CHAT Am I overreacting, or are things getting absolutely grim?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They may not die screaming but they will spend eternity screaming. I almost feel sorry for them but then I think of the misery they have caused for so many for so long and I realize God is just.

Many do not believe in Eternity, therefore they feel free to do what they want in this life without fear of consequences outside of this realm.
I think this was Trump's greatest sin (in the Left's eyes...) - he was getting larger and larger groups of formerly divided groups to join together and see that we could function as a cohesive Nation, once again.

They saw that as an existential threat to the carefully crafted narrative that they had promoted to divide us for at least 70 years... or longer.
If he did anything it was this.


Neither here nor there.
My Biblical eschatology is such that it all ends no later than 2028, seven years from now. Which means, a Great Tribulation is upon us. Shore up, buy more food. Get your family squared, and your close friends, have a plan....lots of plans.

Lets not forget the apocalypse equation....a mutually agreed upon nuclear exchange to keep the citizens occupied, and an order out of chaos. Daniel reminds us the leaders of two nations do not follow the agreement and likely nukes reign, rain, whatever.

Given the issues about to come to a head.......nukes could pop at any time.

The leftists, environmental worshipers, etc., are all harping that if we don't do something now the world will end by 2030.


Neither here nor there.
They don’t need to nuke us. I’ve been reading this book called This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: The Cyberweapons Arms Race by Nicole Perlroth and it is damn scary the capabilities they have to bring our country down!

Cyber attacks allow them to annihilate America without ever setting foot on our soil or sending over a nuke or bomb. I recommend it for some “light” reading.

Nukes are so 1980's! Seriously. Now they have drones and cyber technology. Haven't read the book but I can tell you how they will use modern tech to take us down.


Veteran Member
I'm overhearing the TV news (FOX) from another room - I can't believe it's been NON STOP coverage of attacks/shootings across America for at least 2 hours now. Stabbings, shootings, rammings....good Lord! I started watching a zombie series a couple of days's getting to look like that in America, violence- and murder-wise!

People are going nuts!


People are going nuts!

That is why, as much as possible you want to be where everyone else isn't. Time is running out pretty quickly to make that happen imo. No guarantee at all of course that violence won't follow it's way to the hinterlands as it will but most of the zombies will burn out before they get here and they will find an inhospitable climate to do their pillaging and mayhem.


Knuckle Dragger
IMO there is an increasing sense of "all bets are off" out there, and people are less and less restrained internally. Since there are essentially zero external controls anymore, we are off to the races.

A statement that applies to this thread as well..



Neither here nor there.
I'm watching the American Experience: McCarthy on PBS right now and wow the parallels of what was inacted back in the 40s and 50s against communists or presumed communists is very eery to what biden, pelosi, etc., are doing today against conservatives all the way down to encouraging people to rat out family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.


passin' thru
Please forgive me for committing that most horrible of hubris induced faux- pahs? paws? pause? one can commit on online discussions, and utter the "sorry i haven't read the thread but let me just say this about it anyway" crimes.

But my first reaction to OP is well, it's always been falling apart, for one, it's just now reaching the more comfortable circles we former first worlders were privileged to reside in. And yes, we whites, browns, yellows, reds, black, green and golds all alike have indeed been privileged to have found ourselves here, in America. In the true sense of the word privileged.

More to the point though is, why on earth would you WANT to stop it? The world doesn't work the way it's been run, and the fact that this is coming to our awareness and the center is no longer holding is a GOOD thing. Not only in a secular sense of the pendulum having to swing this far into the dark side to burst forth through the looking glass and back into the light.

Also, in the spiritual sense of what we have done, individually and collectively, with the god given gifts and mandates, is a true disgrace. If we're to find ourselves driven to our knees, all our usual comforts and smug assurances torn asunder, forced back to our fractured relationship with our creator, then we've been blessed beyond measure imho. That is what it is about, and what we are here for, no?

At least, in the only metrics worth measuring.
Please don't misunderstand my comments or see them as pious bible thumping- I abhor those who cite the law of his word while chitting all over it's spirit via the hatefulness with which they walk their journey and treat others they find on the path.

More, this reminds me of how I clean: everything is torn asunder, with an uncanny resemblance to a tornado having struck, until it is scoured, and put back to rights, refreshed, repaired and restored.
We are just at the first glimpse of the green skies, and it will get worse, before it gets better, but it as I always say, it all works for the good of the Lord and those who love him.


Veteran Member
We all have been watching this country (and the world) for years as things have moved forward in fits and starts. But since Covid came, things seem to be coming off the rails across multiple disciplines. Supply chain disruptions increasing every week, and affecting critical products such as computer chips, food, energy, building supplies, the list goes on. Politically, the Marxists are hell bent on subjugating and ultimately exterminating conservatives. The dregs of society are elevated to rockstar status while “normals” are driven underground. Neighborhoods are seceding from cities, cities from counties, counties from states. Rioting and crime is skyrocketing unchecked. Even more, police are leaving by the thousands, while Marxist prosecutors jail anyone daring to defend themselves.

This carousel is spinning ever faster toward destruction, and there’s no way to get off. I see the entire world, but particularly the US, unraveling for good. I wish there was something we could do to stop it.
I think we are basically living in the last days and the things happening now are leading to the fulfillment of the Bible. Bout all we can really do is make sure We're spiritually ready to leave this world.
Sadly what you described is a nation that is committing suicide and it is really bothersome to see.
I'm overhearing the TV news (FOX) from another room - I can't believe it's been NON STOP coverage of attacks/shootings across America for at least 2 hours now. Stabbings, shootings, rammings....good Lord! I started watching a zombie series a couple of days's getting to look like that in America, violence- and murder-wise!

People are going nuts!
A profoundly mentally unstable society off its meds of distraction.


Veteran Member
Well Boss, this here Timebomb family were psych prepared for 2 yrs prior for the Y2K suckerpunch and then had a slow, trembling exhale all thru 2000 Q1. None of us could have foreseen 9-11 the next year but that was likely what we were all subconsciously sensing ahead collectively. Then the ensuing war(s) since, the 2008 mortgage implosion that literally ushered in the Obama years of racial upheaval/strife over the past.

So here we are, breathless on the edge of the petrol dollar abyss, we all thought would have tanked a decade ago under Derivatives speculation. Every day beyond January 2009 was a gift, of pre pandemic good health, of family, travel, gatherings. I hope everyone made the most of those years, learned every survival skill or tutorial possible, got firearms, acreage, retreats, livestock and gardens squared away. All of this was prelude to where we go in the next stage of this saga. And it was necessary to live thru it all from Fallujah to Fukushima to Fentanyl, together as we bore witness and supported one another in prayer. Even so, the depth of this betrayal from within by marxist infiltrators has been stupefying. The acceleration mindnumbing on this shitty roller coaster ride from hell. I am turning the wheel over to God. He's driving the bus and if we are going to make a four point roll into the ditch, then so be it. We ALL go thru the crash & chastisements.

Learn the hard way children to come unto the father.

I go back to Paul McCartney Live and Let Die, my soundtrack for the years ahead

When you were young
and your heart
was an open book

you used to say
live and live

YOU know you did
you KNOW you did
you know YOU DID

but if this ever changing world
in which we live
makes you give in and cry.....

then live and let DIE

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I'm all about the doom
I'm overhearing the TV news (FOX) from another room - I can't believe it's been NON STOP coverage of attacks/shootings across America for at least 2 hours now. Stabbings, shootings, rammings....good Lord! I started watching a zombie series a couple of days's getting to look like that in America, violence- and murder-wise!

People are going nuts!
The zombie series you memtioned. Is it Black Summer on Netflix? Sorry for the drift.


Neither here nor there.
Our enemies of the foreign variety can defeat us without nuclear bombs. All they need to do is take down our utility grids, take out cell communication, take out TV, radio and other communication and we will kill each other trying to survive.

This^^^ Throw in a few weaponized drones hitting at random times and you can really amp up the panic.


Veteran Member
We ain't seen nothing yet. Things are weird, but from a certain perspective things are always weird.
Can ya grab a beer and still go sit in the shade and listen to the birds sing? Do it.

If you can't...get to changing your situation.


Computer Hacking Pirate
We all have been watching this country (and the world) for years as things have moved forward in fits and starts. But since Covid came, things seem to be coming off the rails across multiple disciplines. Supply chain disruptions increasing every week, and affecting critical products such as computer chips, food, energy, building supplies, the list goes on. Politically, the Marxists are hell bent on subjugating and ultimately exterminating conservatives. The dregs of society are elevated to rockstar status while “normals” are driven underground. Neighborhoods are seceding from cities, cities from counties, counties from states. Rioting and crime is skyrocketing unchecked. Even more, police are leaving by the thousands, while Marxist prosecutors jail anyone daring to defend themselves.

This carousel is spinning ever faster toward destruction, and there’s no way to get off. I see the entire world, but particularly the US, unraveling for good. I wish there was something we could do to stop it.

You might want to check out the Clif High/Webbot thread in Unexplained. Other than timing, it looks as though he called so much of what we're seeing. ;)

Tennessee gal

Veteran Member's gonna get worse. A LOT WORSE, before it gets better. Plan for the worse, hope for the best, and we'll probably land somewhere in between.

I'm keeping an eye out for the MAJOR biblical signs, like: the rebuilding of the Temple, a seven year peace deal in Israel, the coming of the Anti-christ, the Mark and so on. Those are the BIG SIGNS. All this other stuff is just incremental movements in that direction. Also remember that no one will know the day and the time of His return, only God the Father knows and we will only know when it ACTUALLY HAPPENS.

Until then enjoy that you have and this "relative peace" that is here. Like you said's the ride that worries you. Well we had a saying the military: "Embrace the SUCK!" It is what it is and there's not much you can to do about it.
Shadow Man, your post reminds me of a quote I heard a few years ago. “ one day our Father will say to the Lord Jesus, Son it’s time, go bring my children Home.”
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Shadow Man, your post reminds me of a quote I heard a few years ago. “ one day our Father will say to the Lord Jesus, Son it’s time, go bring my children Home.”
More like, time to kick ass and take names. He isn't coming back as a lamb but as a lion, to wage war on evil. IMHO
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Veteran Member
Most missed that part. Also some here need to be tending to their lanterns and make sure their wicks are trimmed, the bridegroom will come and soon, how soon, that’s all up to Him.

Post of the year! Thank you! This is wisdom, people.

Look, we all long to be with the Lord, but for decades, a certain segment of teachers have continued to put out distracting information, and in many cases, false prophecies.

They’ve sold million of books, CDs, DVDs, and made bank at conferences, but no matter what they’ve said, our Lord never told us to run and hide…

He also never told us when the end would be, yet all these clowns (not the above posters at all) are telling believers “you don’t polish the brass on a sinking ship! So don’t try anything!”

Really!? That smacks of the “wicked and lazy servant” our Lord condemned!

This is partly why we’ve not been salt & light and even the world laughs at most professing Christians.

Again, not try to insult anyone on this board, just venting…and commending packyderm’s wife for her wisdom.


Neither here nor there.
Post of the year! Thank you! This is wisdom, people.

Look, we all long to be with the Lord, but for decades, a certain segment of teachers have continued to put out distracting information, and in many cases, false prophecies.

They’ve sold million of books, CDs, DVDs, and made bank at conferences, but no matter what they’ve said, our Lord never told us to run and hide…

He also never told us when the end would be, yet all these clowns (not the above posters at all) are telling believers “you don’t polish the brass on a sinking ship! So don’t try anything!”

Really!? That smacks of the “wicked and lazy servant” our Lord condemned!

This is partly why we’ve not been salt & light and even the world laughs at most professing Christians.

Again, not try to insult anyone on this board, just venting…and commending packyderm’s wife for her wisdom.

Commend God, the thought just suddenly popped into my head, so I posted it, whoever needed to read that I hope it helps them and tremendously.


Veteran Member
Commend God, the thought just suddenly popped into my head, so I posted it, whoever needed to read that I hope it helps them and tremendously.

It’s just so many are certain of what’s not so…

They import their theology into current events and run around telling everyone what’s going to happen soon…’Because the Bible says so!’

Except it doesn’t, then they keep changing the goal posts…”A generation is 40 years!”

Then, their false prophecies we’re wrong, so they ran around saying,

“No, a generation is 60, 70, now 80 years…”

We we’re never told when, but simply what. What we’re supposed to do and what He was going to do.

Again, no offense meant to any of our posters here…just an observation.

Esto Perpetua

Veteran Member
End Times?
Maybe. Here's another theory.

My daughter and I were talking about the absolutely colossal incompetence we've had to deal with this year from just about everyone we've had the (dis)pleasure of dealing with. She thinks the C19 shot is melting everyone's brain. Whoever doesn't melt becomes evil?

Who knows?

A lot of noise about the vax one way or another. I don't know if I would believe we're all fixing to drop dead in two years if we get the shot as some people have speculated but in my opinion the vaccine is unproven and I can't help but question something developed and promoted by death(Population Control)merchants.


TB Fanatic
Last year at this time, Antifa and Black Lives Matter were rioting, looting, and burning every major city in America. In places they established "independent zones". People were told to stay home from work. Business were told to close. The government was paying people more to not work than they made working. Home prices skyrocketed.

Did everything get reset because Biden got elected. Did we arrive at collective amnesia?
WTF? It has been off the rails grim for 18 months with no letup.

And BTW, it is only going to get worse.


Res ipsa loquitur
It’s just so many are certain of what’s not so…

They import their theology into current events and run around telling everyone what’s going to happen soon…’Because the Bible says so!’

Except it doesn’t, then they keep changing the goal posts…”A generation is 40 years!”

Then, their false prophecies we’re wrong, so they ran around saying,

“No, a generation is 60, 70, now 80 years…”

We we’re never told when, but simply what. What we’re supposed to do and what He was going to do.

Again, no offense meant to any of our posters here…just an observation.

all well taken points Squib . . . we're told "no one knows the day or the hour - not even the angles - but only the FATHER" . . . its our responsibility to recognize the SEASON, which I think most here would agree is either here or walking up to the front door. because of that verse I could never understand all the hoopla about false profits, pre mid and post rapture debates and all manner of related discussions.

we're told to watch and wait and OCCUPY . . . truth told we're not supposed to know definitively so nothing else really matters does it?


Let's Go Brandon!
We ain't seen nothing yet. Things are weird, but from a certain perspective things are always weird.
Can ya grab a beer and still go sit in the shade and listen to the birds sing? Do it.

If you can't...get to changing your situation.

It IS nice to look out the window and be able to think, all that stuff is happening Somewhere Else. It is Not Here. You know it's happening, but it might as well be happening on another planet. Planet Washington. Planet Chicago. Planet Liberal.