INSANITY Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation

Jonas Parker


Looks like a "Lawyers' Full Employment" situation... JP

Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation
By Todd Starnes - April 9, 2020

Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided the parking lot of Temple Baptist Church during a drive-in prayer service and issued $500 fines to everyone in attendance – including many elderly congregants.

Pastor Arthur Scott told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that he was astonished by the actions of the police department and the mayor’s office. I warned Americans this could happen in my new book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”

“We’ve been doing it for three weeks,” he said.

But Mayor Errick Simmons and the city council that banned churches from hosting drive-in services.
The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves. Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read.

Scott, who has pastored the small church for 45 years, said that most of the congregation is elderly and they don’t have access to smartphones.

So church leaders decided to rig up a radio frequency where congregants could sit in their cars and listen as the pastor delivered the message from the pulpit. In other words, the church was in compliance with social distancing rules.

“The police officer said I might go to jail,” the elderly pastor said on the radio show. “If it means going to jail and if it takes that for me to keep preaching, I’ll be glad to go to jail.”

The pastor said as many as 25 cars were in the parking lot for the service and everyone was ticketed.

Video shows police officers disrupting the service by knocking on the doors of every car. Church members were ordered to turn over their driver’s licenses. They were then issued a fine and a court summons.

“I just can’t believe it,” the pastor told me. “I tried to talk to the mayor. I’ve been here 45 years and I’ve never been to the city council. I’ve never complained. I’ve never stirred up a stink. But I told him I’m going to fight them on this.”

What’s really disturbing is that this happened in Mississippi, not New York City or San Francisco. This happened in the buckle of the Bible Belt.

The mayor and the city council should be removed from office. Any police officer who stepped foot on church property should be fired. And the governor of the state of Mississippi should personally pardon any church member convicted of violating the emergency order.

The U.S. Constitution is under assault, not from a deadly virus, but by leftist lawmakers who want to silence people of faith and shut down their church houses.

Our Founding Fathers fought a war over that kind of aggression.


Senior Member
Just wow. I've been seeing more and and more of this. Executive orders are enacted and then people obey them and use common sense. Social distance themselves from others. Then the long arm of the law comes in and issues fines. It seems certain members of the government that every person is just going to sit at home and do nothing. This has got to stop. I hope that everyone involved with this is voted out or fired.


TB Fanatic
The original boys in the hood need to get on their horses and ride to Greenville. Start from the top down and show the mayor, the PD, ALL of those involved in harassing the church the errors of their ways. The church followed the rules; the town made new ones. The boys should staple every ticket given out to each policeman's chest-with staples from a staple gun, perhaps. The mayor needs to see his town from the top of the tallest tree in the area.
The city's response was incredibly over the top-one would expect the response to be equally over the top.

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
At some point there will be a hard pushback. Right now they are only going
after soft targets. All LEO nationwide should be embarrassed by this action.
The street LEO needs to start using his head and refusing these bullshit directions.
At some point these officers will walk into a trap, thinking it's a soft target.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
As a Mississippian, I'm torn on this one. I do think the police went over the top on fining the church members. Hopefully, our Governor will over turn that. That's all I'm gonna say about the matter, lest I offend a few.


Canadian Loonie
If all of the congregants decide they will not pay and need their day in Court, this will gum up the system and cost the town money. Their "day in Court" would have to be socially distant from each other, so no multi-defendant trials and lots of time wasted.

An apology from the Mayor would be sufficient...... and extend him an invitation to come worship with them.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided the parking lot of Temple Baptist Church during a drive-in prayer service and issued $500 fines to everyone in attendance – including many elderly congregants.

Yet in a different thread, one of our members was told by their city (after complaining about a neighbor illegally burning stuff in their back yard) that they couldn't issue burning fines to everyone burning. Funny how that works, isn't it?


Veteran Member
Here's what took place in WI after the stasi neighbor called about the online service taking place.....

Police called to West Bend church due to complaint regarding ‘Safer at Home’ order

1 minute

WEST BEND — Police were called to a church in West Bend amid the coronavirus pandemic, following a complaint from a neighbor.

Pastor Joseph Fisher with Pilgrim Lutheran Church said West Bend police showed up after the neighbor complained about the gathering of the group, saying it was going against Governor Tony Evers’ “Safer at Home” order.

Pastor Fisher said there were about 16 people inside, but there were no more than 10 in one room at a time.

He said police apologized after determining there wasn’t a violation of the Safer at Home order at the church.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
Wonder what would've happened had the congregants not opened their windows and decided to not accept the ticket? I imagine they would have been arrested. That would be a great look for that PD. I think I would have said I am not accepting anything from you and I have no ID. MOVE ALONG! "You going to jail now" - Bus Driver who uppercutted a feral nigra (female) on his bus.

Run time 1:00 Beware, noisy.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
After researching this report in greater detail, I have to say, in spite of my last post, that I can't see where this church broke any rules or restrictions that our Governor handed down. Another church had the same thing happen to them today in a location closer to us. They've been warned not to have church services of any kind on Sunday. Not even the kind mentioned in the OP, because that's what this church was planning to do. The pastor was very outspoken about it. It's the county and city officials who are calling the shots on this, and hopefully the Governor will overturn these actions. Looks to me, it's just a bunch of power hungry individuals trying to make a name for themselves. Shame on them.

We got the full report about this on our local news about 20 minutes ago.

Fenwick Babbitt

Veteran Member
Ya know most people, 95% + in this country want to support police, they really do and then you get some power-hungry, heavy-handed bullshit like this and the cops can't figure out why nobody likes them? Where in the hell is the "common sense" in this country? I might even understand if this was in a church but they were all separated and at a drive-in, complete revenue-raising Gestapo tactics, I hope the blowback from this is tremendous.


Ya know most people, 95% + in this country want to support police, they really do and then you get some power-hungry, heavy-handed bullshit like this and the cops can't figure out why nobody likes them? Where in the hell is the "common sense" in this country? I might even understand if this was in a church but they were all separated and at a drive-in, complete revenue-raising Gestapo tactics, I hope the blowback from this is tremendous.
So do I.


Faithful Steed
I assume car occupants were in their cars thus socially distanced (remembering drive in movies). A judge 'should' see this and dismiss charges.
And the Men in Blue were doing their best to violate an effective self quarantine.

"Papers please. Roll down the window so I as an untested Government Minion can infect you with my asymptomatic Covirus."

If any of those congregants get sick - they should sue the city.



Veteran Member
so these dumb as all hell cops, ordered EVERYONE to show their license. Said cop then handles license, takes info, writes ticket and hands back license. THEN moves to the next car to repeat. Did the cop have gloves on, did he CHANGE his gloves between browbeating these seniors? I'm sure the dumb fug didnt. So these "at risk" folks just got exposed, by their own poice. this is BEYOND stupid, never mind completely and totally against their Constitutional rights AND in direct conflict with their own governor's order since everyone was in their cars.

Did these brain dead idiots, the one who ORDERED this action AND the ones who carried it out, ever hear of Drive in's that use low power radio to let their patrons hear the sound track in their cars while the movie is playing. The Pastor and his folks did a GREAT thing by rigging up the same system.

The cops should have refused the order and told the mayor to go down there his own damned self. If it put their jobs on the line, so be it. And yes it happened to me in the early 80's as a new lieutenant when a dumb ass Battalion chief told me to take my engine company down to where a company was on strike and walking the picket line,to "lay out the hoses and let em know who's boss"...I told him that was an unconstitutional order and would NOT follow it and if he pushed it, I'd have the local television stations here so fast his head would spin. That woke his dumb ass up. (guy was dumb as a friggin rock, got his promotion through politics, what else is new) So there ARE times you have to take a stand. and these cops are disgraces to their uniform. The mayor who ordered it should be run out of town tarred and feathered. What is WRONG with these people, do we have that many German stazi's who are salivating at these lockdowns. WT, absolute F

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB

Looks like a "Lawyers' Full Employment" situation... JP

Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation
By Todd Starnes - April 9, 2020

Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided the parking lot of Temple Baptist Church during a drive-in prayer service and issued $500 fines to everyone in attendance – including many elderly congregants.

Pastor Arthur Scott told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that he was astonished by the actions of the police department and the mayor’s office. I warned Americans this could happen in my new book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”

“We’ve been doing it for three weeks,” he said.

But Mayor Errick Simmons and the city council that banned churches from hosting drive-in services.
The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves. Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read.

Scott, who has pastored the small church for 45 years, said that most of the congregation is elderly and they don’t have access to smartphones.

So church leaders decided to rig up a radio frequency where congregants could sit in their cars and listen as the pastor delivered the message from the pulpit. In other words, the church was in compliance with social distancing rules.

“The police officer said I might go to jail,” the elderly pastor said on the radio show. “If it means going to jail and if it takes that for me to keep preaching, I’ll be glad to go to jail.”

The pastor said as many as 25 cars were in the parking lot for the service and everyone was ticketed.

Video shows police officers disrupting the service by knocking on the doors of every car. Church members were ordered to turn over their driver’s licenses. They were then issued a fine and a court summons.

“I just can’t believe it,” the pastor told me. “I tried to talk to the mayor. I’ve been here 45 years and I’ve never been to the city council. I’ve never complained. I’ve never stirred up a stink. But I told him I’m going to fight them on this.”

What’s really disturbing is that this happened in Mississippi, not New York City or San Francisco. This happened in the buckle of the Bible Belt.

The mayor and the city council should be removed from office. Any police officer who stepped foot on church property should be fired. And the governor of the state of Mississippi should personally pardon any church member convicted of violating the emergency order.

The U.S. Constitution is under assault, not from a deadly virus, but by leftist lawmakers who want to silence people of faith and shut down their church houses.

Our Founding Fathers fought a war over that kind of aggression.

This is good.

Apparently NOTHING else will awaken sleeping America.