INTL 12-Year-Old Girl Lured to Swedish Asylum Home and Raped

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
_______________ /europe/2020/08/11/12-year-old-girl-lured-to-swedish-asylum-home-and-raped/

12-Year-Old Girl Lured to Swedish Asylum Home and Raped
Chris Tomlinson
3-3 minutes

A young man has been arrested in the municipality of Österåker after allegedly luring a 12-year-old girl and her friend to an asylum home and raping her.

The incident took place last Thursday after the young girl and her friend met with several men at a local shopping centre and were invited to the refugee accommodation, according to sources close to the case.

After arriving at the home, the 12-year-old was allegedly raped by a 19-year-old man at the home, who is said to have been arrested on Friday night on suspicion of child rape, newspaper Aftonbladet reports.

Maria Granat Hamberg, the lawyer for alleged rapist, refused to comment on the case, and the asylum home itself was cordoned off for investigation over the weekend.

The case comes just days after an Afghan migrant was acquitted of a prior child rape conviction by a Swedish appeals court that ruled he did not know the true age of the underage girl he had been accused of victimising

The court ruling not only freed the migrant but also saved him from deportation as well.

Sweden has had major issues with deporting criminal migrants in recent years and the trend looks to continue as reports show that deportations have become even more expensive due to the Wuhan virus pandemic.

From April to June of 2019 Sweden deported just 1,300 people, but during the same period in 2020 the number has fallen to a mere 372.

Magnus Brusbäck, head of national transport units at the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, commented on the problem, saying: “We have an organisation that is designed to run about 5,000 deportations in a year and it has been drastically reduced. But we still have the staff and personnel costs, administration and planning all around.”

The number of migrants sought by authorities for deportation is also falling due to many migrants simply re-applying for asylum status after being rejected.

“Perhaps many cases have been time-barred. A decision usually applies for four years, and after the migrant influx it has been four years, and a lot of people who have had a negative decision have stayed [hidden] and been wanted but have now been able to seek asylum again,” Magnus Drahosch of the Swedish Border Police said.

Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)

Kathy in FL

So save the cost of deportation and either take them out back and send them to the next level or create a prison ship, anchor it in the Atlantic and drop ship their criminal migrants as needed. No guards, just a stripped down tanker with food and water dropped once per week. Drop an Imam in there and they can study and pray to Allah to do something with the time they’ll have on their hands. Males in one ship, females in another a few miles away.


Veteran Member
You are correct. But their society has to live with it. And this is not the first nor will it be the last.
No it won't be the last - and they DO live with it - it's part of their culture. It's an integral part of their "society".


Senior Member
In Sweden the guy will get no or minimal jail time. Add to that training on not to do that again. Oh yeah, and a strongly worded letter.


Disaster Cat
There is actually a huge push back against this sort of thing in Sweden, the government knows it and also knows it is sitting on a powder keg.

They do their best to "talk a good line" and to make sure people say what they are supposed to during "man on the street," interviews; but Nightwolf knows what the guys really tell him when the press/government isn't looking.

There have already been a number of "migrant centers" burned to the ground, and there are reasons that Sweden is no longer trying to send masses of "newcomers" to the rural countryside.

Did I mention that rural Sweden probably has the most heavily armed population in Northern Europe, except perhaps for the Swiss?


Veteran Member
At this point, I blame the parents. Any parent that doesn't warn his/her kids, both boys and girls, not to trust blacks is guilty of negligence.
What is a 12 yo girl doing "out shopping with a friend" in this day and age? Where are parents?