BRKG HOLIDAY HORROR Waukesha holiday parade in chaos after ‘driver plows car through celebration. UPDATE 5 Dead, 40 Injured.


Veteran Member
My question is, "Why didn't the parade goers drag this pos out of the truck and kill him right there?"

When a blac child is run over in the hood the crowd forms and they drag who they think is responsible and beat him to death. They should've done this to this boon.

I stand by my answer above: This son of a barack isn't human, he didn't stop long enough to get dragged out of the car. A human would have the compassion, the humanity, to stop. Running over a pickaninny is almost always the fault of the kid darting out in the street or something and NOT the result of a driver's tantrum.

Safest place for this ape is in jail. He best stay there.

Another squirrel to chase: The false flag aspect of this hasn't happened yet. Consider: This boy makes bail somehow, somewho, doesn't matter, and gets relieved of his unused grey matter (which would be almost all of it) walking down the front sidewalk of the jailhouse. All of a sudden it's high flippin' gear for the investigators to find the angry white man who 'took the law into his own hands' etc etc.... THAT is what the FumbleBumbleIdiots are there for.


On and On, South of Heaven
Yes, the bail is probably unattainable but the fact that it was even offered is freaking insane!

6th Person, A Child, Has Died From Waukesha Car Attack

A 6th person, a child, has died from the car attack that unfolded on Sunday in Waukesha, Wisconsin, when a 39-year-old black male plowed into a Christmas Parade, injuring 61 people.

“[The suspect] was charged Tuesday with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the parade incident, court documents show,” CNN reported.

Authorities are expected to file a 6th first-degree homicide charge against the suspect in the wake of the child being killed.

[The suspect’s] bail was set at $5 million,” the Associated Press reported. “He will likely appear in court next on Jan. 14, 2022.”

CBS 58 reported that the 8-year-old boy who died also had a 12-year-old brother who was hit during the massacre.

The local news station identified a church, LifePoint Church, that posted an update on the situation.

The church stated:

Aaron Sparks and Sheri Sparks would like to thank everyone for your prayers and amazing support during this difficult time.

They wanted to give an update to everyone as you are likely aware, Tucker (12) and Jackson Sparks were both seriously injured during the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack and have been in the ICU since.

Tucker, by the grace of God is miraculously recovering from his injuries and will be being discharged home. This afternoon, our dear Jackson has sadly succumbed to his injuries and passed away.

Please know that they appreciate your continued prayers and tremendous outpouring of support for their family. They do however ask for privacy at this time to allow Tucker to continue to heal physically and their family to heal and mourn the tremendous loss of their sweet little boy who is now under the care of Jesus.

“A lone subject intentionally drove his maroon SUV through barricades into a crowd of people that was celebrating the Waukesha Christmas Parade which resulted in killing five individuals and injuring 48 additional individuals,” Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson said at a press conference. “I just received information that two of the 48 are children and they’re in critical condition.”

The suspect “has been charged with or convicted on an array of charges over the past 22 years, including battery, domestic violence, cocaine possession and resisting arrest in several jurisdictions in Wisconsin,” The New York Times reported. “He has served at least two jail sentences and spent years on probation and in court-mandated work-release and anger management programs …”

Earlier this month, the suspect was arrested for allegedly punching his child’s mother in the face and hitting her with his car at a gas station. The criminal complaint from the incident says that “officers observed tire tracks on her left pants leg.”

The suspect was later released on $1,000 bail, which the Milwaukee Co. District Attorney said in statement today was “inappropriately low in light of the nature of the recent charges and the pending charges” against the suspect. “The bail recommendation in this case is not consistent with the approach of the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office toward matters involving violent crime, nor was it consistent with the risk assessment of the defendant prior to setting of bail,” the statement added.


Dot Collector
The silent outpouring of support from Hollywood for the victims of the Christmas parade massacre is heartwarming.

But they all mourned (HERO) Joseph Rosenbaum....

Mark Ruffalo: We come together to mourn the lives lost to the same racist system that devalues Black lives and devalued the lives of Anthony and JoJo.

It is revealing that the strongest defenders of convicted pedophiles are Disney stars. Hollywood is SHOOK that serial child rapists can be shot dead in self defense. Are you paying attention yet?


This tells me all I need to know.

I just searched for general updates on this awful story & was astounded by the silence of the celebrity class. I’m usually indifferent to celebrity Twitter, but: people lost their grandmothers. Children were hurt. Right before Christmas. And nothing from the usual pundits.

If what I been hearing is correct, they’re trying to bury this story as quickly as possible.


Knuckle Dragger
Us and them.

How many dumbasses can't see the writing blood and bits of brain matter on the wall?

It's coming.

They've told us...over and over and over again.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
The suspect was later released on $1,000 bail, which the Milwaukee Co. District Attorney said in statement today was “inappropriately low in light of the nature of the recent charges and the pending charges” against the suspect. “The bail recommendation in this case is not consistent with the approach of the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office toward matters involving violent crime, nor was it consistent with the risk assessment of the defendant prior to setting of bail,” the statement added.
Said after the fact. When it has been proven that he is completely incompetent.

Like in: Duh, like ya know, dude, look at my thumb, maybe I shouldn't have hit it with a meat cleaver.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
MSNBC calls the Waukesha massacre an “accident”

A black supremacist terror attack on white people.
RT 12secs
Must have wax in their ears, cuz like ya know dude, the Black police chief said " was deliberate...."

Or go back to school to learn how to use a dictionary to understand the difference in "accident" and "deliberate". Or Google.


Dot Collector


Dot Collector
A Waukesha guy sitting home watching a football game didn't realize a Christmas massacre had just happened a mile away from his house and let the crazed suspect in and made him a sandwich bc he told him he was homeless

The media still talks about Kyle Rittenhouse making a hand gesture one time but they will blast you for mentioning years of posts on Darrell Brooks' social media accounts

This isn't an accident

This is a design

New Evidence Shows Waukesha Attack Was Intentional, Report Suggests It WAS Politically Motivated (22min)
Nov 24, 2021

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Should have laid down spiked belts behind the saw horse barriers. Should be standard procedure. They have threats all the time and this was right after Kyle verdict. LEO’s need to keep thinking out of the box all the time. There is a war going on. But all the could have and should have means nothing now.
I make my own out old 1x lumber with 16 penny nails shot through. Just in case they need to be placed around the property. Keeps bears away you know.


Only worry about what you can control!
This is not meant to be a flame post, but I wonder how many still send a check to the cable company every month, how many stream Hollywood movies on Netflix or Hulu.

I no longer do and I respect your choice. But it simply funds these Media giants, sports personalities, Hollywood pedophiles and self important singers and entertainers. They only understand money, social media likes and attention.

You can remove the attention by removing the paycheck. Every time you watch a movie on Netflix, royalties are paid to sleazy actors/actresses. Every time you watch a music video on YouTube, advertising dollars are paid to that artist.

Cut the head off the snake!


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Because to identify it for what it is, a racially motivated assault on the innocent, would be to admit the SJW plans & positions are flawed beyond belief. You need to house train & socialise critters before you introduce them to society.

Sometimes the critters are unresponsive to training and need to be put down as untrainable. Sad but that's how it is. Add in a history of poor impulse control, rage & violence directed at any & all and this is a case for terminal action.

To keep him safe in custody, he should be housed in a different jurisdication; maybe a rural KY or MO County; someplace quiet.


On and On, South of Heaven
I heard it said on TV that Wisconsin law doesn't allow "no bail".

969.035  Pretrial detention; denial of release from custody.
(1)  In this section, “violent crime" means any crime specified in s. 940.01, 940.02, 940.03, 940.05, 940.06, 940.07, 940.08, 940.10, 940.19 (5), 940.195 (5), 940.198 (2) (a) or (c), 940.21, 940.225 (1), 940.23, 941.327, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, 948.03, or 948.085.
(2) A circuit court may deny release from custody under this section to any of the following persons:
(a) A person accused of committing an offense under s. 940.01, 940.225 (1), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, or 948.085.
(b) A person accused of committing or attempting to commit a violent crime and the person has a previous conviction for committing or attempting to commit a violent crime.

Is there Bail in Every Case?
No. Chapter 969 of the Wisconsin statutes govern the imposition of bail. Under the law, before a person is convicted, he or she is eligible for release under reasonable conditions. Importantly, there are certain exceptions to this rule, including when a person is accused of first-degree homicide, certain sexual offenses, or the person has been convicted of committing or attempting to commit a violent crime and is accused of committing or attempting to commit a violent crime.

Red Baron

Fair Use Cited
NFL star JJ Watt to pay for funerals of Waukesha parade victims
Jorge Fitz-Gibbon
November 24, 2021 11:55am

NFL star JJ Watt, a Wisconsin native, says he’ll pick up the costs of funerals for the six victims of Sunday’s tragic Christmas parade attack.

The Arizona Cardinals defensive end, a Waukesha native who graduated from Peewauken High School and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, made the announcement through local media this week, Fox News said.

“JJ Watt is covering the funeral costs for everyone that lost their life in the Waukesha Christmas Parade,” journalist and author Cory Jennerjohn wrote on Twitter.

Arizona Cardinals player JJ Watt
Arizona Cardinals player JJ Watt is a Waukesha native who graduated from Peewauken High School.Steph Chambers/Getty Images

“That is an amazing gesture,” Jennerjohn wrote. “He has such a huge heart.”

Watt took to Twitter himself just hours after the deadly tragedy on Sunday.

“Just now seeing what happened at the holiday parade back home in Waukesha tonight,” he tweeted. “Horrific images. Truly hoping everyone is going to be ok and those involved are now safe.”

Just now seeing what happened at the holiday parade back home in Waukesha tonight.

Horrific images.

Truly hoping everyone is going to be ok and those not involved are now safe.

Thankful to everyone who rushed to action and helped the wounded.


— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) November 22, 2021
“Thankful to everyone who rushed to action and helped the wounded,” he said.

Darrell Brooks, a 39-year-old career criminal and wannabe rapper, is charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide in the case — with a sixth count pending after an 8-year-old boy succumbed to his injuries.

People attend a candle light vigil in Cutler Park  on Nov. 22. People attend a candlelight vigil in Cutler Park on Nov. 22.AFP via Getty Images A makeshift memorial in Cutler Park in Waukesha no Nov. 22, the day after a vehicle drove through a Christmas parade.
A makeshift memorial in Cutler Park in Waukesha on Nov. 22, the day after a vehicle drove through a Christmas parade, killing six.AFP via Getty Images

Police said Brooks was fleeing a domestic incident when he barreled onto the route of the annual parade, injuring an additional 62 people, according to a complaint.

He is being held on $5 million bail in the case.

NFL's JJ Watt to pay for funerals of Waukesha parade victims (


But civilization was not established by being civilized.

“We sleep soundly in our beds, because rough men stand ready in the night to do violence on those who would harm us"
Orwell cited Kipling's phrase "making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep" (Kipling, Tommy), and further noted that Kipling's "grasp of function, of who protects whom, is very sound. He sees clearly that men can be highly civilized only while other men, inevitably less civilized, are there to guard and feed them." (1942)”

-- Quote by George Orwell: “We sleep soundly in our beds, because rough men...” (


Dot Collector
This means FBI knew him

EXCLUSIVE: Waukesha massacre suspect was convicted for threatening to bomb the Nugget Casino in Nevada

T e r r o r

Called it.

The speed at which they are racing to cover up what happened in Waukesha is almost like FBI knew the guy.

Was he purposely deployed as part of state sanctioned terrorism


TB Fanatic
Must have wax in their ears, cuz like ya know dude, the Black police chief said " was deliberate...."

Or go back to school to learn how to use a dictionary to understand the difference in "accident" and "deliberate". Or Google.

Don't assume they didn't do it on purpose.

They're paid shills and/or true believers; of course they're doing it on purpose.
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