cure for the city’s ills: physical removal of the bad element. This was the best solution Simon could come up with. The “Hamsterdam” story arc delivered the message loud and clear: The problem with Baltimore is the people. Specifically, the segment of the population that’s not salvageable. The “trash” that needs to be removed isn’t of the banana peel and dog poop variety. The trash is human.

Talk about a downer. Leave it to Simon to give the series’ one truly uplifting scene a terrifying undercurrent.

Soon enough, Colvin’s superiors get wind of what he’s doing. “Hamsterdam” is dismantled and the neighborhoods go back to the war zones they were. But for one shining moment, Bunny Colvin saved Baltimore via population transfer…the segregation of the irredeemable to a quarantined area in order to “salvage what’s still worth salvaging” for the “decent people.” Those are the exact words Simon put in the mouth of one of his most consistently sympathetic, even heroic, characters (Colvin is one of the few Wire characters without a dark side).

“Salvage what’s still worth salvaging” for the “decent people.” On The Wire, that meant Nazi-style resettlement and containment. Unworkable in real life, unthinkable in America. Simon may claim that Trump’s a Nazi, but he’s the one who dreamed up a “final solution.”

A “final solution” that will never and can never become policy. [Pre-CWII, anyway --M.S.]

More and more, I think the only “solution” to a problem like Baltimore is the one I outlined in arguably my grimmest column to date, back in February 2018. Mainstream conservatives will continue to spew their fairy-tale solutions (“Oh boy, Spanky—a scrap metal drive!”) and leftists will continue to spew theirs (“Reparations! More welfare!”). But in the end, like it or not, we’re heading for the age of the de facto “urban reservation.” The salvageable people will get out, the salvageable surrounding land will be gentrified, and the remaining detritus will be boxed in and forgotten. The fact that most Americans expressed outrage at the recent spate of mass shootings while continuing to ignore gun crimes in black inner cities shows the increasing popularity of “What happens on the reservation is none of my business.”

We can argue nature vs. nurture and American dream vs. oppressive racism all we want. The solution will eventually take shape in spite of our grandstanding.

As I’m fond of pointing out, “reality doesn’t care if you acknowledge it; it’s always gonna win out in the end.”"
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Membership Revoked
Companion/earlier piece -- "Farting on Black People"


Farting on Black People
by David Cole

February 13, 2018


"I’ve often thought of Black History Month as a Valentine’s Day gift to those of us who are single. With the annual media barrage of images of black suffering past and present, Black History Month is a reminder to the unattached that things could always be worse. Unless, I suppose, you’re a companionless black person, in which case it’s probably like salt on an open wound. “Home alone on Valentine’s Day…let’s see what’s on TV. Oh, great…a Southern sheriff siccing his dog on a black man’s balls.” :lol:

But this year, Hollywood has gifted black Americans with Black Panther, a big-budget heart-shaped celluloid box of chocolate optimism for blacks who want to spend a few hours escaping reality by watching a movie in which the black heroes are brilliant, brave, responsible, and victorious, and the fictional African kingdom is prosperous, clean, and orderly, and not a soul has AIDS. The black community needs this film right now. Because the future—the real-life future, not the “Marvel Cinematic Universe endless sequels, tie-ins, and reboots” future—is grim.

Yes, black unemployment in the U.S. is at its lowest point in 45 years. Not wanting to risk giving President Trump even one iota of credit, Vox’s P.R. Lockhart (formerly of Mother Jones) called the fact that black unemployment has fallen to 6.8% “ostensibly good news.” Ostensibly. The son of a b*tch can’t even bring himself to admit that the record-low unemployment rate is a good thing. No, it’s ostensibly good; maybe good, maybe not. Needless to say, Lockhart doesn’t bother to list a single way in which the figure might not be good. Rather, he does his best to put the new unemployment stats in perspective, and his points are valid. The job situation in the U.S. has been steadily improving over the past few years, and blacks are simply rising with the tide. Yet even with that rise, “the unemployment rate for black Americans remains higher than that of both the overall population and other racial groups, and is almost double that of whites. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures that Trump cites, overall unemployment is 4.1 percent, while the unemployment rate for whites is 3.7 percent and Hispanics 4.9 percent.” Lockhart also points out that the new figure doesn’t include blacks who aren’t bothering to look for work (be fair, conservatives; you wielded that exact argument against Obama for eight years). Furthermore, Lockhart adds that the stats don’t include the 7.7% of U.S. blacks who are incarcerated.

Lockhart fails to mention, although I’m sure he’d have liked to, that blacks are the only U.S. racial group earning less today than they were in 2000. Another thing “Bad News” Lockhart leaves out is that, according to a September 2017 report by the Institute for Policy Studies, “median black household wealth is on a path to hit zero by 2053.”

Normally, the “establishment conservative 101” response to such insufferable black pessimism is to become all Stuart Smalley and say, “Well, that’s just stinkin’ thinkin’, Tyrone! You gotta adjust the ol’ attitude, believe in the American dream, hit the books, stay in school, don’t do drugs, and eat your vegetables” (I feel like I just channeled Ben Shapiro when I wrote that). Black leftists dismiss such advice as feel-good, fantasyland gibberish. And God help me, in this instance, I actually agree with them, if for a different reason. After all, for all their pessimism, black leftists have their own version of a feel-good, fantasyland gibberish answer, which is, if whites would just stop being so d*mn racist, the black community’s problems would vanish overnight.

I reject the “blame it on racism” nonsense of the left, and the Boy Scout/Horatio Alger “dad advice” of the establishment right. My pessimism regarding black America is not so easily soothed. Keep in mind, back in my own days as a GOP cog, when I was actually organizing events with Ben Shapiro, I would have given the “eat your broccoli, do your homework” answer myself. My “evolution” on the issue began, oddly enough, while watching some of my favorite prank videos on YouTube (cruel YouTube prank videos are not a guilty pleasure of mine, because I feel no guilt for enjoying them). You may not know this, but there’s an entire subgenre of YouTube prank videos in which white, Asian, and Hispanic pranksters venture into black communities just to f*ck with the locals. They’re called “hood pranks,” and, cumulatively, they have hundreds of millions of views. And within this subgenre is a sub-subgenre in which pranksters fart on black people. Or at least they pretend to (they use a handheld noisemaker called a “pooter”). The premise is so simpleminded, even George Lucas could appreciate it. Fart on a black person, and enjoy the angry reaction (and maybe get socked in the face).

This is what it’s come to. Black America is now seen as a joke, a prop for comedy. Wanna see a startling Black History Month statistic? On YouTube, the most watched upload of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech has 9.8 million views. The most watched “farting on black people” video? 16.7 million views. Let that sink in: People are way more interested in seeing blacks get farted on than they are in hearing about King’s noble dream. The most watched hood-prank video of all time? 44 million views. Dr. King’s dream doesn’t stand a chance. The hood-prank videos are popular in large part because indolent “hood” blacks are so easily driven to violent rage. The responses to the pranks are inevitably furious and brutal. One could say that this is a testament to the level of anger and bitterness the average young black carries around inside him these days, but perhaps what’s more important is that the insane popularity of these videos is a testament to what the black community has come to represent to nonblacks: a source of comedy and an object of derision. “It’s not just that we’ve stopped caring about your anger,” the message seems to be, “it’s that your anger has now become comical to us.”

The problem is, blacks have not, as a community, made themselves indispensable enough for the rest of the nation to give a damn about them. Jews? Hate ’em if you will, but they have made themselves indispensable in most of the fields and industries that matter (for better or worse…I’m not making value judgments here, just stating the obvious). Curse Mexican immigration all you want, but in my home state (as I detailed in a previous piece), Mexicans have made themselves indispensable (again, for better or worse). But blacks? Look at the 2017 Bureau of Labor Statistics population survey. The industries in which blacks comprise a truly significant percentage? Barbers, bus drivers, and private security (i.e., bouncers and bodyguards). Penny-ante stuff.

A 1994 HBO adaptation of Derrick Bell’s “The Space Traders” depicts aliens from another planet who offer the U.S. a deal: untold technological wonders in exchange for handing over every black American, no questions asked regarding their fate. The only big-money forces arguing against accepting the deal? Pro sports and the liquor industry. Bell was black, and his story has been dismissed by conservatives as paranoid fantasy. Because, you know, “eat your greens, go to church, button that shirt.” But maybe Bell was a prophet of sorts.* Wouldn’t a population that takes such pleasure at the sight of blacks being farted on enthusiastically accept the aliens’ deal? And I pose that question with no joy. The state of the U.S. black community, and its likely future, is nothing to celebrate. It’s a terrible tragedy. And I suspect that much of the hostility, much of the nihilism, on display from young blacks these days is due to an instinctive if unconscious understanding that the black community might be in an irreversible free fall. This is why Larry Elder-style “live clean, respect your mama, grab the brass ring” boilerplate rings so hollow to so many young black people. Try telling a Comanche on a reservation in 1900, “Live right, read your Bible, and your community will be strong again in no time!” A people in collapse tend to lose their fondness for empty pep talks.

And is the black community a community in collapse? Well, some black intellectuals seem to think so. Writing for The Root, Morgan State professor Jason Johnson (a frequent guest on CNN and MSNBC) frets that “African-American birth rates have fallen below what is known as ‘the replacement level,’” adding, “A shrinking black population puts many of our age-old strategies for success at risk, since black power has always come from maintaining political majorities in cities like Washington, D.C., being a crucial voting bloc, or acquiring federal or private investment after a census.”

Yeah, about those “political majorities.” Based on U.S. Census Bureau calculations, Washington, D.C.’s “black population is disappearing.” And in Chicago? “Chicago’s white population seems to be on the rise. In fact, the total population of whites now may exceed that of blacks.” And what of the “progressive” West Coast? The region is seeing “an exodus of blacks” even as many “economically struggling Midwestern cities” have “declining black populations.”

Again I say, dire news. An increasingly insignificant population of more use to YouTube pranksters than the country at large. And again I say, this is not even remotely funny. It’s tragic.

So what does the future hold? Well, the fantasists will say “race war.” That’s bullshit, of course. No, the most likely future is a “whimper rather than a bang” scenario. And to make my point, I’ll once again invoke Native Americans. Right now, about a quarter of all American Indians live in squalor and dependency on reservations. The rest are spread out across the country, making a living, contributing to society. Individual Native Americans are fine, but “the community” is shit. I think that’s what we’re going to see happen with blacks. As the black community continues to decay, and as it continues to get squeezed by whites, Asians, and the stupefyingly fertile Hispanics, we’ll see a kind of urban “reservation” network take shape. Blacks with skills and a desire to be seen as something other than fart receptacles will leave the community and mix with everyone else. The remaining detritus? They’ll be increasingly boxed into urban hellholes. Reservations, essentially. Places with lots of welfare, lots of crime, and little hope. Places that cannot be helped, places that cannot be saved.

The notion that a segment of the black community might be unsalvageable is heresy to egalitarian leftists, conservative Christians (who hold fast to ideas of redemption and salvation), and establishment neocons (because “land of opportunity, early to bed, hugs not drugs, we all bleed red”). But as millions of black Americans go to the movies this week to escape reality, the rest of us might do well to contemplate the reality they’re escaping."


*Thomas Chittum noted in his prescient book "Civil War Two" that blacks and whites had no mutual history but that of hate, and that U.S. blacks had NO foreign constituency that gave a tinker's d*mn about their fate, unlike every other diversity.
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Yeah, great article(s) there. I think subconsciously most people consider inner cities to be reservations.


TB Fanatic
The real fix is a election day plurge of all the elected officials and replace them with every day joe and jane thats fedup with what been done to them.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Thomas Chittum noted in his prescient book "Civil War Two" that blacks and whites had no mutual history but that of hate, and that U.S. blacks had NO foreign constituency that gave a tinker's d*mn about their fate, unlike every other diversity.

I was in high school in Texas when desegregation occurred and there were no problems, but race relations have become more tedious due to the race baiters/haters instigated the steady rise in race relations until we now have a polarization between the races which fed.gov infused the situation with trillions in welfare with the paying poor women to have babies and no daddy at home and has failed....

The wedge has been driven deeper and deeper between the races....

Where will it end????



On TB every waking moment
The real fix is a election day plurge of all the elected officials and replace them with every day joe and jane thats fedup with what been done to them.

It isn't bad enough yet for that solution to overcome the "establishment" and the "money" that hold sway in those zip codes.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Both articles are pretty interesting. The first article had an interesting sentence.

The “trash” that needs to be removed isn’t of the banana peel and dog poop variety. The trash is human.

That would help-it would probably depopulate the city though.


Membership Revoked
One cause for optimism for the final outcome: blacks run complicated warmaking about as well as they maintain modern cities. By comparison, riled, prepared, motivated Westerners are still the most dangerous warmakers the planet has ever seen. The military historian Victor Davis Hanson describes the latter in his excellent book Carnage and Culture. Just Cortez's campaign in Mexico against the Aztec Empire, the U.S. in the Tet Offensive and at the Battle of Midway, and the British Army at Rorke's Drift all illustrate this well, as he shows.