
  1. Doomer Doug

    POL Secede From the Union

    I think after perusing the plans our soon to be new masters, ie bidey poo, Harris, Piglosi, and all the rest, are going to impose on us, well the act of secession from the union is looking pretty damn good. I mean it is clear they hate our guts, think we are racists, bigots, psychos etc etc etc...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    POL The 124 States of America

    Interesting, if you can get past the libtard snarkiness in places. It's IMO some indication of where boundaries will be post-CW2. The 124 States of America: What the USA would look like if all the...
  3. H

    OP-ED California Goes Confederate - Victor Davis Hanson

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... California Goes Confederate Victor Davis Hanson |Posted: Feb 09, 2017 12:01 AM Comments 444 Over sixty percent of California voters went...
  4. dstraito

    OP-ED Movie Gods and Generals - Civil War
