CORONA Vaccine brain injury


Faithful Steed
Naomi Wolf of Bannon War Room and other "right wing extremist" Web sites has been covering this since the beginning. She was the first to identify Menstrual cycle defects being caused by the "vaccine."

She is approaching the claim that the point of the vaccine was NOT to provide defense against Covid-19, but rather to put a "damper" on human reproduction by the "sterile competition" methodology.

The technique has been applied VERY successfully to mosquito control. Sterile insect technique - Wikipedia

Yunno - that "Live in harmony with nature at 500M population or less."

Her web site is a sort of compendium of claims against various "New World Order" agendas - many places on the page she documents the varies studies which prove "conspiracy." Including her "ghosting."



Veteran Member
The list goes on.

I wonder if pharma will ever admit there’s a problem with the spike protein in the shots? I can see them doing it if they come up with a “cure” or antidote for it, that would make them billions more.


Veteran Member
Naomi Wolf of Bannon War Room and other "right wing extremist" Web sites has been covering this since the beginning. She was the first to identify Menstrual cycle defects being caused by the "vaccine."

She is approaching the claim that the point of the vaccine was NOT to provide defense against Covid-19, but rather to put a "damper" on human reproduction by the "sterile competition" methodology.

The technique has been applied VERY successfully to mosquito control. Sterile insect technique - Wikipedia

Yunno - that "Live in harmony with nature at 500M population or less."

Her web site is a sort of compendium of claims against various "New World Order" agendas - many places on the page she documents the varies studies which prove "conspiracy." Including her "ghosting."

Yeah. The mrs is all over Naomi wolf right
Scouring the internet for every word she has said


Faithful Steed
Yeah. The mrs is all over Naomi wolf right
Scouring the internet for every word she has said
Naomi made her name in "feminism" - so in a way she has "advantage" in keeping the MEEDIA conduit open. I suspect part of her experience of "ghosting" was the discovery that the media has "agenda" - and sometimes, most times, that agenda is hard to get past if you don't fit in it. Naomi is no longer the media's "fair haired child."

Robert F. Kennedy came to the anti-vax game somewhat early. He had previous experience, and favor, from the media on the basis of his "environmental" stands. But like Naomi, he's found he can be "ghosted" too. No more commencement speeches at Harvard for Kennedy.

Both of these are now your "canaries in the mine" regarding vaccination - and more particularly the Health-Industrial complex, which like the Military-Industrial complex before it, was designed for the tapping into vast quantities of tax money - and health - or military protection be damned.

And - given the New World Order interest in "technology" - there are even larger threats to "your American Lifestyle."



Veteran Member
Just curious. Who were the members here who got the Covid and died and who were the members here who got the Vax and died?


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Got vaxxed (Maderna) and still got Covid. Immediately went on FLCCC protocols. Damn crap tried to get into my lungs, but fought it off. Was down for about 10 days hard and recovering to full strength in about 2-3 months. Was already on daily Multi-vitamin, Vit D, Vit C-1000mg/day, Sambucus. No comorbidities....well, ex-smoker, quit over 25 years ago.

Over all, I've had worse.....Swine Flu back in the day. Dry heaving for a week. Not fun.


TB Fanatic
She is approaching the claim that the point of the vaccine was NOT to provide defense against Covid-19, but rather to put a "damper" on human reproduction by the "sterile competition" methodology.

ding! ding! ding!

Dr Campbell was a bit late to the game, but I’m glad to see that he’s playing now.

It took him quite a while to overcome the decades of Trust he had for his "Trusted Sources" - i.e. to overcome his Cognitive Dissonance

Capt. Eddie

Veteran Member
It took him quite a while to overcome the decades of Trust he had for his "Trusted Sources" - i.e. to overcome his Cognitive Dissonance
To me personally that actually gives him more credibility. He's obviously not a hair on fire kind of guy, he slowly and methodically works through the evidence and follows where it leads.

Early on when there was no evidence to follow he simply defaulted to his existing position of "trust the system", just like many of us defaulted to our existing position of "don't trust anything the sobs say".

It takes a lot more intelligence to realize your wrong and change your position than to stick to your normalcy bias. I find Dr. Campbell very informative and easy to understand. I listen to his podcast almost every morning while I'm walking or running.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Going red-pill is a natural response to the facts, although it may take a while. Has anyone with two neurons ever gone blue-pill?
That's a trick question, right?

Wonder when science will isolate the part of the brain that controls critical thinking? Maybe they have, and in the process created a way to put that part of the brain to sleep.......cuzz, all roads point to the right, being right, and the left, fools. Even the Bible used that example. Amazing the prophetic's here. The fool leans to the left.

God, you gotta love him....well, not really, it's your choice. Feel like I'm going circular again......not so much down the drain circular, but things repeating themselves circular. As we go down the drain with them....or not.

I'll stop now. It's O dark Bourbon time. Got a real nice chunk of venison backstrap seasoned. God is good. He gave us tastebuds.


On TB every waking moment
Dr Lee Merritt called the virus plus the shot a binary bioweapon from the start.


The New American
Issue 3713
Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?
Vol. 37, No. 13
HEALTHCARECOVID-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?

COVID-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?
The COVID-19 vaccines were released on an emergency basis before being properly tested. With the passage of time, the effects of these experimental drugs look increasingly dismal.
Lee D. Merritt MD
Article audio provided by the John Birch Society

Many Americans have heard the news account of Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old Florida physician who, after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine on December 18 of last year, was hospitalized with a blood disorder and spontaneous bleeding. In spite of being treated by a team of physicians, he died of a brain bleed due to total loss of his platelets — the little blood cells that stop bleeding. By February 10, 2021, 36 similar cases were reported in the mainstream media. Pfizer said in a statement that it was “aware of the death,” adding, “We are actively investigating this case, but we don’t believe at this time that there is any direct connection to the vaccine.”

Pfizer made this “finding” despite several unusual circumstances of the case. First, the low-platelet disorder known to most doctors as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) most commonly affects children, and generally follows a viral illness. Only 10 percent of ITP cases occur in adults, who usually pre-sent with a slow onset form of the disorder, referred to as chronic ITP. The disorder usually starts by easy bleeding, such as slow oozing from gums or the nose, or bruises showing up without trauma. Rarely do platelets drop below 20,000 per microliter (normal levels are 200,000-500,000 per microliter), and generally treatment either reverses the disease or prolongs life for years in spite of the problem.

What happened to this physician and the others seems to be a new problem related to COVID vaccines, despite the manufacturers’ claims. This is further substantiated by the following case: After receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, a woman breast-fed her healthy one-month-old baby, who then died of thrombocytopenia.

Increasingly, vaccine manufacturers and government officials are following the sarcastic maxim from Samuel Shem’s novel of medical residency entitled The House of God: “If you don’t take a temperature you can’t find a fever.” In other words, if we don’t critically look at the actual recorded patient damage, we won’t find our products to be defective. Predictably, the major media — most of whose advertising money comes from Big Pharma — is increasingly getting on board, condemning “vaccine hesitancy” and pushing everyone to get vaccinated for COVID, discounting any dangers. But in the practice of medicine, we are supposed to employ the foundational principle of primum non nocere — first, do no harm.

Are These Really “Vaccines,” and Are They Necessary?
Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccines” are experimental, employing a genetic technology never before used on humans. Ironically, many people who wouldn’t purchase the first edition of a new car model are lining up to take an injection they know nothing about, that has never successfully passed animal trials, that could never meet the required “safety level” for a “drug,” and that is unapproved for the prevention of COVID except as an emergency experiment. Legally, those who get the vaccine are unnamed participants in a Stage IV Food and Drug Admi-nistration (FDA) trial.
/snip - see the link for the full text


Saved, to glorify God.
If you had watched Dr. Campbell regularly, you would know he was walking a thin line, not having the freedom of speech in Britain that you have in America and IT WAS OBVIOUS HE DID NOT TRUST BIG PHARMA OR THEIR VACCINE, BUT HE WAS WARNED, SEVERAL TIMES THAT THEY WOULD SHUT HIM DOWN, REMOVE HIS CREDENTIALS AND ACCESS TO THE INTERNET IF HE GAVE ANYTHING LIKE HIS OPINION, ON COVID VACCINE!

He could ONLY cite and relay information he found in APPROVED MEDICAL SOURCES, not in small "Antivax" groups and he couldn't, out and out, give his opinion to NOT TAKE THE VAX regardless of what was found in approved sources.

But if you are able to read "cues" in body language and speech ( Not everyone CAN read those CUES) you were well aware he was under CONSIDERABLE restraint as to what he could SAY.