ALERT 2 National Guard Members removed from Biden inauguration security for ties to 'fringe right group'


Veteran Member
Wonder when these paranoids will decide to create their cohortes praetoriae

They'll choose them from a young age (maybe shortly after birth) based upon some formula their political core decides, send them to special camp where they'll spend 24/7/365 in full blown indoctrinations into the demon-crat religion.

Since they also suffer from such deep perversions, wouldn't be surprised if they made them eunuchs as well.


TB Fanatic
They just reported on TMZ / Radio that Biden is now using private security to protect him. All paid for by the tax payers.

As was stated by the caller on Rush, we now have the first glimmers of a Praetorian Guard. I happen to think he is right.

Within 5 years if not sooner as a results of defunding police, I foresee politicians of all levels now using taxpayer money to provide "private security" to them. Security that is only loyal to the politician. To expand upon that, I also see private billion and millionaires getting who are in or part of the group, getting the same.



Massad Ayoob
January 19, 2021

We are told that somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 National Guard troops have been brought into the District of Columbia “for security” during the Presidential Inauguration. Great way to express trust in the American people.

And we notice that in virtually every photo of those troops distributed thus far, they are armed with rifles that have no magazines. What are they expected to do if armed conflict did break out? Rush into the gunfire of the terrorists and butt-stroke them? Great way to express trust in your own military. Speaking of which, catch Democrat Representative Steve Cohen, on CNN, here:

See link for 01:57 Twitter-vid -

One of the things most adults figure out early is that if someone distrusts you without reason, that person himself has not earned your trust.

And the man being inaugurated says he wants to bring a divided America back together…


TB Fanatic

Massad Ayoob
January 19, 2021

We are told that somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 National Guard troops have been brought into the District of Columbia “for security” during the Presidential Inauguration. Great way to express trust in the American people.

And we notice that in virtually every photo of those troops distributed thus far, they are armed with rifles that have no magazines. What are they expected to do if armed conflict did break out? Rush into the gunfire of the terrorists and butt-stroke them? Great way to express trust in your own military. Speaking of which, catch Democrat Representative Steve Cohen, on CNN, here:

See link for 01:57 Twitter-vid -

One of the things most adults figure out early is that if someone distrusts you without reason, that person himself has not earned your trust.

And the man being inaugurated says he wants to bring a divided America back together…
Rumors is that it is up to 40k


Veteran Member
They just reported on TMZ / Radio that Biden is now using private security to protect him. All paid for by the tax payers.

As was stated by the caller on Rush, we now have the first glimmers of a Praetorian Guard. I happen to think he is right.

Within 5 years if not sooner as a results of defunding police, I foresee politicians of all levels now using taxpayer money to provide "private security" to them. Security that is only loyal to the politician. To expand upon that, I also see private billion and millionaires getting who are in or part of the group, getting the same.
That's the leftist's way, seems they think they are more important piggies than the riff-raff citizens.

The Mayor of Chicago had large police special units moved to protect her neighborhood and the biggest supporters in Portland who were demanding defund the police, had special security assigned to them.

"City Council members apparently had no problem with accepting a big increase in private police services for themselves. We're talking about the cops providing 24/7 security details for just about every City Council member during the recent riots and protests that have left Center City and other parts of town boarded up and charred by arson fires."


Dot Collector

I am following the timeline.

Military Purges (occurring)
Gun Confiscation (preparing)
Re-educate dissidents (talking openly)
Re-education camps (warming the oven)
Eliminate opposing ideals.
Establish a new Order.

What am I missing?

Avenge Me (4min)

Let It Turn To Something Else (2min)


Veteran Member
If this weren't going to get real people killed it would be funny.

I had the exact same thought when I first read this thread earlier today. The idiots in DC will "purge" many of the right leaning Guard members right back into the arms of.......all of us.

My response to that is, simply, this:


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Veteran Member
That number is up to twelve removed guardsmen now, and if it weren’t a requirement to post a third of the article, I’d post a link. But it’s up on the Daily Mail if you want to have a look.


Knuckle Dragger
That number is up to twelve removed guardsmen now, and if it weren’t a requirement to post a third of the article, I’d post a link. But it’s up on the Daily Mail if you want to have a look.

I just heard 12 on radio news.


Neither here nor there.
Wasn't sure if I should post this as it's own thread or not.

JANUARY 18, 2021

Democratic congressman: National Guardsmen who voted for Trump should be ‘suspects’ of an insider attack
Especially the ones who are 'white' and 'male'

Photo by KEVIN DIETSCH/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

As more than 25,000 National Guard troops head into Washington, D.C., ahead of Inauguration Day, new concerns over the potential of an "insider threat" have reportedly risen to the surface — and now one Democratic lawmaker is suggesting that every Guardsmen who voted for President Trump should be a "suspect."

What did he say?
Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.), who chairs the House Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, made the wild suggestion during an interview with CNN's Jim Sciutto on Monday.

"This morning I was reading about this on my Twitter account I guess, and people were reminding people of Anwar Sadat and Indira Gandhi who were killed by their own people," Cohen said in reference to two political leaders who were assassinated by those tasked with protecting them.

"You know, I was thinking, the [National] Guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male, only about 20% of white males voted for Biden. You got to figure that in the Guard which is predominately more conservative — and I see that on my social media and we know it — there's probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us who voted for [President-elect Joe Biden]. The other 75% are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something," he continued. "And there were military people and police who took oaths to defend the Constitution and to protect and defend who didn't do it, who were in the insurrection. So, it does concern me ..."

When Sciutto cut in to push back at Cohen's suggestion that simply having voted for President Trump should make someone a threat, the Democratic lawmaker dug his heels in.

"You draw circles of people, and in the first circle is people who were for Trump and not for Biden as far as people who would be within the zone of folks who you would be suspect of, and the suspect group is large," he said.

What's the background?
The Associated Press reported Sunday that the FBI began vetting thousands of service members stationed in the nation's capital after U.S. defense officials express concern over the potential that individuals charged with protecting the city may present a threat to Biden or other government officials.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy reportedly told the news agency that commanders have been instructed to be on the lookout for problems within their ranks. He added that no issue has been discovered yet.

"We're continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation," McCarthy said


Veteran Member
they're going to keep pushing and overreaching and then they are going to wish they hadn't. They crapped their pants from the 6th this bad. The 6th was nothing.


Wasn't sure if I should post this as it's own thread or not.

JANUARY 18, 2021

Democratic congressman: National Guardsmen who voted for Trump should be ‘suspects’ of an insider attack
Especially the ones who are 'white' and 'male'

Photo by KEVIN DIETSCH/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

As more than 25,000 National Guard troops head into Washington, D.C., ahead of Inauguration Day, new concerns over the potential of an "insider threat" have reportedly risen to the surface — and now one Democratic lawmaker is suggesting that every Guardsmen who voted for President Trump should be a "suspect."

What did he say?
Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.), who chairs the House Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, made the wild suggestion during an interview with CNN's Jim Sciutto on Monday.

"This morning I was reading about this on my Twitter account I guess, and people were reminding people of Anwar Sadat and Indira Gandhi who were killed by their own people," Cohen said in reference to two political leaders who were assassinated by those tasked with protecting them.

"You know, I was thinking, the [National] Guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male, only about 20% of white males voted for Biden. You got to figure that in the Guard which is predominately more conservative — and I see that on my social media and we know it — there's probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us who voted for [President-elect Joe Biden]. The other 75% are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something," he continued. "And there were military people and police who took oaths to defend the Constitution and to protect and defend who didn't do it, who were in the insurrection. So, it does concern me ..."

When Sciutto cut in to push back at Cohen's suggestion that simply having voted for President Trump should make someone a threat, the Democratic lawmaker dug his heels in.

"You draw circles of people, and in the first circle is people who were for Trump and not for Biden as far as people who would be within the zone of folks who you would be suspect of, and the suspect group is large," he said.

What's the background?
The Associated Press reported Sunday that the FBI began vetting thousands of service members stationed in the nation's capital after U.S. defense officials express concern over the potential that individuals charged with protecting the city may present a threat to Biden or other government officials.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy reportedly told the news agency that commanders have been instructed to be on the lookout for problems within their ranks. He added that no issue has been discovered yet.

"We're continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation," McCarthy said

That darn profiling rearing its ugly head....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
And so it begins. Next the military will be purged of those who do not think correctly.
That could work to our advantage. The Army Special Forces are noted for sending in a small team of men behind enemy lines and training a battalion of insurgents in the fine art of war.


Veteran Member
Do they not understand the fury against them that they have caused? I sit here SMH thinking they are nothing but fools with no understanding of a desperate American citizen. I wonder if they have war gamed Mad Max scenarios coming after them that have caused this mayhem at our expense? IMO, soon anyone with a Biden bumper sticker will be taken out when things get to the rot level. Idiots addicted to power don't think straight. But we do.