child porn

  1. Doomer Doug

    CRIME Multiple Walt Disney Employees Arrested

    Yep, all those stories about Disney and Walt Disney have some meat to them. Disney has been implicated in various child issues going back DECADES. And they are pushing the "agenda" hard to groom American children for sexual perversion. Multiple Walt Disney Employees were among 17 arrested in...
  2. jward

    CRIME Hundreds charged world wide in darknet child-pornography takedown

    Links at source.... Posted for fair use.... . South Korean National and...
  3. Doomer Doug

    GOV/MIL Pentagon Child Porn Ring Exposed 7-21-2019

    In the expanding child porn and assorted scandals now exploding in the USA, we come to one that indicates our Military Industrial Complex should be renamed the Military, Incompetent, Child Porn complex. I guess the idea of actually using government computers, like the ones in the Pentagon for...
  4. MinnesotaSmith

    LEGAL Man facing 30 years in jail on child porn charge for pics of 17 YO girlfriend when he was 20 Man Faces 30 Years in Prison on Child Porn Charges for Taking Sexy Photos of 17-Year-Old Girlfriend When He was 20 Since Ohio's age of consent is 16, it was legal for Edward Marrero to have sex but not to sext. Robby Soave...