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On TB every waking moment

How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees

February 4, 2021 (12mo ago)

If you were online during January 2020 you likely saw the barrage of video clips that were supposedly coming out of China depicting ghastly “Coronavirus” scenes.

Most of those videos have been quietly wiped off the internet, but back in January and February those grisly videos were a viral sensation and they scared the sense out of Americans.

The videos captured supposed Coronavirus victims in various stages of pandemic horror. Some showed people foaming at the mouth and collapsing in the streets, while others featured ominous government officials wearing Hazmat suits, hovering over lifeless bodies struck down from the virus.

It was a virtual buffet of fear-porn, and Americans couldn’t get enough of it.
Personally, I saw hundreds of those videos. The comments from people sharing the clips would range from sarcastic “Just the flu” type stuff — intended to mock and shame anyone who tried to downplay the seriousness of the virus — to wild conspiracy theories claiming Coronavirus caused brain swelling, spontaneous convulsions, and instant death.

It was some of the most powerful video propaganda I’ve ever witnessed.
Imagine being a soccer mom and logging onto Facebook and seeing your sister-in-law’s post of a Chinese man foaming at the mouth and dropping dead, with the caption “Just the flu ” You keep scrolling down your timeline and see the same clip over and over, and other similar shock videos shared by neighbors, friends, and people you work with.

You’d lose your mind, and rightfully so. That’s powerful messaging and it had a major impact on the American psyche, day in and day out for two months straight.

For me, being a suspicious person by nature, it all felt very hysterical, staged, and phony. But at a time when fear, confusion, and distrust were at an all-time high, it was virtually impossible to talk rationally about the virus with friends and family who were sucked in by the “terror propaganda.”

It’s understandable because even though I didn’t buy into the hype, there was still a nagging voice in the back of my head whispering “what if…”

And even that quiet little “what if” was tremendously powerful.

In just two short months Americans were whipped into a fear-frothing frenzy which set the table for the tyrannical lockdowns and mask mandates that would follow. Lockdowns that consumed our nation, pitted neighbor against neighbor, struck down our booming economy, and wiped out small businesses from coast to coast.

Two years ago, if you had told Americans they would voluntarily shut down their businesses and lock themselves in their homes they would’ve laughed in your face. But those viral videos laid the groundwork for lockdown acceptance. They were the first of many perfectly-timed events that Americans would use to justify tossing away their rights and livelihood in exchange for harsh restrictions and lockdowns — after all, nobody wanted to foam at the mouth and keel over while shopping for cappuccino makers at Bed Bath & Beyond.

However, there was one very big problem… little did we know back then that all of those spine-tingling videos were fake.

That’s right, the beginning of the Coronavirus mass hysteria and the very first building blocks that led to a nation-wide lockdown, the destruction of our economy, and the great global reset was a complete and total hoax.

You’d think a bombshell like that would concern everyone or at the very least pique the interest of journalists and politicians, right?

But it didn’t.

Many people shrugged off the videos, claiming there’s always fake or sensational news online. And they’re right. But this was different. Very different. Those “Chinese fear videos” were hand-picked, edited, and manipulated in order to market a very specific horror story to Americans.

Those video clips played night and day into the darkest and most personal fears of every single American who watched them.

And there was a running narrative, as well. It went like this:

Dear America,

A deadly virus is coming to get you, and your government will downplay it and tell you it’s “just the flu,” but it’s not. It will kill you and your family.

Thanks to those videos, millions of Americans didn’t trust President Trump right out of the gate. While he was working to calm the nation, frantic Americans were thinking about all those Chinese people keeling over in the streets. “Why isn’t Trump as frantic and scared as we are,” many people wondered… what was he hiding?

It all came back to those videos. They set a powerful narrative and programmed countless American minds.

But who would do this? That’s the million-dollar question.

Internet trolls are brilliant and have pulled off some mindboggling stunts, but this felt very different from that. This felt highly organized, sophisticated, and had consistent expert messaging peppered with very cunning psychological warfare.

It looked and felt like a professionally coordinated marketing campaign.

For me, the answer to the million-dollar question is obvious: the people who did this are the ones who would benefit most from the collapse of the US economy, a return to a globalist agenda, and the removal of President Trump.

The next logical question is: who has the means, talent, and resources to successfully pull off a campaign like this?

My theory would go something like this: Some entity, perhaps associated with the Chinese government, weaponized a cache of carefully edited “video clips” and used them as phase one of an intricate “gorilla-type” propaganda war designed to scare the American people into surrendering their lives and livelihoods in an effort to collapse the world’s greatest economy, oust a popular America First President, and reset the globalist agenda. Once these videos were in circulation, it is possible that certain sectors of the American establishment amplified the fear in order to justify the brutal consolidation of power right around the corner.

I’m not an investigative journalist, and I don’t have the resources to uncover who created, uploaded, and marketed those videos. But together, you and I can look back at some of the fake viral videos and stories from last year, and examine how they were cleverly marketed to the American people to achieve peak fear and submission.

One of the biggest viral sensations at the start of the COVID pandemic was a collection of videos showing Chinese people keeling over from the virus.

At the time these videos came out we didn’t know that COVID-19 doesn’t cause people to spontaneously “drop like flies.” I’ve had COVID – a very bad case, actually, that lasted for over three months – and even so, I was still able to stand upright. However, the videos that came out last year told a much different, far scarier story.

They showed random Chinese people dying in the streets from the virus.

Click here to watch the age-restricted video on YouTube.


Screenshot from YouTube.

That video looks particularly menacing and “virusy” thanks to the officials in Hazmat suits.

That’s a theme you’ll see a lot throughout these videos and images — Hazmat suits. They’re everywhere.

And speaking of Hazmat suits, when digging around for these clips, I discovered that first-responders in China routinely wear Hazmat suits on the job. It’s part of their uniform.

However, thanks to TV shows and Hollywood movies, most Americans immediately think of scientists and highly-contagious deadly viruses when they see a Hazmat suit and it instantly legitimizes the claims that are being made. So it’s easy to see how that viral clip would have a major impact on many US citizens.

The next video was everywhere on social media as well. It claimed to show dead COVIID victims lining the streets and waiting to be picked up like piles of garbage.

Here’s what a Twitter user tweeted out about the video on February 17th, 2020:
“Wuhan China. Dead Bodies waiting 4 pickup. Coronavirus NO ordinary Virus. Is it intentionally released BIO WEAPON?”

Imagine watching this video and picturing your city’s “Main Street USA” lined with dead bodies?

“Coming soon to a town near you…”

That’s a terrifying image and can really mess with someone’s head.

However, this was also a lie.

The video actually shows people sleeping on the streets in Shenzhen, China — a city over 600 miles away from Wuhan, according to the AP.

However, the imagery in this video and the idea that some “bioweapon” was coming to your town was tremendously powerful.

Would you voluntarily stay locked inside your home to avoid being struck down by a bioweapon?

After seeing that video, probably.

Another popular viral image showed a man supposedly suffering from COVID, who collapsed at the airport.


These types of photos were everywhere — they fed into a popular “Wuhan/Coronavirus” narrative that showcased people trying but failing to “escape” the city.

The stories were dramatic tragedy-type tales of victims and scared citizens desperately trying to flee but were either captured or killed by Hazmat officials or they collapsed and died just before they made it out of the city.

It sounds like a Lifetime movie, right? Very emotional stuff involving the human spirit and the will to live — you can relate, can’t you? Sure you can. These poor people are just like you… bla bla bla.

Only, they’re not exactly like you, because unlike you, this story isn’t real.

The man in this photo did not have COVID. In actuality, he was drunk and passed-out according to fact-checker Poynter.

Another running theme in the “China fear clips” were videos showing authorities (oftentimes listed as “armed doctors” by the person posting the video) violently apprehending or killing COVID victims in order to help save the world.

Imagine seeing doctors so frightened of a virus that they’re forced to use weapons against innocent sickly victims. It’s unthinkable and terrifying to even imagine, let alone watch it unfold before your own eyes.

Suddenly, the COVID pandemic felt like a Mad Max movie with apocalyptic themes and “good and evil” trading places.

The doctors have been made evil by a virus so insidious that it turns heroes into villains — what a plot twist!

However, the videos that were shared as actual encounters were really just training videos, many of them with actors.

You have to keep in mind that China is a communist country and they don’t allow just anyone to randomly film things especially involving “government officials,” as we do in the US.

If something was recorded, it was ok’d by the government.

But the people who posted these types of videos went to great lengths to make you believe that you were watching a real-life takedown.

Here’s a sample of the type of “training videos” that were passed off as real encounters.

1:58 min

One of the most compelling videos is no longer available online.

When I watched this particular video it had a rather big impact on me. It was definitely one of my “what if…” moments.

It was a clip of a woman lying dead in the street and the story was that she was shot and killed at the border by doctors as she attempted to flee Wuhan.

There are those powerful themes again… Lifetime movie meets Mad Max.

I remember watching it and thinking, could this be true? Is there a virus so awful that doctors who took an oath to save mankind are now murderers?

Again, what an unthinkable horror and it really made me pause and question myself. Was I not taking this seriously enough? There are so many videos out there… Am I ignoring the ugly truth?

What if…

But like all the others, this video was also a lie.

I was able to locate a screenshot from the video:


The actual video was real, but it had nothing to do with COVID. It was a well-documented motor-scooter accident involving two teenagers, one of whom tragically died. However, the video was artfully edited to remove the “scooter” from the frame in order to tell a completely different story, with an entirely new narrative and theme.

From Observers France:
People all over the world have been sharing a video that they claim shows a woman killed by police in China for trying to escape quarantine for the COVID-19 virus, which has infected more than 70,000 people since it first appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The propagation of this video is evidence of the rising hysteria about the virus online. However, our team took a closer look, and found out that the video itself tells an entirely different story.
The 21-second video shows a person wearing a yellow jacket and black trousers lying motionless on the ground. The person’s face is covered in blood. In the background someone is screaming, and at the very end of the video a woman runs towards the person on the ground. The video has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on social media, especially Twitter.
Social media users claimed that the person on the ground was a woman fatally shot by police when she tried to break past the blockade set up to try to contain the virus in Wuzu, a city in Hubei province.

Zhang W. sent us another version of the video shared online, which is a fraction of a second longer. If you pause the video, you can see that there is a motorbike or scooter lying on its side on the sidewalk a few metres from the person on the ground. Also, at 0’04, you can see that the concrete barrier around a nearby tree has been damaged.

“Two teenagers were going too fast on their scooters,” explains one of the messages posted in the group alongside the video. “They hit the edge of the road and lost control. The driver died.”
There were hundreds and hundreds of these types of videos floating around social media — and all of them went viral, and many news outlets and blogs covered them as well… they were everywhere, and they shaped so much of what was yet to come for our country — but they were all fake.

Yet, even so, nobody in the media or our government is asking who made them and posted them online, and why.

Their silence speaks volumes.

Part 1 of 2
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On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

But that wasn’t the end… those early videos were just the tip of the psychological warfare. They were just the beginning. Part two quickly kicked in.

I like to call this the “affirmation phase.”

Just as the dramatic COVID videos were starting to taper off, a bombshell report from the Imperial College in London splashed on the scene and its findings all but validated the slew of China horror clips that we’d been watching for months.

The report, which was covered in-depth by The New York Times in April 2020, estimated that as many as 2.2 million Americans would likely die from COVID-19 if we didn’t go into quarantine.

That’s right, if we didn’t lock ourselves in our homes we would end up like all of those poor Chinese people in those videos.

Here’s a blip from the NYT piece:
American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public.

Imperial College has advised the government on its response to previous epidemics, including SARS, avian flu, and swine flu. With ties to the World Health Organization and a team of 50 scientists, led by a prominent epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, Imperial is treated as a sort of gold standard, its mathematical models feeding directly into government policies.
“Gold standard” indeed… By mid-May Mr. Ferguson’s erroneous “model” that predicted millions of deaths would be lining birdcages all over the world.

But at that time we didn’t know any better. We simply trusted the “gold plan.”

And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, the COVID catastrophe in Italy was unfolding right before our eyes. The world watched in horror as Italy’s medical system collapsed under the weight of all the sick people.

Now, as someone who once lived in Italy, I can tell you that they don’t exactly have “red carpet” healthcare to begin with. Much of the medical system in Italy looks and feels as old as the Colosseum. So, the implosion was not all that shocking for those of us familiar with Italy’s hospitals. But to the average American, it was a horror show. And the images coming out of Italy, coupled with the China videos and the “gold standard” report, was enough for most people to throw in the towel and declare “we’re doomed…”

The COVID fear train was traveling full-steam ahead. All aboard.

Terrified Americans watched in real-time as Italy’s hospitals buckled — stories began circulating showing COVID patients lying on gurneys under trees, on dirt-covered roads, and in parking lots.

It was quite a sight to behold.

Imagine how many Americans pictured themselves or their loved ones on those same outdoor gurneys somewhere in LA, Nashville, or Indianapolis – gasping to take their last breath, waiting for the foam to bubble up and death to snatch them away? It’s a gory picture to paint, but this was the vibe in early Spring of 2020.

Only, just like the China videos before them, many of the stories coming out of Italy were also fake.

One viral Facebook post showed a series of photos with slews of hospital patients lined up on gurneys outside with the caption: “This is Italy. There is no more space in hospitals. Think twice before you put your foot outside the door”


That last line, “Think twice before you put your foot outside the door….” is some top-shelf fear-porn. Would you wander outside the safety of your home if you just saw a line of gurneys under a tree? Probably not.

However, the image was not from Italy, and it had nothing to do with Coronavirus. The image was actually from Croatia and those patients in the photo were earthquake survivors, so of course, they’re not going to be inside damaged hospital buildings.

Here’s what the BBC said about that Facebook post:
The images being shared are genuine, but they are not from Italy.

A reverse image search reveals they were taken in the Croatian capital, Zagreb, after it was hit by an earthquake on 22 March.

The most widely shared post seems to have originated in India just as the government there imposed a nationwide lockdown on 25 March.
And the fake videos and images weren’t just coming out of China and Italy. The US also got in on the fun.

During a segment on New York’s “overcrowded hospitals,” CBS used B-roll footage from an Italian hospital with a banner that read: “Coronavirus Race to Respond: America’s Epicenter: New York Now Accounts For More Than Half of US Cases.”


Why did CBS use a hospital in Italy to try and convince Americans that New York was buckling under the demand?

Another good question that deserves an answer.

And as a side note to that, Americans had a hard time finding these “overflowing” hospitals… and trust me, they searched and searched. At one point the hashtag #EmptyHospitals was trending on Twitter and videos like this popped up all over the place (most have since been deleted by Youtube):

As it stands now, we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of this Coronavirus pandemic plot…it would be the most bizarre story ever told if it wasn’t so obvious what really went down.

We were purposely bamboozled and tricked into thinking that a virus that caused brain swelling, convulsions, and spontaneous death was coming to our shores, and if we didn’t close our businesses, lock ourselves in our homes, and surrender our liberties millions of us would die.

That was the message which was delivered loud and clear for two months.

It all started with those early videos out of China. They were the very first building blocks of a coordinated marketing campaign to reboot America.

Just look at the totality of what happened as a result of the pandemic and ask yourself who benefited most from all of those “perfectly-timed” events. I think if you do that, and also consider the well-crafted fear campaign that was foisted upon all of us, you will agree that my “working theory” holds water.
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On TB every waking moment
(From today's hearing with Senator Ron Johnson.)


Attorney Thomas Renz reveals what multiple DoD whistleblowers have provided on the safety of the vaccines

These numbers are mind blowing! 2:37 min

miscarriages almost 300% increase over 5 year average
cancer almost 300% increase over 5 year average
neurological 1000% over 5 year average 82,000 --> 863,000

on 9/28/2021 when Fauci and the CDC were calling it a "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated," according to DOD Project Salus, the fully vaccinated accounted for 71% of cases and 60% of hospitalizations
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On TB every waking moment

All you need to know about Covid vaccine failure in one chart
Courtesy of the good people at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark

I know the screen is dirty. Ignore that.

I know it’s in Danish. Ignore that too.

This chart tracks the number of patients hospitalized for Covid in Denmark since vaccines became available in December 2020. Denmark is one of the world’s most highly vaccinated countries. Roughly 95 percent of Danes over 12 are vaccinated, and almost two-thirds are boosted. Denmark is also going through an unprecedented Omicron outbreak (more to come on that very soon).

The chart breaks down the hospitalizations by vaccine status. Dark blue is fully vaccinated, light blue is unvaccinated. Yes, the unvaccinated make up more than their share of the population. We know this.

But remember: IN LIBERAL, SUPER-HIGHLY VACCINATED COUNTRIES LIKE DENMARK, VACCINE HESITANCY IS NOT A THING. NOT IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY. The unvaccinated elderly are unvaccinated largely because they cannot be.

Being unvaccinated is a MARKER for sickness. Of course the unvaccinated are disproportionately likely to be hospitalized for Covid.

So ignore the three-card monte game public health authorities and the media have played since the summer, when it became clear the vaccines did not stop infection or transmission. Forget relative rate ratios.

Look instead at the WHOLE chart, how the trend of hospitalizations has changed over the last 13 months. Human biology is the same everywhere. In the spring and summer, the vaccines worked. Cases fell almost to zero. A miracle of biotechnology.

But the miracle - the dubious miracle of vaccine-generated spike protein antibodies - did not last.

By September, vaccine protection was waning. The dark blue line (vaccinated) grew thicker relative to the light blue line, though that failure was masked by a general decline in cases after the summer wave.

Then, in mid-October (2021-week 41), a new wave began. The vaccines did nothing to stop it. Once Omicron hit hospitalizations accelerated exponentially.

Now Denmark - 95 percent adult vaccinated, 65 percent boosted Denmark - HAS MORE COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS NOW THAN IT DID BEFORE A SINGLE DANE RECEIVED A SINGLE MRNA VACCINE. AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED. Even boosters have done nothing to reverse the trend. The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.

If that’s vaccine success, I’d hate to see failure.

SOURCE: Experience


On TB every waking moment

These Mothers Were Exhausted, So They Met on a Field to Scream

The pandemic has been relentless for mothers, many of whom have been stuck in an endless cycle of work and child care. Some Massachusetts mothers gathered to do something about it.


A group of mothers at the first primal scream in Boston last year. “It’s just amazing how light you can feel after you do that,” said a participant at a similar gathering held on Jan. 13.Credit...Alice Rouse

By Alyssa Lukpat
Jan. 23, 2022Updated 9:36 p.m. ET

In Boston, many mothers were exhausted. The pandemic had been so draining that they wanted to scream.

But they had to hold it in because they had children to raise, careers to build and chores to finish. For nearly two years, they have been trapped.

But on a night this month, about 20 mothers ditched their duties. They left their children and homes behind and headed to a high school football field.

One by one, they emerged from the shadows and gathered at the 50-yard line.

They stood in a circle under the soft lights, and for 20 glorious minutes they screamed and screamed and screamed, said Sarah Harmon, a therapist, yoga teacher and mother who organized the gathering.

Their voices, which carried years of pain and rage that they could finally release, merged into an anguished chorus, according to videos of the gathering.

CreditCredit...Meghan B. Kelly/WBUR

“It was so nice to feel out of control for the first time,” one mother told Ms. Harmon, who lives in Boston.

One of the participants, Jessica Buckley, said many of the mothers were unaware of The New York Times’s primal scream hotline, which is available to mothers who want to yell, laugh, cry or vent for a solid minute.

Ms. Harmon, 39, first held what she called a primal scream gathering last year, after her clients had suggested it. She counsels mothers who, like herself, have gone through varying stages of despair, anger and anxiety as the pandemic has lingered.

Ms. Harmon, a mother of 3- and 5-year-old daughters, said that her children were driving her “absolutely nuts” during the pandemic.

At the gathering on Jan. 13, which was previously reported by the radio station WBUR and The Boston Globe, she said a lot of the mothers were feeling bitter.

They questioned why the pandemic was still going on and why children under 5 could not be vaccinated, said Ms. Harmon, the founder of the School of MOM, a mindfulness website for mothers. (Children under 5 have still not been approved to get a coronavirus vaccine.)

That is why the gathering was so cathartic, she said. For once, the mothers could just let go.

“It’s just amazing how light you can feel after you do that,” she said on Sunday. “I slept better.”

At the football field, Ms. Harmon signaled the start of a new round of screaming by raising two light-up unicorn wands that belong to her daughters.

The gathering, she said, unfolded in five parts, the first four of which were a normal scream, a round of swearing, a “free-for-all” of screams or shouts, and a scream in honor of the mothers who were too busy to attend.

Some of the mothers put their all into the screaming, hunching over and throwing their arms back, according to videos Ms. Harmon shared.

The fifth part was a contest to see who could scream the longest. The winner, who screamed for about 30 seconds, was Ms. Buckley, a 36-year-old therapist and mother of two.

“I probably could’ve kept screaming,” she said on Sunday. “It’s been a really, really tough time.”

She said that, as a mother of 2- and 4-year-old daughters, she felt left behind.

“We’re still trying to navigate quarantines and stuff when the country seems to have moved on,” she said.

She is one of millions of mothers in the United States who have confronted a mental health crisis during the pandemic. So many mothers have been brought to the breaking point as they juggle more child care and domestic work along with their own lives.

Everyone has been touched by the pandemic in some way, but mothers often have no place to escape and no time to take a break, said Dr. Ellen Vora, a psychiatrist in Manhattan.

Mothers, unlike their children, usually do not have the time or the space to have a meltdown, Dr. Vora said.

“If you have two to three years of pent-up pressure,” she said, “going and being in a community of other moms and having a big release in the form of a scream is really healthy.”

Ms. Harmon said that she had received an overwhelming response to the gathering from other mothers. Many older mothers told her they used to scream alone in a closet.

But she says a new generation of mothers have normalized the frustrations of their roles — leading to screaming in an open field.

Groups across Massachusetts have now invited Ms. Harmon to lead primal screams.

“The scream resonated for people because it normalized their anger,” she said. “It’s been very powerful and quite healing.”


On TB every waking moment

Gab Cartoons!
Gab Cartoons!@gabcartoons

Brother and sisters,

This war for liberty is worldwide. Unfortunately, NO mainstream news media is covering what's really happening in #Taiwan. What is even more infuriating is that I have personally reached out to alternative media personalities... nothing but SILENCE.

It's unconscionable.

SHAME on the alternative media.

So here's the 30-second-elevator-conversation version:

1. Taiwan Government starting rolling out mass vaccination in May 2021. Since then, there have been more than 1,250 deaths "post-vaccination" -- the youngest being a 2-month-old child who died after breastfeeding from her mother who had been vaccinated (and assured multiple times by nurses that it was no problem) earlier in the day. See stats on page 3 here:

2. There were only 11 (!) deaths from COVID-19 in all of 2020. Now there are 851. So we have more deaths and more cases AFTER "vaccinations" began.

3. In addition to the growing number of deaths, nearly ZERO of the families of those who have died have received compensation.

4. On January 21st, 2021, the Taiwan Government instituted vaccine passports for visitors to enter schools and adult leisure venues: Starting Jan. 21, full COVID-19 vaccination record to be required for people entering certain leisure and entertainment venues

In response, an ever-growing number of freedom-loving Taiwanese are standing up. Today, January 23rd, to show solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the World, they battled rain and poor weather to walk for hours to stand up for bodily autonomy and freedom.

The World is still being silent at what these good people are doing!

Here's video:
5:03:04 min

Had the CCP wanted to decimate the nation of Taiwan, they could not have designed a better plan than what is being pushed out by this current "democratic" government led by the mayors of Taipei City (Ko Wen-je) and New Taipei City (Hou Yu-ih). The President and Premier appear to be MIA.

Deaths are racking up. There are tens of thousands of people being handicapped by adverse effects -- even teens!


So if you know Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Peter McCullough, or any other well-known member of our community blowing the whistle, tell them to point out all the above! I've reached out to Dr. Z, to Stew Peters, to others... absolutely nothing.

"Welcome to the Revolution" by Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy was the anthem blasted through a loudspeaker.

@a @disco @RealStewPeters @TRUNEWS could we have some people with some guts get this story out?!

Help end that. Repost this message EVERYWHERE. I've made it easy for you by giving you the data... you don't need to even look for it.


Veteran Member

This is another VERY long article with a lot of interesting embedded video links and data. It is WAAAAY to long to post. It too claims that Dr. Malone is working for the DS.


On TB every waking moment
Regarding unvaxxed majority in hospitals. Just heard this from the 5 hours Johnson meeting, from Dr. Kory. “If you log in to the most popular hospital software, probably EPIC, you only have two statuses a patient can have, they can either be vaccinated, or they can be…..unknown. There is no category for unvaccinated. His hypothesis, if you were vaccinated within that hospital system, that vaccination record appears. If you went to Walgreens, RiteAid, or a private practice, it probably won’t, therefore the stats are knowingly inflated.
Not an exact quote.
Question for those familiar with such software and procedures, if the patient has no such record of being vaxxed within their system, would the patient be asked if they were vaxxed elsewhere, and would the answer be trusted and entered as vaxxed, or does the system only trust itself?

Leave California and never look back…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 1:51 am

View attachment 315816
View attachment 315817
All California schoolchildren must be vaccinated against COVID under new bill.

Full story here…

2:06 min

Senator Pan is owned by Big Pharma…

View attachment 315818

Prominent California Republicans are weighing in…

View attachment 315819View attachment 315820
You realize that once the jab gets onto the required child vaxx list and presumably fully approved, they will have a mandate and immunity from liability. Sweet.


On TB every waking moment

Eric Clapton | The Vaccinated are suffering from ‘mass hypnosis’…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 3:06 am

17:53 min

Eric Clapton’s career “had almost gone anyway” until his campaign against conventional medicine took off. The 76 year-old musician went on the Real Music Observer YouTube channel to discuss how his life has changed since reluctantly taking the AstraZeneca Clotshot in 2021.

Clapton has since become outspoken with his anti-vaccination stance. He says he was duped into getting the mRNA jab by subliminal messaging in pharmaceutical advertising — and urged others not to fall for it.

“Whatever the memo was, it hadn’t reached me,” he said, referring to the “mass formation hypnosis” theory.

Credited to Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet, the theory essentially points to a sort of mind control that has taken over society, allowing for unscrupulous leaders to easily manipulate populations into, for example, accepting vaccines or wearing face masks.

“Then I started to realize there was really a memo, and a guy, Mattias Desmet [professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium], talked about it,” Clapton continued. “And it’s great. The theory of mass formation hypnosis. And I could see it then. Once I kind of started to look for it, I saw it everywhere.”

Clapton recalled “seeing little things on YouTube which were like subliminal advertising,” he said.

The former Cream guitarist also talked about his efforts with fellow British songwriter Van Morrison to speak up on behalf of other artists against vaccine requirements.

“My career had almost gone anyway. At the point where I spoke out, it had been almost 18 months since I’d kind of been forcibly retired,” he said, as pandemic restrictions shut down live events for months.

“I joined forces with Van and I got the tip Van was standing up to the measures and I thought, ‘Why is nobody else doing this?’ … so I contacted him.” He said Morrison, 76, complained that he wasn’t “allowed” to freely object to vaccine requirements.

“I was mystified, I seemed to be the only person that found it exciting or even appropriate. I’m cut from a cloth where if you tell me I can’t do something, I really want to know why.”

“My family and friends got scared, and I think they were scared on my behalf,” he added.

Clapton also admitted that he’d given up on recent news media, which he described as “one-way traffic about following orders and obedience” — a decision that he said has helped him creatively and professionally.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer also joked about losing touch with friends and family over his political views: “My family and friends think I am a crackpot anyway.” “Over the last year, there’s been a lot of disappearing — a lot of dust around, with people moving away quite quickly. It has, for me, refined the kind of friendship I have. And it’s dwindled down to the people that I obviously really need and love,” he said.

“Inside my family, that became quite pivotal,” he said, speaking of wife Melia McEnery and four daughters, Ruth, 37, Julie, 20, Ella, 19, and Sophie, 16. “I’ve got teenage girls, and an older girl who’s in her 30s — and they’ve all had to kind of give me leeway because I haven’t been able to convince any of them.”

Despite making headlines, others in the music community have alienated him, Clapton said. “I would try to reach out to fellow musicians and sometimes I just don’t hear from them,” he said. “My phone doesn’t ring very often. I don’t get that many texts and emails anymore.”




On TB every waking moment
Another thing from the Johnson meeting, a nurse stating that her hospital used HCQ for two months, then it was removed, presumably when rundeathisnear was approved as the only treatment.


On TB every waking moment

Neil Young suffers meltdown…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 3:56 am


Neil Young demands Spotify remove all his music over Joe Rogan.

Neil Young is a grumpy old man with a Heart of Coal. “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.”



On TB every waking moment

“I Don’t Know How You Sleep at Night”

A nightmarish true story of how a researcher who could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives mysteriously decided not to.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Answers to this question have changed the course of history.
  • During World War II, Oskar Schindler’s answer was to bribe Nazi officials with liquor and other luxury items to save his Jewish factory workers from deportation to Nazi work camps. He saved about 1,100 people—and depleted his entire fortune to do so.
  • In the mid-twentieth century, agriculturist Norman Borlaug responded by saving billions of people from starvation through his development of a high-yield, disease-resistant wheat. He shared his discovery with Mexico, Pakistan, India, and throughout Asia and Africa—doubling food production and decreasing the rates of starvation.
  • Harriet Tubman’s answer is legendary. Tubman was an escaped slave who returned to Maryland on numerous perilous journeys to bring other slaves to freedom. She did so over and over again at great risk to her own life and freedom. She also served as a spy to the Union army during the Civil War.
  • In the 1960s, James Harrison learned that his blood contained an unusual antibody combination that could be used to prevent a potentially fatal blood condition in babies. So Harrison’s response was to donate blood once a week, every week, until 2018—for a total of 1,173 blood donations. His blood helped create 3 million doses of the Anti-D injection and saved 2.4 million babies.
These stories illuminate the very best of humanity.

But tragically, during this pandemic, the answer to, “What are you doing for others?”given by institutional sponsors of covid-19 scientific research—and the lead researcher himself—was: Nothing. They were doing nothing for others.

Instead, they knowingly and callously mounted a deadly assault on humanity. And as a result, hundreds of thousands of people are dead—having perished unnecessarily.

Here’s the wretched story.
In late 2020, Dr. Andrew Hill, a researcher at the University of Liverpool, was leading a team of researchers studying the drug ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Their work was funded by UNITAID—a global health agency hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and supported (in large part) by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Unitaid’s main donors are France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Chile, and Japan.

Dr. Hill and the research team produced their meta-analysis of ivermectin in January, 2021. The paper considered eighteen studies on the thirty-five-year-old drug—which has been safely used since 1987 to eradicate parasitic pandemics in low- and middle-income countries. The study concluded that the use of ivermectin resulted in reduced inflammation and a more rapid elimination of the Sars-Cov-2 virus from the body. Six of the eighteen trials showed that the risk of death from covid-19 was 75 percent lower in patients who had moderate to severe disease.

This was absolutely tremendous news. Hundreds of thousands of lives were about to be saved from the ravages of covid-19. Said Dr. Hill at the time to the Financial Times, “The purpose of this report is to forewarn people that this is coming: get prepared, get supplies, get ready to approve [ivermectin]. We need to be ready.”

When Dr. Hill made that statement—to gear up for the worldwide distribution of ivermectin—nearly 15,000 people were dying across the world every single day. Dr. Hill continued, “Vaccination is central to the response to the epidemic. But [ivermectin] might help reduce infection rates by making people less infectious and it might reduce death rates by treating the viral infection.”

But just one month later, Dr. Hill’s original, positive study conclusions on ivermectin quite literally fell off the rails. And so did the fortunes of the thousands who had no idea then that they were stuck on the tracks with a freight train barreling towards them—unable to get out of harm’s way because help had been hijacked.

In late 2020, Dr. Andrew Hill, a researcher at the University of Liverpool, was leading a team of researchers studying the drug ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of covid-19. Why did he change his conclusions?

Dr. Tess Lawrie, a physician, independent WHO researcher, and Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, England, had heard that Dr. Hill was about to change his conclusions about ivermectin’s efficacy. So she called him on Zoom to find out why—and recorded the entire conversation.

During that Zoom call, Dr. Hill confessed to Dr. Lawrie that he was changing his study conclusions from positive to negative—because he was under pressure from his funding sponsors to do so.

Wait, what? His sponsors told him to change the study conclusions? NOT the data? What in the hell was going on?

Lawrie was furious.

We know that the studies considered in Hill’s soon-to-be-revised ivermectin paper did not change. But now the paper was going to conclude that because most of those studies in the meta-analysis contained “low-certainty evidence,” the positive results in the first iteration of the paper were now going to be characterized as being of “low certainty.”

But that’s not how it works, folks.
According to Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, “People need to understand that WHO treatment recommendation guidelines routinely include low, moderate, and high bias. They use all data to formulate their recommendations.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, a physician, independent WHO researcher, and Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, England, had heard that Dr. Hill was about to change his conclusions about ivermectin’s efficacy. So she called him on Zoom to find out why—and recorded the entire conversation.

The following excerpts of Andrew Hill’s conversation with Tess Lawrie, recently printed in media stories, are from Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense).
Lawrie: I really, really wish, and you’ve explained quite clearly to me, in both what you’ve been saying and in your body language that you’re not entirely comfortable with your conclusions, and that you’re in a tricky position because of whatever influence people are having on you, and including the people who have paid you and who have basically written that conclusion for you.
Hill: You’ve just got to understand I’m in a difficult position. I’m trying to steer a middle ground and it’s extremely hard.
Lawrie: Yeah. Middle ground. The middle ground is not a middle ground…You’ve taken a position right to the other extreme calling for further trials that are going to kill people. So this will come out, and you will be culpable.
Lawrie: Lots of people are in sensitive positions; they’re in hospital, in ICUs dying, and they need this medicine.
Hill: Well…

Lawrie: This is what I don’t get, you know, because you’re not a clinician. You’re not seeing people dying every day. And this medicine prevents deaths by 80 percent. So 80 percent of those people who are dying today don’t need to die because there’s ivermectin.

Hill: There are a lot, as I said, there are a lot of different opinions about this. As I say, some people simply…

Lawrie: We are looking at the data; it doesn’t matter what other people say. We are the ones who are tasked with looking at the data and reassuring everybody that this cheap and effective treatment will save lives. It’s clear. You don’t have to say, well, so-and-so says this, and so-and-so says that. It’s absolutely crystal clear. We can save lives today. If we can get the government to buy ivermectin.

Hill: Well, I don’t think it’s as simple as that, because you’ve got trials…

Lawrie: It is as simple as that. We don’t have to wait for studies…we have enough evidence now that shows that ivermectin saves lives, it prevents hospitalization. It saves the clinical staff going to work every day and being exposed. And frankly, I’m shocked at how you are not taking responsibility for that decision. And you still haven’t told me who is [influencing you]? Who is giving you that opinion? Because you keep saying you’re in a sensitive position. I appreciate you are in a sensitive position, if you’re being paid for something and you’re being told [to support] a certain narrative…that is a sensitive position.

So, then you kind of have to decide, well, do I take this payment?

Because in actual fact, [you] can see [your false] conclusions are going to harm people. So maybe you need to say, I’m not going to be paid for this.

I can see the evidence, and I will join the Cochrane team as a volunteer, like everybody on the Cochrane team is a volunteer. Nobody’s being paid for this work.

Hill: I think fundamentally, we’re reaching the [same] conclusion about the survival benefit. We’re both finding a significant effect on survival. (Author’s note: Hill says IVM has a significant effect on survival? And he STILL bows to a murderous master?)

Lawrie: No, I’m grading my evidence. I’m saying I’m sure of this evidence. I’m saying I’m absolutely sure it prevents deaths. There is nothing as effective as this treatment. What is your reluctance? Whose conclusion is that?

You keep referring to other people. It’s like you don’t trust yourself. If you were to trust yourself, you would know that you have made an error and you need to correct it because you know, in your heart, that this treatment prevents death.

Hill: Well, I know, I know for a fact that the data right now is not going to get the drug approved.

Lawrie: But, Andy—know this will come out. It will come out that there were all these barriers to the truth being told to the public and to the evidence being presented. So please, this is your opportunity just to acknowledge [the truth] in your review, change your conclusions, and come on board with this Cochrane Review, which will be definitive. It will be the review that shows the evidence and gives the proof. This was the consensus on Wednesday night’s meeting with 20 experts.

When Dr. Hill tells Dr. Lawrie that the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) will not be on board with a positive recommendation for ivermectin, Dr. Lawrie snaps back:

Lawrie: Yeah, because the NIH is owned by the vaccine lobby.

Hill: That’s not something I know about. (Author’s note: Really, Dr. Hill? I, for one, am buying it.)

Lawrie: Well, all I’m saying is this smacks of corruption and you are being played.

Hill: I don’t think so. (Author’s note: I do.)

Lawrie: Well then, you have no excuse because your work in that review is flawed. It’s rushed. It is not properly put together.

This is bad research…bad research. So, at this point, I don’t know…you seem like a nice guy, but I am really, really worried about you.

Hill: Okay. Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s a difficult situation.

Lawrie: No, you might be in a difficult situation. I’m not, because I have no paymaster. I can tell the truth. How can you deliberately try and mess it up…you know?

Hill: It’s not messing it up. It’s saying that we need, we need a short time to look at some more studies.

Lawrie: So, how long are you going to let people carry on dying unnecessarily—up to you? What is, what is the timeline that you’ve allowed for this, then?

Hill: Well, I think that it goes to WHO and the NIH and the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). And they’ve got to decide when they think enough’s enough. (Author’s note: What about the people who will die of covid-19 but can be saved by ivermectin, Dr. Hill? Do they get a say about when they think enough is enough?)

Lawrie: How do they decide? Because there’s nobody giving them good evidence synthesis, because yours is certainly not good.

Hill: Well, when yours comes out, which will be in the very near future…at the same time, there’ll be other trials producing results, which will nail it with a bit of luck. And we’ll be there. (Author’s note: “WE’LL be there? As in, you’re in this to win it too with ivermectin? You’re in this to keep your job and a healthy paycheck, punk. Watch out for traffic jams at the cemeteries on your way to work.)

Lawrie: It’s already nailed.

Hill: No, that’s, that’s not the view of the WHO and the FDA.
Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2
Lawrie: You’d rather risk loads of people’s lives. Do you know if you and I stood together on this, we could present a united front and we could get this thing. We could make it happen. We could save lives; we could prevent people from getting infected. We could prevent the elderly from dying.

These are studies conducted around the world in several different countries. And they’re all saying the same thing. Plus there’s all sorts of other evidence to show that it works. Randomized controlled trials do not need to be the be-all and end-all. But [even] based on the randomized controlled trials, it is clear that ivermectin works. It prevents deaths and it prevents harms and it improves outcomes for people…

I can see we’re getting nowhere because you have an agenda, whether you like it or not, whether you admit to it or not, you have an agenda. And the agenda is to kick this down the road as far as you can. So we are trying to save lives. That’s what we do.

I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the message [out] on ivermectin. Okay. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do.

Lawrie then asks again: Would you tell me? I would like to know who pays you as a consultant through WHO?

Hill: It’s Unitaid.

Lawrie: All right. So who helped to…whose conclusions are those on the review that you’ve done? Who is not listed as an author? Who’s actually contributed?

Hill: Well, I mean, I don’t really want to get into, I mean, it…Unitaid…

Lawrie: I think that…it needs to be clear. I would like to know who, who are these other voices that are in your paper that are not acknowledged? Does Unitaid have a say? Do they influence what you write?

Hill: Unitaid has a say in the conclusions of the paper. Yeah. (Author’s note: Does Unitaid do the scientific and medical research or did you?)

Lawrie: Okay. So, who is it in Unitaid, then? Who is giving you opinions on your evidence?

Hill: Well, it’s just the people there. I don’t…

Lawrie: So they have a say in your conclusions.

Hill: Yeah.

Lawrie: Could you please give me a name of someone in Unitaid I could speak to, so that I can share my evidence and hope to try and persuade them to understand it?

Hill: Oh, I’ll have a think about who to, to offer you with a name…but I mean, this is very difficult because I’m, you know, I’ve, I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance…

Lawrie: Who are these people? Who are these people saying this?

Hill: Yeah…it’s a very strong lobby…

Lawrie: Okay. Look, I think I can see kind of a dead end, because you seem to have a whole lot of excuses, but, um, you know, that to justify bad research practice. So I’m really, really sorry about this, Andy.

And I can’t understand why you don’t see that, because the evidence is there and you are not just denying it, but your work’s actually actively obfuscating the truth. And this will come out. So I’m really sorry…As I say, you seem like a nice guy, but I think you’ve just kind of been misled somehow.

Hill: Well, what I hope is that this, this stalemate that we’re in doesn’t last very long. It lasts a matter of weeks. And I guarantee I will push for this to last for as short amount of time as possible.

Lawrie: So, how long do you think the stalemate will go on for? How long do you think you will be paid to [make] the stalemate go on?

Hill: From my side. Okay…I think end of February, we will be there, six weeks. (Author’s note: Hey Hill, you said six weeks? 15K people dying daily? That’s 630,000 people dead. So what about pushing for it…like…right now instead? That’s hundreds of thousands fewer people dead. Do the math.)

Lawrie: How many people die every day?

Hill: Oh, sure. I mean, you know, 15,000 people a day.

Lawrie: Fifteen thousand people a day times six weeks…because at this rate, all other countries are getting ivermectin except the UK and the USA, because the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.

Hill: My goal is to get the drug approved and to do everything I can to get it approved so that it reaches the maximum… (Author’s note: “Everything you can” means searching your soul and conscience—both seemingly laying dormant—and acting to save these lives.)

Lawrie: You’re not doing everything you can, because everything you can would involve saying to those people who are paying you, “I can see this prevents deaths. So I’m not going to support this conclusion any more, and I’m going to tell the truth.” (Author’s note: So maybe, Dr. Hill, you did not have the authority to change Unitaid’s conclusions. But you shouldn’t have checked your spine at the door. You had veto power over the use of your name (which is the banner carrying your professional integrity) on that noxious paper, didn’t you? Maybe you could have said something like, “Though I led the team that conducted this research, I cannot allow my name to remain on a paper with conclusions I did not reach, words I did not write, and which will cause people to die if those words go unchallenged.” What do you think, Dr. Hill?)

Hill: What, I’ve got to do my responsibilities to get as much support as I can to get this drug approved as quickly as possible.

Lawrie: Well, you’re not going to get it approved the way you’ve written that conclusion. You’ve actually shot yourself in the foot, and you’ve shot us all in the foot. All of…everybody trying to do something good. You have actually completely destroyed it.

Hill: Okay. Well, that’s where we’ll, I guess we’ll have to agree to differ. (Author’s note: “Agree to differ?” People differ on what they like for dinner, their opinions on whether they like novocaine or gas at the dentist. But what they DON’T differ on is whether or not lives should be saved in a damn pandemic.)

Lawrie: Yeah. Well, I don’t know how you sleep at night, honestly.

There’s one more thing you should know.
One week prior to Dr. Andrew Hill’s pre-print posting of his revised paper, the University of Liverpool, where Hill works, received a $40 million grant from Unitaid to study infectious diseases—Dr. Hill’s specialty.

Forty million reasons to silence the irrefutable evidence for ivermectin. Forty million reasons to let folks take their inevitable place on the train tracks with permanent adhesive on their shoes.

Hill’s “six-weeks” has now turned into nearly one year—a year during which Hill threw out most of the studies in the original paper, and proclaimed that ivermectin offers no mortality benefit. “There is no longer evidence for clinical benefits after removal of trials at risk of bias or medical fraud,” Hill wrote recently.

Killer words.

And that, dear reader, is why in late February, 2021, when the WHO received Dr. Hill’s paper with the sponsors’ conclusions written in, they decided not to recommend ivermectin for covid until long-term, randomized, placebo-controlled studies could be conducted.

And that is why nearly one million people have died since Dr. Lawrie’s conversation with Hill took place. These innocent people were doomed—stuck on the tracks, unable to get out of the way of the racing covid-19 freight train.

Like Oskar Schindler, Harriet Tubman, Norman Bourlag, and James Harrison…
Unitaid, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO, and Dr. Andrew Hill could have done what was best for humanity. They could have looked at the unassailable medical evidence for cheap, exceedingly safe, readily available ivermectin with benevolent, humane eyes. Doing so would have certainly altered the oceans of revenue that were forecast to come from the vaccines and the novel anti-viral therapies made by Big Pharma. (No anti-viral pill can match the high safety profile of ivermectin, or its extraordinary efficacy against covid-19.)

But at the same time, it would have reshaped the fates of the thousands who will never take another breath; because though their lives could have been saved, money became monarch…and the sentence was passed.

This is not over. Not by a long shot. The courts will have something to say about these murders that occurred (and are still occurring) throughout the world.

The BonSens citizens group in France commissioned an analysis of the text in Dr. Andrew Hill’s preprint paper and the finding was that it was highly likely that there were two and possibly three “shadow authors” involved in manipulating the text, with the intent to undermine the positive evidence on IVM. This issue is now the subject of legal action in France.

Other jurisdictions are also readying their cases against Dr. Hill.

Certainly, justice will not bring back loved ones who were sacrificed for love—of money. But it might possibly save those just alighting on the tracks.


On TB every waking moment
My big question is why the elites want everyone on earth to be vaccinated so badly: Making$ and transferring wealth? Death of the old and infirm? Culling of the world's population? Infertility of the next generations? Weakening of the military? (Young men who are more likely to suffer cardiopathy upon exertion?) Something being injected with an ulterior motive?


On TB every waking moment

The frightening truth about Remdesivir…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 11:40 am

2:19 min
Remdesivir is killing patients and Medicare is paying bonuses to hospitals who use it.


[COMMENT: One way to get rid of the Boomer demographic bump and SS?Medicare liability to the national debt.]


On TB every waking moment

Breaking — OSHA to cancel Vaccine Mandate starting tomorrow…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 12:09 pm


“After evaluating the Supreme Court’s decision, OSHA is withdrawing the Vaccination and Testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard beginning Wednesday, January 26th.

Full statement here…




Veteran Member
My big question is why the elites want everyone on earth to be vaccinated so badly: Making$ and transferring wealth? Death of the old and infirm? Culling of the world's population? Infertility of the next generations? Weakening of the military? (Young men who are more likely to suffer cardiopathy upon exertion?) Something being injected with an ulterior motive?
All of the above.


On TB every waking moment

Leftists Attack, Then Fight Americans For Not Wearing Masks at ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Rally in DC (VIDEO)

By Alicia Powe
Published January 25, 2022 at 1:40pm

After the targeting of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, many Americans fear gatherings of patriots in DC could become another false flag event.

The ‘Defeat The Mandates’ rally was relatively peaceful, as more than 25,000 Americans celebrated freedom and demanded the government rescind tyrannical and detrimental COVID-19 mandates along the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday.

But on the outskirts of the memorial, outraged Antifa “resistance” groups were eager to attack proponents of freedom.

As soon as this reporter stepped out of the car to walk to the memorial, at least a dozen protesters wearing rainbows, “pussy hats” and two or threes masks on their faces were seen getting in people’s faces, demanding everyone mask up.

Holding boxes of masks, they waved the germ-ridden pieces of fabric at every bystander that walked by while yelling profanities.

Just two of the left-wing protesters agreed to have a conversation about mask efficacy with the Gateway Pundit.

The rest attacked and even assaulted those walking to ‘Defeat the Mandates,’ warning the others in their group not to provide comment because we’d “make them look stupid.”


Rumble video 8:14 min

A recent poll shows a plurality of Democrats voters want tyranny akin to Nazi Germany to be implemented in the United States.

Like Democrats, anarchist Antifa terrorists don’t want those with opposing viewpoints to freely exist.


On TB every waking moment

‘Limit the Spread of Covid Misinformation’ – Biden’s Surgeon General Calls For Joe Rogan’s Podcast to be Censored (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published January 25, 2022 at 1:26pm

This is totally normal.

Joe Biden’s Surgeon General is attacking Joe Rogan.

As reporter earlier, 1960s rocker Neil Young said that Spotify must choose between podcaster Joe Rogan and Young’s music.

Highly popular podcaster Joe Rogan has a huge audience because people enjoy hearing different opinions.

The knives are now out for Rogan because he has invited guests such as Dr. Malone to appear on his podcast to discuss the dangers of the Covid mRNA gene therapy vaccines.

And now Biden’s Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy is calling for Rogan’s show to be censored.

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski asked Dr. Vivek Murthy what are the best ways to push back on Covid misinformation.

Murthy complained that social media companies are not doing enough to ‘stop the spread’ of Covid misinformation before calling on Spotify to silence Joe Rogan.

“A critical part of how we get through this pandemic” is “limiting the spread of misinformation” from shows like Joe Rogan, Murthy said on Tuesday.

Video via Grabien News:

2:04 min

[COMMENT: Uh, the First Amendment. The American tradition of debate and adversarial challenge. The concept of "robust" Science, informed by clinical experience and challenged by the scientific method. The American tradition of critical thinking vs. blindly obeying the pronouncements of politically driven "authorities." The specter of 1984.]


TB Fanatic

Thanks for that post!

From the report:


Quercetin displays a broad range of antiviral properties which can interfere at multiple steps of pathogen virulence -virus entry, virus replication, protein assembly- and that these therapeutic effects can be augmented by the co-administration of vitamin C. Furthermore, due to their lack of severe side effects and low-costs, we strongly suggest the combined administration of these two compounds for both the prophylaxis and the early treatment of respiratory tract infections, especially including COVID-19 patients."


TB Fanatic

Neil Young suffers meltdown…
Posted by Kane on January 25, 2022 3:56 am

View attachment 315827

Neil Young demands Spotify remove all his music over Joe Rogan.

Neil Young is a grumpy old man with a Heart of Coal. “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them. Please act on this immediately today and keep me informed of the time schedule.”

View attachment 315826

In fact, my first thought was "WGAS?" (who gives a ....)


TB Fanatic
My big question is why the elites want everyone on earth to be vaccinated so badly: Making$ and transferring wealth? Death of the old and infirm? Culling of the world's population? Infertility of the next generations? Weakening of the military? (Young men who are more likely to suffer cardiopathy upon exertion?) Something being injected with an ulterior motive?

There is one mindset which would account for four of your five possibilities.

It is the mindset that the earth is failing, through overpopulation which is causing Global warming/Climate Crisis/Pollution and something must be done about it.

It may also account for the fifth possibility, depending.


TB Fanatic

“I Don’t Know How You Sleep at Night”

A nightmarish true story of how a researcher who could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives mysteriously decided not to.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Answers to this question have changed the course of history.
  • During World War II, Oskar Schindler’s answer was to bribe Nazi officials with liquor and other luxury items to save his Jewish factory workers from deportation to Nazi work camps. He saved about 1,100 people—and depleted his entire fortune to do so.
  • In the mid-twentieth century, agriculturist Norman Borlaug responded by saving billions of people from starvation through his development of a high-yield, disease-resistant wheat. He shared his discovery with Mexico, Pakistan, India, and throughout Asia and Africa—doubling food production and decreasing the rates of starvation.
  • Harriet Tubman’s answer is legendary. Tubman was an escaped slave who returned to Maryland on numerous perilous journeys to bring other slaves to freedom. She did so over and over again at great risk to her own life and freedom. She also served as a spy to the Union army during the Civil War.
  • In the 1960s, James Harrison learned that his blood contained an unusual antibody combination that could be used to prevent a potentially fatal blood condition in babies. So Harrison’s response was to donate blood once a week, every week, until 2018—for a total of 1,173 blood donations. His blood helped create 3 million doses of the Anti-D injection and saved 2.4 million babies.
These stories illuminate the very best of humanity.

But tragically, during this pandemic, the answer to, “What are you doing for others?”given by institutional sponsors of covid-19 scientific research—and the lead researcher himself—was: Nothing. They were doing nothing for others.

Instead, they knowingly and callously mounted a deadly assault on humanity. And as a result, hundreds of thousands of people are dead—having perished unnecessarily.

Here’s the wretched story.
In late 2020, Dr. Andrew Hill, a researcher at the University of Liverpool, was leading a team of researchers studying the drug ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Their work was funded by UNITAID—a global health agency hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and supported (in large part) by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Unitaid’s main donors are France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Chile, and Japan.

Dr. Hill and the research team produced their meta-analysis of ivermectin in January, 2021. The paper considered eighteen studies on the thirty-five-year-old drug—which has been safely used since 1987 to eradicate parasitic pandemics in low- and middle-income countries. The study concluded that the use of ivermectin resulted in reduced inflammation and a more rapid elimination of the Sars-Cov-2 virus from the body. Six of the eighteen trials showed that the risk of death from covid-19 was 75 percent lower in patients who had moderate to severe disease.

This was absolutely tremendous news. Hundreds of thousands of lives were about to be saved from the ravages of covid-19. Said Dr. Hill at the time to the Financial Times, “The purpose of this report is to forewarn people that this is coming: get prepared, get supplies, get ready to approve [ivermectin]. We need to be ready.”

When Dr. Hill made that statement—to gear up for the worldwide distribution of ivermectin—nearly 15,000 people were dying across the world every single day. Dr. Hill continued, “Vaccination is central to the response to the epidemic. But [ivermectin] might help reduce infection rates by making people less infectious and it might reduce death rates by treating the viral infection.”

But just one month later, Dr. Hill’s original, positive study conclusions on ivermectin quite literally fell off the rails. And so did the fortunes of the thousands who had no idea then that they were stuck on the tracks with a freight train barreling towards them—unable to get out of harm’s way because help had been hijacked.

In late 2020, Dr. Andrew Hill, a researcher at the University of Liverpool, was leading a team of researchers studying the drug ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of covid-19. Why did he change his conclusions?

Dr. Tess Lawrie, a physician, independent WHO researcher, and Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, England, had heard that Dr. Hill was about to change his conclusions about ivermectin’s efficacy. So she called him on Zoom to find out why—and recorded the entire conversation.

During that Zoom call, Dr. Hill confessed to Dr. Lawrie that he was changing his study conclusions from positive to negative—because he was under pressure from his funding sponsors to do so.

Wait, what? His sponsors told him to change the study conclusions? NOT the data? What in the hell was going on?

Lawrie was furious.

We know that the studies considered in Hill’s soon-to-be-revised ivermectin paper did not change. But now the paper was going to conclude that because most of those studies in the meta-analysis contained “low-certainty evidence,” the positive results in the first iteration of the paper were now going to be characterized as being of “low certainty.”

But that’s not how it works, folks.
According to Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, “People need to understand that WHO treatment recommendation guidelines routinely include low, moderate, and high bias. They use all data to formulate their recommendations.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie, a physician, independent WHO researcher, and Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, England, had heard that Dr. Hill was about to change his conclusions about ivermectin’s efficacy. So she called him on Zoom to find out why—and recorded the entire conversation.

The following excerpts of Andrew Hill’s conversation with Tess Lawrie, recently printed in media stories, are from Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense).

Part 1 of 2

Thank you for posting that!

It appears that much of the science that we have been commanded to "Trust!" is based upon the MONEY TALKS principle.
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On TB every waking moment

Ford Motor Company Bucks Supreme Court – Moves Forward with their Own Vaccine Mandate for Remote Workers

By Jim Hoft
Published January 25, 2022 at 8:22am

Despite Joe Biden’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors being blocked by a federal judge, Ford Motor Company is still moving forward with requiring COVID vaccination for salaried employees after months of push back or will face unpaid leave.

Last December, a federal judge blocked Joe Biden’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors nationwide. And this month, the Supreme Court blocks Biden’s OSHA vax mandate for private businesses with 100+ employees in 6-3 votes.

An employee from Ford Co., who would like to stay anonymous, reached out to TGP and is asking for help to expose the unconstitutional vaccine mandate imposed by the company.

Here is an excerpt from the email:

I work at Ford Motor Company. Salary employees at the company have been required to comply with the OSHA vaccine mandate, federal contractor vaccine mandate, and now that both of those have failed, Ford Motor Company is now moving forward with their own mandate.
Ford has salary employees who have largely worked from home, which are all required to get the vaccine. They have salary employees that work in person at the plants that are not required to get the vaccine.

They have hourly workers that work in person and are not required to get the vaccine. They have union workers who work in person but they are not required to get the vaccine. They have Ford credit salary employees which largely work from home and are not required to get the vaccine.

Attached is the latest email from the company and a Q&A document that Ford published to employees specifying the dates, the personnel that fall under the mandate, and their logic for mandating vaccination for salary employees only.



Ford announced its vaccination reporting status on September 27, 2021. All employees were required to report their vaccination status by October 8, 2021.

Due to the stay placed on the Federal Contractor mandate and the OSHA mandate, Ford moved its vaccination date 3 times. First, it was December 8, 2021. Then it was January 18, 2022.

Now it is February 11, 2022.

As outlined in the attached email from Ford, all employees that have not reported their status will be placed on indefinite unpaid leave starting February 11, 2022.

Others have submitted their Religious or Medical Accommodation Requests since September 2021 and they are still waiting for a response from the company more than 3 months later. We are not confident that our requests for accommodation will be approved as company leadership has stated that the only way they see moving forward is with everyone vaccinated.

I am requesting your help to get this story out to the public for support, for the Ford employees that are being forced to get the vaccine or lose their livelihood.

It does not make sense that Ford would mandate vaccines for workers that are remote but not for workers that are in person.

According to Ford’s updated vaccination guidelines, they won’t accept proof of COVID-19 antibodies (due to prior infection) as proof of vaccination. It doesn’t make sense.

There was a new report released by the CDC that unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID-19 were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected during the recent delta surge.

Vac-Status Team Member QA FINAL 1-20-22 by Jim Hoft on Scribd (Scribd. doc on website)

Download this PDF


On TB every waking moment

“Omicron Transmission is Likely Facilitated by The Vaccines”: Dr. Malone Warns That If We Keep Vaccinating, We Risk Developing a More “Pathogenic Virus” – (VIDEO)

By Julian Conradson
Published January 24, 2022 at 8:44pm

On Monday, Dr. Robert Malone spoke alongside several other world-renowned doctors and medical experts during a panel discussion that was hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI),

The nearly five-hour-long event, which was titled “Covid-19: A Second Opinion,” saw a wide range of issues discussed, including “the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy, and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term,” according to its description on Sen. Johnson’s website.

During the event, Dr. Malone, who is one of the esteemed inventors behind the mRNA technology that is being used in the experimental Covid vaccines, stressed that the worldwide campaign to vaccinate everyone under the sun, and hook them on perpetual boosters, is actually severely detrimental to the prospects of ever getting past this shamdemic – especially, he says, with the emergence of the highly infectious, but overtly mild, Omicron variant.

According to Dr. Malone, if the public health regime continues to push this terrible universal vaccination policy, it will keep driving the virus to mutate, potentially to a state where it may be “more pathogenic and more able to elude immune response.”
“As I said back before Christmas, that Omicron has such [a] low risk for severe disease and death. However, it’s got a warning sign – and it’s what Geert [Belgian viral expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche] has been warning about, and what the FDA has acknowledged in the original documents allowing the Emergency Use Authorization – in which they told the pharmaceutical industry that they desired the pharmaceutical industry would investigate the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement or vaccine enhanced disease.
If we continue to pursue this universal vaccination strategy in the face of the pandemic, particularly with Omicron now – a much more highly infectious, highly replication-competent virus – what we risk is driving the virus through basic evolution to a state where it may be more pathogenic and more able to elude immune response… in some, I don’t wish to scare, we have had enough fear-porn.”
Dr. Malone continues by pointing out that the currently employed ‘sCiENcE’ behind the universal vaccinations is actually going directly against everything known about “basic viral evolution,” and the impact of the terrible plan is already starting to produce potentially catastrophic results.

Omicron, Dr. Malone says, is not only resistant to the experimental vaccines, but the new strain’s “infectivity” also “seems to be facilitated by the vaccine.”

He concludes, “this [universal vaccination] must stop for the sake of the world.”
“But if we continue to pursue universal vaccination the high probability is that what we will continue to see is the evolution of additional escaped mutants that are increasingly infectious and may well become more pathogenic.

This policy of forced universal vaccination is absolutely contrary to all of our understanding about basic viral evolution. We are clearly seeing the development of escape mutants that are resistant to the vaccine.

Omicron is not only resistant to the vaccine, but its infectivity seems to be facilitated by the vaccine – and in my opinion, this must stop for the sake of the world.”

2:14 min


On TB every waking moment

Undercover Students EXPOSE Colorado High School Vaccine Clinic For Administering Vaccinations Without Parental Consent – Even AFTER School Superintendent ASSURED This Would Not Happen

By Julian Conradson
Published January 24, 2022 at 10:07pm

Libs of TikTok is dropping bombs once again.

On Monday night, the independent journalist exposed yet another issue within US Public School system – this time, posting a damning thread that includes two undercover videos taken by a pair of brave high school students that show employees of a Colorado High School’s mobile vaccine clinic allowing underage children to receive the experimental jab without their parent’s consent.

The inexcusable incident occurred this past Friday during a Tri-County Health Department-sponsored Covid vaccine clinic that was held at Heritage High School in Denver, Colorado.

In two separate videos that were taken a short time apart by the teenagers – one who’s 15 and the other who’s 16 – employees of the mobile clinic can be seen signing them in and clearing them to get the jab – even though they showed up alone, which is something the school had assured parents would not happen under any circumstances.

Just one day before the clinic was held, Littleton Public Schools Superintendent Brian Ewert responded to parental concerns by claiming that “students under the age of 18 cannot get a vaccination without parental permission and they must have a parent or legal guardian present with them to sign consent.”

He also clarified that the policy “is required for all doses” in his email response to a parent who demanded the planned clinic at the school be immediately canceled.

Well, so much for that bogus promise…

The employees of the clinic were so willing to jab these children full of experimental drugs that one of the underage students was able to slide past the staff’s initial pushback about not having a parent simply by claiming he was 18.

The other underage student was able to secure his vaccine by providing a fake consent form that the employees happily accepted.

Both did not have their IDs checked, and both used fake names. It was that easy.

Thankfully, The students had a job to do, and it wasn’t sticking a needle in their arm – it was to expose these medical workers for what they truly are. Both of the teenagers bailed on the operation once they sat down with the nurse, claiming to have changed their minds about taking the jab.

Watch (first video – lying about age with no ID check):

3:58 min

Watch (Second video – fake consent form with no ID check):

5:45 min

Parents are already expressing their outrage over the incident online, with the father of one of the students who recorded the video stating that Ewert “is on notice” for his outright lies, especially considering that the flier promoting the clinic specifically stated that no ID was required.

Superintendent Ewert is wrong, and is now on notice of that. The two teenage children had no parents present and no parental consent. They did not use their real names or real personal information. No identification was required. Their parents were not asked whether they had any pre-existing conditions that could cause an adverse effect. The minor children with no parents present, and no identifications to confirm their age were readily offered the shots and encouraged to get them,” the boy’s father wrote in the email he provided to @libsoftiktok.

Unfortunately, this subversion of parental rights is becoming more common. This incident is just the latest example that has been exposed since the jab was green-lighted for use in young children.

If your child is a student within the Littleton Public School District, and you are concerned about this inexcusable incident, their board of education can be reached directly here.

Their next school board meeting, which is scheduled for Jan 27th, should be a doozie.


On TB every waking moment

Truth is Not a Conspiracy

By Larry Johnson
Published January 25, 2022 at 7:15am

Facts are a wonderful thing. Especially when you are talking about Covid and how to fight it. Let’s start with masks. The Worldometers database is very straightforward on this issue. If masks worked as advertised then we would expect that the states that have the toughest mask mandates would have the fewest infections. Conversely, those states with no mask mandates would have the highest infections. So compare New York and Massachusetts, two of the states with the most stringent mask mandates with Florida, a beacon of freedom:
New York deaths per million — 3288
Massachusetts deaths per million — 3121
Florida deaths per million — 2980

What makes this number so significant is that Florida has more people over the age of 65 (20.1%) than any other state. The over 65 crowd is the highest risk population for catching covid and is statistically most likely to die. New York ranks number 25 (16.1%) and Massachusetts is number 24 (16.2%). If the Covid prevention mandate of mask wearing was working as proclaimed by Biden and Fauci, Florida should be sitting at the top of the death toll. Nope. Florida is actually number 18 on deaths per million. Maybe that is another reason folks are moving to the Sunshine state.

There are still some sane souls in New York. As Cristina Laila reported tonight, a New York judge ruled the mask mandate unconstitutional.

If you did not see this tweet by Major Patriot, it is powerful gut punch for the pro-vaccine, pro-mask crowd:


I believe in science. I believe in facts. I believe in data. Sad we have so many medically credentialed men and women pushing nonsense as truth.


On TB every waking moment

Gov. Hochul’s Mask Mandate Back in Effect After New York State Appellate Judge Grants Emergency Stay

By Cristina Laila
Published January 25, 2022 at 6:13pm

New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s mask mandate is back in effect after an appellate judge granted an emergency stay Tuesday evening.

A New York State Supreme Court judge on Monday evening ruled Governor Kathy Hochul’s mask mandate “unconstitutional” and declared it null and void.

The judge, who is out of Nassau County, said Hochul had no authority to enact the mask mandate without the state legislature because she no longer has emergency powers.

Hochul immediately filed an appeal and a New York Appellate Judge granted an emergency stay pending appeal.
WABC reported:
A New York Appellate Judge granted a stay in the state’s lawsuit over the COVID-19 face mask mandate, meaning it remains in place while case is appealed — and schools must enforce it.

Following the hearing where the stay was granted, Judge Robert Miller reserved judgement and said a formal ruling would be forthcoming.

The appellate court hearing on the appeal of the judge’s ruling has been scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday in Downtown Brooklyn.

Assistant Deputy Solicitor General Judy Vale asked for the interim stay, arguing it was within the state health department’s “statutory authority” to prevent spread of disease.

Judge Miller asked Vale if the state health department has the right, for example, to mandate hand washing in bathrooms. Vale said if it were a public health emergency that required washing hands, then it would.
More from WABC:

Video 2:34 min


On TB every waking moment

Pfizer Board Member Suggests End To Mask, Vaccine Mandates

TUESDAY, JAN 25, 2022 - 07:15 PM
Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former director of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and current board member at Pfizer, said that declining COVID-19 cases should signal to policymakers that it is time to lift more pandemic-related restrictions.

“I think certainly on the east coast where you see cases declining dramatically we need to be willing to lean in and do that very soon I think as conditions improve we have to be willing to relax some of these measures with the same speed that we put them in place,” he told “The Squawk Box” in a Monday interview when asked about whether mask mandates should be dropped.

Scott Gottlieb testifies during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on April 5, 2017. (Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
Gottlieb said that “a lot of the acrimony” in the United States stems from a lack of “clear goalposts” about when some of the measures will end.

The former FDA commissioner also cited the Connecticut government’s recent decision to rescind vaccine mandates for state workers as a policy that other policymakers should adopt in the near future as COVID-19 cases decline nationwide.

“The only way to get compliance from people and get accommodation [is] if we demonstrate the ability to withdraw these [mandates] in the same manner in which we put them in,” Gottlieb added.

The call for COVID-19 restrictions to be dropped comes as the overall infection rate in the United States has sharply declined in recent days. Data from the Johns Hopkins-run Our World in Data shows that 4,110 out of every one million Americans recorded infections on Jan. 10, but that rate was 2,643 as late as Friday and dropped to 615 per one million as of Sunday.

Outside the United States, more and more European countries have moved to rescind certain COVID-19-related rules, including vaccine passports and mask mandates. For example, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that starting Jan. 27, people in England won’t have to wear masks in public or show proof that they’ve been vaccinated to enter some venues.

But on Monday, World Health Organization’s (WHO) director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that more COVID-19 variants may emerge and alleged that it’s dangerous to assume Omicron is the last one or that “we are in the endgame.”

There are different scenarios for how the pandemic could play out and how the acute phase could end. But it’s dangerous to assume that omicron will be the last variant or that we are in the endgame,” Tedros told a WHO board meeting. “On the contrary, globally, the conditions are ideal for more variants to emerge.” He didn’t provide evidence or data to back up his claim.


On TB every waking moment
24:24 min

Daughter of omicron

Jan 25, 2022

Dr. John Campbell

Omicron BA.2 Variant, is this going to be another wave?
25:12 min

Excellent natural immunity confirmed

Jan 24, 2022

1643163940471.png Dr. John Campbell
Natural immunity as protective as vaccine induced immunity

1:04:40 min

Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy

Jan 23, 2022

Dr. John Campbell

Many thanks to Professor Clancy for a fascinating education on the science and clinical application of immunity.
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On TB every waking moment
25:56 min

The COVID Recovered Are Better Protected than the Vaccinated

Premiered 2 hours ago

Peak Prosperity

The CDC’s weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report finally proves that previous COVID infection conveys immunity at least as good as if not better than that of fully the vaccinated (double jabbed), analyzing data from Delta variant illnesses in August of 2021. This is no surprise to any clinicians currently working in the field as well as the thousands of data scientists who have been tracking the statistics between outcomes in the fully vaccinated and previously infected for 2 years now. So why is it that just now, 2 years deep into this horrendous pandemic with so many lives lost, and MILLIONS of careers destroyed in its wake, that the CDC is finally getting around to analyzing the data to answer this immensely important question? The answer to this question is likely pure institutional corruption and incompetent bureaucracy, as we’ve seen played out over and over throughout this crisis. So the question now is, when will those responsible for this chaos and devastation be brought to justice?

Links: CDC Natural immunity study


On TB every waking moment
34:11 min

Neil Young DEMANDS Spotify Ban Joe Rogan Or Remove His Music, Liberals Get EXPOSED As Authoritarians

Jan 25, 2022

Tim Pool

Neil Young DEMANDS Spotify Ban Joe Rogan Or Remove His Music, Liberals Get EXPOSED As Authoritarians. From Liberal activists, Former Hippies to Democrat politicians as soon as they gain power they seek to abuse it. Its a betrayal. We were told they believed in free speech but as soon as the leftists gain power they seek to abuse it. Meet the new boss same as the old boss

Neil Young seems to have backed down as his songs remain up and so does joe Rogan