Jonas Parker


Posted at 07:50h 09 APR in A C W T Statements

COVID-19 is an awful disease; suffering under it can be ‘vicious’; death from respiratory struggle is hard to even think about. No decent person would wish it on their worst enemy; no sane person would wish anything but speedy recovery for all who have contracted it. (And recovery, whether speedy or slow, appears to occur about 98% of the time).

But did COVID-19 require the shutdown of America? Does it still require the shutdown? Why does the whole shutdown exercise increasingly feel like a set play—like a lot of people knew how to game the system so as to guarantee the exact prescription that would crater the American economy and bring America to its knees?

As Americans ponder those questions, they’re noticing the actual data surrounding the pandemic. Specifically, more than halfway through what we have been dramatically warned is America’s ‘Pearl Harbor week’, total deaths in America from COVID-19 stand at just under 15,000. And we know that reported ‘cause of death’ has been deliberately manipulated to be over-inclusive in blaming COVID-19. So the real number of deaths from COVID-19 is probably considerably less than 15,000. Just that choice by the CDC, telling doctors to attribute the cause of death to COVID19 in cases where the doctor does not know if the patient had COVID19, raises alarm bells.

The CDC’s estimate of deaths from the ‘regular flu’ season this year is 24K at the low end, and 63K at the high end.

Like the boy who pointed out ‘the emperor has no clothes’, Americans point out to the ‘experts’: the raging pandemic has no raging pandemic casualties. The entire country is shutdown…and deaths from the pandemic are substantially less than the regular flu?

The medical explanations are pretty standard: science says a new virus can’t be stopped; there’s no known immunity to it in the human system; there’s no developed vaccine to treat it; and absent some kind of decisive action, the ‘models’ indicate we would be looking at millions upon millions of dead Americans, not to mention the dead in the rest of the world.

Well, Americans are already jaded about reliance on ‘scientific models’.

But more specifically, why was the only right form of decisive action the approach of ‘horizontal interdiction’—meaning shutting down the whole country—vs. a more focused vertical interdiction—meaning ‘silo-ing’ identifiable groups of the vulnerable and actively protecting them? No less an authority than Yale’s Dr. David Katz has raised this (behind paywall).

This fork-in-the-road decision was no trivial matter; one fork would probably have preserved the stock market and the economy and resulted in a rescue bill, if one were needed at all, of modest size; the other fork is the one taken, and we are living with the collapse, have spent $2.2 trillion we don’t have, and are still unsure how we’re going to get free of the shutdown.

Was the decision on which way to go a clear matter of medical expertise and no-brainer judgement, reached in good faith in real time as the facts presented themselves; or was this gamed out to force the shutdown option to the exclusion of all others?

The longer it drags out, and the weaker America becomes, economically and militarily, as a result, the more it feels like the prescription of massive economic shutdown of all non-essential businesses and life activities was chosen and in fact dictated by the “experts,” with the mission of using the virus crisis to pursue the long-standing political mission of decimating the successes wrought by Trump’s economic policies, and weakening America. It appears more likely with each passing day that the prescription was chosen for the purpose of devastating America’s strength.

There are a host of dangerous players who had and still have every reason to make this happen and/or make it last.

From foreign actors to domestic policymakers, there are players in this world who would choose or manipulate the American response to the coronavirus to magnify fear, undercut the economic strength of America, and ultimately take America off the course of restoring her historic prominence in the world.

You don’t need a medical degree or advanced knowledge of mass psychology to understand that you can bring America to her knees and destroy the restoration of America underway under President Trump’s policies, by instilling fear, freezing most economic activity, and crashing the economy. The mass psychology of inducing fear is a historically powerful weapon, that causes surrender to authority that would not otherwise be tolerated.

There are several parties who do have medical and mass psychology knowledge; they know how to make a pandemic look as extreme and serious as possible, and to make submission to freedom-crushing, economy-crashing orders the only possible solution. And they have motives for doing so.

China is suspect #1. The Wuhan bioweapons lab is not a benevolent organization. The people who operate that lab know exactly what WHO and other public health authorities think of as a dangerous pandemic that can trigger shutdown remedies, and they would certainly know how to camouflage a virus’ origin (wet market, anyone?). China’s motives are obvious: they desperately needed to take down the US economy (and the related defense buildup driven by that economy) in retaliation for President Trump having taken down the Chinese economy through tariffs and other aspects of trade policy.

The American Deep State, including the Democrat Party and MSM, is suspect #2. They are still seething over the election and continued presence of President Donald Trump, and their inability to remove him. Federal agencies, too, know all about bioweapons; they know all about America’s pandemic response planning; they would know how to game the pandemic response system—with the right people in the right places of advice to the President (Dr. Fauci, anyone?), and with a propaganda plan to keep the MSM lathered up with OMG stories.

And now there is suspect #3 in the form of the Bill Gates global vaccination crusade entourage. Internet sleuths are painting Gates as an evil mastermind, virtually plotting for years to unleash a ‘coronavirus pandemic’ on the world—and finally getting his chance with COVID-19—to get to his goal of reaping billion$ by vaccinating mankind through vaccines developed by one or more of the many entities owned, funded and controlled by the Gates Foundation.

But it’s got to be a serious and mysterious pandemic with a new vaccine as the only cure. Any noise about an existing drug that cures the illness—hydroxychloroquine as an example—must be silenced and brushed aside. Which is exactly what Dr. Fauci does, repeatedly.

We’re not sure about the evil intent being assigned to Gates—he has long believed vaccinations are the key to helping the poor masses, and we’re not sure how motivated he is to accumulate more money—but there is no question about his deeply vested interest in seeing the pandemic handled in a way that favors vaccines as the only solution.

This angle of suspicion has received a big jolt of credibility in recent days as the many ties of Fauci and Birx with Gates are exposed, including most recently that one of Dr. Birx’ two daughters works in a senior strategy role for the Gates Foundation. If nothing else, these ties scream ‘conflict of interest’ which Fauci and Birx should have been very up front about with the American people (and weren’t). But they also raise serious questions about whether their shutdown-until-vaccine leanings and constant opposition or foot-dragging away from any virus remedy other than vaccines is grounded in science or financial interest.

There is no reason for Americans to choose one of these three possible suspects as “the” culprit in this situation. They are all playing a role and all contributing to the damage. They don’t necessarily have to be working together; there is no need for a secretive Board of Directors to coordinate everything. Because the vision and goal of all three is the same: America’s uniqueness and exceptionalism are scoffed at, set aside and ultimately dismantled, Trump is out, and the world is reset toward the godless globalist vision of open borders, socialized medicine, controlled masses, and/or, in the CCP’s vision, of communism.

Would this end goal be important enough to the players who seek it, to launch and hype and relentlessly foment a pandemic so as to require a shutdown response as a means to achieving their goal?


And that’s why, more than ever, many Americans are beginning to suspect that America’s shutdown is not a necessity or an accident; it’s the deliberate product of a gamed-out strategy by a number of serious players of serious means with very serious anti-American, anti-Trump, globalist goals.

God help us if that’s true. In the meantime, let’s get back to America; let’s get back to work.

Eric Georgatos and wife Debbie operate the America, Can We Talk? media platform, with 4 day a week video podcasting by Debbie, and weekly written commentary, all centered around the importance and value of preserving America under her founding ideals.


On TB every waking moment

I've been saying it's an economics problem excuse using a so-so virus as a villain (covering up elite financial malfeasance with a total takeover bid) from early on.

Virus or no virus, the previous financialization era of the .01% vs. the 99.9% is over. But the elites are scared of torches and pitchforks, so we get a virus while they ride off into the sunset. They hope.
Per the OP - Plot #2 and Plot #3 are both on the same deep state team.

Then there is the current pink elephant in the room - the failing central bank fiat monetary system and model - as we type - is in very bad financial shape, with worse yet to come - at least when viewed from a rational economic/global power balance/historical perspective.

Utterly fake and manipulated, with many tendrils and tentacles embedded DEEPLY into the world's entire economic system.

As with any "magic" performance - which hand to watch - the right hand, or, the left hand?


colonel holman

Veteran Member
While I still see these suspicions of virus origin as mostly woo... all of the above-mentioned bad-guy groups sure are seizing upon the pandemic as a great opportunity to exploit to the max. Then again, PRC commies have absolutely zero morals about killing their own citizens “for the good of their society”, so what would hold them back from releasing a killer virus. If so, then they are likely disappointed it did not have the kill rate their hoped for.



I've been saying it's an economics problem excuse using a so-so virus as a villain (covering up elite financial malfeasance with a total takeover bid) from early on.

Virus or no virus, the previous financialization era of the .01% vs. the 99.9% is over. But the elites are scared of torches and pitchforks, so we get a virus while they ride off into the sunset. They hope.
Quite the 2fer for the Marxists/Globalists.
Scapegoat the crash/reset and attempt to kill the populist movement all in one



Without vaccines or abundant testing with effective prophylaxis social distancing is about the only way to slow down a respiratory virus with no ‘cure’ currently....and this is a deadly virus. This is established science and textbook contamination avoidance procedure.

The plot part is the old ’never let a crisis go to waste’. It provides a scapegoat to get the government, bankers and Wall Street off the hook. And if they can get this to crash hard they will try to hang Trump out to dry. And of course big government also seizes this as an opportunity to consolidate and increase their power.

Pat Hogen

Contributing Member
Well, it just may be a plotted necessity. The reactions and containment of civilians in many western-style countries, world wide are eerily similar, as in following a script.
The jury is out in my reckoning but a close eye on proceedings as well as a deliberate personal ignorance of government interference in my life helps me to avoid the hysterical insanity of the whole episode.


Membership Revoked

I've been saying it's an economics problem excuse using a so-so virus as a villain (covering up elite financial malfeasance with a total takeover bid) from early on.

Virus or no virus, the previous financialization era of the .01% vs. the 99.9% is over. But the elites are scared of torches and pitchforks, so we get a virus while they ride off into the sunset. They hope.

I agree 100%.
TPTB knew there was trouble ahead for the world economy.
Now they can say,,,, well,,, it was the covid-19 that ruined the economy.
Not our stock market gambling.
We shut you in to protect your lives!!!
We'll go along with it like good little brain dead worker bees.


Talk is cheap
Don't plot on me, bro! :D
I was thinking of writing a parody of "Don't Tread on Me," by Metallica and call it "Don't Breathe on Me" or "Don't Cough by Me."

Some of the sheeple don't know what 6 feet means. But then again, we have been fear-mongered to death.

I think we are being scammed on many levels.


Veteran Member
Psy-Ops Plot for sure! It accomplished some things.
1. Stopped Trump Rallys
2. Stopped Economy
3. Fearful People
4. Stopped Church Gatherings
5. Took Away Civil Rights



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Many on this forum have been predicting since way before it even came to light that the deep state, demonrats and their partners in collusion would pull out all the stops in 2020 to rid us of Trump. That what would happen would make your head spin ... is it spinning yet??

It’s the “perfect storm”. They have most of our population right where they want us. Compliant, needing, dying, broke, scared. The media does their spin and doctored sound bytes. They take their orders from our enemy and spread their propaganda as proud Commies would.

Don’t ever forget ... what all this as covered up, and things that could have been.

It’s not a plot .... it’s an attack.

Mr. Peabody

Veteran Member
There is always the possibility that Trump knew from intelligence that this was an issue in December.
It is also possible Trump knows Fauci's WHO ties to the Gates, China etc.
It is possible that Trump was briefed on the plan to enact draconian response that would allow the Fed Res to become the buyer of all types of assets and be the buyer of last resort do to the response.

The point is, what if Trump knew the long plan? Or is he truly incapable of being manipulated and controlled by the very power that has controlled all presidents since possibly Wilson.

The 3 options given in the OP may need other options to get the big picture.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
I would be just gobsmacked shocked if WE here at TB were ahead of the effing PROs in our understanding of what was growing in China in Dec. Us-Open Source Dilletants that we are, being ahead of the 17 magic bean eating (and excreting) Intel Agencies just bothers me a LOT!!

To the point where I can't accept it. Yeah, close one's mind and in will creep all of the things I'm missing and SOME of them can kill easily.

The ONE explanation ends up being 17 friggin agencies sandbagging the POTUS, and there are WAY too many people to make THAT work...unless all of them are into Treason and Sedition. In which case, there ain't enough lamp posts and trees in DelMarVa.


On TB every waking moment

Churgeon General of the NewNited Estates gets up on teewee in front of the whole country and shows the peasants how to fold a tee shirt into a mask substitute to help alleviate the shortage.

Meanwhile out in the Real America a little independent sewing company had spent long days using a particulate testing machine they bought from an industrial supplier, looking for a more effective filtration material for the masks they planned on sewing.

TWO DAYS before the exalted leader of the US medical establishment embarrassed himself and his cohort on national teewee, this little indie company announced they had found a couple of layers of specific brands of blue shop towels provided filtration equivalent to an N95 commercial mask

Disposable blue shop towels.

And national level pro-feshnul green door intelligence. And this is the VERY first time I have seen such a thing ever in my life. Evah. Right??

ETA - Wanna do a speriment? Go to the new handy dandy search engine and type in "blue shop towels".


Talk is cheap
This is not about getting rid of Trump. If they wanted to, it would have been a long time ago, before the election.


Neither here nor there.
More of a social experiment for handling a truly catastrophic situation... I view this as being either a fire or tornado drill.


Veteran Member

Churgeon General of the NewNited Estates gets up on teewee in front of the whole country and shows the peasants how to fold a tee shirt into a mask substitute to help alleviate the shortage.

Meanwhile out in the Real America a little independent sewing company had spent long days using a particulate testing machine they bought from an industrial supplier, looking for a more effective filtration material for the masks they planned on sewing.

TWO DAYS before the exalted leader of the US medical establishment embarrassed himself and his cohort on national teewee, this little indie company announced they had found a couple of layers of specific brands of blue shop towels provided filtration equivalent to an N95 commercial mask

Disposable blue shop towels.

And national level pro-feshnul green door intelligence. And this is the VERY first time I have seen such a thing ever in my life. Evah. Right??

ETA - Wanna do a speriment? Go to the new handy dandy search engine and type in "blue shop towels".
I know you have experience with government and bureaucracy. If it can be screwed up they will be the first in line to do it.


On TB every waking moment
Interesting you should post that, Faroe. Steele was part of the open source working group (online) I spent a lot of time with and learned a lot from back in my working days.


Advocate Discernment

Churgeon General of the NewNited Estates gets up on teewee in front of the whole country and shows the peasants how to fold a tee shirt into a mask substitute to help alleviate the shortage.

Meanwhile out in the Real America a little independent sewing company had spent long days using a particulate testing machine they bought from an industrial supplier, looking for a more effective filtration material for the masks they planned on sewing.

TWO DAYS before the exalted leader of the US medical establishment embarrassed himself and his cohort on national teewee, this little indie company announced they had found a couple of layers of specific brands of blue shop towels provided filtration equivalent to an N95 commercial mask

Disposable blue shop towels.

And national level pro-feshnul green door intelligence. And this is the VERY first time I have seen such a thing ever in my life. Evah. Right??

ETA - Wanna do a speriment? Go to the new handy dandy search engine and type in "blue shop towels".

i read about therse people and all the te4sting they did with professional machines to test particles, etc. sorry for not remembering the right words, but what they came up with equaled the N95 protection. the gave all the info out for free for people to make their own. one thing tho
of the blue shop towels only 2 brands passed all the tests

Tool Box blue shop towels and
Zeb industrial shop towels

i found the Tool box brand on ebay and got a roll of 55 sheets for about $15 inc s/h

chris martinson talked about them and their resech on one of his podcasts and gave the info out. just got my roll of towels this afternoon, my daughter thinks she can makes some masks for us.


On TB every waking moment
I an continually bemused by the number of people on this forum who believe;

1. Somewhere, someplace, somebody is in charge.

2. This somebody had a Plan and it is working. Particularly the one where there was a Plan to cover the collapse of the POS economy we have had since 1933.