women's rights

  1. Melodi

    INTL Women working at home told to "dress sexier" - UK

    This is the kind of idiocy that still exists in some professional work-places that has let to the over-the-top PC reactions and demands that are starting to polarize society. It is totally appropriate for a professional office (finance especially) to remind employees to dress in a professional...
  2. O2BNOK

    PLAY If Women were Regulated like Guns

    I thought it was fun, had a few chuckles... decided to share. https://bearingarms.quora.com/If-Women-were-Regulated-like-Guns No, lady, you really don’t. If Women were Regulated like Guns: A man would have to pass a Federal background check before owning one. Some states require...
  3. Mudkip

    OT/MISC Article: Every Woman's Story Counts, Feminism/Everyday Sexism

    Ignoring articles talking about Sarah Palin being pulled from Fox News, the feminists bring me a tale, an opinion article, that I need to read to prepare myself for yet another day tomorrow in a "man-led world." _______ link...