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    LEGAL Statute of limitations ends for claims against BP in the GOM disaster - MS. files suit

    3 years. 3 lousy years. Something like this, seems like it should be much longer. Anyway, Mississippi waited until the last minute, and now they've filed suit. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/miss-3rd-state-sue-bp-oil-spill-18998736#.UXT0cErmyes Miss. Becomes 3rd State to Sue BP for Oil...
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    HEALTH CTC-AM: GOM-BP horror stories. It's not over, folks.

    Coast to Coast AM tonight. One of the guests interviewed was a would-be Marine, due for boot camp last January. But time spent in the ocean, swimming in Corexit, has ruined his future career in the Marines, partially paralized him, induced epileptic seizures and other problems. His entire...
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    DISASTER BP: Sobering geology analysis the ROV's can't show us

    I considered making a new thread for this, and then just posted to the main BP thread, but CountryMouse believes it deserves its' own thread, and I agree, so here it is. Found this at Rense, as usual: It's a fairly long read, but well worth it. It's fit for the layman, like myself, and...
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    CRISIS BP and Feinberg adding insult to injury via claims fund

    Gulf coast workers now getting kicked while their down. http://www.truth-out.org/bps-scheme-swindle-small-people61509 (link found at infowars) BP's Scheme to Swindle the "Small People" Monday 19 July 2010 by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Report Gulf Coast...