CORONA Main Coronavirus thread

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
White clots USA, Part 2
Dr. John Campbell
Feb 17, 2024
7 min 45 sec

Continuation of interview with Richard Hirschman on the white clots he found when embalming. Apparently there will be further video(s?); I think he's releasing them in parts to escape youtube censorship. Interestingly in this video Mr. Hirschman says the clots (also) form AFTER death.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Once again, I post articles to show what the scientific and medical community is sharing with each other, not because I endorse or agree or want to promote the content.


(fair use applies)

Study finds Moderna vaccine reduces symptomatic COVID-19 in young adults
by Rae Lynn Mitchell, Texas A&M University
February 16, 2024


Consort diagram of randomized and observational groups. Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; FAS, full analysis set; FAS-P, full analysis set with PCR data; mRNA, messenger RNA; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Credit: Open Forum Infectious Diseases (2023). DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad511

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred the rapid development of different vaccines, including the messenger RNA (mRNA)-1273 vaccine produced by Moderna.

In a new study, a team of researchers including Rebecca Fischer, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health, analyzed the mRNA-1273 vaccine's efficacy at preventing infection and symptomatic COVID-19 in healthy young adults.

The study, published in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases, followed adults aged 18-29 with no known history of COVID-19 infection or prior vaccination for a six-month period to determine the effect of vaccination on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and on symptomatic COVID-19.

The research team recruited 1,149 young adults from 44 sites around the United States, mostly on college campuses, who were then randomly assigned to a group receiving immediate vaccination or one following the standard of care for vaccination. The researchers also included an observational group of participants who intended to decline COVID-19 vaccination altogether.

During the study period, participants were to collect nasal swab samples each day, which were then analyzed using quantitative PCR testing to detect COVID-19 infection. Infected individuals completed daily symptom diaries. Additionally, participants were surveyed about how often they followed recommendations like wearing masks indoors, maintaining physical distancing, and avoiding large gatherings.

Initial studies of the mRNA-1273 vaccine conducted earlier in the pandemic showed a 94.1 percent efficacy for preventing symptomatic COVID-19 over the first two months, with efficacy decreasing to around 93 percent up to six months after vaccination.

Later research found lower efficacy with the delta and omicron variants of COVID-19 at around 80 percent and 60 percent, respectively. However, these studies did not focus solely on young adults, who are often at risk of catching and spreading COVID-19. This study aimed to fill that gap and determine the efficacy of the mRNA-1273 vaccine in young adults.

"Importantly, a primary goal of this study was to assess the efficacy of the vaccine at preventing infection as well as illness since vaccines are generally evaluated on how effectively they prevent illness or severe disease," Fischer said.

The analysis found 93 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including 11 participants who had received both vaccine doses, 13 who had received only their first dose, and 69 who were unvaccinated. Of the 93 infected individuals, 51 were considered to have symptomatic COVID-19, including four participants who had received both vaccine doses, four who had received a first dose, and 41 unvaccinated participants. No participants were hospitalized or required emergency room visits for COVID-19.

Ultimately, this study found that two doses of the mRNA-1273 vaccine had an efficacy of nearly 53 percent against infection and around 71 percent against symptomatic COVID-19.

"These efficacy rates were lower than other studies conducted around the same time, probably due to the uniquely rigorous testing design of this study, with an increased ability to detect even transient infections and differences in COVID-19 variants present at the time," Fischer said. "Notably, this study employed a randomized controlled trial, the gold standard of study designs for making such assessments, while many earlier studies were observational in nature."

In the vaccine-declined group alone, 45 infections occurred among the 311 participants, nearly double (1.8 times as many) the incidence observed in similarly unvaccinated participants in the standard-of-care group.

This result not only shows that unvaccinated young adults were more likely to contract infection but also highlights important behavioral differences in that group that could underlie increased infection risk, such as less frequent use of masking and physical distancing. The researchers also note that socioeconomic factors that increase the odds of exposure could be involved.

The research team noted a few limitations to their study. For example, the study had a short duration and was limited to healthy young adults, which limits the ability to generalize its findings to older or sicker populations. Additionally, recommendations for the standard of care cohort changed over the study period, such that about 58 percent of participants sought vaccinations later in the study, leading to some uncertainty in efficacy calculations for that group.

The study was also limited to a single vaccine and variants that were present during the study period. Further research will be needed to understand the efficacy of other vaccines better and later COVID-19 variants.

"Despite these limitations, the findings of this analysis indicate that vaccination reduced the incidence of COVID-19 infection and illness during the study period," Fischer said. "Additional research is needed on other vaccines and variants that also include other factors affecting infection risk. However, this study provides solid evidence for the value of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 in young adults."

More information: Kathryn E Stephenson et al, Efficacy of Messenger RNA–1273 Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Acquisition in Young Adults From March to December 2021, Open Forum Infectious Diseases (2023). DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad511
Provided by Texas A&M University

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

First-trimester COVID Vaccination is 28% More Dangerous than Third-trimester, Another Study Shows
For a safe vaccine "not affecting pregnancy", the trimester would not matter.

Igor Chudov
Feb 18, 2024

My two recent posts mentioned a disturbing pattern appearing in several studies of children born to COVID-19-vaccinated mothers. For a yet unknown reason, children born to mothers vaccinated during the first trimester of pregnancy consistently show a greater rate of developmental problems compared to vaccinations done during the third trimester.

By pure luck (searching for information about the RSV vaccine,) I stumbled upon another study showing the same pattern.

The Canadian authors proclaim that their study did not find any problems in infants born to vaccinated mothers:

However, the data provided in the Supplement shows the same pattern we saw in the two previous trimester analyses: children born to mothers vaccinated early in pregnancy show worse developmental outcomes than those vaccinated in the third trimester. The Canadian study we are discussing today lumped the first and second trimesters together but still demonstrated the difference in outcomes between “early” and “late” vaccinations.

Take a look at eTable 7 in the supplement. I highlighted (in blue) the outcomes that were worse for infants whose mothers got the vaccine in the first and second trimester, compared to the third trimester:

What is in that table? It shows the relative risk of certain events (for example, neonatal ICU admission) for the given subgroups - which are compared to the unvaccinated mothers. The column “SUBGROUP ANALYSIS 3” that I highlighted shows analysis by trimester.

You can see (in the blue circles) that the risks of negative outcomes for the two subgroups, compared to unvaccinated mothers, show a higher relative risk for those mothers who were vaccinated during the first or second trimester.

A child given birth by an early-vaccinated mother has a 28% greater chance of a low Apgar score. For those who are not parents, the Apgar score is a quick rating given to newborns to see how well they are doing post-birth. A low Apgar score demonstrates serious health concerns, for example, being limp, not breathing on their own, etc.

This video explains the Apgar score:

8 min 32 sec

Can a “safe vaccine” that has “no effect on pregnancy” cause a 28% greater chance of a newborn with serious problems having a very low Apgar score, if given during the first trimester as opposed to the third trimester?

That does not seem plausible!

Anyway, if any future mother you know is dead set on receiving a Covid vaccine during pregnancy, at least try to talk them into waiting until the third trimester.

What do you think? Why do first-trimester vaccinations show much greater risks to newborns across the board? Is that because their major organs are forming early in pregnancy?

Let us know what you think!

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

The abnormal antibody response persists
February 17, 2024

So, a new study looks at how people respond to the most recent variants of SARS2 and you still see that the problems you should be familiar with by now persist. Unusually, we get to look at results from naturally immune people, both children and adults, which we get to compare to people who received two or three shots of mRNA.

Here we have the results from 2 doses of mRNA plus an infection:

Here from 3 doses plus an infection:

Here from unvaccinated kids who have been infected:

And here from unvaccinated adults who have been infected:

We see that among 90% of the mRNA vaccinated (“hybrid immunity”), there is recall of a subset of the antibodies developed from vaccination and subsequent infections. We know these antibodies are not strong enough to prevent infection, but they will be recalled during the infection. These are most likely mainly antibodies reacting against a conserved highly immunogenic region of the NTD.

Among the unvaccinated children and 90% of the unvaccinated adults, there is no neutralization from circulating antibodies in serum. They are thus going to control an infection through their innate immune system. If the innate immune system is not capable of neutralizing the virus on its own, they will develop a novel antibody response against a subset of regions of these novel Spike variants.

The response seen in the mRNA vaccinated here is going to select for fusogenicity: It can be evaded by fusing cells together, so mutations will be selected that improve the ability to fuse cells together. Such cells that are fused together will have to be destroyed.

On the other hand, among the unvaccinated, the plasmacytoid dendritic cells and the NK cells will respond with an aggressive interferon response. Infected cells will be alerted by the different interferons and many will respond by destroying viral RNA that has infected them.

Those cells become better able to recall the pathways they used to get rid of the viral RNA, through epigenetic modifications. They use RIG-I receptors within their cytoplasm, to recognize viruses. These receptors don’t just work for one respiratory viruses, the epithelial cells in your lungs are able to recognize many different respiratory viruses with their RIG-I receptors and they get better at using this pathway, whenever they’re encouraged to use it by interferon.

There are other genes used for this too. MDA5 and OAS1 allow these cells to specifically recognized unusually large chunks of double-stranded RNA, the sort of stuff your cells in your lungs will contain if they were infected by a corona virus, but not if they were infected by a single-stranded RNA respiratory virus, like respiratory syncytial virus.

So your cells in your lungs can be trained, to learn how to avoid becoming virus factories. This is possible when the innate immune system catches an infection early. It’s not possible when T cells are forced to step in at a later point, once an infected cell has already begun fusing together with neighboring cells. Then it’s inevitable the cell has to be killed.

You have the adaptive immune system, for jobs the innate immune system can’t solve on its own. The innate immune system is able to solve the job with less damage. It doesn’t use a sledgehammer to hit a fly. But force the adaptive immune system to do stuff that would normally be solved by these innate immune responses and you will screw all of this up, in ways that can be difficult to anticipate.

We see that people who were vaccinated and then infected have an accelerated decline in lung function, that continues from the period 6 months after the infection to 24 months after the infection. Ask yourself: Is it good to just continually send T cells to kill infected epithelial and endothelial cells in the lung? I don’t think so.

When people have fibrosis in their lungs, whether from smoking or constant SARS2 infections, they can use nattokinase and serrapeptase to gradually remove excess fibrin in their lungs. Vaporized(!) terpenes can reduce the inflammation that is causing the excess deposition of fibrin.

Eventually we will reach a point of very strong antibody pressure. This is when you can expect changes in cysteine bonds, glycosylation changes and/or deletions to happen in the highly immunogenic loops of the N-Terminal Domain. Those changes will tend to hamper transmission to some degree, but increase fusogenicity and enable dramatic antibody evasion.

As I have explained before, that’s when I think the sea will retract from the shore and we will discover that large sections of the population have been swimming naked.

The Dutch elected representatives are again beginning to notice the excess mortality concentrated among our elderly:

‘Deze cijfers mogen niet zomaar getallen zijn; achter elk cijfer schuilt een persoonlijk verhaal, een verlies voor familie en geliefden.’ @lientje1967 in het debat over #Oversterfte
Tussen alle sterfgevallen, zitten mensen die noodzakelijke medische hulp hebben moeten…
— BBB BoerBurgerBeweging
This is not going to get any better, as long as you’re sending the wrong cells, armed with the wrong tools, after this virus that is continually reinfecting the whole population. If you think your whole population is now showing elevated levels of pneumonia because of “lockdowns”, you are very naive.​
I have argued this many times now and I have asked people to work on solutions for this problem many times now. Just click the links in my post, read about this stuff for yourself.​
You have deployed an experimental vaccine, that reprograms the human immune response, in a manner that does not work and is now beginning to undermine the population’s ability to deal with all sorts of different pathogens. The evidence shows that the immune response is broken after just two shots of mRNA. That’s 90+% of the adult population in many countries.​
You now have measles spreading everywhere, growing cases of tuberculosis, you have record-breaking levels of pneumonia, seen in all ages groups, you have elevated levels of people going to the doctor suffering coughs that don’t go away. You have winter after winter, of excess mortality you can not explain, when you should be witnessing abnormally low mortality due to the harvesting effect. You have scientific evidence that the lungs of your population are deteriorating at an accelerated rate.​
Your population is deploying antibodies, against all sorts of pathogens that their innate immune system would normally handle. These are overwhelmingly antibodies that do not instruct the immune system to deal with infected cells, these are IgG4 antibodies that are telling the innate immune system to stand down and ignore what’s going on. Pathogens around the world are mutating, to make use of the population’s abnormal immune response.​
I have said this many times now, as long as you ignore what you created with these therapies, it is going to get worse. This virus will not just disappear either, as long as this poor antibody response is constantly being recalled by the majority of the population in developed countries.​
Are you planning on letting teenagers deploy this abnormal antibody response that is continually being recalled with every new infection, for the next fifty years of their lives?​
You need to work out some sort of therapy, to remove these abnormal B cells and T cells from the lungs and allow plasmacytoid dendritic cells, NK cells and other innate immune cells to do the job they are meant to be doing.​

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic

LSWM Lives Matter
February 17, 2024 at 9:00 pm

There is a subset of the population who fall into a “middle ground” i.e. neither fully vaccinated nor unvaccinated. Examples being those who only took 1 dose of mRNA, or unvaccinated babies who were breastfed by their recently vaccinated mothers, or unvaccinated babies who received vaccinal antibodies through the placenta while in gestation. Remember, there was huge pressure/coercion imposed on pregnant women during 2021 and beyond. The vaccine pushers like Viki Male were relentless. It would be interesting to determine what the immune response profile looks like in these groups. Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can.

February 17, 2024 at 9:56 pm

>Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can<

Yes that seems to be the case. Only after two mRNA shots do you see the antibody response expand to target regions the immune system is reluctant to target.


February 17, 2024 at 10:31 pm

As someone who has unfortunately twice “vaccinated” with mRNA, I can absolutely confirm that my immune system has changed. I get randomly sick, and for longer periods of time than I used to, though not any severely ill-so far at least. I’ve been taking Ivermectin and copious amounts of vitamin C and that seems to help a bit. Thanks for your blog Rintrah, since I discovered it in 2022 it’s been very informative, scary, but absolutely necessary.

February 18, 2024 at 12:59 am

Yeah your immune system has been reprogrammed, to rely on T cells and B cells against SARS2. As the virus mutated, these cells undergo somatic hypermutation, to expand the range of epitopes they can deal with. And so the immune system becomes more and more dependent upon an adaptive immune response, to SARS2 as well as to other respiratory pathogens, as there is generally some degree of cross-reactivity.

Cannabinoids are often used in autoimmune conditions to deal with excessively aggressive T and B cell populations.
Right now that’s the best option I’ve seen.

Ivermectin and vitamin C are unlikely to address the root cause of the problem, which will need to be addressed.


February 18, 2024 at 10:22 am

It seems strange that in the case of (90 percent of) the unvaccinated there is “no neutralization from circulating antibodies in serum”. They caught covid in the past. Shouldn’t they be coming up with some antibodies that neutralize the virus? Due to their prior infection? Is it just that the antibodies that they are producing don’t match the new variant, and that is why they are not neutralizing??

February 18, 2024 at 11:53 am

They generally only produce neutralizing IgG antibodies in serum against a handful of highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, but the specific epitope will differ from person to person. These epitopes mutate rapidly.

The vaccinated produce IgG antibodies against these highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, as well as to more conserved epitopes (after the second shot, when the immune system discovers the antibodies developed against the highly immunogenic epitopes after the first shot were insufficient).
Last edited:


Has No Life - Lives on TB

LSWM Lives Matter
February 17, 2024 at 9:00 pm

There is a subset of the population who fall into a “middle ground” i.e. neither fully vaccinated nor unvaccinated. Examples being those who only took 1 dose of mRNA, or unvaccinated babies who were breastfed by their recently vaccinated mothers, or unvaccinated babies who received vaccinal antibodies through the placenta while in gestation. Remember, there was huge pressure/coercion imposed on pregnant women during 2021 and beyond. The vaccine pushers like Viki Male were relentless. It would be interesting to determine what the immune response profile looks like in these groups. Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can.

February 17, 2024 at 9:56 pm

>Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can<

Yes that seems to be the case. Only after two mRNA shots do you see the antibody response expand to target regions the immune system is reluctant to target.


February 17, 2024 at 10:31 pm

As someone who has unfortunately twice “vaccinated” with mRNA, I can absolutely confirm that my immune system has changed. I get randomly sick, and for longer periods of time than I used to, though not any severely ill-so far at least. I’ve been taking Ivermectin and copious amounts of vitamin C and that seems to help a bit. Thanks for your blog Rintrah, since I discovered it in 2022 it’s been very informative, scary, but absolutely necessary.

February 18, 2024 at 12:59 am

Yeah your immune system has been reprogrammed, to rely on T cells and B cells against SARS2. As the virus mutated, these cells undergo somatic hypermutation, to expand the range of epitopes they can deal with. And so the immune system becomes more and more dependent upon an adaptive immune response, to SARS2 as well as to other respiratory pathogens, as there is generally some degree of cross-reactivity.

Cannabinoids are often used in autoimmune conditions to deal with excessively aggressive T and B cell populations.
Right now that’s the best option I’ve seen.

Ivermectin and vitamin C are unlikely to address the root cause of the problem, which will need to be addressed.


February 18, 2024 at 10:22 am

It seems strange that in the case of (90 percent of) the unvaccinated there is “no neutralization from circulating antibodies in serum”. They caught covid in the past. Shouldn’t they be coming up with some antibodies that neutralize the virus? Due to their prior infection? Is it just that the antibodies that they are producing don’t match the new variant, and that is why they are not neutralizing??

February 18, 2024 at 11:53 am

They generally only produce neutralizing IgG antibodies in serum against a handful of highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, but the specific epitope will differ from person to person. These epitopes mutate rapidly.

The vaccinated produce IgG antibodies against these highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, as well as to more conserved epitopes (after the second shot, when the immune system discovers the antibodies developed against the highly immunogenic epitopes after the first shot were insufficient).
I guess this last discussion might explain why my blood work shows no antibodies one month after I had Covid.?


Veteran Member
I forgot to add Dr. Geert to those pointing to a near term time period.

So that's - Dr. Geert telling us in December it would occur in "days/weeks", Dr. David Martin warning that Davos is preparing to release Disease X, WEF telling its member nations to prepare for Disease X, Dr. McMillan pointing to a soon coming tsumnami, Martin Armstrong's computer forecasting war in May, and TMN revealing that they are preparing a soon release as news came out of them experimenting a recombination of coronavirus with swine flu.


Veteran Member

LSWM Lives Matter
February 17, 2024 at 9:00 pm

There is a subset of the population who fall into a “middle ground” i.e. neither fully vaccinated nor unvaccinated. Examples being those who only took 1 dose of mRNA, or unvaccinated babies who were breastfed by their recently vaccinated mothers, or unvaccinated babies who received vaccinal antibodies through the placenta while in gestation. Remember, there was huge pressure/coercion imposed on pregnant women during 2021 and beyond. The vaccine pushers like Viki Male were relentless. It would be interesting to determine what the immune response profile looks like in these groups. Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can.

February 17, 2024 at 9:56 pm

>Dr. GVB believes those who only received 1 dose of mRNA will still be able to rely on their natural, variant-independent immune response in the same way that the unvaccinated can<

Yes that seems to be the case. Only after two mRNA shots do you see the antibody response expand to target regions the immune system is reluctant to target.


February 17, 2024 at 10:31 pm

As someone who has unfortunately twice “vaccinated” with mRNA, I can absolutely confirm that my immune system has changed. I get randomly sick, and for longer periods of time than I used to, though not any severely ill-so far at least. I’ve been taking Ivermectin and copious amounts of vitamin C and that seems to help a bit. Thanks for your blog Rintrah, since I discovered it in 2022 it’s been very informative, scary, but absolutely necessary.

February 18, 2024 at 12:59 am

Yeah your immune system has been reprogrammed, to rely on T cells and B cells against SARS2. As the virus mutated, these cells undergo somatic hypermutation, to expand the range of epitopes they can deal with. And so the immune system becomes more and more dependent upon an adaptive immune response, to SARS2 as well as to other respiratory pathogens, as there is generally some degree of cross-reactivity.

Cannabinoids are often used in autoimmune conditions to deal with excessively aggressive T and B cell populations.
Right now that’s the best option I’ve seen.

Ivermectin and vitamin C are unlikely to address the root cause of the problem, which will need to be addressed.


February 18, 2024 at 10:22 am

It seems strange that in the case of (90 percent of) the unvaccinated there is “no neutralization from circulating antibodies in serum”. They caught covid in the past. Shouldn’t they be coming up with some antibodies that neutralize the virus? Due to their prior infection? Is it just that the antibodies that they are producing don’t match the new variant, and that is why they are not neutralizing??

February 18, 2024 at 11:53 am

They generally only produce neutralizing IgG antibodies in serum against a handful of highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, but the specific epitope will differ from person to person. These epitopes mutate rapidly.

The vaccinated produce IgG antibodies against these highly immunogenic RBD epitopes, as well as to more conserved epitopes (after the second shot, when the immune system discovers the antibodies developed against the highly immunogenic epitopes after the first shot were insufficient).
thank you


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I forgot to add Dr. Geert to those pointing to a near term time period.

So that's - Dr. Geert telling us in December it would occur in "days/weeks", Dr. David Martin warning that Davos is preparing to release Disease X, WEF telling its member nations to prepare for Disease X, Dr. McMillan pointing to a soon coming tsumnami, Martin Armstrong's computer forecasting war in May, and TMN revealing that they are preparing a soon release as news came out of them experimenting a recombination of coronavirus with swine flu.
We gonna need a bigger rescue boat.


TB Fanatic
I forgot to add Dr. Geert to those pointing to a near term time period.

So that's - Dr. Geert telling us in December it would occur in "days/weeks", Dr. David Martin warning that Davos is preparing to release Disease X, WEF telling its member nations to prepare for Disease X, Dr. McMillan pointing to a soon coming tsumnami, Martin Armstrong's computer forecasting war in May, and TMN revealing that they are preparing a soon release as news came out of them experimenting a recombination of coronavirus with swine flu.

I wonder if they won't be happy till they get a Cap't. Trips event.

If so, it begs the question: how does one go about surviving a Cap't. Trips event?


Veteran Member
I wonder if C-19 and swine flu combined would continue to be a single strand RNA virus..I would imagine so because single strand "virus" seems to mutate much more rapidly than the double stranded DNA virus....which seems to be their aim.
If so it seems that Doctor Z's protocols would continue to work... especially if implemented at first sign of infection before it really gets hold of someone


Country exile in the city
[continued from above post]

Remember: You can not just stack infinite numbers of immune cells in your lungs!

With every new infection by this new corona virus, your body will devote more of its limited immunological capacity to whatever it was taught to devote to this corona virus. If your body had to learn on its own to deploy plasmacytoid dendritic cells and NK cells to this virus, then that’s what it will do during successive infections.

If on the other hand, your body was taught to deploy an antibody response and CD8+ T cells against this virus, then these are the elements of the immune response that will take up more and more of your body’s scarce capacity to fight this virus. That will help it keep this evolving virus at bay (for now), but because these cells and antibodies generally have little ability to deal with unrelated respiratory viruses, it gets harder over time to deal with other respiratory viruses.

The T cells and B cells that deal with SARS2 are in competition with NK cells, but they are also to some degree in competition with T cells and B cells that deal with the other respiratory pathogens. Just as the adaptive immunity against the seasonal corona viruses interferes with immunity against SARS2, the opposite is seen too, as SARS2 antibodies react with Influenza. This means there is interference with the adaptive immune response to other respiratory pathogens.

The adaptive immune response against respiratory viruses is intended for problems the innate immune system could not deal with on its own. It inherently takes the adaptive immune system more time to deal with an infection, hence we see that vaccinated people take longer to bring the viral load back to zero. As a result, the damage that these constant reinfections can do to the immune system is exacerbated too.

This affects everyone to some degree. If you were vaccinated, your body has a more difficult time fighting off these viruses. We have known this for a long time, we see it with the influenza vaccine too. We vaccinate children with inactivated vaccines against influenza and we observe that it works to protect them against influenza, but now they’re more vulnerable to respiratory infections by other viruses! For SARS-COV-2, you can expect a similar effect.

For everyone who was not vaccinated, there is increased exposure to respiratory viruses, from all the people who are infected by these viruses. This leads to an increase in respiratory infections, especially in young children whose immune systems have not yet had sufficient training against the variety of those viruses that circulate.

This would be bad enough, if we now had a very competent highly specific immune response against SARS-COV-2. But as I have explained a number of times in previous articles, the immune response deployed by people’s bodies is not even well-suited for SARS-COV-2! People are now deploying IgG4 antibodies that are poorly suited for neutralizing viral particles, but worst of all, don’t tell your T cells and your NK cells to kill infected cells!

Instead, these IgG4 antibodies tell almost all your immune cells to calm down, by binding to their FcγRIIb receptor. This means that when these antibodies bind to your plasmacytoid dendritic cells, they tell them to calm down and stop releasing interferon. This then in turn means that these plasmacytoid dendritic cells are not activating your natural killer cells either. And again, we can expect that this abnormal antibody response will interfere in the response against other respiratory pathogens too.

I can not sufficiently emphasize how nightmarish this problem is. It effectively shuts down all the pro-inflammatory messaging that your immune cells produce, that encourages infected cells to destroy the viral RNA that infected them, warns the neighboring vulnerable cells there is a virus present and encourages other immune cells to get active. You will have reduced symptoms of the infection as a result, while the virus happily spreads through your cells. That is insanely dangerous when dealing with a virus like this, that has the inherent ability to spread by fusing an infected cell together with an uninfected cells.

Infections don’t solve this problem, they make it steadily worse. The first signs are seen after two shots, but it only becomes significant once those two shots are followed by an infection. We have not seen a fraction yet of what this problem will cause, because respiratory pathogens like SARS2 will evolve in response to this abnormal immune response to abuse it. You can expect an increase in asymptomatic infections from a variety of respiratory pathogens. The absurd rates of pneumonia now seen in children may be largely a result of them constantly being exposed to those asymptomatic carriers. I have been warning for a long time now, that some solution needs to be sought to remove these B cells doing this, but nothing is being done.

I will emphasize once again: There is still no evidence of this problem happening to anyone other than people who received these mRNA vaccines, because it’s not normal and not part of any sort of normal compensatory mechanism either. It’s what happens by placing extreme demands on the adaptive immune system, while intentionally fooling the cellular innate immune system into going along. Those two very contrasting signals coming from the innate and the adaptive immune system lead the immune system to think it’s overreacting to an environmental contaminant that does not infect cells, thus encouraging a class switch.

I have said from day one, that if we want to override how our immune system would normally respond to a new virus like this, we need to be really sure of what we’re doing. But for some reason, humanity decided to go with a very experimental new technique, that has now led to a very unusual adaptive immune response that is entirely incorrect for a virus of this nature.

If we were dealing with a new strain of influenza, this would be bad enough. But we’re dealing with a coronavirus, one most closely related to viruses that persistently infect bats. These viruses are very good at persistently infecting a host, if you give them a chance, because unlike Influenza, they are naturally good at suppressing the body’s interferon response. Well, if your body deploys antibodies against this virus that fail to instruct your NK cells and your CD8 T cells to kill infected cells, then that’s what you’re encouraging in these viruses.

The broken immune response people deploy against this virus is encouraging this virus to evolve into a persistent infection, that spreads by fusing an infected cell to neighboring cells. This is hugely damaging for your body, you don’t want your cells to be fusing together with neighboring cells. Yet, this is the best route to survival available for the virus, when the antibodies are IgG4 antibodies that don’t instruct cytotoxic cells to kill infected cells.

The broken balance of the immune response seen in people’s lungs due to vaccination, is not stable. It continues to escalate towards increasing dependence on B and T cells with every additional vaccine against SARS-COV-2, as well as with every additional SARS-COV-2 infection that recalls this poorly effective adaptive immune response.

The big change in the virus from Delta to Omicron did not encourage a new immune response, but merely recalled the vaccine induced adaptive immune response. Every subsequent subtle change to the virus then again recalled this adaptive immune response.

The virus in turn continues to evolve to get better at evading this broken immune response, by reducing the immunogenicity of Spike and improving Interferon suppression. This then forces the immune system to rely even more on it. With the evidence we have, we can say that the cannabis plant appears like an effective candidate to address this harmful cycle.

So what’s going to happen now? Well as I explained before, the virus will continue to evolve, to use people’s broken immune response to its advantage. You see versions emerge everywhere now, that have improved the Furin cleavage site, which allows it to fuse cells together. Fuse cells together and you never have to worry about the antibodies neutralizing your viral particles, you can spread undetected!

More importantly however, we have an increasingly clear picture of what is going to happen to the evolution of this virus. People’s immune systems are now very dependent on antibodies against a particular region of the N-Terminal Domain: The antigenic supersite. This site mostly consists of three loops (corresponding to amino acids 14-26 (N1), 141-156 (N3) and 246-260 (N5)). It now mostly seems to be IgM antibodies.

So what’s happening instead, is that these regions are undergoing deletions. The first example has already been seen of this in South Africa. When this happens, the virus starts looking more like SARS1 and other Sarbecoviruses in bats. It avoids these antibodies, but has the added effect of making it easier to fuse cells together. The only reason it hasn’t happened on a wide scale yet, is because it makes transmission to other people more difficult.

You can see that this deletion of the antigenic supersite is the direction the virus is going, by looking at the variants now emerging. The recently seen South African variant deletes 15-27 and 136-146, so it gets rid of N1 and most of N3.

The important thing to keep in mind, is that IgM antibodies normally don’t last very long. They’re produced for a few weeks, then decline. When antibodies are needed to produce lasting protection against infection, you need IgG antibodies. This means that if protection now depends on IgM against the highly immunogenic region of the NTD, you will now have a situation where people are just reinfected after a few weeks.

This means you get suboptimal pressure on the immunogenic region of the NTD: These antibodies will neutralize most viral particles and stop the virus from spreading to other people, but they won’t effectively neutralize all viral particles. Under those conditions, you start to encourage rare mutations in the immunogenic region of the NTD to spread. This includes the rare large deletions in these loops.

So what’s going to happen now?

In the weeks ahead, we’re going to see versions of SARS2 spread that have improved their ability to establish chronic infections. There are multiple routes for this. The BA.2.86 versions can take the backbone of the other versions. But equally important, there’s a very easy path to improve the Furin cleavage site (S:679R), thereby making it easier to spread from one cell to another.

These increasingly chronic infections are hard to test for and they’re associated with other secondary viral and bacterial infections. A lot of the observed pneumonia in people right now is SARS2 that’s simply going unrecognized.

Eventually, we will see the same thing as we recently saw in South Africa: These persistent infections will end up with shorter loops in the N-Terminal Domain, turning this virus into something more similar to the original SARS. You will see deletions emerge in these regions: 14-26 (N1), 141-156 (N3) and 246-260 (N5).

You may also see mutations of amino acids to Serine or Threonine, either within these regions, or around them. Once you see this happen, you can expect a rapid increase in virulence. It will be impossible to deny something is seriously wrong. An awful lot of people will get very sick simultaneously.

Once we reach this point, there will be no places left where antibodies can bind and neutralize the Spike protein, because the whole RBD either looks similar to our own amino acids, or is shielded by the glycans. Binding to the glycans seems to be insufficient to neutralize the Spike protein, but causes autoimmune problems, as these antibodies also bind to your own cells glycans.

Because people’s immune systems have spent the past three years, devoting more and more of their limited capacity to this adaptive immune response of antibodies and T cells, proliferating these cells at the cost of the innate immune system’s ability to do its job, now treating this Spike protein as if it were a kind of strange new bee venom or pollen that is continually showing up in our lungs somehow, the loss of these immunogenic regions of the N-Terminal Domain would suddenly leave most people in highly vaccinated Western countries with no protection.

The immune system would likely resort to antibodies against the glycan shield (something already being observed in severe cases), which results in acute autoimmune problems and generally fails to neutralize the Spike protein.

It’s hard to see how that could result in anything other than a sudden outbreak of severe disease in most of the population.

On the other hand, among people with natural immunity, the innate immune system would continue to do its job:

-NK cells have proliferated, adjusted their receptor repertoire and know when to strike.

-Plasmacytoid dendritic cells have proliferated and are not told to shut down by IgG4 antibodies.

This is my warning. And as the unexplained deaths continue to pile up, as the children have record levels of pneumonia, as more people every week go to the doctor with coughs and respiratory infections that don’t seem to go away, I hope people will take it seriously. The problems you caused take time to reveal themselves, but they are now becoming undeniable.
This post (and the one previous)--

well written, good job explaining what's happening--

and SCARY AS HE!!.

God help us.

We have destroyed ourselves.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
HD, and others, thank you for keeping us updated. There is so much info out there now, and more coming out every day, that I’m impressed with all your work.

So, this new virus X … if it’s going to be so bad, I’d just as soon catch it and die early. I recently turned 71, and my brain is full of these thoughts.


Veteran Member
Is any here using Ameriden Beta contains beta 1.3-D Glucan Purified plus all the key actives including1,4 and 1,6....
It inhances your immune system....and is even used in other countries against cancer...
We have used this supplement for may stop the exhaustion of the immune system listed above...
More information can be found at

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Two articles about WHO director Tedros Ghebreyesus talking about Disease X Feb 12, 2024.

Here is a link to his speech on youtube; disease x and pandemic part starts at around 5 minutes:

18 min 8 sec


(fair use applies)

‘A Matter of When, Not if’: W.H.O. Director Warns of ‘Disease X’ Pandemic at World Government Summit
Olivia Rondeau
18 Feb 2024

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) made yet another warning of an impending “Disease X” outbreak, with Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus telling world leaders it is “a matter of when, not if.”

At the World Government Summit, held in Dubai from February 12-14, Ghebreyesus told attendees his previous predictions came to fruition in the form of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Now, the W.H.O. director believes a new pandemic, for which the international community is ill-prepared, is on the horizon.

Renewing urgent calls for a global pandemic treaty to be agreed upon by May, Ghebreyesus dismissed suspicions of the treaty being a W.H.O. power-grab and called it “mission critical for humanity.”

Speaking at this year's globalist World Government Summit, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is worried that the WHO's Pandemic Agreement risks being sabotaged by a "litany of lies and conspiracy theories about the agreement".
"That it's a power grab by the World Health Organisation;…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) February 13, 2024

“Today I stand before you in the aftermath of COVID-19 with millions of people dead, with social, economic and political shocks that reverberate to this day,” the health official said to the attendees, which included World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab.

He added that while “some progress has been made like improvements in surveillance, the Pandemic Fund, building capacities in vaccine production… the world is not prepared for a pandemic.”

Ghebreyesus, the former Ethiopian Minister of Health, went on to warn that “the painful lessons we learned are in danger of being forgotten as attention turns to the many other crises confronting our world.”

The health official went on to say that if the world fails to learn lessons from the coronavirus pandemic, “we will pay dearly next time, and there will be a next time.”

In the international health community, “Disease X” is used to refer to a future pandemic-causing virus.

“History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” he added. “It may be caused by an influenza virus, or a new coronavirus or a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet — what we call Disease X. As things stand, the world remains unprepared for the next Disease X, and the next pandemic.”

Ghebreyesus made fear-inspiring statements about the so-called “Disease X” at the January 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calling for countries to join the W.H.O.’s pandemic treaty to avoid another discombobulated pandemic response.

Breaking: WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus is currently introducing preparedness for Disease X at WEF24 in Davos. A key component for preparedness for Disease X is for countries to sign up to the WHO Pandemic Agreement.
— Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) January 17, 2024

“The pandemic agreement can bring all the experience, all the challenges that we have faced and all the solutions into one,” Ghebreyesus argued in Davos. “That agreement can help us to prepare for the future in a better way. This is a common global interest, and very narrow national interests should not come into the way.”

When pitching the treaty again last week, the W.H.O. director brushed off concerns that the health organization abused its power during the coronavirus pandemic or would during a Disease X outbreak.

“Let me be clear: WHO did not impose anything on anyone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not lockdowns, not mask mandates, not vaccine mandates,” he said. “We don’t have the power to do that, we don’t want it and we’re not trying to get it.”

However, the W.H.O. did face international backlash over its slow response to investigating China for the outbreak of coronavirus, and downplaying the Wuhan lab leak theory.
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Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Here We Go: WHO Chief Tedros Ghebreyesus Warns of Inevitable ‘Disease X’ Pandemic — ‘A Matter of When, Not If’
by Jim Hoft
Feb. 18, 2024 8:40 pm

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke candidly about the “not-if-but-when” reality of a new pandemic, which he refers to as ‘Disease X.’

During his address in Dubai during the World Government Summit, Tedros claimed that despite the current focus on COVID-19, the concept of ‘Disease X’ has been part of the global health conversation for years, representing the unknown pathogen that could cause a future pandemic.

“History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” Tedros said. “It may be caused by an influenza virus, a new coronavirus, or it may be caused by a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet, or what we call disease X.”

The term ‘Disease X’ first appeared in WHO documents in 2018 as a placeholder for an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic. Interestingly, Dr. Tedros pointed out that COVID-19 itself was a form of ‘Disease X,’ a previously unknown virus that triggered a global crisis.

“But there will be another disease X or a disease Y or a disease Z,” he added.


WHO Director-General Tedros Says Disease X ‘Is a Matter of When, Not If’
“It may be caused by an influenza virus or a new coronavirus. Or it may be caused by a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet, what we call Disease X.”
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 16, 2024

Last month, The World Economic Forum (WEF), headed by Klaus Schwab, convened global leaders to brace for an imminent threat referred to as “Disease X”.

The world’s most exclusive club of doom and gloom is predicting a pandemic 20 times more deadly than COVID-19.

According to the WEF’s official statement, the looming threat of ‘Disease X’ has been cast into the spotlight by none other than the World Health Organization (WHO).

And surprisingly, so-called experts are now working on a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist yet.

The BBC reported that the UK Health Security Agency is “scanning the horizon for threats and starting work on vaccines, just in case.”

Critics are raising concerns, suggesting that the move to work on a vaccine for ‘Disease X’ smacks of a script where the vaccine dictates the emergence of the virus, rather than the other way around.


They are literally working on a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist yet. They call it disease “X” because nobody knows what it is yet. Can’t make this crap up.
— Freyja™ (@FreyjaTarte) November 30, 2023

Last year, Tony Blair, a former prime minister of the United Kingdom, advocated for the development of “national digital infrastructure” to facilitate the distribution of new vaccines and to determine who is vaccinated or who is not for future pandemics.

“You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been,” said Blair at the WEF summit. “Some of the vaccines that will come on down the line will be multiple. There will be multiple shots. So you’ve got to have reasons to do with healthcare more generally. But certainly, for a pandemic or for vaccines, you’ve got to have a proper digital infrastructure. And many countries don’t have that and most countries don’t have that.”

According to Blair, the introduction of these new vaccines highlights the need for countries to invest in “national digital infrastructure.”

“We should be helping countries to develop a national digital infrastructure, which they will need with these new vaccines,” he said.

“And then finally, it’s also about showing people and showing the political leadership that you can make a positive difference to your healthcare system by adopting these measures because they’ve got an impact beyond any particular disease or pandemic,” he continued.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Geert's latest update includes a link to Thailand Medical News. 3rd one down. I'm glad they are supporting each other. ETA: btw, the article from TMN that Geert linked to was posted here too. Post 69,953, this link should work even if it doesn't look like it's the one (weird how that happens all the time when I link to a specific post on this thread (?) )


(fair use applies)

VSS Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #61
By Geert Vanden Bossche
February 18, 2024

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign

From Geert: “What more evidence do we really need? The Covid-19 vaccination hoax is best summarized in the work of M.N. Mead et al. This narrative review unambiguously demonstrates that the Covid-19 vaccines were neither safe nor effective, and their quality has consistently fallen short”.

West Australian Government Finally Releases 2021 Vaccine Safety Data

“Vaccines have been pulled from the market for far less than this.”


Health Authorities Around the World are Deliberately Concealing COVID-19 Data and Even Changing Their Websites Despite a Global Surge

CDC May Recommend a Spring Covid Booster for Some Groups

"The discussion will be aimed at the people who are most accepting of public health recommendations," said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

“We’re Still in a Pandemic,” Says a Lead COVID Official with the World Health Organization

“Our concern is a variant that’s highly transmissible, that is more severe and that has significant immune escape…”

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Mark D

Now running for Emperor.


Veteran Member
This a portion of what DH posted above

“You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been,” said Blair at the WEF summit. “Some of the vaccines that will come on down the line will be multiple. There will be multiple shots. So you’ve got to have reasons to do with healthcare more generally. But certainly, for a pandemic or for vaccines, you’ve got to have a proper digital infrastructure. And many countries don’t have that and most countries don’t have that.”

According to Blair, the introduction of these new vaccines highlights the need for countries to invest in “national digital infrastructure.”

“We should be helping countries to develop a national digital infrastructure, which they will need with these new vaccines,”

My comments on this:

This is one and only one of the reasons that we remain low is more difficult for them to implement their plans without digital devices in our hands in fact in the hands of all the people...all my health care notes are kept in an old day runner note book....very portable ..and private

There are no laptops in use in this house smart phones... only a landline and a couple of $30 flip phones..a trac flip phone...with cards never connected to date.....web access is by $99 tablet and on line debit get the picture...

It appears to me that the "world" was conditioned by C-19... We only know one person..who died or should I say was helped to die from it ..DH had an uncle who passed...but he was 95...and they got him in the hospital(vent)...we do know a number of other people who survived most of them in their 70s.... considered old and very high risk.. remember I said earlier that 50,000 iu of D3 per day stopped it in one cousin and she is about 80..with a number of health problems ..think on that of a couple of minutes..

I had a very bad flu back in the back in the late 60s or earlier 70s..I was thinking earlier on this thread it was the swine flu but obviously it wasn't that.... don't know for sure if it had a was a grim one

The point I am making is the worst of the sick people we know that had C-19 were no sicker than that flu...(people died from that flu also)... most not as sick...and I was young at that time...we know that they inhanced....the number of deaths from C-19.....have you noticed that people no longer seem to die from the flu... all my life people have had the flu and died... way back to the Spanish flu

Now they are working on a vaccine for X ..
This all seems like a big preconditioning of the population to fear the X...and X will mutate....and it will be much worse that C..and so forth ...I think the vaccine will be much worse than the current ones..

One of my grandmothers died from infection before there were seems to me that back then penicillin was a miracle drug...

The more I put in a virus in a search engine.. say Dengue..or any one of them I find out that it is a single stranded RNA virus...even Ebola is ....and people in different places are finding the IVM are killing them....I am coming to believe that we may have the miracle drug against virus infections that penicillin was to bacterial to infections...of course with the magic zinc..
I did believe in Dr Z because he was a chemist... before he was an MD he had a different approach to things....I personally believe his work was amazing
Since they stated that on the now destroyed stones in GA...that they wanted to kill off 90% of seems that may be all negative info about horse paste..and other forms of it...:-). ... My focus is mostly on keeping the immune system healthy ...and then having the necessary things to fight off anything attacking it..
I will ditch my tablet and flip phones in a new York minute if it becomes necessary

What do you think the truckers might do to their plans if they stop loads to NYC....?.
They may have other problems to try to deal with
I wonder if C-19 and swine flu combined would continue to be a single strand RNA virus..I would imagine so because single strand "virus" seems to mutate much more rapidly than the double stranded DNA virus....which seems to be their aim.
If so it seems that Doctor Z's protocols would continue to work... especially if implemented at first sign of infection before it really gets hold of someone
Think zinc and D3 will not lose their efficacy.

northern watch

TB Fanatic

Study of 99 million COVID-vaccinated people finds links to brain, heart problems​

A Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine is seen at a drugstore in Cypress, Texas, Sept. 20, 2023. On Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the updated COVID-19 vaccine was 54% effective at preventing symptomatic infection in adults. The shot became available last year as a replacement vaccine designed to better protects against more recent COVID variants. (Melissa Phillip/Houston Chronicle via AP, File)
A Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine is seen at a drugstore in Cypress, Texas, Sept. 20, 2023. On Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the updated COVID-19 vaccine was 54% effective at preventing symptomatic infection in adults. The shot became available last year as a replacement vaccine designed to better protects against more recent COVID variants. (Melissa Phillip/Houston Chronicle via AP, File)

By Washington Times Staff - - Monday, February 19, 2024

In what stands as one of the most comprehensive vaccine safety studies across the globe, scientists have singled out unusual conditions that have surfaced after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.

The study of 99 million vaccinated people in eight countries found a slight increase in heart inflammation cases following shots from Pfizer and Moderna, both mRNA vaccines.

Simultaneously, the AstraZeneca vaccine, which uses a different technology known as a viral vector, has been associated with a rare brain blood clot disorder.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has also been linked to a higher risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder that can sometimes lead to muscle weakness and, in rare instances, paralysis.

These findings are particularly significant against the backdrop of the 13.5 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered globally to date — an undertaking that has played a critical role in preserving lives during the pandemic.

The Global Vaccine Data Network’s exhaustive research, detailed in the scholarly journal Vaccine, provides expansive insight into the matter. The network’s publication, equipped with easy-to-navigate dashboards, transparently presents both its research methodology and the conclusions drawn for public examination.

The analysts involved in this study examined health data of 99 million individuals, primarily focused on 13 specific conditions considered to be of special interest for vaccine safety.

Evidence of myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, was particularly recurrent among individuals after their first, second, or booster dose of an mRNA vaccine.

Modest spikes in incidence were noted especially following the administration of the second dose of the Moderna shot, which was also tied to a raised occurrence of pericarditis — a swelling of the tissue surrounding the heart — after initial and booster vaccinations.

A significant increase in the cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome was observed within 42 days of receiving the initial dose of AstraZeneca‘s vaccine, also known as Vaxzevria.

The study documented an increase to 190 cases from the forecasted 66 based on natural incidence rates.

An uptick in cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, an exceptionally rare type of cerebral clot, led to the restriction, or even discontinuation of the use of AstraZeneca‘s vaccine in a number of countries, including Denmark.

Furthermore, a connection between this vaccine and myocarditis after the third dose was noted in specific demographics, albeit not as a widespread issue.

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Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic

(fair use applies)

Largest Covid-19 vaccine study yet finds links to health conditions
By Jason Gale - Bloomberg
February 18, 2024 at 9:29 PM EST
  • Study looked at medical problems among 99 million immunised people
  • Small increases in neurological, blood, heart-related issues were found
Vaccines that protect against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid-19 symptoms from a coronavirus infection were linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest global vaccine safety study to date.

The rare events – identified early in the pandemic – included a higher risk of heart-related inflammation from mRNA shots made by Pfizer Inc, BioNTech SE, and Moderna Inc, and an increased risk of a type of blood clot in the brain after immunisation with viral-vector vaccines such as the one developed by the University of Oxford and made by AstraZeneca Plc.

The viral-vector jabs were also tied to an increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nervous system.

More than 13.5 billion doses of Covid vaccines have been administered globally over the past three years, saving over 1 million lives in Europe alone. Still, a small proportion of people immunised were injured by the shots, stoking debate about their benefits versus harms.

The new research, by the Global Vaccine Data Network, was published in the journal Vaccine last week.

The research looked for 13 medical conditions that the group considered “adverse events of special interest” among 99 million vaccinated individuals in eight countries, aiming to identify higher-than-expected cases after a Covid shot.

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, was consistently identified following a first, second and third dose of mRNA vaccines, the study found.

The highest increase in the observed-to-expected ratio was seen after a second jab with the Moderna shot. A first and fourth dose of the same vaccine was also tied to an increase in pericarditis, or inflammation of the thin sac covering the heart.

Researchers found a statistically significant increase in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome within 42 days of an initial Oxford-developed ChAdOx1 or “Vaxzevria” shot that wasn’t observed with mRNA vaccines.

Based on the background incidence of the condition, 66 cases were expected – but 190 events were observed.

ChAdOx1 was linked to a threefold increase in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a type of blood clot in the brain, identified in 69 events, compared with an expected 21.

The small risk led to the vaccine’s withdrawal or restriction in Denmark and multiple other countries. Myocarditis was also linked to a third dose of ChAdOx1 in some, but not all, populations studied.

Possible safety signals for transverse myelitis – spinal cord inflammation – after viral-vector vaccines was identified in the study.

So was acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord – after both viral-vector and mRNA vaccines.

Seven cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were observed, versus an expectation of two.

The adverse events of special interest were selected based on pre-established associations with immunisation, what was already known about immune-related conditions and preclinical research. The study didn’t monitor for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, that some research has linked with Covid vaccines.

Exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness and “brain fog” were among common symptoms identified in more than 240 adults experiencing chronic post-vaccination syndrome in a separate study conducted by the Yale School of Medicine. The cause of the syndrome isn’t yet known, and it has no diagnostic tests or proven remedies.

The Yale research aims to understand the condition to relieve the suffering of those affected and improve the safety of vaccines, said Harlan Krumholz, a principal investigator of the study, and director of the Yale New Haven Hospital Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation.

“Both things can be true,” Krumholz said in an interview. “They can save millions of lives, and there can be a small number of people who’ve been adversely affected.”

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Largest Covid vaccine study yet finds link to health conditions: Risks identified among millions immunised
By Adam Chapman
Published: 19/02/2024 - 10:52 Updated: 19/02/2024 - 11:01

The sweeping study adds further fuel to the debate over Covid vaccination, although the risks remain relatively low
  • Researchers looked at the medical records of 99 million immunised people
  • Small neurological, blood, heart-related issues were observed
  • The risk of an adverse event often increased with every successive jab

Vaccines that protect against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid symptoms from a Covid-19 infection are linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions, according to the largest global vaccine safety study to date.

The study is likely to deepen the debate over the relative merits of getting vaccinated and whether the response was proportional.

Researchers stress that the risk of an adverse event from a Covid vaccine remains relatively low and that association does not prove causation.

However, among the 13.5 billion doses administered globally, a small proportion of people immunised developed complications, fuelling a debate over the trade-offs involved.

The rare events – identified early in the pandemic – included a higher risk of heart-related inflammation from mRNA shots made by Pfizer Inc, BioNTech SE, and Moderna Inc, and an increased risk of a type of blood clot in the brain after immunisation with viral-vector vaccines such as the one developed by the University of Oxford and made by AstraZeneca Plc.

The viral-vector jabs were also tied to an increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nervous system.

The new research, by the Global Vaccine Data Network, dove further into the data. The full results are published in the journal Vaccine.

Researchers looked for 13 medical conditions that the group considered “adverse events of special interest” among 99 million vaccinated individuals in eight countries, aiming to identify higher-than-expected cases after a Covid shot.

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, was consistently identified following a first, second and third dose of mRNA vaccines, the study found.

The highest increase in the observed-to-expected ratio was seen after a second jab with the Moderna shot. A first and fourth dose of the same vaccine was also tied to an increase in pericarditis, or inflammation of the thin sac covering the heart.

Researchers found a statistically significant increase in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome within 42 days of an initial Oxford-developed ChAdOx1 or “Vaxzevria” shot that wasn’t observed with mRNA vaccines.

Based on the background incidence of the condition, 66 cases were expected – but 190 events were observed.
ChAdOx1 was linked to a threefold increase in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a type of blood clot in the brain, identified in 69 events, compared with an expected 21.

The small risk led to the vaccine’s withdrawal or restriction in Denmark and multiple other countries. Myocarditis was also linked to a third dose of ChAdOx1 in some, but not all, populations studied.
Possible safety signals for transverse myelitis – spinal cord inflammation – after viral-vector vaccines was identified in the study.

So was acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord – after both viral-vector and mRNA vaccines.

Seven cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were observed, versus an expectation of two.

The adverse events of special interest were selected based on pre-established associations with immunisation, what was already known about immune-related conditions and preclinical research. The study didn’t monitor for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, that some research has linked with Covid vaccines.

It's also important to understand the bigger picture here. Covid was a moving target and so was the interventions taken to stop it.

Widespread immunity offered through vaccination allowed the UK to lift lockdown measures, revive the economy and restore a sense of normality to back to people's lives.

Still, the general public are demanding answers and refuse to be silenced - a point powerfully articulated by a man who recently confronted Rishi Sunak over Covid vaccine injuries on GB News.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Largest Covid vaccine study ever finds shots are linked to small increased risk of neurological, blood and heart disorders - but they are still extremely rare
By Cassidy Morrison
Published: 13:21 EST, 19 February 2024 | Updated: 13:23 EST, 19 February 2024

  • They had doubled risk of Guillain-Barre, 3.7 times higher risk of brain swelling
  • Largest study of its kind looked for health conditions in 99 million people

Covid vaccines have been linked to small increases in heart, blood, and neurological disorders, according to the largest global study of its kind.

An international coalition of vaccine experts looked for 13 medical conditions among 99 million vaccine recipients across eight countries in order to identify higher rates of those conditions after receiving the shots.

They confirmed that the shots made by Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca are linked to significantly higher risk of five medical conditions - including a nerve-wasting condition that leaves people struggling to walk or think.

But the study also warned of several other disorders that they said warranted further investigation, including the links between a brain-swelling condition and Moderna's shot.

Still, the team says the absolute risk of developing any one of the condition remains small. For instance, 13 billion doses of vaccines have been administered and there have only been 2,000 cases of all conditions.


Dr Harlan Krumholz, director of the Yale New Haven Hospital Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation and a lead investigator behind the study, said: ‘Both things can be true.

'They can save millions of lives, and there can be a small number of people who’ve been adversely affected.’

Covid vaccines are estimated to have averted more than 19 million deaths worldwide, including three million in the US alone.

Among their discoveries was a twofold increase in the risk of a neurological condition known as Guillain-Barre syndrome,an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the body's peripheral nervous system, leading to damage to the protective casing around nerve cells.

The report said that of the 23 million AstraZeneca shots administered worldwide, they would have expected 76 cases of GBS - but 190 events were observed, accounting for a 2.9-fold increased risk.

While it cannot be proven that the vaccine caused these events, there is some evidence the vaccine triggers the immune system to attack its own nerves.

Meanwhile, the study also confirmed a threefold higher risk for a type of heart inflammation called myocarditis, though researchers did not give the number of expected cases versus actual cases.

Myocarditis was seen most commonly in young men. It's believed to be related to immune response triggered my the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna, which work by instructing cells to produce the same protein that sits atop the coronavirus.

This prompts the immune system to produce antibodies against the spike protein, providing protection against Covid. In rare cases, this immune response may lead to inflammation in the heart muscle.

Typically, the myocarditis instances have been relatively mild, leading to just 28 deaths.

Additionally, both the first and fourth doses of the Moderna vaccine had between 1.7 and 2.6 times greater number of instances of pericarditis, an inflammation affecting the protective sac encasing the heart.

They looked at more than 39 million Moderna vaccine doses administered.

Like the link between mycarditis and the vaccines, links to pericarditis are still under investigation. It is believed to be caused by the same mechanism, an overactive immune response that attacks the thin sac-like membrane.

There was a greater than 3.7 times risk of a condition called Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which causes swelling in the brain and spinal cord that damages the protective covering of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord, after the first dose of the Moderna vaccine.

Seven instances of ADEM occurred following vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, surpassing the anticipated count of two cases.

There were nearly 190 million shots considered in the study.

The study also found that after getting the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, there were 1.9 and 3.9 times increased risks of transverse myelitis and ADEM, respectively.

Bell’s palsy, which causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face, had an increased odds of 1.05 after a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

There was also a 1.3 to 1.4 times greater risk of having a seizure following the first and second doses of the Moderna vaccine, as well as the fourth dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The researchers added a major caveat to this finding: ‘Chances of having a neurological event following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were up to 617-fold higher than following COVID vaccination, suggesting that the benefits of vaccination substantially outweigh the risks.’

After a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, there was a 3.2-times-greater than expected risk of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST).

The risks after the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and after the second dose were 1.49 and 1.25 times higher.

CVST is a rare but serious condition characterized by the formation of blood clots in the large channels that drain blood from the brain and deliver it back to the heart after the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In total, 21 events were expected, while 69 events were observed.

Also after the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, there was a 1.07 times higher risk of thrombocytopenia, a condition characterized by a lower-than-normal number of platelets in the blood.

After a third dose of ChAdOx1, the risk notably rose to 1.95.

Their research was published in the journal Vaccine.


Veteran Member
Think zinc and D3 will not lose their efficacy.
I don't believe they will since D3 is not a vitamin but rather a hormone....we believe that the all recommended dosages are way too low... before the use of sun screens especially in the summer when played outside we were receiving 20,000 iu in our skin in hour....that is 40,000 iu in one hour...i know i played outside for hours in the summer...the body is designed to make D3.... and we had a cousin who was extremely ill with C-19.. headed to the hospital sick. ..she was on the road to recovery in 2 days time after her daughters gave 50,000 iu per that is about an hour and minutes..makes me go hum....
I don't remember as child so many people being sick with so many different things or people taking so many rx...people were generally both happy and healthy...
So what changed the food... the additives...big pharma...sun screen..
I mentioned two books in earlier posts about D3....I truly suggest that everyone..get copy and read them..the information in them is truly amazing...they are on Amazon in paperback....the second even mentions how people in other countries are now starting to cure MS with D3...and a lot of other things
...DH and I have always believed that C-19 was the equivalent of a very very nasty was treatments and vaccines that were the real problem....they were killing part of this whole mess..
It appears now that nicotine gum and patches are the cure...for long covid... Nicotine appears to back certain receptors in the body...
Smokers seemed nearly immune from covid.. but smoking does cause other problems...hence patches and gum....


passin' thru
Is the white clot vid the one with the undertakers taking out those huge things from their cadavers' jungular veins? I'm nobodies idea o' weak, heck I watched the mentally ill guy holding his dad's severed head and calling for revolution, while eating dinner-----> but the clot video I had to say No Mas to :eek:


passin' thru
Mario Nawfal


The findings come from the largest-ever COVID vaccine study, which analyzed 99 million cases of vaccination.

Professor of Medicine, Dr. Marc Siegel:

"The massive study and review of the data reveals some rare association of the MRNA vaccines and myocarditis, especially after the second shot, as well as an association between the Oxford Astra Zeneca adenovirus vector vaccines and Guillain Barre syndrome."

Source: Fox
I mentioned two books in earlier posts about D3....I truly suggest that everyone..get copy and read them..the information in them is truly amazing...they are on Amazon in paperback....the second even mentions how people in other countries are now starting to cure MS with D3...and a lot of other things
Here’s books I have.
The Optimal Dose.
Vitamin D Vitamin C Iodine
Healthy in Seven Days
YMMV - haven’t read them all.