
  1. MinnesotaSmith

    SCAM Darker side of Medicaid -- it's often a covert catastrophic LOAN

    This IMO puts "Medicare for all" in an even darker light, meaning "make old people homeless and only the richest allowed to pass on ANY inheritance to their children". Further, were I in the situation of some of the people in this article, I'd be sorely attempted to arrange for a catastrophic...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    HEALTH Not going to happen dept.; DOUBLING personal & corp income tax wouldn't fund Medicare For All

    https://freebeacon.com/politics/expert-doubling-income-taxes-wont-even-cover-medicare-for-all-costs/ Expert: Doubling Income Taxes Won’t Even Cover Medicare for All Costs BY: Cameron Cawthorne April 30, 2019 "Charles Blahous, a senior research strategist at George Mason University's...
  3. MinnesotaSmith

    ECON Spain making parents support their jobless healthy adult children into their thirties

    Also known as the "we don't want anyone with a job to even THINK of having any children" policy. http://www.news.com.au/finance/money/costs/spanish-gen-yers-are-suing-their-parents-for-financial-support/news-story/c8e961fba92989b1337da45f1a8445be Spanish Gen Y-ers are suing their parents for...
  4. Melodi

    USA Facing $1 billion deficit, Arizona sharply limits welfare

    This is interesting because as the article states further down they are actually dealing with Federal not State Funds - I do have concerns as to what happens after one year -in the short term anyone who can will leave Arizona (the intention I'm sure) but is Arizona ready to open orphanages and...