CHAT Am I overreacting, or are things getting absolutely grim?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This country is devolving into factions. Thank you progs for doing this....not! They will deny that it is a common communist tactic, because they are 'progressives' and not 'communists'. The weaponization of the Fed is all but complete now. I hope all those responsible die screaming.

They may not die screaming but they will spend eternity screaming. I almost feel sorry for them but then I think of the misery they have caused for so many for so long and I realize God is just.


TB Fanatic
Leadership is the ability to create a plan and then gather together people who are capable of executing that plan and the resources required, and to organize and motivate them in such a way that the plan is fulfilled.

They have good leadership - it is evident by their accomplishments.
Thinking otherwise is a strategic mistake.


Veteran Member
At a primordial level we have, most of us, been expecting this since the early 70’s. And have been
Preparing mentally as physical as we can. Even as we did the work aday merry go round

I know I have been planning since the days of jimmy carter

how about you???

just when will it kick off? Who knows
But as Dennis postulates. It’s spinning faster and faster

grid up you can’t be more ready than you are right now


Veteran Member
I believe we’ve forfeited Gods blessings and we’re suffering (and definitely going to suffer more!) for allowing all the homos, pervs, evil, baby killers, and every other kind of blight on the earth to commit their evil and still live.

I never thought I’d be thinking this, let alone writing it publicly, but looking back, the live and let live philosophy didn’t work out so well, did it!
No it did not did it
Too much kumbaya
And it was our generation, the baby boomers, that have allowed this imho


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
80 years since Israel's rebirth?
Yes, 1948.... A Biblical generation is either seventy or eighty years....I believe the prayers of the ChristIan’s in America bought us some time, hence the eighty years rather than seventy, as well as the seventy has passed. This makes the next seven very interesting, as well as horrendous. We all see it playing out, as the signs of the times are exploding daily. Good will be called evil, and evil will be called good is one prime example. Rumors of war, and wars. Sexual immorality at extreme levels as the sodomites throw gay pride events, which plays into Gods sense of humor as pride comes before the fall. God used 2020 to show the world the evil and corruption going on thru the deep state. The acceleration of knowledge, wow. People going to and fro. There’s more, but this should clarify much.

As mentioned, birth pangs, pains, getting harder and harder closer and closer, Cloward Pivens laid this out and we see it overwhelmingly, overwhelm our nation and the world, physically and mentally.

God said, let the good continue to do good, let the evil ones continue to do evil. He will cut them all down and sperate the wheat from the chaff in due time.

So be good, for goodness sakes. You are to fight for the good, not just grin n bare it.

Dennis, I hope you recognize that there is a very real connection between current events and the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ. It’s a fools errand not to allow the intersection on main. If the Truth is to be known, allow it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Some of the Covid - and all of the transportation & supply chain issues - are symptomatic of economic war. (The inflation is our own FedRes's meddling with their cronies in the Treasury.) Covid, gets included in my book, because of the total shutdowns for the "pandemic". How many smaller businesses aren't coming back from that? Increasing the dependency on the larger corps - who are in bed with the politicians, the globalists & their new mascot - the Chinese.

Economic or currency wars always start small, slow, with an illusion (especially with fudged "official" data & propaganda) of a "recovery". We're now in the faster phase, yes. Yes, it indeed is getting worse and at a surprising rate and no, you aren't going to find many "news" sources that acknowledge this.

Then it all falls off a cliff and collapses all at once.

The people who are still naive enough to think TPTB have their best interests at heart are just now starting to notice the things that we've been paying attention to for a long time. Yeah, I've been studying this crap - more or less convinced it was going to hell, depending on the decade - since the 70s. I had some smart, experienced old people in my life who'd lived through both world wars and the depression. But the things I feel I "can do about it" still come back to just finding the way for me & mine to survive what I can only assume are going be to highly dangerous, very lean times. Done my best to get that all squared away since 2001. It ain't perfect by long shot - and my crystal ball has been broken for about 10 years now. No way to know EXACTLY what we'll face - the general shitshow is pretty obvious.

Government itself is beginning to implode and collapse - and it's the intersection of gov't & economic collapse that makes highly volatile situations. The more Gov't tries to control, dictate & meddle - the less well it can function at it's core (or constitutionally mandated) duties.

Buck up, Dennis. Just because you can hear the out of control train rolling down the mountain doesn't mean you are stuck on the tracks. The things we actually NEED aren't at all what this globalist wetdream says is a necessity. Food, shelter/fire, clean water & our loved ones & highly trusted others.


“Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”
Dennis, you have expressed my sentiments exactly! As for doing something to stop it - All we can do is do what we do.

In the days of my youth my priorities were, beer, jack and the occasional bar fight. Twenty five years ago or so, somthing clicked, my worldview changed and my mission to help educate began.

For years, I got more "that's crazy talk" comments or eyeball rolls than I can count. The folks that did get it were few and far between. I spent many a quite time moments questioning my analysis, questioning the time, energy and money spent.

Today I have a certain sense of pride, in the fact that I have been right. The details have not always been accurate but the my analysis of the big picture has been spot on.

I don't know if it can be stopped, but I do know at least in my AO. The DGI's are becoming fewer and farther between. The folks in these parts have already started decorating the homes in anticipation of Independence Day. There are more "Don't Tread On Me" flags flying in this area, than ever before. Subtle but obvious statements are being made.

When speaking with folks, eyeball to eyeball (my preferred form of comms). The blank stares and "crazy talk" comments have been replaced with nods of affirmation, and a certain sense of determination to right the ship. At this point it may be too late, I don't know this for sure, so my mission continues. Abort is not an option.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Cinch those leather straps good and tight in your palms, slide up into the grip, punch that fist tight and lock your knees, take that last long peaceful breath...get your bearings

nod your heads

and when that bull explodes out of the gate rake the hell out its flanks with your spurs and clench your teeth

It'll be the ride of our lives!

Ever hear of a bull named Snowball? Monty Henson did. Yeah- it's gonna be that kind of ride.
This bull wants us dead.


Knuckle Dragger
Am I overreacting, or are things getting absolutely grim?


The commie revolution has been incremental for many years, now it's accelerating.

Normalcy bias has been adjusted to the point that most people just shrug and ignore most of what is happening.

It will be more/harder/faster until a major push back is encountered.

Plan accordingly.

Roger Thornhill

Some irascible old curmudgeon
Things aren't even close to being grim.... yet.

No computer chips for new cars and trucks? An annoyance. Grim is when there are no inner tubes for your rickety old bicycle, or shoes for your feet.

Grocery stores with voids in their shelves? Big deal. Grim is when there is NOTHING to eat in your entire city, and you begin to hallucinate from hunger after the third or fourth day. Grim is when the gas and electricity have been off for months. Grim is when snipers try to kill you as you scurry to a creek for water, because the taps inside your shelter are dry.

Think of the mindset of people in 1943. MILLIONS had already been slaughtered; atrocities beyond comprehension took place in every hemisphere. And yet people persevered, and survived, and flourished in the generation which followed.

There are accounts as old as the Bible, and as recent as memoirs from Poland, and Cambodia, and Bosnia about surviving chaos and unimaginable evil. Enjoy these current days while you can, because the truly trying times are still to come.


I guess I'm a little different than most re: this topic.

My attitude is this: "This is Obama's 3rd term so things are going to suck." There's really no other way to say it. And nothing is new under the sun...other than you see it all on the 24/7 news cycle, and, if your not can consume you.

I'll continue to "go" to work and earn a living...have some fun and help others when the called upon. I'll continue to provide for my wife and kids...and both my spouse and I will continue to raise those kids them in a way that shows them how and why some of the attitudes and ways of the world are outright destructive and how God's way is better. We'll continue to seek God's leading in all things.

I'll take more than a few news/internet/social media sabbaticals, I'll still be praying, prepping, working and having some goals to shoot for.

I gotta continue on with the race with some motivation, drive, and realistic expectations because the bills don't get paid by themselves and the kids probably won't be going to college for free. One day I'll have to take care parents and/or in-laws with failing health. One day they won't be on this earth. One day soon after that I'll want to move out of this godforsaken state. So I HAVE to be motivated...I HAVE to be driven...I HAVE to have the next thing to shoot for, and prepare for the next season of life.

And now you know how I feel. :)


Designated Grumpy Old Fart's gonna get worse. A LOT WORSE, before it gets better. Plan for the worse, hope for the best, and we'll probably land somewhere in between.

I'm keeping an eye out for the MAJOR biblical signs, like: the rebuilding of the Temple, a seven year peace deal in Israel, the coming of the Anti-christ, the Mark and so on. Those are the BIG SIGNS. All this other stuff is just incremental movements in that direction. Also remember that no one will know the day and the time of His return, only God the Father knows and we will only know when it ACTUALLY HAPPENS.

Until then enjoy that you have and this "relative peace" that is here. Like you said's the ride that worries you. Well we had a saying the military: "Embrace the SUCK!" It is what it is and there's not much you can to do about it.


TB Fanatic
I never thought I’d be thinking this, let alone writing it publicly, but looking back, the live and let live philosophy didn’t work out so well, did it!
I did.
I knew the "live and let live" philosophy would not work.
People would say "whatever anyone does in the privacy of their bedroom between consenting adults is no one's business"
because, aside from the fact that no two humans ever seem to actually agree to consent, the reality is nothing ever stays in the bedroom.
And that is nothing new
I believe we’ve forfeited Gods blessings and we’re suffering (and definitely going to suffer more!) for allowing all the homos, pervs, evil, baby killers, and every other kind of blight on the earth to commit their evil and still live.
We, my family, have not forfeited the Creator's blessing and he has not for forsaken us. We are truly blessed even in these times of chaos.
We are judged as individuals not as a collective. IMHO


Veteran Member
We, my family, have not forfeited the Creator's blessing and he has not for forsaken us. We are truly blessed even in these times of chaos.
We are judged as individuals not as a collective. IMHO

Understood, we feel the same way, but, as nations and national covenants go its blessing/cursing.

God usually deals with human societies collectively. Its all over the Scriptures.

Israel suffered an enormous amount for her apostasy in the 6th century b.c. And then again in AD 70 for her rejection of Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and many others had to bear the consequences of the evil that the godless let loose.

Even though many individuals were faithful in both times, the city was still destroyed.
Understood, we feel the same way, but, as covenants go and national blessing/cursing, God usually deals with human societies collectively.

Israel suffered an enormous amount for her apostasy in the 6th century b.c. And then again in AD 70 for her rejection of Jesus Christ.

Even though many individuals were faithful in both times, the city was still destroyed.
Good parents allow their children to experience the consequences of their choices, both good and bad, in the hope they will learn. We haven't learned and he is, once again, letting the consequences play out.
Though I do believe that, even so, he will not abandon us completely to the evil that has become manifest.


Veteran Member
Good parents allow their children to experience the consequences of their choices, both good and bad, in the hope they will learn. We haven't learned and he is, once again, letting the consequences play out.
Though I do believe that, even so, he will not abandon us completely to the evil that has become manifest.

Oh, I agree 100%.

May God be with us all!

Tennessee gal

Veteran Member
I started to post last night, but was too tired.
At 71 I find myself grieving for the America of my youth. I remember my first grade teacher in the public school reading us a Bible story each morning. I remember learning our “real’ history. I remember our entire football team after going undefeated my junior year showing up at church to honor their coach.
Like many of my TB family, I’m looking forward to the return of the Lord Jesus. Everything is lining up.
Our nation has turned its back on God and now we are seeing the results of that decision. We have taken Him out of our schools, encouraged every sexual sin and perversion that God’s Word condemns, and murdered over 70 million babies. The nation is under judgment.
In order to bring in a global government, America has to be brought down.
The book of Revelation is unfolding before our eyes.
My prayer is that many will repent and give their heart to the Lord Jesus while there is time and that believers will stand true to the Lord in the times we are living.


Dot Collector
Watched a video by JR Nyquist about ww3. Seems to fit what is happening. This is so close to the Deep Winter series it's like it was divine and you should be scared of the soulless libs and what they will do to us if allowed.

Invasion America?
To achieve victory in a future war, it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them very accurately on target; it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes.​
Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth.​
Soviet Military Strategy, [p. 343]​

The Marxist Democrats are leading with JoBama/Soros to follow their Soviet playbook plans outlined by Jan Sejna's take over of America...

From the comments:
“Portions of the Soviet plans for seizing control of the United States following a nuclear strike were described by the head of this Administration for Special Propaganda to Sejna in 1967 just prior to Sejna’s defection.

The description provides an interesting insight into the possible nature of Soviet plans and, in a certain regard, their efforts to clothe mechanisms in indigenous or nationalistic trappings.

In 1967 the Soviets believed that, in addition to strikes against nuclear and critical military targets, roughly 110 nuclear strikes would be adequate to cripple the United States.

A ‘Central Committee for Salvation and Restoration’ and counterpart Salvation and Restoration committees in newly established regions would be set up.

The first action would be to seize radio and television networks and announce changes in national and state governments, that is, to the new Salvation and Restoration committees. (take over of MSM/BT)

A third party would be created out of the CPUSA, left-wing (DNC) Senators, and prominent figures from finance, industry, and science. Recruitment here is directed toward those people who are regarded as naive and those whom the Soviets refer to as ‘chicken opportunists.’

Middle class radicals, blacks, and Hispanics would be recruited and organized into a national militia.

‘Salvation courts’ would be established and their immediate task would be to execute members of right-wing groups.

There would be heavy reliance on outside ‘advisors’ provided by Soviet surrogates and agents, and the new government would be pushed to negotiate a peace treaty. In the attack, Europe would not be destroyed. Rather, Moscow would launch a propaganda campaign to tell the Europeans that the Soviets had saved their lives. The United States would be blamed for starting the war and an international committee for the neutrality of the United States would be formed. Pressure would be produced from the left and from Europe and elsewhere for the United States to give up.”

Jeff Nyquist says:

June 20, 2021 at 4:23 am

We are stupid enough that they (China) got this far. Look at how the pandemic has worked. They have infiltrated our media, government and business. This is obvious. Who is to say how far they might go?

If I am Xi, I would still entertain high hopes. But China is shaky on stamina, on organization, on honesty in government. Too many people steal. I am not sure they can hold everything together as they advance.

I was told that the Russians gave up the idea of invading the lower 48 states in 1991.

This does not mean they won’t help China with the attack.

I think they are committed to do so (if the war is set to happen). Communism is the common cause of the Socialist Camp, though the Russian leaders cannot say so publicly.

Russia suffered attenuation of her force structure then.

The Chinese had the manpower, shipping capacity, and the desire.

Russia only wants Alaska and to dominate Europe.

I suspect the communist ideal is going to break down because of ethnic differences.

China will have its zone.

Russia will have “the one common European home.”

If one follows Moscow’s policy statements you will see that it takes account of the division of territory with China.

We shall see how things unfold during the summer.

Interview With Nevin: Red Dawn in Retrospect

We’ve got a biological war going on. The Chinese are telling their people to get ready for nuclear war. The Russians are getting ready…. These are all pre-war signs.

They [the Russians] are getting rid of [the dollars in their] sovereign funds; and then you have these mass assassinations, these drone attacks in Mexico….

This is very important for them, for pre-positioning [small units of Spetsnaz] troops.

Populist Roundtable: Episode 9 Part 4 J.R. Nyquist (2hrs)
Jun 6, 2021
In this episode, Nevin and Jeff discussed the Red Dawn Scenario, the Chinese role in Covid-19, potential collaborators with Russian/Chinese occupation forces, Russian military strategy, the writings of Soviet era commissioned officers, and more...

Joe Biden (aka JoBama) And Allies Put America On A Track To Lose Our First Nuclear War: Democrats Want To Abolish America's Biggest Impediment To A Surprise Nuclear Attack - What Could Go Wrong?

How To Start, And Lose, A Nuclear War

By Dr. Peter Vincent Pry


Losing a nuclear war is surely not intended by the Biden administration and congressional allies, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., Chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee. But their call for unilaterally abolishing U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) would surely lose a nuclear World War III.

The U.S. won the Cold War without the USSR launching a thermonuclear holocaust, thanks to the U.S. Triad of ICBMs, bombers, and ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs).

Each Triad leg plays a special role making a well-rounded nuclear deterrent for the broadest range of scenarios:

—Strategic bombers are the most flexible deterrent, can carry nuclear or conventional weapons, and can be recalled;

—SSBNs, when generated so all boats are at sea, are the most survivable deterrent, a secure strategic reserve to hold at risk the most valuable adversary targets, thereby deterring attack on the most valuable U.S. targets, especially cities;

—ICBMs are the most responsive deterrent, over 95% of the force always standing on alert ready to launch in a few minutes, rapidly retargetable, linked by multiple secure redundant means to the National Command Authority for near instant execution of Emergency Action Messages (EAMs).

Today, anti-nuclear radicals in the Union of Concerned Scientists, Federation of American Scientists, and Nuclear Threat Initiative are an important part of the Democrat Party’s political and intellectual base — and are calling for unilateral abolition of U.S. ICBMs.

These same groups and their pseudointellectual sophistry, masquerading as deep strategic thinking, would have lost the Cold War.

Now they are being welcomed into the Biden Administration.

Anti-ICBM politicians and activists see the greatest virtue of ICBMs — over 95% always on high-alert, every day, for years, serving as sentinels against surprise attack — as the very reason to abolish ICBMs, that they falsely allege are on a “hair trigger” for accidental nuclear war.

Elsewhere, I and others have made the case at length why ICBMs are indispensable to the U.S. nuclear deterrent, and that the alleged risks from their high-alert rates causing an accidental nuclear war are minimal.

For example, see my report "Surprise Attack: ICBMs and the Real Nuclear Threat"(Oct. 31, 2020) or Matthew Costlow’s report "Safety in Diversity: The Strategic Value of ICBMs and GBSD in the Nuclear Triad" (National Institute for Public Policy: May 2021) or, last but not least, recent testimony about the desperate need for U.S. ICBM modernization by Admiral Charles Richard, Commander of STRATCOM.

Eliminating U.S. ICBMs would make much easier adversary nuclear surprise attack, as they would no longer have to destroy 400 hardened ICBM silos, just 3 strategic bomber bases and 2 SSBN ports.

U.S. strategic bombers are no longer maintained on alert or nuclear-armed and would be completely destroyed by a surprise attack. Surprise attack would destroy most of the 14 U.S. SSBNs that are normally at port, while only 3-4 are on patrol at sea.

If the U.S. bans ICBMs, thereby reducing U.S. strategic targets from over 400 to just 5, even if there is thereby a tiny reduction in the possibility of accidental nuclear war, there would be an enormous increased temptation to Russia, China, even North Korea and Iran, to make a surprise attack.

If U.S. ICBMs are eliminated, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran do not even need nuclear weapons to destroy U.S. bombers on their bases or SSBNs in port. Cruise and anti-ship missiles with high-explosive warheads could do the job.

Iran has Russia’s Club-K missile, which has a launcher disguised as a shipping container, so any freighter can be converted into a guided missile cruiser.


If U.S. ICBMs are abolished, and so too the biggest impediment to adversary surprise attack, during a crisis or conflict it would become far more urgent to mobilize U.S. bombers and SSBNs to a more survivable posture.

Bombers would have to be put on strip-alert and nuclear weapons uploaded. Submarines would prepare to put to sea.

Mobilization of U.S. bombers and SSBNs would be highly visible to the adversary—and highly provocative.

Absent ICBMs to deter surprise attack, would the U.S. dare mobilizing bombers and SSBNs—ever? Would the adversary allow the U.S. to mobilize bombers and SSBNs, or strike first?

Banning ICBMs would:

—Greatly increase adversary incentives to strike U.S. bombers and submarines while they are sitting ducks;

—Greatly increase the range of scenarios when the U.S. must mobilize bombers and SSBNs to survivable posture, thereby also greatly increasing risk of triggering “action-reaction” escalation resulting in accidental nuclear war;

—Introduce a real “use them or lose them” dilemma with U.S. bombers and SSBNs where no such dilemma now exists because of the ICBM deterrent;

—Create a real "hair trigger" posture for U.S. SSBNs on patrol, and probably for bombers that will of necessity have to return to airborne or strip-alert, because of greatly increased vulnerability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent without ICBMs;

—Thus, banning ICBMs would undermine and destabilize the foundations of nuclear deterrence in ways more likely to realize the worst fears of anti-ICBM activists.

If you want to start, and lose, a nuclear war — abolish U.S. ICBMs.


TB Fanatic
The easiest, cheapest, and most efficient way to defeat the nuclear deterrent
is for Liberals to control the executive branch.

Done. See how easy that was?


TB Fanatic
Well, I can't disagree about how things look. And it's happening at lightening speed. Nothing's going to change, however, as long as significant segments of the population in the Western world are drunk on the mainstream Kool-Aid, aka globalist propaganda. I mean, war is peace, doncha' know?

So the question is how do we maintain our sanity during this period of upheaval and turmoil, exacerbated by what I call The Covid Distortion.

First, recognize that are in the midst of enormous change. Second, hope that the disruptions in supply lines and even the news of people behaving irrationally, from shootings to government authorities, is part of a distortion created by the global COVID response. Have faith that this, too, shall pass.

On a personal level, don't take the world on your shoulders. And manage your outrage. After all, there is something every day to be outraged about. Is there anything we can do about it? Really?

But do take stock of what you can do to maintain a detached and reasonable approach to the various challenges. Is it household preps? A garden? Cash on hand? A new project? Prayer? All of the above? Extra batteries and a Bible verse go a long way to maintain calm in this ongoing crisis. Arguing with someone drunk on the Kool-Aid or being upset and outraged doesn't do anything that matters.

We're living through a change akin to fast-moving rapids on a river. Our boat is moving so fast that even the shore is a blur. We have no way of knowing if we're on the edge of a cliff. Or if the river feeds into on a calm lake eventually. .And in that circumstance, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and navigate through it.

Excellent Post!



TB Fanatic
This country is devolving into factions. Thank you progs for doing this....not! They will deny that it is a common communist tactic, because they are 'progressives' and not 'communists'. The weaponization of the Fed is all but complete now. I hope all those responsible die screaming.

I think this was Trump's greatest sin (in the Left's eyes...) - he was getting larger and larger groups of formerly divided groups to join together and see that we could function as a cohesive Nation, once again.

They saw that as an existential threat to the carefully crafted narrative that they had promoted to divide us for at least 70 years... or longer.