native americans

  1. Melodi

    SCI Humans settled in North America 17,000 years EARLIER than previously believed

    Another really interesting find is being reported in the Daily Mail, if this find holds up to further research it shows people have been in the "Americas" for a very long time. My personal view is that if people got to Australia between 50,000 and 75,000 years ago by boat (the sea level was...
  2. Melodi

    SCI DNA offers surprises on how Polynesia was settled [Native American DNA found!]

    And BOOM! Right in the middle of the lay article about a new scientific paper, there is a paragraph about Native American DNA in the Polynesian populations going back to about 1100 AD (CE in Archeology speak). I love the "no one could have predicted this" er..a..have they talked to the locals...
  3. Melodi

    SCI Vikings Introduce Native American DNA To Iceland

    I've mentioned this a few times in the past and here's an MSM article about the topic - there is also a link to the original scientific paper that published the data on the Native American DNA from a "Founding Mother" of Iceland...
  4. Melodi

    SOFT NEWS Native Americans made epic Pacific voyages

    This first showed up yesterday in the UK Daily Mail but I prefer not to use them as a source when I can avoid it - today we have this article from the BBC - Native Americans made epic Pacific voyages 8 July 2020 Share this with Facebook...
  5. Melodi

    SCI Earliest Known Human Footprints in North America Found on Canadian Island

    And Clovis Only continues to Die Die Die (as it should)...13,000 years ago on an Island then only reachable by boat lol! Earliest Known Human Footprints in North America Found on Canadian Island By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR MARCH 28, 2018 [see photos at link] Save Photo A digitally enhanced photo...
  6. Melodi

    SCI Most scientists now reject the idea that the first Americans came by land

    I don't drink often but if we had booze in this apartment I'd have one, I'll setle for tea instead; I only regret my major professor didn't live long enough to see this; he's probably having a drink somewhere in the Otherworld, possibly with some of the first ancestors to reach the...
  7. Melodi

    SCI 14,000-year-old village discovered in Canada

    And once gain now that "Clovis Only" has finally bitten the dust, the real ages of sites in North America are being sorted out - a village this early is really amazing for ANYWHERE in the world, much less North America. 14,000-year-old village discovered in Canada one of oldest settlements ever...
  8. Melodi

    SCI Genetic study sheds new light on Ashkenazi Jewish Origens and reveal other suprises

    I thought this article was very interesting, not just on the possible Iranian background of Ashkenazi Jews, that was already a old theory (though largely discounted) and since conversion was allowed, I don't see the real problem with it for modern Jews, but I'll ask Nightwolf (who almost...