[USA] Evidence of Vote Fraud -- 2004 Presidential Election


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fairbanksb said:
An Election Day filled with unexpected twists ended with a familiar question: What went wrong with the network exit polls?

Polling is very scientific. You can get very accurate information from it. It's only in recent years (the last couple elections), when electronic voting machines began to spread across the country, that they started to go awry. Why?


Freedom Isn't Free
Whine all you want. Keep using that cut and paste. Come up with every article you want. Come up with every conspiracy theory you or anybody else can come up with. The election is over. It hasn't been contested. Kerry and the Democrats conceded the election. It is over and George Bush is still the President. I posted the article where the people who put the exit polls out said they had a glitch and the media ran with the wrong numbers. Get over it.


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Ought Six said:

Thanks for piling all this laughable crap from looney conspiracy theory & leftist websites in one thread, where it can be so easily ignored. :lol:

Just do the research. It's easy to dismiss the allegations simply by hurling labels ("looney conspiracy theory"). You explain why it's looney?

FACT: these voting machine companies are closely tied to the Republican party.

FACT: they have fought tooth and nail against a paper audit trail.

FACT: they have been CAUGHT manipulating the vote -- counties where more total votes appear than there are registered voters, different counties with the exact same vote totals for a particular candidate, hours of tabulation data missing from the logs, counties in which a Democratic candidate's vote total DECREASED throughout the course of a day. These are well documented at www.blackboxvoting.org.

FACT: the voting companies have been CAUGHT lying about their software. Diebold's machines have connections to the internet that are live during voting. Diebold was caught with this and said it was an accident. Sure, you just accidentally put a live internet connection into a machine.

So, none of this concerns you? If it doesn't, they YOU are the looney one.

Even IF you don't believe there was fraud during this election, can't you admit that a proprietary, secret software which controls all the voting and leaves no paper trail and has serious security bugs could easily lead to the hijacking of an election if it gets taken over by some unscrupulous person?

Don't you at least see the risks?


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Texian said:
Rescath, a question for you-Do you work for an electronic voting machine company that lost the bid? It seems you are obsessed with Diebold. I can understand that electronic may malfunction but only to aid Bush? As many party people as there are watching these elections, there is no way. But I agree, it is nice to have them all on one thread, thanks for that. You certainly managed to gather a lot, however the credibility of some of your sources is questionable...Texian

No, I don't work for such a company. I'm focused more on Diebold because it's close to home (based in Ohio). But Diebold is the big player, and it was Diebold's CEO who a few months ago promised to deliver Ohio for Bush. ESS is the other big player.


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fairbanksb said:
Whine all you want. Keep using that cut and paste. Come up with every article you want. Come up with every conspiracy theory you or anybody else can come up with. The election is over. It hasn't been contested. Kerry and the Democrats conceded the election. It is over and George Bush is still the President. I posted the article where the people who put the exit polls out said they had a glitch and the media ran with the wrong numbers. Get over it.

That isn't the point, and I'm not whining. Both Bush and Kerry stink, in my opinion. This is not partisan on my part. I voted Consitution Party. I'm raising a serious concern about the integrity of the entire process.

Don't you concede that such a system (see my previous post) is simply FRAUGHT with danger? Why use it when it would be a very simple matter to attack a paper receipt / record to each vote to provide an audit trail? There are a couple companies which do this, but they never get any of the contracts. Why?


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Just assume the following scenario:

I have a voting machine company.
I wrote the software myself, but I won't let anyone see it.
I'm a known Democratic supporter (hypothetically -- in reality I can't stand them).
Suspicious things happen in counties which use my voting machines (my totals exceed the total number of registered voters, vote totals decrease for Republican candidates throughout a day, my numbers don't match the exit polls -- and these are always skewed to favor the Democrats).

Would you not come after me and call me on the carpet and demand to see my source code? Sure you would, you hypocritical Republicans.


Freedom Isn't Free
I don't know how to answer you, but it is not a Federal issue. Elections are controlled by the States. If there is some kind of a plot going on than I would expect that States and counties run by Democrats would pad votes for their candidates and the same goes for States and counties run by Republicans. My county using the scanned ballots and it's probably for no other reason than they can't afford fancy machines.

Opus Dei

Polling is very scientific. You can get very accurate information from it.
I'd say it's only as accurate as the information or spin given.

If this is true, why did Kerry capitulate? There were thousands of commando lawyers ready to challenge the results. You mean to tell me he's a better man than Al Gore? Got "paid off"? One Skull & Bonesman elitist gave another a death threat?

All I know is this: Were I Kerry (and had the combined resources of the DNC, family trust, and Theresa's fortune), and thought I had even a slim chance, I'd fought it like it was the 2000 election.
I will admit of the potential, Rescath, as I read some of the early reports on these machines proving that potential. I have some assurance that those responsible to monitor the process read them also, and that what you apparently fear would not have gone either undetected or have remained secret in this election.

I do believe further safeguards are in order, from what I have learned.



Veteran Member
The voting system is shot...we been losing it for awhile...I doubt there will ever be a fair election in this country in my life time. And piss on both parties...


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fairbanksb said:
I don't know how to answer you, but it is not a Federal issue. Elections are controlled by the States. If there is some kind of a plot going on than I would expect that States and counties run by Democrats would pad votes for their candidates and the same goes for States and counties run by Republicans. My county using the scanned ballots and it's probably for no other reason than they can't afford fancy machines.

My point is just to raise awareness of this issue.


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Opus Dei said:
I'd say it's only as accurate as the information or spin given.

If this is true, why did Kerry capitulate? There were thousands of commando lawyers ready to challenge the results. You mean to tell me he's a better man than Al Gore? Got "paid off"? One Skull & Bonesman elitist gave another a death threat?

All I know is this: Were I Kerry (and had the combined resources of the DNC, family trust, and Theresa's fortune), and thought I had even a slim chance, I'd fought it like it was the 2000 election.

Of course the accuracy depends upon who's doing it. Zogby is extremely reputable, and he had Kerry winning the country with 310 electoral votes via exit polling. He also had Kerry winning the popular vote by 52%-48%. Most exit polls were reporting similar numbers.

I believe that Kerry was recruited deliberately to throw the campaign (he ran an extremely pathetic campaign). Some people, including Rush Limbaugh, have speculated that the Clinton people who ran his campaign deliberately sabotaged him in order to open the way for Hillary in 2008. Or it could just be that Kerry didn't think he could win in court and that the DNC felt it would bring too much negative publicity and acrimony against the party as a whole and would undermine their chances in 2008. Who really knows.

Kerry himself HAS gone on record with reservations about paperless voting.


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if if if if if if if if

rescath said:
Of course the accuracy depends upon who's doing it. Zogby is extremely reputable, and he had Kerry winning the country with 310 electoral votes via exit polling. He also had Kerry winning the popular vote by 52%-48%. Most exit polls were reporting similar numbers.

I believe that Kerry was recruited deliberately to throw the campaign (he ran an extremely pathetic campaign). Some people, including Rush Limbaugh, have speculated that the Clinton people who ran his campaign deliberately sabotaged him in order to open the way for Hillary in 2008. Or it could just be that Kerry didn't think he could win in court and that the DNC felt it would bring too much negative publicity and acrimony against the party as a whole and would undermine their chances in 2008. Who really knows.

Kerry himself HAS gone on record with reservations about paperless voting.

If only the Democratic Underground had a bigger supply of Prozac. If only Kerry ran an effective campaign (cuz we know the country is REALLY left-wing after all!!!), if only voting machines did not have software code that magically created a Bush win (ya knowm every eighth vote (ha ha ha ha)), if only we could have world peace and a cure for cancer and acne and female viagra...


Membership Revoked
Check it out for yourself.

From the Cuyahoga County Board of elections --
many areas had more ballots cast than registered voters (many more than could be accounted for by provisional ballots)

By and large, the most egregious overages are in more conservative suburbs:
Bay Village, Beachwood, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Pepper Pike, Rocky River

While the lowest turnouts are in the very liberal urban aras:
Cleveland, East Cleveland, Lakewood

Cuyahoga County uses punchcards, but of course the ballots are counted by machines.


Registered Voters / Votes Cast

Bay Village 13710 / 18663

Beachwood 9943 / 13939

Bedford 9942 / 14465

Bedford Hts. 8142 / 13512

Berea 13241 / 11372

Brecksville 11304 / 7303

Broadview Hts 13312 / 11181

Brooklyn 8016 / 12303

Brookpark 14491 / 14458

Cleveland 323202 / 214902

Cleveland Hts. 38840 / 29885

East Cleveland 18244 / 15045

Euclid 37618 / 27479

Fairview Park 13342 / 18472

Garfield Hts 19953 / 18636

Highland Hts 6449 / 5731

Lakewood 41983 / 28531

Lyndhurst 12411 / 7681

Maple Hts 18608 / 15808

Mayfield Hts 13755 / 12086

Middleburg Hts 12173 / 14854

North Olmsted 25794 / 25887

North Royalton 22404 / 18233

Parma 56146 / 43289

Parma Hts 14647 / 13967

Pepper Pike 5131 / 6479

Richmond Hts 7753 / 4787

Rocky River 16600 / 20070

Seven Hills 9077 / 8473

Shaker Hts 24577 / 14499

Solon 16949 / 13819

South Euclid 16902 / 16917

Strongsville 34805 / 29125

University Hts 10072 / 11982

Warrensville Hts. 10562 / 15039

Westlake 25627 / 25173


Membership Revoked

rescath said:
Check it out for yourself.

From the Cuyahoga County Board of elections --
many areas had more ballots cast than registered voters (many more than could be accounted for by provisional ballots)

By and large, the most egregious overages are in more conservative suburbs:
Bay Village, Beachwood, Fairview Park, North Olmsted, Pepper Pike, Rocky River

While the lowest turnouts are in the very liberal urban aras:
Cleveland, East Cleveland, Lakewood

Uh oh! Sounds like you're stereotyping Rescath. I thought only evil right-wing bigots did that!!

Bearded Weirdo



<center><font size=+2>Investigators Look Into Alleged Cases Of Voter Fraud In Volusia</font></center>

POSTED: 5:08 pm EST November 4, 2004
UPDATED: 5:18 pm EST November 4, 2004

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla.</b> -- Investigators in Volusia County are looking at half a dozen cases of suspected voter fraud. Elections officials say, early voting may have made for an easy opportunity to cheat.

Thousands took advantage of early voting in Volusia County and, apparently, a handful took advantage of the system, or tried to.

It has never happened, or at least has never been prosecuted in Volusia County. But this year the canvassing board has picked up on six people, they say, who deliberately tried to cast more than one ballot.

County Judge Steven de Laroche is on the board. "Five of them are identical. Voters returned an absentee ballot and returned to the polls and tried to cast an additional ballot."

The elections office says one person was caught in an early polling place with two ballots, a regular one and an absentee. He tried to put them both in the box.

Voter fraud is a third degree felony. Normally, it's hard to prove by the very nature of the secret ballot. But, since five suspects signed their absentee and the sixth was caught outright, there are no secrets to these suspects.

As of now, only one person has been turned off to the state attorney's office. The other five will most likely follow. The punishment for voter fraud, a third-degree felony, is $5,000 and five years in prison.

<b>Copyright 2004 by wftv.com. All rights reserved.</b>


Contributing Member
Dear Chi Walker,
I do not doubt in the least that there is voter fraud happening in our elections and I do not intentionally make light of it. It has probably gone on since the first election. My state has a history of some of the worst fraudulent voting ever and some of it this year in the primaries. However, Recaths' threads seem to indicate that all the fraud was to the benefit of GW Bush. I don't believe that. If it were as one sided as that, there would be a tremendous uproar, especially since the mainstream media supported Kerry. Maybe I am just familiar with voting here in Texas. We have monitors from each party at the polling sites and it just wouldn't be that easy to pull off. Anyone caught should be prosecuted to the max in my opinion. Texian


Membership Revoked
Bearded Weirdo said:
Rescath, well then in Cuyhoga County there would be a paper trail.

Correct. But that would only matter if there were a recount or if the state allowed some independent group to count the ballots. Fat chance -- now that Kerry rolled over. Kerry's complicit. He didn't even wait until the complete number of provisionals was announced before conceding. If the provisionals were counted, that could at least have brought the vote to within a margin that would qualify for a recount request. That's probably something TPTB did NOT want, because it could have exposed their electronic voting fraud.


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Texian said:
However, Recaths' threads seem to indicate that all the fraud was to the benefit of GW Bush.

That's where the evidence points. Republicans own the 3 big voting machine companies. Wherever there were these electronic machines, there was a 5% average shift towards Bush compared to the exit polls, but the same exit polls were extremely accurate compared to the paper voting areas. 90% of the US votes were counted (one way or another) by these 3 companies.

Bearded Weirdo

That's probably something TPTB did NOT want, because it could have exposed their electronic voting fraud.

That is why the best conspiracy theories cannot be proven, because they involve circular logic that the gullible and disappointed are unable to detect.


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Illustration of Exit Polls vs. Machine Tallys in Paper & Electronic States

Do you see the trend? Hope this picture comes across legible.

linked from http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/


  • exit_poll.gif
    28.4 KB · Views: 187

Bearded Weirdo

Rescath, please do not take this as a personal insult.

I just looked at your link http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/

I'll copy and paste a few items from the main page:

UFOs or Secret Military Base? Military personnel and local civilians are reporting a large number of UFOs on the Indian side of the Himalayas. Megaliths around the world: built to the same geometric plan?



Stunning Find Deep in the Pacific Ocean Ancient star dust found deep beneath the Pacific Ocean has led German scientists to make an astounding conclusion. They think it points to our human origins. We are Stardust


MICROCHIP IMPLANTS, MINDCONTROL AND CYBERNETICS The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden. IDchip TM
United States Patent: 4,877,027 Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.

Is Dugway's expansion an alien concept? Radiation Weapons, dirty nukes and Glowing Mormons

11/4/2004 1:26:59 PM Pacific Standard Time Kerry was a "throw-away". If the Dumbocrats were to maintain Hillary as a viable candidate in 2008, they could not run her against a democratic incumbant. Were there a chance of winning, the demmys would have fronted a viable candidate. *If fact Kerry did better than expected, requiring bringing in the Clinton team to take over and destroy the Kerry team the last three weeks before the elections. Had "Hillary the Horrible" ran and lost this round she would not be viable in 2008, and Bill Clinton would be out of the running for Sec Gen of the U.N.

Is this a link you expect us to take seriously?


Membership Revoked
Bearded Weirdo said:
Rescath, please do not take this as a personal insult.

Is this a link you expect us to take seriously?

It's linked off that site -- the picture isn't from the site itself. This graphic accurately reflects what has been reported regarding the exit poll vs. electronic machine results.


Membership Revoked
Bearded Weirdo said:
Rescath, please do not take this as a personal insult.

Is this a link you expect us to take seriously?

This graphic accurately reflects what has been reported regarding the exit poll vs. electronic machine results.


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Admitted Electronic Machine Glitch Gave Bush Extra 3,893 Votes

Hmmm -- how many other such "glitches" went unnoticed / unreported. This stuff's going to come out eventually. And why exactly should we trust the election results to these glitchy (Republican-owned) machines?

Cleveland ABC affiliate --


Computer Glitch Gives Bush 3,893 Extra Votes
Error Will Not Change Election Outcome

POSTED: 10:49 am EST November 5, 2004

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A computer error with a voting machine cartridge gave President George W. Bush 3,893 extra votes in a Gahanna precinct.

President Bush won Ohio by 136,000 votes so fixing the error wouldn't change the election's outcome.

Franklin County's unofficial results gave Bush 4,258 votes to Democratic challenger John Kerry's 260 votes in Precinct one-B.

Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct. Franklin County elections director Matthew Damschroder says Bush got 365 votes there.

Damschroder says he got calls Thursday from people who saw the error when reading poll results on the election board's Web site.

Damschroder says after Precinct one-B closed, a cartridge from one of three voting machines at the polling place generated a faulty number at a computerized reading station.


Membership Revoked
oops -- votes disappearing in Florida

from the Palm Beach newspaper --


Software flaw found in Florida vote machines

By Eliot Kleinberg
Cox News Service
Friday, November 05, 2004

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — It had to happen. Things were just going too smoothly.

Early Thursday, as Broward County elections officials wrapped up after a long day of canvassing votes, something unusual caught their eye. Tallies should go up as more votes are counted. That's simple math. But in some races, the numbers had gone ... down.

It turns out the software used in Broward County can handle only 32,000 votes per precinct. After that, the system starts counting backward. Why a voting system would ever be designed to vote backward was a mystery to Broward County Mayor Ilene Lieberman. It had her on the phone late Wednesday with Omaha-based Elections Systems and Software.

Bad numbers showed up only in running tallies through the day, not the final one. Final tallies were reached by cross-checking machine totals and officials are confident they are accurate.

The glitch affected only the 97,434 absentee ballots, Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes said. They were all placed in their own precinct and optical scanners totaled votes, which were then fed to a main computer. That's where the counting problems surfaced. They only affected votes for constitutional amendments 4 through 8, because they were the only page that was exactly the same on all county absentee ballots.

The same software is used in Martin and Miami-Dade counties; Palm Beach and St. Lucie counties use different companies.

The problem cropped up in the 2002 election. Lieberman said that ES&S told her it sent the Florida Secretary of State's office software upgrades, but that office kept rejecting the software. The state says that's not true. Broward elections officials said they had thought the problem was fixed.

Secretary of State spokeswoman Jenny Nash said all counties using this system had been told that such problems will occur if a precinct is set up in a way that would allow votes to get above 32,000. She said Broward County should have split the absentee ballots into four separate precincts to avoid that and that a Broward County elections employee has since admitted to not doing that. But Lieberman said later, "No election employee has come to the canvassing board and made the statements that Jenny Nash said occurred."

Late Thursday, ES&S issued a statement reiterating it learned of the problems in 2002 and said the software upgrades will be submitted to Hood's office next year. It said it was working with the counties it serves to make sure ballots don't exceed capacity again and said no other counties reported similar problems.

"While the county bears the ultimate responsibility for programming the ballot and structuring the precincts, we ... regret any confusion the discrepancy in early vote totals has caused," the statement said.

After several calls to the company during the day were not returned, an ES&S spokeswoman said late Thursday she did not know whether ES&S contacted the Florida Secretary of State two years ago or whether the software is designed to count backwards.

While the problem surfaced two years ago, it was under a different Broward elections supervisor and a different secretary of state. Snipes said she had not known about the 2002 snafu.

Later, Lieberman said, "I am not passing judgments and I'm not pointing a finger." But she said that if ES&S is found to be at fault, actions might include penalizing ES&S or even defaulting on its contract.

"I want to fix this before the 2006 election," she said.


Membership Revoked
Is it all starting to come out?

If it all starts to build momentum -- we're going to get bombed -- just watch.


Should America Trust the Results of the Election?
Commentary by Shane Cory
November 5, 2004

Days after the election, 55 million Americans are still scratching their heads and wondering how it is that George W. Bush won reelection. Garnering 8 million more votes than he earned in 2000, many are raising eyebrows as to how this was accomplished.

While no one wants to cry "fraud" and lead a tinfoil hat brigade, a buzz is growing on the Internet that whispers to the amazed and confused that they should not close the books on this election just yet.

Members of the discussion forum, DemocraticUnderground.com dug in and have already found a clear error in the vote count within Ohio. In one voting precinct in Gahanna, Ohio, 4,258 voters supposedly cast an electronic ballot for George Bush while only 260 voted for John Kerry. While it is vaguely possible that over 94% of voters in the precinct supported George W. Bush, it is a hard number to believe considering that only 638 voters were counted at the polling center.

The Columbus Dispatch has investigated the matter and the director of the board of elections within the county admitted that Bush only received 365 votes. He stated that a "glitch" occurred in the electronic voting machine during the vote tally. This glitch could have given nearly 4,000 fake votes to George Bush if it had not discovered.

The Gahanna incident is just one confirmed mistake and was discovered by activists on the Internet. It was a fairly easy "glitch" to detect given the large discrepancy between the head count at the polling station and the votes for Bush. Given this voting error one must ask, how many more glitches occurred that only involved tens or hundreds of votes?

In Florida, exit polling data showed the opposite of the final results provided through the state. Even more surprising are the changes in votes per party that occurred on November 2nd. Counties using e-touch voting machines in Florida showed an average vote gain of 29% for Republicans and a 23.8% increase for Democrats. However in the Florida, counties that used optical scan vote machines showed drastic differences. Republicans gained by 128.45% in counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats had a -21% loss (yes, that is negative 21%). Some districts in Florida showed gains over 400% while one, Liberty County, gained over 700% for Republicans.

Many within the nation are left on the verge of outrage when faced with such evidence of possible fraud. Many are gearing up to investigate and determine what actually happened to the votes of millions of Americans or possibly the votes of many non-existent Americans.

One organization that is investigating the matter is BlackBoxVoting.org which is run by Bev Harris. Mrs. Harris has turned over evidence to authorities regarding vote fraud and has come to the conclusion that fraud did occur on November 2nd. However her group is uncertain as to the scope of the possible conspiracy. Unfortunately, Mrs. Harris has an uphill battle as no paper trail exists to verify the electronic voting data.

Over the past few years, Republicans have fought to prevent any type of paper trail through electronic voting. Despite printable ATM type receipts being a reasonable fail-safe, Republicans and corporations such as Diebold fought hard and eventually won the battle against a verifiable voting system.

Without question, the evidence presented thus far should raise suspicion among honest individuals. While maintaining a calm and reasonable demeanor, the results of the Novermber 2nd election should be fully investigated simply for the sake of the nation and our future confidence in the democratic process.

Shane Cory is the editor of the Washington Dispatch.

Bearded Weirdo

Rescath, so we have on official glitch. Under 4000 votes. This glitch appears to be just that a glitch, and not voter fraud. Other glitches could work in Kerry's favor.


Membership Revoked

rescath said:
It's linked off that site -- the picture isn't from the site itself. This graphic accurately reflects what has been reported regarding the exit poll vs. electronic machine results.

...maybe we should throw out the actual election and then just interrogate people after they've walked through a building!!!

Didya ever stop to think that exit polls might have biases? Kinda like Kerry people 'volunteering' to say who they voted for and Bush people not? Or is answering the exit poll questions a mandatory thing?


Veteran Member
I am sorry if this has already been posted. Just saw this on my local news about more voting problems causing Bush votes that weren't HIS!!


Voting Group Finds Irregularities In Southern States
A national voting rights group says it documented hundreds of voting irregularities affecting poor and minority voters in seven Southern states -- from long lines and faulty equipment to deliberate voter intimidation.

Voting Machine Error Gives Bush 3,893 Extra Votes In Ohio
An error with an electronic voting system gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said.


if only voting machines did not have software code that magically created a Bush win (ya knowm every eighth vote (ha ha ha ha)),

it's kinda cute to see such naivety is still alive in a world that has proven its corruption many times over.

sit down there son and let's discuss the great S&L scandal of a few years back . . .


Membership Revoked
Bearded Weirdo said:
Rescath, so we have on official glitch. Under 4000 votes. This glitch appears to be just that a glitch, and not voter fraud. Other glitches could work in Kerry's favor.

Sure, right. I'm a computer programmer. These programs are not rocket science. They just ADD numbers. I simply cannot fathom how you can accidentally screw up simple adding. So far, every known documented voting machine "glitch" has benefited Republicans.

AND, if this glitch can happen, then how can we have confidence in ANY of the other voting machines?

Keep living in your dream world.

Just wait. Other glitches will appear as well. In past elections, Democrats have had their numbers decline; in some districts, Democrats ended up with NEGATIVE vote totals, etc.


Membership Revoked
mbo said:
...maybe we should throw out the actual election and then just interrogate people after they've walked through a building!!!

Didya ever stop to think that exit polls might have biases? Kinda like Kerry people 'volunteering' to say who they voted for and Bush people not? Or is answering the exit poll questions a mandatory thing?

We should investigate very single district to see if the numbers aren't screwed up -- look for other "glitches". If we find major discrepancies, since the electronic machines do not leave audit trails, we would need a "do-over" election.

What we need to throw out is these paperless voting machines. And we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all the Republicans (and Democrats) who are caught engaging in vote fraud.


Membership Revoked
rescath said:
Washington Dispatch:

Without question, the evidence presented thus far should raise suspicion among honest individuals.

Bingo. Those of you who refuse to admit that there even MIGHT be a problem with the unverifiable secret software are in denial and are simply not "honest individuals." Any objective person would realize that there's a HUGE potential (if not actual) problem here.

Opus Dei

Rescath, I am very open to the fact of anything from voter error and glitches to the possibility of outright fraud. My point (what I think you caught) is that if Kerry isn't man enough to fight for what he thinks is his due, why should anyone else?

Bearded Weirdo

rescath said:
Bingo. Those of you who refuse to admit that there even MIGHT be a problem with the unverifiable secret software are in denial and are simply not "honest individuals." Any objective person would realize that there's a HUGE potential (if not actual) problem here.

Rescath, I can admit there MIGHT be a problem. I can see also see that both sides could be the problem, one side could be the problem, or no sides could be the problem. I can also see that the Left's hatred of G.W. Bush will cause them to use any excuse possible to try to create doubt in peoples' minds about the legitamcy of his presidency. So far in Ohio we have one confirmed glitch (not on a DIEBOLD machine btw), and some strange numbers from a district that uses optical scan and not these computerized voting machines. So far this isn't the story that Randi Rhodes on Air America is trying to turn it into, but it will cast doubt on President Bush's legitamcy to the gullible and hateful.


I can also see that the Left's hatred of G.W. Bush will cause them to use any excuse possible to try to create doubt in peoples' minds about the legitamcy of his presidency.

and if the circumstances were reversed, bush supporters would go quietly into the night?