
  1. S

    HEALTH Usnea, a Free, Natural Antibiotic

    China Connection posts a lot of interesting information on tropical and subtropical plants for food and medicine. But many of these won't work for those of us living in northern latitudes. So here's one for you folks. It's called Usnea, and while perhaps not as versatile as moringa, it's a...
  2. H

    HEALTH Superbugs 'spread by hospital wet wipes'

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Wales Superbugs 'spread by hospital wet wipes' 8 June 2015 From the section Wales Researchers at Cardiff University have claimed the use of wet wipes can spread hospital superbugs...
  3. bsharp

    Infection MRSA - Believe it or not

    I had a nose that decided to swell up on me in August. I went to the doctor and she sent me straight to the hospital. The culture came back positive for a MRSA based cellulitis infection. Man did the hurt! I was in the hospital for 4 days, though I felt silly for being there just for a...
  4. Reborn

    HEALTH Manuka honey may beat MRSA superbug

    Manuka honey may beat MRSA superbug LONDON, April 13 (KUNA) -- A type of honey used for centuries to treat wounds may be the ultimate weapon against drug resistant bacteria, research suggests Wednesday. Manuka honey fights three types of bacteria that commonly infect wounds, including the...
  5. C

    HEALTH Explosive Death For MRSA

    There's hope for a MRSA vaccine someday... Explosive death for MRSA 09:00 17 January 2011 by Catherine de Lange An antibody which causes MRSA bacteria to explode rather than divide brings hope for a universal vaccine. MRSA is a highly antibiotic-resistant form of the bacteria...