DISASTER 28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima


Veteran Member

The map (SEE LINK) from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean. That means that the total amouont of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.

Ultimately, all of this nuclear radiation will outlive all of us by a very wide margin. They are saying that it could take up to 40 years to clean up the Fukushima disaster, and meanwhile countless innocent people will develop cancer and other health problems as a result of exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation. We are talking about a nuclear disaster that is absolutely unprecedented, and it is constantly getting worse. The following are 28 signs that the west coast of North America is being absolutely fried with nuclear radiation from Fukushima…

1. Polar bears, seals and walruses along the Alaska coastline are suffering fromfur loss and open sores…

Wildlife experts are studying whether fur loss and open sores detected in nine polar bears in recent weeks is widespread and related to similar incidents among seals and walruses.

The bears were among 33 spotted near Barrow, Alaska, during routine survey work along the Arctic coastline. Tests showed they had “alopecia, or loss of fur, and other skin lesions,” the U.S. Geological Survey said in a statement.

2. There is an epidemic of sea lion deaths along the California coastline…

At island rookeries off the Southern California coast, 45 percent of the pups born in June have died, said Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service based in Seattle. Normally, less than one-third of the pups would die. It’s gotten so bad in the past two weeks that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared an “unusual mortality event.”

3. Along the Pacific coast of Canada and the Alaska coastline, the population of sockeye salmon is at a historic low. Many are blaming Fukushima.

4. Something is causing fish all along the west coast of Canada to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs.

5. A vast field of radioactive debris from Fukushima that is approximately the size of California has crossed the Pacific Ocean and is starting to collide with the west coast.

6. It is being projected that the radioactivity of coastal waters off the U.S. west coast could double over the next five to six years.

7. Experts have found very high levels of cesium-137 in plankton living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the west coast.

8. One test in California found that 15 out of 15 bluefin tuna were contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.

9. Back in 2012, the Vancouver Sun reported that cesium-137 was being found ina very high percentage of the fish that Japan was selling to Canada…

• 73 percent of mackerel tested

• 91 percent of the halibut

• 92 percent of the sardines

• 93 percent of the tuna and eel

• 94 percent of the cod and anchovies

• 100 percent of the carp, seaweed, shark and monkfish

10. Canadian authorities are finding extremely high levels of nuclear radiation in certain fish samples…

Some fish samples tested to date have had very high levels of radiation: one sea bass sample collected in July, for example, had 1,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium.

11. Some experts believe that we could see very high levels of cancer along the west coast just from people eating contaminated fish…

“Look at what’s going on now: They’re dumping huge amounts of radioactivity into the ocean — no one expected that in 2011,” Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California-Santa Cruz, told Global Security Newswire. “We could have large numbers of cancer from ingestion of fish.”

12. BBC News recently reported that radiation levels around Fukushima are “18 times higher” than previously believed.

13. An EU-funded study concluded that Fukushima released up to 210 quadrillion becquerels of cesium-137 into the atmosphere.

14. Atmospheric radiation from Fukushima reached the west coast of the United States within a few days back in 2011.

15. At this point, 300 tons of contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day.

16. A senior researcher of marine chemistry at the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute says that “30 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium and 30 billion becquerels of radioactive strontium” are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day.

17. According to Tepco, a total of somewhere between 20 trillion and 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima disaster first began.

18. According to a professor at Tokyo University, 3 gigabecquerels of cesium-137 are flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every single day.

19. It has been estimated that up to 100 times as much nuclear radiation has been released into the ocean from Fukushima than was released during the entire Chernobyl disaster.

20. One recent study concluded that a very large plume of cesium-137 from the Fukushima disaster will start flowing into U.S. coastal waters early next year…

Ocean simulations showed that the plume of radioactive cesium-137 released by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 could begin flowing into U.S. coastal waters starting in early 2014 and peak in 2016.

21. It is being projected that significant levels of cesium-137 will reach every corner of the Pacific Ocean by the year 2020.

22. It is being projected that the entire Pacific Ocean will soon “have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher” than what we witnessed during the era of heavy atomic bomb testing in the Pacific many decades ago.

23. The immense amounts of nuclear radiation getting into the water in the Pacific Ocean has caused environmental activist Joe Martino to issue the following warning…

“Your days of eating Pacific Ocean fish are over.”

24. The Iodine-131, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 that are constantly coming from Fukushima are going to affect the health of those living the the northern hemisphere for a very, very long time. Just consider what Harvey Wassermanhad to say about this…

Iodine-131, for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer.

Cesium-137 from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California. It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles.

Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes to our bones.

25. According to a recent Planet Infowars report, the California coastline is being transformed into “a dead zone”…

The California coastline is becoming like a dead zone.

If you haven’t been to a California beach lately, you probably don’t know that the rocks are unnaturally CLEAN – there’s hardly any kelp, barnacles, sea urchins, etc. anymore and the tide pools are similarly eerily devoid of crabs, snails and other scurrying signs of life… and especially as compared to 10 – 15 years ago when one was wise to wear tennis shoes on a trip to the beach in order to avoid cutting one’s feet on all the STUFF of life – broken shells, bones, glass, driftwood, etc.

There are also days when I am hard-pressed to find even a half dozen seagulls and/or terns on the county beach.

You can still find a few gulls trolling the picnic areas and some of the restaurants (with outdoor seating areas) for food, of course, but, when I think back to 10 – 15 years ago, the skies and ALL the beaches were literally filled with seagulls and the haunting sound of their cries both day and night…

NOW it’s unnaturally quiet.

26. A study conducted last year came to the conclusion that radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster could negatively affect human life along the west coast of North America from Mexico to Alaska “for decades”.

27. According to the Wall Street Journal, it is being projected that the cleanup of Fukushima could take up to 40 years to complete.

28. Yale Professor Charles Perrow is warning that if the cleanup of Fukushima is not handled with 100% precision that humanity could be threatened “for thousands of years“…

“Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable. The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo. Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years.”

Are you starting to understand why so many people are so deeply concerned about what is going on at Fukushima?

For much more on all of this, please check out the video posted here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH3AlPmavDk

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea

Data free speculation. No REAL numbers just relative ones and speculation. FOIL-ish speculation...

Oh yeah I'm a speed reader...though for this one I saw it at another site 2 days ago...


It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected. By the way, that vast field of "radioactive" debris from Fukushima washed out to sea BEFORE it was radioactive and no study has found anything above background.


TB Fanatic
It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected, It is being projected. By the way, that vast field of "radioactive" debris from Fukushima washed out to sea BEFORE it was radioactive and no study has found anything above background.

Local newspaper out here in Calif reported that people are scratching their heads over the lack of Japanese Identifiable debris washing up on west coast beaches, everyone is asking where did it go?

And yes most of the debris washout out to sea BEFORE it was contaminated by the Fuku radiation.


Faithful Steed
Um. Every bit of that nuclear material confined and escaping from the Fukushima reactor is going to do radiologically what it started doing even before it was concentrated as a nuclear fuel. It will all end up as lead.

And mankind cannot affect that any more than the rising and falling of the sun.

That fuel starts out radioactive and ends up as lead and you or nobody else can do a single thing about it.

The nuclear fuel decay cycle is one way.

Mankind can either stand by and watch it (and get irradiated in the process of standing there) or it can concentrate those materials and put them to use. Either good use (like in a power reactor) or a bad use (like a nuclear bomb.) Your choice.

And if you choose to use well, you may be actually doing yourself a favor since while in use in a reactor you're largely protected from the natural radioactive decay process.

Now if mankind has made a mistake, it is not in the concentration of nuclear materials but rather in not doing the "de-concentration." Having assembled all those radioactive materials man should find a way to disperse them all back in nature and put each atom back where he found it. Where it would have done what it was going to do anyway.

You can see the challenge in this. So instead man chooses to put it all in a box, keep those who might use it for nefarious deed away with guns, and preserve and protect. This is your nuclear legacy and your responsibility for the rest of your days possibly. Also job security for all those guards.

So in a way, nature is doing at Fuke what mankind can't quite bring themselves to do - putting those radioactive atoms back where they came from - or at least spread apart so nobody can make a dirty bomb or attempt a nuclear blackmail against your fellows.

So is the answer to "disperse" all those nuclear materials - issue everyone a very small pellet and tell them to bring it home and bury it in their backyard and plant a tree over it? Somehow I think not. But is the answer to keep it all in a box for the rest of recorded time? Hard to do at best. But maybe the only choice left?

I don't have an answer. But leaving it all in the ground is not the answer either. You get bombarded with the same radiation. Or your children will. Or your children's children's children. (Moody blues...)



The blogger is spouting a lot of hype designed to alarm. Go to the link and you see this dire map with radiological symbols all over the U.S. Follow that link back to where the map comes from. A very official looking named site called the 'Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center'. Tons of Google ads and the map. Click on one of the triad icons showing red indicating 'high' radiation and you find out they are using cheap uncalibrated Geiger counters and this particular one is showing an average counts per minute of 179. That is normal background radiation in some areas albeit a high normal.

And of course they are also selling you these cheap knock off meters and want you to join their network. The blogger is using this site to demonstrate high radiation from FUKU? That's as bad as the map here supposedly showing radiation from japan spreading across the pacific. It was a map from NOAA and folks were using the map to prove we were being irradiated. Problem was if you looked at the scale of the map in the right hand corner it was in centimeters which was a measure of height. That was a map of tsunami height and bloggers were passing it off as a radiation map. Yet, people were using that map to prove we were going to start glowing green any minute.


Goin' where the lonely go
15. At this point, 300 tons of contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day.

Let me just start dumping this in my backyard and see how long it takes for the EPA to skin me alive....I'll just tell them its harmless because people on TB implied as much....


Veteran Member
I read a story recently on Yahoo, that seems to play into this discussion. 10 years ago he sail from Australia up to Japan. It was fun, they could and did catch fish for dinner all the time, everyday in fact. The ocean was full of life: birds, mammals, and such. So exactly ten years later he makes the trip again...but it is different.....
saw no mammals; it felt lifeless, and strangely quiet.

He figured it was from over fishing. He saw one trawler fishing. He spoke to the fishermen, and they gave him a whole lot of fish. The fishermen said were throwing them away, only keeping the tuna. The story infers poor fishing management is the cause of the problem. trawlers sweping the ocean clean of fish, food chains collapsing, and the like.

The story was titled "The Ocean is broken."

I dont know much about nuclear radiation, but I know it is not good for anything. The radiation tends to collect at the top of the food change, as I recall from my limited science classes.

I am going rethink my fish consumption. I consume alot of fish, salmon mostly. I grew up eating salmon; they are key piece of the local lifestyle. I know the guberment wont warn people, and they have no concern for people. It is almost painful to think about giving up salmon as a food.

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
I read a story recently on Yahoo, that seems to play into this discussion. 10 years ago he sail from Australia up to Japan. It was fun, they could and did catch fish for dinner all the time, everyday in fact. The ocean was full of life: birds, mammals, and such. So exactly ten years later he makes the trip again...but it is different.....
saw no mammals; it felt lifeless, and strangely quiet.

He figured it was from over fishing. He saw one trawler fishing. He spoke to the fishermen, and they gave him a whole lot of fish. The fishermen said were throwing them away, only keeping the tuna. The story infers poor fishing management is the cause of the problem. trawlers sweping the ocean clean of fish, food chains collapsing, and the like.

The story was titled "The Ocean is broken."

I dont know much about nuclear radiation, but I know it is not good for anything. The radiation tends to collect at the top of the food change, as I recall from my limited science classes.

I am going rethink my fish consumption. I consume alot of fish, salmon mostly. I grew up eating salmon; they are key piece of the local lifestyle. I know the guberment wont warn people, and they have no concern for people. It is almost painful to think about giving up salmon as a food.

It wasn't a trawler. It was a huge fishing factory ship, taking in literally tons of fish at a time. The ocean was "dead" because it was being systematically stripped of life by the fishing ships, not anything to do with Fukushima.


Everyone saved me a lot of typing. Man, I love the common sense in this group!

Is Fuku a disaster? Lord, YES!! It's a tragedy and disaster for JAPAN, and the general area around it. And it may get much, much worse, if they can't figure out a way to get all those rods extracted and then safely stored, somehow, somewhere.

That process is going to be SO critical, and the chances of them managing it without anything dire happening SO slim, it won't surprise me at all if the island of Japan itself ends up uninhabitable for generations.

And I do expect "climax species" in the ocean to slowly accumulate radiation through the natural process of eating smaller animals who are eating ocean bottom "filter" organisms...

But as others have stated, there is simply NO indication that the West Coast of the US is seeing ANY effects at this time. And articles like this are simply fact-free scaremongering; taking advantage of the lack of science literacy in the majority of people these days.



Veteran Member
If this was true, wouldn't my Nuke Alert be going off or something? I am old anyway so I will continue eating and enjoying my Salmon and Halibut from Alaska and my gourmet tuna from Oregon Choice.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'd posted this a couple weeks ago on another such 'scary' thread...

This is my youngest son, Logan, last week about 300 miles east of, and
heading towards, Hawaii, crewing aboard 45' ketch sailboat from LA.


That's our new NukAlert-ER in his hand checking fresh caught tuna before
eating. They check fillet much closer after cleaning, too. All their catches
(mostly Tuna and Mau Mau) have come up clean, so far.

They'll be going onto New Zealand early next week, trying to get down
there before southern hemisphere typhoon season gets into full swing.

Got God, Grub, Guns & Gold?
Panic Now, Beat the Rush!

- Shane


Has No Life - Lives on TB
FWIW, there is absolutely no doubt that radiation from the Fukushima disaster has reached North America. This has been well documented by various scientists (and scientific organizations) as well as amateur radiation investigators such as myself. If everyone can agree on at least that much, we can move on to much stickier subjects: How much radiation (and what types) has arrived here and what effect will it have? The answer is....drumroll, please...I can't tell you. I can't tell you because these things aren't distributed evenly on a global basis. The Earth itself isn't even distributed evenly on a global basis.

Further, there are competing schools of thought regarding the dangers of radiation. The LNT model, or Linear No-Threshold school of thought states that all doses of ionizing radiation are harmful and that risk increases with increased dose. Some believe in Hormesis, which indicates that certain low-level doses may actually be beneficial and most professional radiation bodies - to one degree or another - embrace the concept that below certain dose rates there are no observable negative health effects. Personally - not that it matters in the overall scheme of things - I believe that all three schools are correct to one degree or another, depending on how one interprets the statistics. Further, there is wide disagreement about what effects ionizing radiation may have on health. Most people are aware that radiation has been linked to increased cancer risk. This is well-established science. There is additionally, however, an increasing body of evidence that radiation may be linked to heart disease, diabetes and other maladies. Confused yet?

Immediately after 311 various parts of North America received greatly increased amounts of airborne radiation, but this is a relative thing. "Greatly increased" does not necessarily translate into immediately harmful or dangerous to health. We are still receiving increased amounts, though this has lessened over time. Unfortunately, there is no possible way that Fukushima can be contained going forward with existing technology and there are substantial possibilities that it can become far, far worse.

I agree with other posters that the article in question represents horrible science and proves nothing, though equally - well, no, not equally, but to a certain degree - also understand that its flaws do not disprove anything, either. There have been a lot of possibly-radiation-related anamolous phenomenon since 311 and powerful entities have taken great pains to hide these. Additionally, both the anti-nuclear and pro-nuclear sides have seemingly become more strident.

Finding truth, as always, is difficult.

Best regards


Faithful Steed
Finding truth, as always, is difficult.

Best regards

All of above ^^^^^^^^but especially what I left.

Your task, should you choose to accept it - is to keep out of the way of those zoomies - or better do your best to keep them on the other side of the biological shield wall.



TB Fanatic
If this was true, wouldn't my Nuke Alert be going off or something? I am old anyway so I will continue eating and enjoying my Salmon and Halibut from Alaska and my gourmet tuna from Oregon Choice.

No your nukalert will not be going into alarm. It's important to understand that the nukalert is a dosimeter that alarms only with amounts of radiation FAR, FAR, in excess of what we are talking about here.

This is not the fault of the nukalert, it's job is way different than instruments needed to determine any amounts in fish