
  1. MinnesotaSmith

    ECON “Ordered Signed Book. Received Live Spiders. Would Not Buy From Again.”

    https://www.battleswarmblog.com/?p=44773 “Ordered Signed Book. Received Live Spiders. Would Not Buy From Again.” Tuesday, June 16th, 2020 "This is a pretty crazy story: It sounds like a regular crime ring: Except, of course, for the lack of actual profit involved. How crazy and/or...
  2. paul bunyan

    ALERT Computer Attack Just Received While logging into EBAY.COM

    Attention troops, I was just trying to log into ebay.com, just hit enter, and a very nasty computer controlling window popped up stating I had been attacked and I could see it was downloading something to my computer!!! I have full AVG internet protection and it did not react. I had just...