GOV/MIL A little mil air traffic tonight?


Veteran Member

Holy c#!÷ I've only watched this site a little while maybe a couple months. But this seems, a little crazy. This was when the debates were going on. Last night there seemed to be a 10th less but still alot
Sort of understandable. But tonight holy crap. Most are refueling flights? 3 mushroom sensors that I could count. So what ya'll think? Does this happen on this scale? Or is it because of all the info spilling out, being extra vigilant?


Res ipsa loquitur
sure does seem like a lot of stuff in the air Marie . . . anybody out here that can let us know if this is unusual and perhaps speculate on the why of it?

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
I SUSPECT she's referring to AWACS but I couldn't read enough of the callsigns.

though I DID recognize some of the callsigns. INTERESTING stuff up this evening.


Senior Member
That must have been right after the debate. One of the call signs is the C-17 that carries the presidential vehicles. That is a lot of aircraft. Specifically a lot of C-135 platforms to include tankers, awacs, tacamo, and the Rc series.