OP-ED Accountability for the Global Warming Scam


Senior Member
Almost daily, we are reminded that the Global Warming theory was a scam. I personally NEVER bought into the hypothesis and have argued with some GW supporters until I was blue in the face.

Even though the lid has been blown off this fraud the ‘O’ administration (and other organizations) is operating 'business as usual' continuing to push the Global Warming agenda.

To them, nothing has changed! Like every other issue (that they are trying to force down our throats) they are ignoring the masses and charging ‘full steam ahead’.

Obama, in his recent State of the Union speech reminded us that we still needed to pursue the initiatives that were created to reduce Global Warming (as if he hasn’t heard the news that Global Warming doesn’t exist).

It’s obvious that they don’t care about the truth (or us) and I know that this scheme is just part of a money grab by the elite & TPTB.

But my question is this... When and how do we hold those in power accountable?

How can “we the people” tell TPTB that we’re not buying the crap that they’re selling and we refuse to be a part of something that we know to be a scam?

If “we the people” don’t do something soon, TPTB will introduce more and more legislation (like Cap & Trade) that will put the final nail in the coffin for America.

I am not recommending that we use violence; on the contrary. I hope there is a more peaceful and diplomatic method that could be used.

Some might suggest that we send letters to our elected officials, but I feel that our concerns are falling on deaf ears. I honestly wonder if they really read them or worse – are they part of the plan and ignoring our pleas?

My fear is that TPTB will wait this out, ignore the controversy and continue their plan regardless of what “we the people” want.

In my opinion, I believe that all legislation that has been introduced promoting or supporting the Global Warming initiative should cease and desist.

In addition, Al Gore should not only return the bogusly received Nobel Peace prize, but should also be brought up on charges of treachery and treason against America (and perhaps the World).

And finally any government representative who continues to promote or support the Global Warming initiative should face the similar charges.


Accountability for the Global Warming Scam.
February 16, 2010 (OPEDJL)


Contributing Member
Guns, good thoughts to share with our reps. This administration has exemplified for me the absolute absence of any means of triggering automatic consequences for illegal behaviors by those at the top. I guess with split parties between the administration and congress, I'd always hear rumblings about Attorney Generals and Commissions etc., and naively thought "someone" is looking into it as I rushed off to the next item on the todo list. Wrong.


Veteran Member
Gore is too insulated to be brought up on charges. It'll never happen. At best we can hope they all drop it and pretend they were never associated with Global Warming and hope we forget they were.


TB Fanatic
We have to agree amongst a wide range of people that fraud was committed.

We have to be dedicated to rooting out the truth.

We need to vote them out and if fraud can be proved, evict anyone from office and press charges.

We need to continue to gather as much research as possible and refute their bogus science.

We need to take back Congress with Real Representatives that will hold to Constitutional values.

Tall order and it may take a while but we must persevere.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have to agree amongst a wide range of people that fraud was committed.

It seems rather that a few were sloppy and/or doctrinaire to the point of invalidating their research.

We have to be dedicated to rooting out the truth.


We need to vote them out and if fraud can be proved, evict anyone from office and press charges.

Who are the "them" that you refer to? The scientific community? If fraud is involved then loosing positions/status in the community is a process that is already under way. If not, then it shouldn't/won't happen.

We need to continue to gather as much research as possible and refute their bogus science.

Who's bogus science? Some have suggested that "data manipulation" equals fraudulence. Data manipulation is what you do with reams of raw data to figure out how to discard 'out of order' measuring stations and make sense of what you've got.

We need to take back Congress with Real Representatives that will hold to Constitutional values.

That sounds like a war cry that could come from either left or right.

Tall order and it may take a while but we must persevere.

If you're not feeling comfortable with analyzing reams of data, I suggest looking at glacier then/now photos: http://www.mnn.com/technology/resea...lacier-goof-up-more-fake-ammo-for-the-climate


Remember: absence of evidence in not evidence of absence.




TB Fanatic
Gore is too insulated to be brought up on charges. It'll never happen. At best we can hope they all drop it and pretend they were never associated with Global Warming and hope we forget they were.

Depends of what you charge him with and how its worded and done right he will not be able to get out of it and that may send the rest of them involved into hiding for many years to avoid prosecution.


Veteran Member
I've been wondering why so many are so determined to believe the climate change disinformation :http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2010/02/ipcc-errors-facts-and-spin/
Usually TB2Kers wonder if they are being hyped before getting all worked up!

Media distortions

To those familiar with the science and the IPCC’s work, the current media discussion is in large part simply absurd and surreal. Journalists who have never even peeked into the IPCC report are now outraged that one wrong number appears on page 493 of Volume 2. We’ve met TV teams coming to film a report on the IPCC reports’ errors, who were astonished when they held one of the heavy volumes in hand, having never even seen it. They told us frankly that they had no way to make their own judgment; they could only report what they were being told about it. And there are well-organized lobby forces with proper PR skills that make sure these journalists are being told the “right” story. That explains why some media stories about what is supposedly said in the IPCC reports can easily be falsified simply by opening the report and reading. Unfortunately, as a broad-based volunteer effort with only minimal organizational structure the IPCC is not in a good position to rapidly counter misinformation.

One near-universal meme of the media stories on the Himalaya mistake was that this was “one of the most central predictions of the IPCC” – apparently in order to make the error look more serious than it was. However, this prediction does not appear in any of the IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers, nor in the Synthesis Report (which at least partly explains why it went unnoticed for years). None of the media reports that we saw properly explained that Volume 1 (which is where projections of physical climate changes belong) has an extensive and entirely valid discussion of glacier loss.

What apparently has happened is that interested quarters, after the Himalyan glacier story broke, have sifted through the IPCC volumes with a fine-toothed comb, hoping to find more embarrassing errors. They have actually found precious little, but the little they did find was promptly hyped into Seagate, Africagate, Amazongate and so on. This has some similarity to the CRU email theft, where precious little was discovered from among thousands of emails, but a few sentences were plucked out of context, deliberately misinterpreted (like “hide the decline”) and then hyped into “Climategate”.


Senior Member
I've been wondering why so many are so determined to believe the climate change disinformation :http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2010/02/ipcc-errors-facts-and-spin/
Usually TB2Kers wonder if they are being hyped before getting all worked up!

Media distortions

To those familiar with the science and the IPCC’s work, the current media discussion is in large part simply absurd and surreal. Journalists who have never even peeked into the IPCC report are now outraged that one wrong number appears on page 493 of Volume 2. We’ve met TV teams coming to film a report on the IPCC reports’ errors, who were astonished when they held one of the heavy volumes in hand, having never even seen it. They told us frankly that they had no way to make their own judgment; they could only report what they were being told about it. And there are well-organized lobby forces with proper PR skills that make sure these journalists are being told the “right” story. That explains why some media stories about what is supposedly said in the IPCC reports can easily be falsified simply by opening the report and reading. Unfortunately, as a broad-based volunteer effort with only minimal organizational structure the IPCC is not in a good position to rapidly counter misinformation.

One near-universal meme of the media stories on the Himalaya mistake was that this was “one of the most central predictions of the IPCC” – apparently in order to make the error look more serious than it was. However, this prediction does not appear in any of the IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers, nor in the Synthesis Report (which at least partly explains why it went unnoticed for years). None of the media reports that we saw properly explained that Volume 1 (which is where projections of physical climate changes belong) has an extensive and entirely valid discussion of glacier loss.

What apparently has happened is that interested quarters, after the Himalyan glacier story broke, have sifted through the IPCC volumes with a fine-toothed comb, hoping to find more embarrassing errors. They have actually found precious little, but the little they did find was promptly hyped into Seagate, Africagate, Amazongate and so on. This has some similarity to the CRU email theft, where precious little was discovered from among thousands of emails, but a few sentences were plucked out of context, deliberately misinterpreted (like “hide the decline”) and then hyped into “Climategate”.


No offense (and perhaps its just me), but the post made no sense to me. Was this your interpretation of the Global Warming controversy or tidbits from another article?

Are you saying that Controversy and Climategate is based on a few small errors and that cynics are wrong in questioning the data?

Again, perhaps I misinterpreted your post (my apologies if so), but if you are a Global warming proponent, I don’t share your opinion of the theory and I believe there is more proof than ever before that Global Warming does not exist. In fact, my studies show that we’ve been in a cooling period not warming.


Actually, Global warming seems to occur every 1000 years, give or take a few hundred and has loosely coincided with great expansions of civilizations. EX: 100 BC or so, Greater Roman Empire expanded into what is now Scotland and Scandinavia. Shrunk back when things cooled down. 900/1100 AD Great expansion of Northern Europe. Great countries grew with availability of food/crops. Russia, Norway, Iceland,Greenland, etc. There were green forests around Moscow in the 1100's, climate was similar to Oregon or New England today.
Twentieth century, guess what guys it already happened and things are starting to cool down. Compare pictures of 1880 or so of large rivers like the Mississippi and the Columbia in the West. These would routinely freeze over in the winter. Hasn't happened in 100 years,same deal, Long term Solar cycles, carbon whatever had nothing to do with it. My personal opinion is that some people other than myself could read history and look at old photographs and figure it out.
They saw that a cooling trend was soon coming, thought up crap and tax or whatever it was, and would be able to say "Look, it's cooling! It's working!"
This winter looks like things are going back to the norm.
This would "justify" all the carbon credits everybody was paying them. :groucho:
Same principle as Priests of old who would make a lot of noise to make an eclipse go away.



Senior Member
Actually, Global warming seems to occur every 1000 years, give or take a few hundred and has loosely coincided with great expansions of civilizations. EX: 100 BC or so, Greater Roman Empire expanded into what is now Scotland and Scandinavia. Shrunk back when things cooled down. 900/1100 AD Great expansion of Northern Europe. Great countries grew with availability of food/crops. Russia, Norway, Iceland,Greenland, etc. There were green forests around Moscow in the 1100's, climate was similar to Oregon or New England today.
Twentieth century, guess what guys it already happened and things are starting to cool down. Compare pictures of 1880 or so of large rivers like the Mississippi and the Columbia in the West. These would routinely freeze over in the winter. Hasn't happened in 100 years,same deal, Long term Solar cycles, carbon whatever had nothing to do with it. My personal opinion is that some people other than myself could read history and look at old photographs and figure it out.
They saw that a cooling trend was soon coming, thought up crap and tax or whatever it was, and would be able to say "Look, it's cooling! It's working!"
This winter looks like things are going back to the norm.
This would "justify" all the carbon credits everybody was paying them. :groucho:
Same principle as Priests of old who would make a lot of noise to make an eclipse go away.


I agree with your post. My last post should have stated that I didnt believe in Man-Made Global Warming'. I have always believed that our climate was cyclic.

As you stated, there are many people (like Al Gore) who are trying to make money on a natural occurrence.

I believe part of the success of the Global Warming hoax is due to the lack of knowledge most people have about the subject. They hear something and take it for gospel.

It reminds me of the dihydrogen monoxide hoax, in which people were fooled into signing a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide because of its dangers. Initially, few people realized that they were signing a petition to ban water (H2O).

I shake my head every time I see the commercial showing a polar bear on a small sheet of ice, implying that all of the glaciers have melted and that all of the polar bears are close to extinction. I dare them to pull back the camera and show the whole picture.


Senior Member
Sarah Palin: “Global Warming” – More Like a Snow Job

The following artice is from Sarah Palin's facebook page, which was added last night.

Over the last few months, and even again today, very unsettling revelations have come to light about the “settled science” of man-made global warming. With all of these shoes dropping you’d think every member of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) would be barefoot by now.

One thing after another keeps popping up to further discredit the theory of man-made global warming. The IPCC’s supposedly definitive report proving the theory is riddled with serious errors. The organization has been publicly chastised by everyone from its former chair to the heads of the UK’s biggest funder of climate research and Greenpeace UK. One of the world’s top climate change scientists, Prof. Phil Jones, has conceded that there’s been no significant warming since 1995; that the medieval period may have been warmer than today; and that he’s had trouble even keeping track of raw data crucial to the global warming theory. Yet President Obama still seeks to create a federal office for global warming, and they’re still talking about mandating their cap-and-tax plan that's based on discredited data.

The Obama administration’s environmental extremism also shows up in its aversion to oil and gas development. A true all-of-the-above approach to energy would mean allowing oil and gas explorers to drill here and drill now because America has the proven reserves needed to meet our energy challenges. A new industry study reveals that the federal government's current restrictions on oil and gas drilling in Alaska and off the U.S. coastline will cost us $2.36 trillion through 2029. Think of the millions of U.S. jobs we could create, and how much more secure America would be, if we had a true free market approach to energy independence that allowed us to finally drill!

And though I applaud the President’s newly declared interest in nuclear power, it should be noted that he’s merely following through on loan guarantees authorized during the prior administration. What’s more, while the White House now touts the building of new nuclear power plants, its budget inexplicably calls for cutting funding to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A real nuclear energy plan requires a strategy for dealing with nuclear waste storage and recycling.

The man-made global warming hysteria isn’t based on sound science, and the Obama administration’s energy policy isn’t based on sound economics. If the climategate revelations teach us anything, it’s that we need to cool down the rhetoric and fire up our common sense.

- Sarah Palin