
  1. Aardaerimus

    HEALTH e-Cigarettes - Any long-time "vapers" out there?

    I'm in the process of kicking analogue smokes to the curb. Post-divorce depression drove me to smoking and, naturally, addiction. Recently, I bit the bullet and decided to try "vaping", so I purchased an electronic cigarette to help smooth the edges of withdrawal symptoms. Naturally, I was...
  2. M

    HEALTH Auricular Therapy for smoking cessation - Does anyone have success stories?

    I saw the other thread on Chantex and thought I post this. I first heard about it from a friend about 3 years ago who received an advertisement for it. The ad spoke of a group that traveled around the country, and would perform this treatment that is supposed to assist in quiting smoking. This...
  3. Kathy in FL

    [FOOD] Kathy's Canning and Preserving Recipes (Fruits, Veggies, & Meats)

    This is the place I'm going to put all of my canning and preserving recipes that I've gathered and used over the years. I'll start with bananas ... and yes, you can preserve bananas. I remember when you could get bananas between ten and twenty cents a pound with no problem ... now it is a...