Repub ABC Repub Debate Tonight (2-6-16) Out For Trump

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I didn't know Trump hasn't returned to N.H. today? WHAT is he thinking??? Maybe two days with no rallies, possibly means The Donald is boning up on his oppo research?

Unlike the Fox debates, where there is this sickening façade of ‘fairness’ that does not exist, at least with this debate, there will be no pretense of it being anything other than a hostile environment…with all the long knives out.

New Hampshire Debate Today…
Posted on February 6, 2016 by sundance

Candidate Donald Trump must have a massive amount of confidence in his New Hampshire operation. Another day passes without any Donald Trump event in/around New Hampshire in the lead-up to the 8pm Saturday ABC Debate at Saint Anslem College. :sht:

“A third of likely Republican voters in New Hampshire said they could change their minds before Tuesday, according to a Suffolk University-Boston Globe poll released Friday, which had Trump leading at 29 percent followed by Rubio at 19 percent and Kasich at 13 percent.” (link)

For the Saturday night debate ABC News is partnered with affiliate WMUR, Independent Journal Review, the Republican National Committee and Saint Anselm College.

Progressive favorites David Muir and Martha Raddatz will moderate the debate, and position the narrative to expose the Republican party to as much ridicule and marginalization as possible.

The New Hampshire republican party is solidly united against the vulgarian outsider Donald Trump
, and the general expectation is for a familar establishment GOPe audience filled with party insiders, party delegates, and professional republicans. A similar audience that was evidenced in the earlier North Charleston (South Carolina) debate.

Professional party candidates like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Chris Christie will have their various camps amid most of the pre-selected audience ticket holders. Current and former State GOP officials from the New England area will also be in attendance along with the party patriarchy of the entire Bush family.

The target of the group on stage will remain the vulgarian Donald J Trump. We can fully expect to see a united GOPe front making it clear to the audience and the viewers at home that Donald Trump will never be accepted as a republican party candidate. Obviously Reince Preibus will again allow ridicule, isolation and marginalization as directed by party elders.

Governor Jeb Bush having found himself again on friendly footing will be emboldened to swing for the fences and confront Trump as a loser. The general Bush tome will be the skills that make you successful in business do not translate to making you an effective political leader; and according to the best case scenario, Jeb will attempt to push Trump to exhibit a lack of self-control and self-awareness. Go get em’ tiger! Grrrr !! (and if you need to, slap him with the cashmere sweater).

Various cocktail party factions within the party apparatus will most likely avoid direct confrontation with their own camp’s colleagues. The upper-crust might poke at the young Rubio for jumping his place in line, but generally attacks will be courteous and directed at his inexperience.

Chris Christie, the ever faithful party junk-yard-dog, will cover Jeb’s back at all costs. This endears him to the best party invite and endowment committees moving forward.

“Oh, goodie, Fire Works” <— Remember?

The bi-polar Eddie Haskel candidate, aka John Kasich, will either show up for a hoot, a square dance, or rush on stage to express his deep anger and frustration. No-one really knows which one is on stage until the bell rings and either Eddie or John gets his first questions. If you don’t hear “aww c’mon” in the first round, it’s the angry guy.

Dr. Ben will be standing directly next to Ted Cruz and it should be easy to spot if the good doctor is really in the race to win. If Carson wants to win, he needs to righteously direct some ire toward Cruz for the lying, manipulation and schemes promoted by Cruz’s ‘win-at-all-costs’ scorched earth campaign. If he gives Cruz a pass, he’s essentially conceding defeat moving forward.

B-b-b-b-b-b but… will be the lead in from Baal Cruz as he winds up the gospel according to Saint Clutcher of The Pearls, and delivers his most heartfelt praise toward “his good friend” Ben, dear Ben Carson. [The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.] …And the more he st-st-st-stutters the lead-ins, the more the viewer can gauge the strength of the self-serving crony-constitutionalist bull-crap he plans to deliver. It’s like a poker “tell”.

Standing next to Trump, the 2016 Presidential Valedictorian (young master Rubio), also known as Mr. Fiorina, will have engaged in rehearsing several 15-second rainbow sound bites in the hotel mirror and he’ll be looking for the perfect opportunity to place them. The genuflecting high-school republican club members will swoon and clap swimmingly in the cloistered wings of the auditorium. …”the, sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that to-morrow.….

Read about Cruz’s Neo-Con policy advisors:


I hope Trump hits Rubio and Cruz with TPP AND explain WHAT is in that Agreement and WHY it’s bad for America.

Oooo! The next post will explain why Trump is not in NH today. Whew!!!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
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Trump Doing Something For First Time: Preparing For A GOP Debate
Posted on February 5, 2016 by DCWhispers

In the face of an especially bad winter storm, Donald Trump cancelled a campaign rally in New Hampshire today and will remain atop Trump Tower in New York working with family and a few of his most trusted advisers to try something he has yet to do during this 2016 political campaign – fully prepare for an upcoming GOP debate.

Donald Trump is doing his homework.

Some around his his insurgent 2016 campaign are likely breathing collective sighs of relief over this fact and grateful to those responsible for getting the New York billionaire to do so – namely his oldest children.

It is said it was the collective efforts of Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric who huddled with their father recently and gently suggested it would be a good idea he “get ready” for the upcoming GOP debate on Saturday.

Trump is no fool.

One does not build, nearly lose, and then rebuild a multi-billion dollar real estate and media empire without a keen sense of when to attack and when to retreat. He has enjoyed great success, and it seems in private he was finally willing to admit that success can sometimes lead to potentially dangerous overconfidence. He knows this lesson well having survived past financial challenges that sunk the empires of many of his business contemporaries.

“He hates losing more than he enjoys winning.”

Trump does not consider Senator Ted Cruz to be his equal in anything and so after the Iowa results, the GOP front-runner alternated between bouts of disbelief, seething anger, acceptance, and then to a fiery determination to not let it happen again.

Among Donald Trump’s most trusted advisers and confidants is a man named George. Trump will drop the name from time to time in public, by it is a relationship that remains largely unknown outside of the billionaire’s most immediate circle. If George provided support for the campaign concerns of the elder Trump offspring, that would be more than enough for the real estate mogul to sit up, take notice, and alter course. It is the ability to quickly do so that is the hallmark of anyone who succeeds in business at the level a Donald Trump has.

Like a shark, Trump needs to always be moving. He was caught too motionless in Iowa, and it cost him, and while he hates to admit so publicly, he knows it to be true. His oldest daughter was apparently the first to let her father know of this, and she was also the one to remind him of who he was and what he is capable of. The Trumps have always been a close-knit group, and the children are both fiercely loyal to, and proud of, their iconic father.

“He’s Donald J. Trump. Where others have failed, he succeeds. His failures are temporary and lessons to be learned from and motivation to come back tougher and more determined than ever. And what he has done in providing for himself, his family, and his company, he is convinced he can do for America.”

So today Donald Trump is taking time to study up on the political details of our time, preparing verbal attacks and counter-attacks. He hopes to combine his natural and proven instinct for success with the information necessary to secure a much-needed victory in the New Hampshire primary.

As Trump has often said, he is new to this “political stuff.”

His supporters now hope he proves himself a quick study so he has a real chance of making good on his promise to Make America Great Again.

Wise Owl

Yeah, we had a big snowstorm up here yesterday. He did do a very large (10,000) rally in Florence, SC last night. Maybe you missed that?

He did 5 rallies/meetings on Thursday.