orthodox church

  1. Melodi

    REL GENRL Russian Orthodox church in Amsterdam announces split with Moscow

    I have friends who are Orthodox Christians and they mentioned that last week their Priest said there might be divisions and splits coming in some of the Churches - here we go! I posted this apart from the Russian/Ukrain war thread because while I gather that brought things to a head, these...
  2. Melodi

    INTL 'Russia's soul is monarchic': tsarist school wants to reverse 100 years of history

    My husband suggested that what keeps Putin from just declaring himself Czar (instead of just taking on the role) is that if he took the title he would have to deal with all the baggage that goes with it - from robes to nobility seeking favors; an appointed official council etc. This is an...
  3. Spirit Of Truth

    WTF?!? Orthodox Christmas strengthens alliance between Putin and Patriarch Kirill

    The rise of the Antichrist in unholy Russia continues unabated and, for that matter, unnoticed. See my blog for more. Imagine if Obama were engaged in such relations with an American church? http://thespiritoftruth.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-patriarch-of-russian-orthodox.html