
  1. Melodi

    INTL Rationing petrol, energy at home and meat could tackle climate change - experts - United Kingdom

    And here we go. Some here have predicted "Climate/Carbon points" and Food Rationing for some time now. Climate Change may be one excuse they try to use to cover up the growing supply chain, farming, and food availability issues. Note the words "experts" and "scientists" who are not identified-...
  2. Melodi

    FOOD Farmers warn of food crisis because of shortages.. and that rationing could spread (UK)

    I almost put this in the "Let Them Eat Bugs" thread, but that wasn't exactly what this article was saying -what it is doing is going for my "other" red flag that I've had for years, long before COVID or Ukraine and that is to "look for news outlets in the United Kingdom to either start getting...
  3. H

    VIDEO British Civilian Rationing Program of the Second World War - In Range TV

    British Ration Week Episode 1: Introduction Run time (10:39) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5993lPFEwaE