8 year old boy with tummy problems


Veteran Member
I'm hoping someone can give me some idea what I'm dealing with.

My 8 yo son gets a stomach ache whenever he gets hot, like if he's outside playing or under blankets, not feverish hot, once he cools down the stomache ache goes away. I've taken him to the dr. repeatedly over the past year, they've done blood work and x rays and can find nothing wrong with him. The dr. suggested giving him Miralax.

I've never dealt with anything like this before, he's the youngest of 7. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


God has a plan, Trust it!
Is he eating or drinking while in the heat? Sounds like heat exhaustion or dehydration.

I'm surprised the doctors haven't asked. It is a pretty basic symptom of excessive heat. Keep him hydrated while outside and make sure he's eaten before he goes out.


Veteran Member
He eats all the time, I swear he's got a hollow leg as much food as he eats. He could probably drink more though, will try that thanks!


Try some gatorade or similar "sports drink" (NOT with aspartame!! Get the stuff with sugar, or at worst, corn syrup)

The "under blankets" (presumably lying still) is a little weird, but while "stomach ache" is a pretty general term (can't tell if it's muscle cramps or the stomach/intestines causing problems) it's worth making sure he's getting enough electrolytes.

IF you think it's more intestinal/stomach (as opposed to belly) cramping, consider giving him ONE drop of peppermint essential oil on a cracker, cookie, or something similar. Or see if he'll drink a cup of peppermint tea, or peppermint and chamomile tea. (kids will often accept it better if you sweeten it a bit and chill it, and call it something like "peppermint lemonade". For that matter, you can add koolaid or something to it if you absolutely have to so they'll take it.)

Peppermint is a potent smooth muscle anti-spasmodic, and can do amazing things for stomach/intestinal cramping pain.

How is his weight with everything he eats? If he's thinner than you think he should be (and it's not a family/genetic trait) you might want to consider getting him tested for parasites. For some reason, doctors don't think about those these days, but kids CAN be exposed to them via the family pet, or eating something that fell in the dirt outside.

Hope you find the cause and cure!



Veteran Member
I'd give him banana on his cereal in the morning. Orange juice every morning. A pitcher of lemon water in the refrigerator for him would help.

And I'd tell him when he gets hot to come in for some lemon water and sit down and cool off.

I wouldn't let him eat anything without drinking a glass of water or juice. Unless it was something wet like an apple or orange, grapes, jello.

If you cook mostly from scratch, make sure to salt his food in the summer. Heat plus lack of enough salt = sore belly. I've been that way since I was about 10. I've always had the habit of licking my arm, no salt taste? I eat salt.

Lol, sometimes when I was little and getting tired from the heat, I'd visit the old neighbors. We'd have Huber beer, limburger cheese and crackers. Or maybe some coffee and sliced tomatoes or radishes with salt. Or maybe a little rye whiskey that had rock candy on a string in the bottle. Old farts are fun!


Veteran Member
Thanks everyone!

Summer, I've tried peppermints before and it's not made a difference. He loves peppermint tea and drinks at least a glass a day. He's a big boy, almost as tall as my 11 year old and weighs about 5 pounds more, both are right around 5 ft and 70-75 pounds. We're on HARD well water, so he's picking up alot of minerals in it, but will get him electrolyte replacement drinks.

Ceeblue, I will have him try that tomorrow. I keep fresh fruit on hand and he eats alot of it, although I have been limiting apples because the dr. said too many can cause constipation. I will try the oj and lemon water also. I'm really frustrated at this point and willing to try anything and everything.

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
Do you have irritable bowel, colitis, or Crohns in your family? I ask because there has been colitis in my family and both my daughter and I have irritable bowel syndrome. Neither of us do well out in the heat. We break out in a cold sweat, feel cold, and have horrible abdominal cramps along with general overall sick feeling. Can last as long as 24 hrs but usually lasts about 2-4 hrs. I'm wondering if he may have irritable bowel going on???