LEGAL ACTION ALERT: Go To Your Congressman Today


Veteran Member
I was goiing to add this to a thread but it needs its own.

I have heard that Congressmen from many States have had written information requests presented to them by Citizens. Topics were specific per damage done and dead cattle and so on.

So there are more than a few Congressmen asking in writing to the BLM and others for details.
If you are near your Congressmans home office then drop by and pick up a form and sitdown and make your request for information. A written specific request will arm your Congressman with a piece of paper where he can ask specific questions. That is what he/she is there for, use them!

Be specific though! Don't ask "whats happening at the bundy ranch". Ask questions like "how many federal agents were at the C. Bundy ranch on (date)" "This is a request for a copy of the AAR After Action Report from any federal agency represented at the C.Bundy ranch in Nevada on (date)".

Do not ask a ton of questions just a few very specific ones. Make the requests reasonable.

Every Congressmans home office has a blank form for a citizen to request information. It is simple and asks your name and contact info them says "I request my Represenative Mr Whoever to obtain the information below" then it is blank lines so you can make your request in essay format in one line or 9 paragraphs. Please keep it short and specific though!

Congress funds these agencies and a Congressional Request IS paid attention to. It will take about 10 to 15 minutes of your time. If you are close to a district office drop by and DO IT if your sitting at home and wish you could help in Nevada this is the way you can help without going there.

Lets get a lot of Congressmen asking many questions of many people, they have to respond to him/her in WRITING and those copies will be sent to you free.

Feel free to repost this on any forum you wish.
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Veteran Member
Don't ask the same questions I did be creative.

"What were the ROE Rules Of Engagement for the Agents at the Cliven Bundy BLM cattle roundup" (thats one I forgot when I made 5 requests for inquiry)

Things like that.

It means a kot when one person comes in and presents an inquiry as they figure one out of 3,000 who care will actually show up and make a request. So you represent more than one person!

Get the staffers and all the busy bodies in DC talking and there is no telling what will turn up.
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Veteran Member
I'm going to bump this to keep it on the first page for 2 days.

This is being done in all 50 States and every Congressional District (we hope) at least that is the goal.

Also check your Congressmans web page as he may have an E-Form of the fficial Request For Information form. If your close though drop by his office.


Veteran Member

skoaldiak I stole your link and added it to the top post.
Thanks I hope you don't mind.

Great link


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My Congressman is firmly in Obama's pocket, asking him anything has never worked for me before. Talk about taxation without representation.


Veteran Member
Flipper it has gone viral thanks to some folks here and other sites I posted it on.
I'm also not the only one posting the request as I'm part of a crowd sourced request. Was not my idea but I helped flesh it out.

Thanks to all that are helping!

The last thing many of us want is change that includes bullets. We still want change though and a Constitutional gov.


Contributing Member
Sorry been there done that so many times............It going to come down to the change with bullets.....
I will do one more time RCSAR just for ya....but its all a waste....
The system is broken......a vote cast is a vote wasted to keep this fraud going....
if a congressman does do right for too long he will get a. a scandle B. a bullet in the head C. no more money to play the game


Veteran Member
It may come down to bullets but I want it to be my last option. Also my Congressman has been great filing requests even about ECHELON way back when. This is his last term. This also gives the Congressmen a way to save face and say "hey my constitutent filed a request, I'm just doing my job" I'm also aware way too many do not care about those that elect them.

Thnaks for giving it one last shot though Locknload.
I do know how you feel!

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
Sorry been there done that so many times............It going to come down to the change with bullets.....
I will do one more time RCSAR just for ya....but its all a waste....
The system is broken......a vote cast is a vote wasted to keep this fraud going....
if a congressman does do right for too long he will get a. a scandle B. a bullet in the head C. no more money to play the game
Someone Gets It Most people are clueless.


Veteran Member
Sadly, I Get It but much like the founders I want to exhaust all other remedys before I dedicate one drop of our patriots treasure.

I will let slip my hold on the soapbox and ballot box before I seize the cartridge box. Then I will fight like the third crazy ape trying to get on noahs ark till I win or die.

It is times like these that try mens souls - some old white guy wrote that once.


Senior Member
I just contacted my congress man Tim Murphy a Republi-con from PA, and used the 3 questions posted here, I will post any reply.

bobby.knight NBC (not basketball coach)


Veteran Member
The form is a Congressional Request for Information.
At least that is what is on my stack I have. It is an official request to your Congressman to go seek the answers to your questions. It is not like a phone call to his office or a simple letter. I'm looking and there is no form number on these so this just be what my guy uses.

When he gives it to a staffer and says go forth and find, he give them this form you filled out. The staffer presents it to departments or agencies and it requires a written reply. When a staffer walks in with the paper he is representing the Congressman who is representing me.

The goal of this exercise is to get DC talking and replying to hard questions. Believe me the founders were smart when they created the three branches. They knew evil men and how they will walk over wounded men to get to the top. Its a chess move.

Some call it creating the battle space.
It is not as lame and pointless as it appears.


Veteran Member
I forgot to add there is no charge for information returned to you.
This is not a FOIA request!
This is a request to your Congressman to act as your agent to get info in written form sent to his office. He will pass all that on to you free by mail or drop by his office and pick it up if your around the corner like me.

I have requested him at times to get me info on available reasearch grants, cutting edge tech and other things. On 2 occasions he ask me to drop by and pick up some papers. When I got there he had 9 file boxes stuffed with information books and manuals FREE. Contents included written and signed responses to my requests some signed by agency directors of agencies I never knew existed. Later some delayed documents showed up in my mail direct from other agencies.

Do not discount the power of many Congressman requesting information.

Yes this was timed on the day before good Friday for a reason.