Harvest A question about those pretty harvest pictures


For quite a while now, I've noticed, when I see offerings of gardening videos, there might be shown some garden foliage and alongside it is a bowl or basket of all the things presumably picked from that garden. They are beautiful assortments and I wonder if they are really from each of those gardens. Here in Arkansas,I've never picked lovely ripe tomatoes at the same time I harvested my broccoli and potatoes. I never had cucumbers ready to eat when I was picking radishes. I truly don't remember if all that various produce ripened at the same time when I was gardening in Minnesota, as it was 45 years ago. So, can anyone tell me if those pretty trays of vegetables are from a northern garden or is there maybe a little cheating being done just to make an attractive picture?


Neither here nor there.
Probably a little bit of both going on. I can have radishes and cucumbers at the same time, if I remember to plant to a second round of radishes. I can get tomatoes well into October if we don't get a frost/freeze, but those years are few and far between. I don't plant potatoes or broccoli so cannot help you with that one.


Veteran Member
I can get potatoes and tomatoes at the same time; summer harvest, so ditto cucumbers also. Radishes and broccoli in the summer, though??


Thanks, all you guys. I appreciate all of your various answers. To me, if those pictures are "contrived", it is as good as lying.

As is a great deal, if not most, of present day advertising, I'm sure.


I dunno...in the northern areas, the season is so short that its not at all unlikely that you'd have tomatoes, sweet corn and potatoes (new potatoes, probably, since most plant for just one storage crop which matures shortly before frost). Radishes and spinach definitely don't like heat, so would have to be succession sown, shade grown to havecwith the tomatoes.

Radishes definitely can produce while the early slicing cakes are coming on... but given radishes 21-30 day maturity, and cukes are 50 days minimum, you would have to plant a later crop of radishes ... and not mind spicy ones!

It definitely takes more time and effort than most people want to spend to have a wide variety of fresh veggies over a long season!
