Presidental Poll #6 (last one): Who are you going to vote for?

Presidental Poll #6: Who are you going to vote for?

  • bamma the 'idiot-n-Chief'

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • Romney the 'RINO'

    Votes: 203 71.2%
  • Grantbo the 'Benevolent Dictator'

    Votes: 25 8.8%
  • Someone else (added by popular request)

    Votes: 47 16.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Membership Revoked
Here are your choices:

-bamma the 'idiot-n-Chief'
-Romney the 'RINO'
-Grantbo the 'Benevolent Dictator'
-Someone else (added by popular request)

Previous results:
Bamma: 4.31%
Mitt: 77.16%
Grantbo: 18.53%

Bamma: 3.73%
Mitt: 73.44%
Grantbo: 22.82%

Bamma: 3.57%
Mitt: 62.24%
Grantbo: 34.18%

Bamma: 2.48%
Mitt: 49.69%
Grantbo: 47.83%

Bamma: 2.83%
Various RINOs: 81.60%
Grantbo: 15.57%
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Freedom Isn't Free
Already voted. Four more days until no more damned robo calls, that start at promptly 8 a.m. The no call lists mean nothing anymore. Four more days until these stupid poll results stop. I still cannot believe they are neck and neck. I think this is being done just for tv ratings. I am hoping that I'm right because if I'm not I have lost all hope for this country and half of the people who live here. WTH are they thinking?

NC Susan

the President is NOT The only person we are voting for.
Please research and make selections for the most honest and conservative candidates on your ballots.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I removed "throwaway vote" from the option, because for many of us, we're voting our conscience, and it's offensive to be dissed like that by people who a otherwise too stupid to do the same.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
I will vote for Virgil Goode.....why, because I will not support the system that wants to enslave me with either Obama-the-Democrat or Obama-the-Republican.

Virgil and I agree on most of the issues....

Flame away, if you will. but I am no Limming.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm voting for anyone with a chance to defeat Barry the Boob. If Mickey Mouse was running he'd have my vote.


Veteran Member
First of all, I have to change my name on TB. I'm bamma because my grandkids could not say grandma.....not related to the one you have on the poll...thank the Lord!
I do not want either one of them....still haven't decided to vote the lesser of two evils.


Computer Hacking Pirate
Fair Use . . .

Gary Johnson Explains How to End the Two-Party System for Good

October 31, 2012 04:40 PM EDT

Gary Johnson rolled out a powerful new message in his campaign: all he needs is 5% of the vote to win monumental victory and end the two-party system that is running the country. How would this end the stranglehold Republicans and Democrats have on the American people? By giving the Libertarian Party major party status, thereby getting the Libertarian candidate on the ballot and also a cool $90 million in funding for the 2016 campaign. All it takes is 5% of the vote to gain major party status. The former governor of New Mexico tweeted yesterday: "5% ends the two-party system & allows Libertarian candidates equal ballot access."

Johnson blames the two major parties who rule the nation for "the perpetual wars" and for bankrupting, over-taxing and over-spending. More than 5% of Americans agree with Johnson on these issues, but they do not see him as a serious candidate or his Libertarian party as a serious party. Many liberty-loving people will not vote for Gary Johnson for the simple reason that they believe it would be a wasted vote. That is why he is screaming this message to voters: 5% is all he needs to really win. Johnson will not be president in 2012; he might very likely be president in 2016 if he can garner just 5% of the vote in this election. Gaining major party status would be bigger than this election or even the next one; it would "end the two-party system in American for good" according to Governor Johnson. In his newest ad "Be the 5 Percent," Johnson challenges voters to "cast a protest vote that counts" by voting for him as president.


Freedom Isn't Free
There are things that would eat away at my conscience. Voting for the person who has the best chance to get this excuse making, lying, Muslim commie out of the WH is not one of them.
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Time Traveler
I can't believe, after all the information on oboingo that has been posted here, that there are actually 3 members at TB who would vote that communist back into office! Incredible.


Short but deadly
I can't believe, after all the information on oboingo that has been posted here, that there are actually 3 members at TB who would vote that communist back into office! Incredible.

Really dudette. I hear ya. Especially when the one worth voting for is Grantbo! :lol:


Time Traveler
Already voted. Four more days until no more damned robo calls, that start at promptly 8 a.m. The no call lists mean nothing anymore. Four more days until these stupid poll results stop. I still cannot believe they are neck and neck. I think this is being done just for tv ratings. I am hoping that I'm right because if I'm not I have lost all hope for this country and half of the people who live here. WTH are they thinking?

I don't have a house phone so don't get many robocalls. Was at parents house last week and every time the phone rang, my mom said "here, talk to them" so, heh, I did. One call was from romeny, said he needs $50 million for his campaign, I told the phone I would have to go to the bank, but was pretty sure I didn't have it. Then he said he would take $3. I told the phone that I thought mr. romney had $600 million and he could send me $3. It didn't go anywhere.

Then I had a GOP lady call me and ask if she could count on me for a vote for mr. romney-I told her I was not sure who I was voting for, but it probably wouldn't be someone who was part of the problem to begin with. She asked me who I was thinking of voting for (or party, I can't remember) so I told her "Someone who would uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights." She hung up. :D

Night Owl

Veteran Member
:soap:We are all trying to get the economy saved, jobs, an honest person to tell people the truth. In good times is when you can change the system to a 3 party system, you can make the terms 6 yrs and not 2 four years and you can change the electoral system, we all agree changes are needed. But this year it really is more important to get Obama out than to make a point about the party system. Every vote counts, please look at the big picture, don't waste a vote for a 3rd party that would allow Obama to be relected, when the 3rd party candidates don't have a chance of getting elected. Most all of us are not thrilled with Romney, but as many said they would vote for Mickey Mouse if they could get Obama out, we are looking at the big picture for hope to save our ecomonoy & America, we are not trying to change a party system, we need more help now than a 3rd party. I appreciate your right to vote for who ever you think is the best person for the job, it looks like some are interested on a 3rd party system change instead of the person their voting for helping the economy. Stepping down from my soap box.


Computer Hacking Pirate
:soap:We are all trying to get the economy saved, jobs, an honest person to tell people the truth. In good times is when you can change the system to a 3 party system, you can make the terms 6 yrs and not 2 four years and you can change the electoral system, we all agree changes are needed. But this year it really is more important to get Obama out than to make a point about the party system. Every vote counts, please look at the big picture, don't waste a vote for a 3rd party that would allow Obama to be relected, when the 3rd party candidates don't have a chance of getting elected. Most all of us are not thrilled with Romney, but as many said they would vote for Mickey Mouse if they could get Obama out, we are looking at the big picture for hope to save our ecomonoy & America, we are not trying to change a party system, we need more help now than a 3rd party. I appreciate your right to vote for who ever you think is the best person for the job, it looks like some are interested on a 3rd party system change instead of the person their voting for helping the economy. Stepping down from my soap box.

Please note that most of us are not in swing states, which means our vote (for one or the other) has no effect. For example, if you live in Washington State, you are wasting your vote when you vote for either candidate (Obama is gonna win Washington - and there's no way Romney will win). So why not vote for who you want?


Time Traveler
Please note that most of us are not in swing states, which means our vote (for one or the other) has no effect. For example, if you live in Washington State, you are wasting your vote when you vote for either candidate (Obama is gonna win Washington - and there's no way Romney will win). So why not vote for who you want?

Yep. I live in Wa$hingtonistan just like Hacker.

The electoral college is what supposedly sets the POTUS in his seat, my vote means nothing in either case other than a clear conscience.

Remember the days when you use to be able to watch the votes pile up on teevee live? It was fun to watch when I was a kid, not realizing the importance of it really; I think it should be that way now.

Also, I heard last night on C2C am that it's now law that not one single paper ballot can be counted by hand, they're all done by machine, which makes it just as open to fraud as electronic 'pretend it's counting your vote' machines.


TB Fanatic
I can't believe, after all the information on oboingo that has been posted here, that there are actually 3 members at TB who would vote that communist back into office! Incredible.

And I can't believe that there are those, some with the biggest mouths, that are going to vote for a third person that will help keep the communist in office.



Paranoid Pagan
I voted on principle during the primaries. I hope you all did, too. Now, our only chance is to get over our differences and get Obama out. I don't like Romney, and yes, I am wearing a NIOSH mask and rubber gloves to vote. I wasn't joking. I'll have pix taken if anyone wants proof. But now is not the time to try to make a third party change. If we don't get Obama out of office, then it won't matter if Gary Johnson gets 5% of the votes.


Membership Revoked
Another Washingtonian here and have to reiterate what Flipper & Hacker said. Even tho Oregon is rumored to be teetering toward Robamney, it matters not here. However,
like Dennis, I'd vote my conscience anyway. Robama or Obamney, both corporate candidates. Again, the way the RNC/GOP and corporate MSM treated Ron Paul and manipulated the primaries in IA, NV and elsewhere helped me make up my mind a long time ago. We only have the illusion of a "democratic" process in this "republic". Absolutely done with
the Left/Right political paradigm of unconstitutional corporate candidates "leading" us like puppets into the NWO. Enough! "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Common sense, the most uncommon of the senses. JPG below is from Mark Passio's site: and describes the Latin etymological root
meaning of the word conscience. UNDERSTANDING TOGETHER

Gotta vote to have a moral position to comment on politics, but don't have to like this state of affairs. Integrity to the U.S. Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights as handed down to us in blood is paramount. We owe this to our forebearers and our posterity (future generations). Next time, I hope.

For me: OTHER..........



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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Already voted. Four more days until no more damned robo calls, that start at promptly 8 a.m. The no call lists mean nothing anymore. Four more days until these stupid poll results stop. I still cannot believe they are neck and neck. I think this is being done just for tv ratings. I am hoping that I'm right because if I'm not I have lost all hope for this country and half of the people who live here. WTH are they thinking?

I hear ya! I don't answer the phone unless I recognize the number or am expecting a call. But then I finally had to turn off the answering machine because of those stupid robo calls!!
I don't care how benevolent a dictator says they are, my vote does not go to one.

Isn't 'benevolent dictator' an oxymoron (kinda like jumbo shrimp)?
Robama or Obamney, both corporate candidates. Again, the way the RNC/GOP and corporate MSM treated Ron Paul and manipulated the primaries in IA, NV and elsewhere helped me make up my mind a long time ago. We only have the illusion of a "democratic" process in this "republic"

Common sense, the most uncommon of the senses.

There is a reason I have the sig I do.


working on it
secret ballad means secret. lol hell I don't even tell my husband which really pizzes him off *snickers*


Freedom Isn't Free
I hear ya! I don't answer the phone unless I recognize the number or am expecting a call. But then I finally had to turn off the answering machine because of those stupid robo calls!!

I tried not answering but I cancelled caller ID and call forwarding and a couple of other options to save money. I do have an answering machine but got tired of hearing the phone ring 4 times then the answering machine pick up only to listen to the stupid robo call anyway which I have to delete. So I pick up listen for about 5 seconds and hang up. They are all mostly recorded messages and very rarely a live person.


Contributing Member
If you are a true American and believe in this country , if you Love this country, if you realize that its America first then I cant see how you could vote for anyone other than Gary Johnson.

Obama has just followed Bush policies, hell he followed Romney's own policy for health care. Only difference's between the Dems and Repubs is that Romney signed a gun ban while governor, which I am totally against, and Rom wants to cut taxes for the fat cats meaning mine will go up. Otherwise Repub, Dem whats the difference.

Getting a third party on the ballot however changes everything. Imagine the debates if it had been Gary Johson with Obo and Rom. Imagine both parties crying and whining if Libertarians had $90 million in their coffers .

You truly want change, real change that will benefit America and get all the crooks to huddle in fear vote Gary Johnson


Contributing Member
Whittle: The Case Against Protest Votes

The case against protest votes is that neither party ever want you to do it because if we all did it there would be a funded 3rd party on all ballots and in all debates. Every election year they come out with the same old garbage how you don't want to put the enemy in office. Don't fall for it vote for Gary Johnson and start fixing America


Computer Hacking Pirate

Whittle: The Case Against Protest Votes

Video at the link. I still haven't figured out embed yet.

I don't like Whittle. He's got this soft, whiny-like voice that says: "Oh pleaze, pleaze . . . do what I tell ya to do (even though I already said I wouldn't try to convince you).

And then he calls my vote, a 'protest vote'.

Whittle - grow a spine and stop your snivelling!

I vote for who I want, not for who I don't want. You say there's a difference between Romney and Zero - then show me! And don't bring up this 'Ryan' crap. The VP in any administration is nothing but a useless appendage.

Fact: Romney has told the tea party and libertarians to go away. He did this at the Republican National Convention. Romney and his two-bit thugs railroaded rules through the convention when the Body voted them down! And now, the GOP is an explicit top-down party - the grass roots have no say whatsoever, only the big money has a say in who's nominated. Well, fine. If that's the way you want it, then go ahead - try to win without people of principle. Because, Romney, . . . you ain't got any!

Fact: Romney signed into law an assault weapons ban in Massachusetts.

Fact: Romney got Romneycare passed in Massachusetts.

Fact: Romney ran to THE LEFT of Ted Kennedy when he competed for Kennedy's seat in the U.S. Senate.

Fact: Romney would expand our middle east wars - he has said so.

Fact: Romney supports the authority for the Administration (via the military) to capture (on U.S. soil) and imprison Americans for life - without due process, habius corpus, a trial, a lawyer, etc.

Fact: Romney supports this abomination called the Patriot Act!

Fact: Romney will try to cut grandmothers' social security while piling on still money for the military!

Well Mr. Romney. It just so happens that i'm someone who votes for who he wants . . . I'm your worst nightmare, because I will not vote for a floundering, flopping spineless and smelly fish, just because he's the (so called) lesser of two evils.


Faithful Steed
I voted for you Grantbo.

That benevolent dictator is JUST what this horse wants.

I wish Owner would run. But he's too far out of his field (snicker) in politics.

Now fix a tractor - that he can do.

If there was a way I could encourage his political side? He's fun at parties. Everyone in the hay ride is in stitches the whole two hours.



Membership Revoked
I voted for you Grantbo.

That benevolent dictator is JUST what this horse wants.

I wish Owner would run. But he's too far out of his field (snicker) in politics.

Now fix a tractor - that he can do.

If there was a way I could encourage his political side? He's fun at parties. Everyone in the hay ride is in stitches the whole two hours.


I aim to please. :ld:

Within reason.


Veteran Member
And I can't believe that there are those, some with the biggest mouths, that are going to vote for a third person that will help keep the communist in office.


Seriously. There are some that would see the world go to hell to try and make a point....and do it under the auspice of being intelligent, meanwhile questioning the intelligence of everyone else that disagrees. Life will never be good for those...ever.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
And there are those who actively participated in getting us to where we are now, with fear as their motivator, and repeatedly beaten with the "stupid stick."

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
I voted on principle during the primaries. I hope you all did, too. Now, our only chance is to get over our differences and get Obama out. I don't like Romney, and yes, I am wearing a NIOSH mask and rubber gloves to vote. I wasn't joking. I'll have pix taken if anyone wants proof. But now is not the time to try to make a third party change. If we don't get Obama out of office, then it won't matter if Gary Johnson gets 5% of the votes.

Ditto, and my choice "my conscience" lost in the primaries.

Our country is in intensive care with no accredited physician present, and I can't just stand by and watch Zero rip our organs out before he pulls the plug. We need to get Obama out of the ICU that he's put us in - and slap a retraining order on him to boot!

It's no longer an issue of a feel good conscience - it is now a matter of our survival.

Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
Honestly...I did check for Grantbo's name on the ballot, but was disappointed to find he didn't make it in Texas. So I voted for Romney (reluctantly).


Membership Revoked
Big picture orientation in world view and acting upon the understanding one achieves through life experience, study (historical context) and consciously exercising influence in one's sphere of influence is often a lonely road. This election cycle provokes me to answer three fundamental questions: 1. Who or what persons or forces are "framing the debate" (very complex). 2. What is the source of my information? (MSM, books, older/younger persons, blogs, TV (yuck) 3. What is the quality of my attention? What is constructively
actionable based on what I think I being solution oriented and are my priorities straight.

Virtually my entire adult/ voting life has been typified the the predominant L/R- Dem/Rep- Lib/Conserv political paradigm. IMHO, it has failed us in the sense that principle typically does not prevail over party. True change will come about when the U.S. again embraces our founding principles in liberty (freedom to do what is right) and exercises and encourages moral courage in our citizenry. This way we'll each be our own champions and rudders on the ship of state for those who would presume to lead us. In other words we'll each participate instead of being mere spectators.

Following conscience is NOT necessarily a "feel good exercise"; perhaps it can be at times but more often than not is an uncomfortable swim against the current of the prevailing, secular culture awash in moral relativism (objective right & wrong deemed unknowable by the group) where isolation, and ridicule can make it tough and definitely not "feel good".

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