ECON Report food and grocery price increases/shortages here - UPDATE, new runs on the stores

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Ping Jockey

Went grocery shopping yesterday to top off on assorted items at one of the major food chains. Not really a bum rush of folks but did notice the bottled water shelves were completely empty, with the exception of a few scattered bottles. Did scrape up a few boxes of powdered drink aid for added electrolytes. A lot missing there as well.
Wound around to the med aisles... looked like flock of buzzards had stripped a carcass clean on the flu/cough/cold shelves. The rest of the store still had fairly decent stock. At least the bread/milk/eggs, staples for the 1/4 inch snow we wind up getting, were still stocked.

BTW... north Georgia area.


Veteran Member
Amazon seems to be limiting P&G stuff. Tried to add Dawn dish soap and Tide laundry to my cart and it will only let me order limited quantities, like 2 or 3.

other stuff is doing well, ordered TP and paper towels to try out, if like will order more. Price pretty good and crazy fast shipped.

My laundry soap and dish soap has yet to arrive, and I ordered it first. Just top off supplies, it's hard to talk the wife out of using Tide :lol:
Amazon limited me to 3 on water with electrolytes! no Kraft mac/cheese in the cup.

fish hook

How close do TB members think we are to an outight run on the stores and rioting in the streets?
Just was listening to Fox business and they are really sounding the alarm.
Just as soon as they hear that the virus is taking off near them.God forbid that they would get ANYTHING extra unless it is too late.


Kill Commie's, Every Single One Of Them!
Local Sam's tonight, intersting. Low on TP, very low on chicken, prices down more than I expect.

Biggest surprise was they were completely out of long grain white rice. In over 10 years I've never seen a Sam's out of rice. We were going to get a couple of bags, 25lb, just in case for dog food. Maybe next week.


I didn't go inside but the Sam's/ Walmart parking lots were insane this afternoon! I went to the 99 cent store and same- craziness!! I saw a handful of people wearing masks. I got what I needed and left. The parking lot was so busy it was like Christmas time- gave me anxiety. I really didn't HAVE to go but thought I would get some more stuff just in case. I feel good about what I have. Lacking in one area but without a decent amount of money I can't get it so deal with what we have.

ETA- no empty shelves but thinning- rice, beans, some canned goods.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I was in one of the smaller Walmarts today (Friday afternoon)

- No masks. No gloves. Only saw large bottles of hand sanitizer. Limit: one per customer.
- Women's clothing: lots and lots of holes (spring clothing way behind schedule, per employee)
- Wide aisles with the empty tubs on various shelves. (home goods, office)
- Automotive and camping were hard hit (no new shipments lately, per employee)
- Grocery seemed well stocked
- Plenty of TP & Paper towels
- All of the laundry soaps (Tide, Deft, etc) were in good supply

I saw a number of elderly. They had canned goods, paper products . . . I imagine some were stocking up, but I didn't see any baskets overflowing to the brim with multiples.

No one had on masks, but one of the cashiers was wearing gloves (the rest were not, as far as I could tell).


Kill Commie's, Every Single One Of Them!
Oh yeah, hit a big box home improvement store for some electrical items and thought I'd be slick and grab some joy, shelves were empty. I'll be stocking up from work I guess.


Since 1999
Went a different route in buying today. Headed into Amish country to bulk and discounted grocery stores. The grocery part is basically dented cans, discontinued, and slightly outdated stuff. I go a few times a year and always come out with mega deals. And today was no different. They were very very busy as in couldn't get down the aisles. Carts heaped to the top with stuff. Probably the busiest I have ever seen it on a weekday. The clientele is pretty much country folk. The city people don't go into Amish country till spring so they can buy flowers and hanging baskets.

If any of you have anything like that around where you live, they are almost always worth the trip. I got Wrights bacon for $3, which I pay over $7 at Walmart. Miracle Whip for $1.25. So you get the idea of what the deals are.


Life is better in flip flops
Meat prices have gone up here. Last week ground Chuck was $3.99/pd. We also bought a marked down roast for sandwiches for $7.50 (I don't remember the size) This is small town w KY. I'm doing shopping tomorrow so I'll try to focus in on prices going up on grocery items.


Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
Went prep shopping today. Ace hardware was out of all masks except for the most expensive 20-44 dollars each. Dollar tree was well stocked with everything except masks. The local chain grocery store prices for food are through the roof. We stocked up on foods. Will make another run tomorrow for cleaners and things like Lysol.

Deena in GA

There was a lady behind us checking out at Walmart today who refused to put her items down on the belt before scanning. It shocked me, but then I thought about all the hands that touch that belt. It’s one of those things that we don’t think about.


Neither here nor there.
If nothing else maybe all of this prepping on the part of the sheeple will have them stocked up for the next natural disaster! And if people are planning on sheltering in place for the next three to four weeks then this nasty strain of noro virus will die out sooner than later!


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
It shocked me, but then I thought about all the hands that touch that belt. It’s one of those things that we don’t think about.

If she's that concerned, she probably shouldn't be shopping. I'm most concerned about children in carts coughing on me. I steer clear of them.

Tip: I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car and use it after I've been in a store. When I get home, I change clothes and take a full shower.


Veteran Member
I work for a national pharmacy chain. We are unable to even get masks in over the past month. Nitrile gloves are in very limited supply. My store manager kept telling me that we were well stocked on masks for the employees. I asked to see the box and showed him that they all expired about 5 years ago. :(


Veteran Member
I work for a national pharmacy chain. We are unable to even get masks in over the past month. Nitrile gloves are in very limited supply. My store manager kept telling me that we were well stocked on masks for the employees. I asked to see the box and showed him that they all expired about 5 years ago. :(

can a mask expire? since the govnt requires that everything have a date on it, someof the stuff is just stupid.

but then, I guess the rubber band could be weak or break,


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sams in San Marcos, TX, seemed calm tonight, though I don't frequent it enough to say for sure.
Saw a couple of preppers, for sure though, with what they'd loaded up with, and one even asked
me if I was stocking up for virus. Must have been the 50# sacks of pinto beans and rice, dozens
of cans of chicken, oatmeal, TP, etc. Only empty slot I saw was for white rice, though the Basmati
was still stocked somewhat sufficiently, even after I got done with it, if more coming in overnight.
All in all, any hint of panic & rush was not in evidence at all tonight at that location.

Panic Early, Beat the Rush!
- Shane
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Veteran Member
Stopped by Walmart in Renton, WA on the way home. The regular foods, etc. were well stocked no one seemed to be panic buying. BUT, the freeze dried food was gone except for 2 cans of cheese, 1 banana, 1 mixed berry and an oatmeal. Usually they have 30-40 cans in stock at this store.


Contributing Member
Henderson, NV. Went to Sam's Club this late evening and most all of the cased water was sold out. I counted only 9 pallets of the most expensive water left, and that was being bought out by late comers. Rice was almost completely gone, too. I like to do my shopping at Sam's about an hour before they close on Friday's. This was the first time I saw it looking really picked through.

Went to Walmart next door to pick up a thermometer. Thermometer's were all sold out except for the most expensive brand. Cold meds were running a little low. Saw quite a bit of folks wearing masks. A lot of folks loading up on water. Very different vibe this evening.


On and On, South of Heaven
Just got back from a walmart in the St. Pete area... Mountain House, Hand Sanitizer, canned ham, and Spam were completely gone. I had no problem finding anything else...

ETA: I noticed 3 other people who appeared to be stocking for this event. BUT, I get off work at 2300 hours so the Walmart is not that busy when I am there...
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On and On, South of Heaven
Lots of (stupid) people posting pics on FB, bragging about their "stash". All their friends & relatives now know where to go when TSHTF!

I saw that!

What idiots... They are posting under their own names and showing exactly what they have! If this goes south expect a lot of home invasions at those houses!


Panic buying strips store shelves as people stockpile amid coronavirus outbreak with one woman turning her basement into a 'supermarket' and a man buying a YEAR'S supply of food which includes 192 tins of SPAM

Jesse Colombo, who is a financial analyst in Dallas, tweeted a photo of his emergency food pile, including rice, Spam, freeze-dried foods and beans.

'I just bought an additional year's worth of food last night. Everyone needs to have a stockpile of food. I wouldn't even touch stocks (or even gold/silver) before having food in these times,' he tweeted, adding he was 'on edge' with everything that was happening in relation to coronavirus and the economy.


On and On, South of Heaven
There was a lady behind us checking out at Walmart today who refused to put her items down on the belt before scanning. It shocked me, but then I thought about all the hands that touch that belt. It’s one of those things that we don’t think about.

Good for her!

I would not have thought of that...


On and On, South of Heaven
I work for a national pharmacy chain. We are unable to even get masks in over the past month. Nitrile gloves are in very limited supply. My store manager kept telling me that we were well stocked on masks for the employees. I asked to see the box and showed him that they all expired about 5 years ago. :(

Why is it that the most unqualified people are promoted to positions of authority???

Going through something similar at my employer... They are clueless...


Certa Bonum Certamen
Why is it that the most unqualified people are promoted to positions of authority???

Going through something similar at my employer... They are clueless...
The Peter Principle

"The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their "level of incompetence": an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another."


Contributing Member
Went a different route in buying today. Headed into Amish country to bulk and discounted grocery stores. The grocery part is basically dented cans, discontinued, and slightly outdated stuff. I go a few times a year and always come out with mega deals. And today was no different. They were very very busy as in couldn't get down the aisles. Carts heaped to the top with stuff. Probably the busiest I have ever seen it on a weekday. The clientele is pretty much country folk. The city people don't go into Amish country till spring so they can buy flowers and hanging baskets.

If any of you have anything like that around where you live, they are almost always worth the trip. I got Wrights bacon for $3, which I pay over $7 at Walmart. Miracle Whip for $1.25. So you get the idea of what the deals are.

I went to one of these a couple of weeks ago and stocked up on multivitamins and immunity support gummies. They were either just expired or going to expire this year. They were $1.50 a bottle instead of the $10.00+ each if bought at a regular store.

This isn't a store shortage, but my husband does appliance repair and he hasn't had problems getting parts yet. I know it's just a matter of time.


On and On, South of Heaven
The Peter Principle

"The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their "level of incompetence": an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another."


Makes sense in my career field...

Lots of REACTIVE LEO's and Military types and very few of the PROACTIVE types needed to foresee the emergencies coming down the pike...

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Good for her!

I would not have thought of that...

That little plastic divider thingy you put in between your groceries and the person ahead of you? DON'T touch it. Those things have likely never been sanitized.

Here's what I’ve been doing when I’m at any store. A) Pull out 5 or 6 wipes from the canister they provide over in the grocery cart area. B) Before anything, head on over to the produce aisle and grab yourself one of those thin, clear produce bags. C) Now you should be wearing gloves, but if you don’t have them or you’re just self-conscious and don’t want to draw attention, pull out one of those sanitizing wipes anytime you touch something of high traffic, like the handles of the refrigerated milk cases, or the doors in the frozen foods section, or that plastic divider thingy at checkout, or even the keypad as you’re paying. Use a fresh wipe each time, and immediately put it in the plastic deli bag. Then on your way out the store, dump the bag in the trash. Sanitize your hands well once you get back into the car.


TB Fanatic
Went grocery shopping yesterday to top off on assorted items at one of the major food chains. Not really a bum rush of folks but did notice the bottled water shelves were completely empty, with the exception of a few scattered bottles. Did scrape up a few boxes of powdered drink aid for added electrolytes. A lot missing there as well.
Wound around to the med aisles... looked like flock of buzzards had stripped a carcass clean on the flu/cough/cold shelves. The rest of the store still had fairly decent stock. At least the bread/milk/eggs, staples for the 1/4 inch snow we wind up getting, were still stocked.

BTW... north Georgia area.
Wife noted the water was low here also, but figured it was lazy stockers...


TB Fanatic
The Peter Principle

"The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their "level of incompetence": an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another."
and here I thought it was the BROWN NOSE principle... silly

Kathy in FL

First of the month crowds is all I am seeing and Tampa is a huge area. No shortages in property management supplies as far as we've run into. But there's always a backlog of something so I won't be surprised if we do find a part out of stock. Talked to a Wallyworld upper management and he said they were overstocked on winter clothes in his management area because we never really had a "winter" around here. Why the heck they have cable knit sweaters in Florida wallyworlds is beyond me. Not a gap in the story and lots of stockers out in force restocking when a hole does appear. Same for Winn Dixie. On Monday it was the same in Costco.

In wallyworld supplements and vits are on sale and endcaps all over the place. No one buying any. Even the needles for my glucose measuring thingie were in full stock which is only true one in four times I go to look for them.

Just for kicks hubby and I went to a wally world last night to pick up some drinks and while there were a lot of people shopping it was primarily of the WIC and EBT type items. Refill of entitlement cards must have hit a little early this month.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just to follow up on what SouthernBreeze said.

While it was very crowded it should be considered normal. 1) it was Friday - payday for workers, and a lot of workers around here get off from 10-12 on Fridays 2) Since the first is Sunday all those with paychecks coming in on the first also got paid. Retirees, maybe EBT card's bumped. The 3rd will be another crowded day in town, SS checks.

It also looked like schools had let out for some reason, maybe teachers meeting. Lots and lots of kids around for 9-10 in the AM.

And there was 3 tournaments (soccer, softball, and swimming) in Tupelo that about 1600 kids from 3 states were going to be in. I would think the parents would come in on Friday afternoon, for the early rise Sat Morning.


TB Fanatic
I just tried Amazon for kicks and giggles.... no way....

1) They forced me to change my password due to what ever reason they wanted....
2) Prices have jumped on canned keystone meats by $2 per can at the minimum.

People are starting to wake up.... going to walmart for some more fun.....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Also forgot to mention reg. gas was 1.98 at Sam's with a Sam's card.
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Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Can You Believe It ?

I went to WalMart right after they opened up this morning, to beat the crowds. It was a little past 6:00 am. Went looking for a few things to top off my family's supplies, when to my surprise:


They were hidden over in the Paint Department. I use the word "were" because they ended up in my basket. (What? Did you really think I was going to walk off and leave them there?)

There were lots of latex and nitrile gloves there. Different sizes, strengths and price ranges. They had some safety glasses for the eyes, too.

I found a lot of latex and nitrile gloves over in the first aid section of the store as well, but no masks.

There were a few holes here and there, but not very many. The store seemed to be pretty well stocked, overall.

This was in suburban Memphis, TN
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