world war 2

  1. H

    VIDEO Defending the Philippines

    Defending the Philippines Run time (26:30) 320 Comments An interesting piece of info in the video was that there was a German armored branch colonel "observing" with the Japanese armor on Luzon...
  2. H

    GOV/MIL Black WWII Veteran Becomes an Officer 76 Years Later

    So how many more examples of this haven't been corrected? For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Black WWII Veteran Becomes an Officer 76 Years Later The Associated Press...
  3. Doomer Doug


    :usfl: For those of you who don't know, several major 1940's era Hollywood actors, like Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable and Robert Montgomery actually saw combat during World War Two. Montgomery was in the movie, "They were Expendable" with John Wayne, who didn't see any combat, about PT boats...
  4. C

    BLOG Lessons not learned

    When I was in grade school, our teacher arranged for a man to come and talk about his experiences during WW2. He said that the Germans came and rounded up all the Jews in his village. He was a young child at the time. They were each allowed to take 1 suitcase of belongings. He was with his...
  5. H

    INTL Japan PM Shinzo Abe urges talks for Russia peace treaty

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Japan PM Shinzo Abe urges talks for Russia peace treaty 43 minutes ago From the section Asia Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called for talks with Russia's President Vladimir Putin so...